March Featured People:Belen de la Ossa
Article/Paris Young Photo/Cozi GE
Every month we invite a Xindanwei member to share with us about their dreams, their work as well as their personal experience at Xindanwei.
This month we honor Belen de la Ossa, a SR. Fashion Designer and has worked internationally for ZARA, MANGO and other fashion houses, as our March featured Xindanwei people. New to Shanghai, she wishes be actively involved in the current changes in garment industry in China by offering her expertise and experience in fashion. “I find myself completely in love with Xindanwei during my first visit. People are different here. I like this space and open environment especially the New Mentor program that helps me to have a better local insight and much deeper understanding of how to pursue my dream in China. Xindanwei has generated many great leads and opportunity for me to get connected with amazing people and develop my idea. I am now acting as an ambassador to spread word for xindanwei among my fashion designer friends and networks.”
Belen hails from the romantic city Madrid Spain. She is now working on a freelance base while keeping an open mind and her creative juices flowing at Xindanwei. She is always looking for new input and inspiration coming from everything and everywhere in China. After years in corporate environments and a brief rocky “adventure” at a local Chinese fashion company Belen decided to courageously step out and work independently. This move also gave her freedom and flexibility to continue exploring and embracing Chinese culture and her new surroundings!
An expert in commercial fashion design, she has mastered everything about traditional fashion lines, such as garment design, trading, production and buying. Using these skills, she wants to do something that makes her soul feel released and finds new identity through fashion. In addition to that, Belen is willing to do something for social change and help the community. This is why she is enjoying many different Xindanwei programs which tackle social and cultural issues such as Urban Farming workshop and debates about Chinese traditional culture.
Currently, Belen is collaborating with an artist/entrepreneur named Redic to create a exiting new art inspired clothing & life style brand RA (Redic Apparel). Redic is a New Millennium Renaissance Artist (singer/songwriter, visual artist and designer) from Los Angeles. The international brand they are building is an east/west connection between the two great cites of Los Angeles & Shanghai.
They hope to promote a lifestyle brand that is creative and artistically draws from global inspirations. The clothing and products they provide are customized, creative, cutting edge while aiding humanitarian and philanthropic causes. Their values are spiritually rooted in purpose, celebrate diversity, built on integrity and simultaneously embrace maverick and avant-garde sensibilities. They are visionary in both scope, approach and craftsmanship. Thriving on individual and team excellence, they produce a unique “out of the box” conscientious brand and shopping experience. Their ultimate aim is to inspire & empower their patrons leaving them Looking Good, Feeling Good and Doing Good with every RA purchase.
Belen and her teammates are also working on a website that will not only showcase the clothes and other items but also sparks an unique online shopping experience. The site will be an wonderful eclectic blend that reflects the three pillars of RA: Fashion, Art,& Humanitarianism.
Only on it’s launching stages, the enthusiasm and contagious energy of RA is already attracting a cross-cultural range of talented and spirited professionals with diverse backgrounds and expertise. On April 9th Belen, Redic and other team members from RA have lead an exciting brand presentation/ and artist showcase at Xindanwei. This event did not only highlight their unique platform, it also emphasised the radical and often humorous inspirational stories of their off the beaten path approach to building business and A-Team from “scratch”. It included their intentions to attract investing partners to help take RA to it’s next phase, concluding with questions & answers as well as impute and feedback from “you” the Xindanwei community!
[lang_cn]新单位每月之星(3月): 时装设计师Belen De La Ossa
文章/Paris Young 照片/Cozi GE
每月我们都会邀请新单位会员与我们分享他们的梦想, 他们的工作以及他们对新单位的个人体验。
三月我们很荣幸的授予Belen de la Ossa作为新单位本月之星. 她是一位时装设计师,过去在伦敦和西班牙为Zara和Mango工作。“我第一次来新单位时,我发现我真的很喜欢新单位。这里的人都很不相同。我喜欢这个空间和这种开放环境,尤其是新顾问服务,这会让我对本地文化,市场有很好的洞察,更好的帮助我在中国追寻我的梦想。新单位已经给我了很多机会并促成了我与许多人连接从而拓展了我的思路。现在我很荣幸成为新单位大使,我会向我的时装设计朋友和我的人脉网络间,更广泛传播新单位。” Belen这样说到。
现在Belen正与艺术企业家David Redic一起合作共同开创一个服装线品牌。Redic也是来自洛杉矶的摇滚歌手,画家和设计师。他们创立的品牌连通洛杉矶和上海两座城市,一座是好莱坞文化的发祥地,一座是当今世界的国际大都市。该品牌目标是通过每一次服装购买行为,消费者都能感受到漂亮的外在,丰富的内在感官体验同时又行善于世界。