Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

November 30, 2011

Xindanwei Buzz | 新单位消息

Filed under: @xindanwei — yy211 @ 5:35 pm


5/20 desks still available

#1.  Xindanwei Property

Xindanwei grows, so do our members. That’s why we have developed a plan to apply our people-powered approach among various of imaginative and extraordinary spaces and buildings around the city, in order to accommodate the growth of our members, allow more community participation and increase the the intensification of social and financial values for our community members.

The first release of Xindanwei Property is the Tai Kang Terrace, aka TK Terrace, at Taikang rd. area. It is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. The spaces have been completely transformed to allow the customers and tenants to exist in a unique mix of indoor and outdoor space among many different levels of both indoor and outdoor spaces. Room 206, our event venue is around 150 sqm, capable for events of up to 80 people, well equipped with projector and provides F&B service.

The second release of Xindanwei property: Xindanwei (Shaoxing Road)has just opened her veils to startups and small companies. It is a historic lane house on Shaoxing Road, near South Shaanxi Road in one of Shanghai’s most treasured and peaceful heritage neighborhoods in the heart of French concession. The entire 200sqm of this corner house has been completely renovated for office use while maintaining its traditional charm and character. Attached with a beautiful private garden, this house provides 3 small rooms of 15 sqms and 3 big rooms of 30 sqms, a western style kitchen connected to a lovely little courtyard. Each room is spacious and brimming with natural light. One of the offices has a sunny balcony. The big rooms feature panoramic windows, giving a full view of the old neighborhood, and ceilings almost 5 meters high ensure an airy and comfortable working experience. It is very suitable for small startup and companies. Please contact for more information.

The third release of Xindanwei property Haworth Organic Workspace located conveniently next to Jing’an temple, is a collaboration project with Haworth Asia Pacific. This space showcases the best of what workplaces can be. Featuring innovative furniture products by a range of designers, the 960 sqm Organic Workspace is ideal for high-end events for up to 80 people, well equipped with projector, video screens, curated electronic content, coffee and tea and provides F&B service.

For inquiry, please email us or call us on 021 3428 0783.

#2. Community Post

If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on or email us

1).Xindanwei People:

November Featured People: Rina Joosten-Rabou

2).Warm Welcome to New members:

- Welcome, Ahlzen Karin,She is from Sweden, she is 31 years old and she going to stay 6 months in Shanghai. In Sweden she works for the National Board of Health and Welfare, and she is a terminologist with background in linguistics. she works with concepts and definitions within the healthcare sector. Her fiancé, also from Sweden, is living in Shanghai for 2 years since February this year, at a Swedish company named Alfa Laval. He’s an engineer. Ahlzen Karin has come to Shanghai to live with him and to do her Swedish work remotely. They are living in the French concession area. Therefore it’s very nice.

- Welcome,Chenyang Zhang,Started as a designer, he worked in urban development, planning and consultancy industry. At the moment he is involved mainly in marketing, business management and operations. Incorporated with the platform of ECO Group from the US, he is planning on working in urban development and design, architecture and landscape design in China. They are interested in the opportunities of new city development projects, and provide full project consultancy from planning, design, operations to investment and fund raising.

3). Xindanwei Past Events:

- Qile Hong + Tian Wang : a purposeless play – ” an affirmation of life ” #1 #2

- Barcelona Activa’s Visit:
Together with Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Barcelona Activa, the local development agency and largest government SMEincubator of Barcelona have led a ICT delegation from Barcelona to visit Xindanwei and organized a dinner with Xindanwei and Techyizu community to exchange idea and knowledge about the business opportunities, economic trends, and competitive factors in China startup scene. Xindanwei is recognized by Barcelona Activa as the strategic partner in China in supporting SME’s and startups from Catalonia region and the rest of Spain.

