[lang_cn]全球可持续发展 2012
“全球可持续发展 2012”上海站将11月2-4号在CBi China Bridge 桥中举行。我们热情邀请你们参与这意义丰富的活动!也希望你可在你朋友圈里推广这环保工作坊!
有兴趣者请立刻联系Ruby Tsang,曾蔚,ruby.tsang@shcbi.com。
“全球可持续发展 2012”是全球规模最大跨度最大的48小时同时创作活动。不同专业背景的参与者协同创新,针对多变的可持续问题产生概念并通过网络分享这些现实可行的解决方案。全球可持续设计工作坊是一个非营利性的活动,桥中作为上海站的组织方,旨在将中国的创意力量与世界的创新联盟对接。
Global Sustainability Jam 2012
Are you ready for a challenge? Want to develop and implement creative ideas? Chase a crazy deadline at the same time? Meet cool new people? Make a difference? Have a great time?
Come join the Global Sustainability Jam (GSJ), the world’s largest globally organized, simultaneous, cross-continental, 48 hour innovation event! Participants from diverse industries will team up to co-create, combine ideas and share tangible solutions for sustainability issues in a dynamic environment. CBi China Bridge is host to Shanghai’s jam, connecting China’s creative powers with the world’s innovative community.
A jam is a fun session of getting people together so they can play with ideas, just like improvising in a jazz or music jam session. But instead of music, it’s ideas jammers are playing with!
Be a jammer and spread the news!!
Registrants please contact Ruby immediately: ruby.tsang@shcbi.com .
We also welcome media, financial and goods and supplies sponsors for a better experience for jammers.