30 years in ERP and Management Consulting doing tech R&D, manufacturing systems Python coder, ZigBee hacker, Buddhist Vegetarian, Cyclist (in Shanghai) tweet as @zoom6628 and blog as zoom6628.typepad.com.
Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Matt Taylor. I’m actually product manager for Asia-Pacific for a large multi-national company. In my free time, when I get some, I work on a couple of projects. One is a platform for bringing people together, and we using that for things like changing the way that corporate finance’s done. We also have a lot of economic developments, we have another one for public sharing health information. The most exciting thing is for helping my son on his PhD project which is a logistics project for disasters. So when disasters occur, we are actually designing and building a system for communications so that people know where the supplies are……
What are you passionate about and what motivates you?
Basically, (at my heart)I love helping other people, to see people happy or safe or successful….then I’ll be happy.
How do you think coworking can help you to achieve your passion and purpose?
Coworking to me is a chance to feel like to…… you don’t have to interrupt other people somehow you just have to sit on other creative people, people have interesting ideas and new ideas. It’s kinda like you are a absorber…… I joined Xindanwei meet other people if they got something to share.[/lang_en]
在企业资源计划(ERP)和管理咨询业有30年的工作经验。专业技术研发,制造系统,程序员,宗教素食主义者,单车爱好者(在上海)。推特帐号 @zoom6628, 博客地址 zoom6628.typepad.com。
我叫Matt Taylor,为一家跨国公司亚太区工作。闲暇时,我也会自己做一些项目。其中之一是为了改变现有的公司理财方法而搭建的聚人平台。我们还关注经济发展,比如另一个公开分享健康信息的项目。最让我兴奋的事是帮我儿子一起做他为大灾难设计的物流项目博士课题。实际上,我们在设计一款交互系统,当灾难来临人们好知道怎么去应用。
Comment by 新单位 — June 28, 2012 @ 11:43 pm
Comment by 新单位 — July 4, 2012 @ 5:05 pm