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April 3, 2013

ECO QUESTions – Brainstorming workshop for Eco Design Fair | 问品之都 - 关于生态设计的工作坊

Filed under: @xindanwei — Alice @ 12:00 pm

[lang_en]ECO QUESTions – Brainstorming workshop for Eco Design Fair

Time: Wednesday, April 3, 2013. 6:45 – 8:15
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongja Road, Shanghai
Register: Here

The annual Eco Design Fair is a non-profit community event that brings together businesses with products and services relating to ecodesign, environmental NGOs, the scientific and arts communities and the general public for a weekend of learning about innovative designs and ideas originating in Shanghai.

Workshop Aim:
A key criteria for exhibitors to participate in the fair is that they value open dialogue about ecodesign. To symbolize this, each exhibitor’s booth will be decorated with a question about their product or services relating to ecodesign. Through friendly discussion and focused teamwork this workshopwill generate questions for display at the fair that are compelling and engaging enough to intrigue the public.

Workshop Structure:

Led by experts in supply chain consulting, eco-ratings, and consumer reports, workshop participants will be assigned one or two businesses to briefly research in order to devise a compelling question.
These can be hard questions about possibly toxic ingredients, “soft-ball” questions about the advantages of certain design features etc.
Each question will be written out in Chinese and English on fun banners to be displayed at the booth of the respective business/ organization on the day of the fair.
Enjoy casual conversation with a friendly mix of people involved in environmental advocacy and social enterprise. While you’re here pick up your Evergreen Badge.[/lang_en]

[lang_cn]问品之都 - 关于生态设计的工作坊

时间:2013年4月3日,周三,18:45– 20:15




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