[lang_en]September Featured People: Young Tech Entrepreneur – Gao Chaofan
Interview & Translation / Liu Yan
1.Who are you? What do you do?
My name is Gao Chaofan. I am the founder and managing director of Meige Information Technology, a tech-firm focused on facial recognition technology.
2.What is your background? What makes you do what you do now?
My background is pretty complicated. My university study was the starting point of my tech career. I am graduated from Electronics and Information Technology at Shanghai University of Science and Technology, a not-so-great institution. The major wasn’t what I wanted either. I was interested in business administration because of my family background.
3.And this study was still the starting point of your entrepreneurship?
Yes. I didn’t own a computer before I entrolled in university, internet was unknown at that time. But I was pretty positive about my major and believed the computer skill would be always helpful for me to find a job. So I studied pretty hard in order to acquire many certificates on computer programming including all the Microsoft qualifications, which provided me an internship opportunity at a leading American computer technology company during my second grade. After half year internship, I realized programming job was not something I was passionate about, I was more and more aware that I liked to deal with people not machines. This was a big turning point of my life. After I finished my internship, I started a fake shoe business and made some money out of it. With these money, I had a chance to travel to the UK and visited some of British universities, which again opened my eyes: I realized there were so much to be learned to apply technology in different businesses. Five years later, I quit a high management job at a leading Chinese technology company and went to the UK to pursue my technology entrepreneurship study, which was the foundation of my current business.
4.How was your first job after leaving university?
Because of my outstanding performance during internship, I found a job as a programmer at a leading Chinese technology company. Soon I moved to a business development position and became a product manager. As a little product manager, I have learned everything about the business management from filling a form to designing logistic procurement, from quality control to marketing, from channel development to pricing strategy, etc.
5.How did this job lead to the path of entrepreneurship?
Three years later, I started to feel great about myself. So I left my company and started my own business. Without any experience, I ended up having only one RMB left in my pocket sometimes. With this one RMB, I walked to a client in Xujiahui to sell him our office automation software. He told me to leave right away after I gave him our quotation. But when I left his office, I had a 120-thousand-RMB-value contract in my bag. (laugh) The real reason was, I did the whole analysis for him why he needed to pay the amount I quoted and what kind of potentials and solutions our product could provide to update their information management system. In the end, he was convinced and signed the deal with us.
6.How did you start your current project?
Two years after my first business, I felt I had entered into a bottle neck and needed some time to do some reflection and re-planning to my future. I went to the UK with my girlfriend to study Technology Entrepreneurship at University College London. This master study has led me to my current project. This project was started pure out of interest by my classmates and myself. After I returned to China, we gradually started to realize its commercial value. In August we were able to show investor the real applications of this technology. Our project will focus on virtual make-up as key selling point, including three core technologies: facial recognition, color algorism and image warping. Several investors are supporting this project at this moment.
7.Who are the target customers and how do you satisfy their needs?
Our target customers are the young urban females who love using internet and cosmetic. For instance, you make a photo for yourself with your cell phone and upload it to the computer. We would be able recognize your face and start to put on make-up through simple clicks. The system will tell you what makeup you wear and where you can buy them and how much. In the beginning we have wanted to make it a SNS, but faced too many challenges. So we just focus on our added-values: First, the practical value of being a easy-to-use technology. Second, the commercial value, our ability to turn the curiosity and purchasing intention into real purchase decision.
8.As an entrepreneur, what is the biggest challenge for you? Finding the idea? Finding the team? or finding the investment?
Finding the team is the most difficult part. My current team is really good. There is not a lack of funding in China, what we are in shortage of is good project and good team to implement the project. Idea is just the starting point. How to organize a stable, innovative and hard-working team to realize your idea is the most important part for a startup. If you have a good idea plus a good team, the investment will come to you. Generally speaking, it is not easy to be an entrepreneur, so much pressure. If we fail, my team will lose their jobs. I feel so much responsibilities toward my team, the team will perform greatly if you treat them well and heartily. Many young people don’t understand this.
9.How did you find Xindanwei? How can Xindanwei support you as a startup platform?
I had a good look at your website! haha I really like the atmosphere here. The location is central and easy to reach and the cost is reasonable. To be honest, I didn’t expect too much when we just moved in, we thought it was just a workspace. But on the long term, we sincerely wish to be supported to find the right talents, foreign or Chinese. I heard Xindanwei was very famous among national and local media, we would be love to be promoted through this platform.
To Contact Gao Chaofan:
答:可以说是吧。我大学之前没有电脑,在我们那个时代没有电脑很正常的,除了网吧,没有真正网络。但是我性格比较开朗,虽然对电子信息的理解完全就是学电脑的,但想到电脑反正是未来的一种工具,总应该去学,我就好好学。当时考了很多证书,MCSE,MCSD等等当时挺牛的证,考了将近20门微软的测试,我把微软所有的证全拿到了,而且分数还拿得挺高,所以到02年的时候我就得到一次机会去国际领先的(简称M)公司实习,去协助编写全球题库,在大二的时候。当时对自己的状态挺自豪的,第一,我从一个不懂电脑的人到M认可我,我去给别人出题。第二,作为一个大学生,我实习一天的工资是200元。但是这样做了半年左右,我发现技术应该不是我未来的发展道路,每天对着电脑我会觉得很枯燥,尽管当时是在徐家汇高档写字楼上班,很好的环境,但是短暂的兴奋过后,我发现我更喜欢跟人去打交道,而不是机器。这也是我很重要的一次转变,当时项目也结束了,我就出来回到学校,接着做了很多事,比如:卖盗版运动鞋。发了一笔小财,用这些钱去英国旅游,第一次走出国门,看看外面的世界。当时走了各个大学得open day,我把国内的大学与英国的大学做对比。我发现我还有很多东西要去学,这也是我工作5年之后毅然决定再次出国留学的原因。看到了国外对于信息的运用,明白了IT技术将是未来的所有领域的一套工具。创业并建立自己的事业一直是我的梦想,但是必然要经过很长的一段道路去做准备。
答:两年之后,虽然挣了钱,但现实并不完全认同我的价值,这家小公司,很难去做大(当然也是因为遇到金融危机)。对于创业的目的迷茫了。当时觉得应该反省一下过往并且对未来重新规划,同时我和女朋友分别得到了伦敦大学学院和帝国理工大学(都是全球排名前10强的名校)的offer。我硕士学位的专业是Technology Entreprenurership (高科技创业),和现在创业的关联性很强。我的学院叫工程和创新学院,所以我也有机会加入到各种各样的项目里面去,所以接触到很多很好的项目。回国之后,目前的这个项目,开始适合一群技术人员来完成一个程序,渐渐地由单纯的技术热情发现了我们所做的商业价值。直到今年8月份我们做出来的东西才真正赋予了应用能力,有了技术突破。我们之后的项目会以虚拟化妆效果为切入点,主要包括三项技术,人脸识别,颜色算法和形状算法。还是很有意思,目前很多投资机构已经有进入意愿并且在实际操作当中了。
Comment by www.tbgame108.com — December 21, 2015 @ 10:39 pm
Comment by 王子幼 — January 20, 2016 @ 6:11 am