[lang_en]Ask Lab Challenge: Coding for Climate Change
– Let’s co-create solutions for climate change
Imagine if heatwaves became the norm: that’s what experts expect for some areas, increasing in both frequency and intensity, and impacting hundreds of millions around the world. Researchers in China have been working hard for years to understand the new challenge of global climate change.”
Now, for the first time ever, this valuable data will be released to the community and these researchers are coming to work with creatives like yourself to join forces and see what innovative solutions for social problems we can come up with.
With China’s obvious size, diversity of ecosystems, and rising global importance, the solutions developed and implemented in this country will contribute to the world’s knowledge base and is an opportunity to lead the way for other developing countries too.
How will we use technology to help people best understand the impacts of climate change and prevent its damage to our life, health, food, water, farming and natural resources?
Join us for this unprecedented open innovation contest to find creative solutions to raise awareness and prevent climate impact - Let’s co-create solutions for climate change!
More information to come about “Coding For Climate Change,” including how to download the datasets, specifications/requirement of the event and other important background information, so please visit our Ask Lab website and sign up for the newsletter to get notified via email.[/lang_en]
[lang_cn]问社曰 – 应对“气候变化”
如今,这些珍贵的馆藏级数据将首次在普通公众面前亮相,这些全球气候变化的顶级专家将和像您一样的草根创意人并肩工作, 天降大任于斯人,只等天赋异禀的你感召灵光!
参与到这次空前的开放式社会创新竞赛中来吧,通过我们的行动来提高公众对气候影响防范意识并有效地保护我们自己。 - 让我们共同创造,给“气候变化”一片阿司匹林!
Me siento bendecida por estar enamorada de un hombre tan bueno y perfecto
como y que mi amor sea correspondido.
Comment by Terry — March 7, 2015 @ 9:01 pm