Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

August 29, 2011

Xindanwei Buzz | 新单位消息

Filed under: @xindanwei — Cozi @ 1:33 pm


7/20 desks are still available

#1.  Xindanwei Property

xīndānwèi|PROPERTY is our new space service on providing creative event venues, flexible office spaces and retailing locations in Shanghai. Exhibition & event space is emphasized where you can host cocktail party or conference for up to 200 people. With xīndānwèi|PROPERTY, we now not only provide flexible office solutions for small business and startup entrepreneurs, but are also able to host and provide service to larger scale events as well as providing pro-level working space for “started-ups” in different urban areas while always keeping them connected with other members in the creative professional network of Xindanwei.

The first release of xīndānwèi|PROPERTY is the Tai Kang Terrace, aka TK Terrace, at Taikang/Jianguo rd. area. It is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. The spaces have been completely regenerated and transformed to allow the customers and tenants to exist in a unique mix of indoor and outdoor space among many different levels. Apart from retail space, TK Terrace is mostly suitable for events from 30 to 150 people, highly recommended for art exhibition, product launch and networking events to impress the attendants. Download a PDF presentation of the venue here. For inquiry, please email us or call us on 021 3428 0783.

#2. Community Post

1.“Startup Weekend Shanghai English Edition” is an event of entrepreneurial creation in Shanghai with a single motto “No Talk, All Action”. Distributed freely in groups of about 5 people, the candidates meet the incredible challenge of creating a startup in 54 hours. Launched in 2007, the concept has then spread to over 35 countries, including P.R.C. this year. The event will take place in Shanghai this year on September 9th, 10th & 11th, 2011. As partner and sponsor of the event, Xindanwei will provide 2 desks for the winner team, as well as the possibility to use the ground floor in case more people work. Check out to know more about “Startup Weekend Shanghai”.

Price for candidates: 200 RMB including catering and soft drinks
Address: Pythagore Optical Business Center
323 Guo Ding Rd/near Zheng Xiu Rd, Yangpu District – 200 433 SHANGHAI
Metro: L10, Station: GuoQuan Rd
上海市杨浦区国定路 323号(政修路)

2. Net Impact is a global network spanning 90+ countries across six continents. Net Impact’s 10,000+ members are current and emerging leaders in CSR, social entrepreneurship, non-profit management, international development, and environmental sustainability who are actively improving the world. As a professional development organization, our mission is to provide members with networking, career, and education resources focused on responsible leadership and sustainable business practice. Net Impact’s membership makes up one of the most influential networks of MBAs, graduate students, and professionals in existence today. Net Impact Shanghai connects networks, organizations, people and ideas making a socially responsible difference in China. In the upcoming months, Net Impact Shanghai will have a series of  events. Please click here to download the event schedule as well as to know more about Net Impact.

Sat. September 3, 2011, 1-5pm: “Your Great Work” Workshop
Discover what you believe is “great work” and align it with your career direction in a supportive setting. Facilitation in English with trainers Lynn King & Debbie Delaney. Small group discussions can be in English or Chinese. Cost: 35 RMB/person, limited seats on a first-­come basis. To register, send your name, mobile #, and email address to: Registered participants will receive confirmation with workshop location.
October 2011: “Micro-Activism Event” Sponsored by Net Impact Shanghai and TGO.TV
Read more…


7/20 个工作站虚位以待

#1.  新单位地产

新单位|空间服务 是我们最新的创意空间服务,提供上海城区的各式不同的空间,包括创意活动场地、灵活办公空间以及零售店址。尤其活动空间方面,将可举办多至200人的鸡尾酒会或会议。除了一如既往地向小企业以及刚创业的企业主提供灵活的办公解决方案,在 新单位|空间服务 的支持下,新单位如今有能力为更多大型的活动提供场地和组织服务,也将可以为成功创业后的中小型企业提供市中心范围内独立的办公空间,同时支持他们在新单位的创意专业人士网络里相互联系。

第一期 新单位|空间服务 关系地产是位于泰康路/建国路街区的Taikang Terrace,也叫做 TK Terrace,是一个由旧工厂改造而成的混合业态创意空间。TK Terrace空间以零售用途为主,活动空间是另一个改造重心。整个改造非常注重室内和室外的空间关系,每一层都有形式灵活的大面积区域可以用于多种规模的活动,给人深刻印象,尤其推荐进行艺术展览、产品发布会、联谊活动等。您可以点击 这里 下载 PDF 格式的空间介绍。也欢迎您联系 或拨打 021 3428 0783 咨询更多信息。

#2. 社区通讯

1.“Startup Weekend Shanghai English Edition” is an event of entrepreneurial creation in Shanghai with a single motto “No Talk, All Action”. Distributed freely in groups of about 5 people, the candidates meet the incredible challenge of creating a startup in 54 hours. Launched in 2007, the concept has then spread to over 35 countries, including P.R.C. this year. The event will take place in Shanghai this year on September 9th, 10th & 11th, 2011. As partner and sponsor of the event, Xindanwei will provide 2 desks for the winner team, as well as the possibility to use the ground floor in case more people work.

Price for candidates: 200 RMB including catering and soft drinks
Address: Pythagore Optical Business Center
323 Guo Ding Rd/near Zheng Xiu Rd, Yangpu District – 200 433 SHANGHAI
Metro: L10, Station: GuoQuan Rd
上海市杨浦区国定路 323号(政修路)
Contact/reservation detail:

2. Net Impact 是一个横跨6大洲、覆盖90 多个国家的社交网络。其中有超过10,000 名成员都是现在已经或者未来将投身于社会企业、非盈利组织、国际发展和环境可持续的领导者们。他们正在积极地改善这个世界。作为一个专业组织,我们的使命是给成员提供关于领导责任和企业永续发展的社交机会、职业和教育资源。Net Impact 的成员包括了现今最有影响力的MBA、大学毕业生和专业人员。Net Impact 上海分会为想要在中国承担社会责任的组织和个人提供了一个良好的交流平台。 这几个Net Impact 上海分会将会在上海举办一系列的活动,正在召集参与人。点击 这里 下载活动列表以及了解更多关于 Net Impact 的情况。

2011 年9 月3 日,星期六,下午1-°©5 点,“找到对你来说最好的工作”工作坊
来找到对你来说最好的工作并把它同你的职业目标结合在一起。导师:Lynn King & Debbie Delaney;授课语言:英语;小组讨论语言:英语或中文。费用:人均35 人民币。座位有限,先到先得。 报名方式:请将你的姓名,手机号码和电子邮箱发送到 报名成功者将收到举办工作坊的地址作为确认。
2011 年10 月:“微行动 我参与活动” 由Net Impact 上海分部和TGO 电视台共同支持赞助


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