- Partnership with (ECSEL) :
Xindanwei is invited to be the Pipeline Partner and the coworking space partner of ECSEL,a fellowship program for social entrepreneurs in China. Xindanwei CEO Liu Yan will serve as the mentor of this program from 2012-2013. As the pipeline partner, Xindanwei will nominate a small number of particularly high-potential applicants from within the Xindanwei network each year to participate in their training, mentorship, community building, and investment program. As the coworking space partner, Xindanwei will support all the ECSEL fellows to join Xindanwei Coworking Community and use conference services with special rates.

More about (ECSEL) 2012 Fellowship: Since 2009, ECSEL has helped build outstanding social enterprises by providing China’s top entrepreneurs with training, mentorship, community building, and investment. Each year, ECSEL select a new cohort of ECSEL fellows, and provide these fellows with fully subsidized training trips in the United States and China, intensive professional support, and a lasting community of peers. Please visit their website to learn more about ECSEL, and to apply to become a 2012 fellow. | @ECSELFellows

- Xinchejian @TEDxNanjing
The founder of XinCheJian David Li is invited to speak at TEDxNanjing on 27th of Nov, his presentation about The Development of Hackerspace in China: “When Open Innovation encounters Open Hardware” is here”(only in Chinese unfortunately),More about hacker space development in China, please read

4).Xindanwei forthcoming events:

1.) Holland Gets Talent on Tue Dec 6th:
In the past 6 months Xindanwei member International Top Talent (ITT) has been followed by Dutch documentary VPROTegenlicht “Holland Gets Talent”, in which viewers are provided insights in how International Top Talents recruits top talents from China. On the 6th of December ITT will organize an event to watch the documentary, followed by a debate together with DSM, Philips, the BenCham and the Consulate of the Netherlands on how we can create a win-win situation in Sino-Dutch innovation and talent cooperation, this debate is moderated by Liu Yan, the CEO/cofounder of Xindanwei. For more information please visit Please be invited to come. Anyone interested please send them an email at and they will put you on the guest list.

2.)Ifanr Meetup at 2:30pm on Sun Dec 4th: What kind of SoLoMo do users need? 

3.)MakeSense at Xinchejian on Wed Nov. 30th: Habib Belaribi will be at XinCheJian to hold a session on “Social entrepreneurs and Hackers” (register at if interested) tonight at XinCheJian.

#3. Bulletin Board:

mlhsie :

Processing course will be start, enter for

Useless box workshop

- Cozi Ge

ex-coworker of Xindanwei is searching for an experienced back-end developer for her new project, perfectly if he/she can work with RoR/Django/etc. For more info, pls contact: /Tel: 189 3090 3640



5/20 个工作站虚位以待

#1.  新单位地产

新单位|空间服务 是我们最新的创意空间服务,提供上海城区的各式不同的空间,包括创意活动场地、灵活办公空间以及零售店址。尤其活动空间方面,将可举办多至200人的鸡尾酒会或会议。除了一如既往地向小企业以及刚创业的企业主提供灵活的办公解决方案,在新单位|空间服务 的支持下,新单位如今有能力为更多大型的活动提供场地和组织服务,也将可以为成功创业后的中小型企业提供市中心范围内独立的办公空间,同时支持他们在新单位的创意专业人士网络里相互联系。

第一期新单位地产是位于泰康路街区的Taikang Terrace,也叫做*TK

第二期新单位地产—— 新单位(绍兴路)也在近日交付。该空间位于法租界中心闹中取静的绍兴路,是一个被文化机构和咖啡馆环绕的三十年代三层老房子,总面积约200平方米,并带有一个金桂飘香的庭院。空间全部为挑高木梁和木地板结构,房间宽敞明亮,非常简约清雅,共拥有三间15平米的小空间和三间近三十平方米的大空间。一楼厨房连接着一个美丽古老的天井。非常适合3-20人小型团队办公。

第三期新单位地产是一个与海沃氏公司亚太部合作的项目- 海沃氏有机工作空间,位于交通便利的静安寺对面。这里集中展示了办公空间所能达到的最佳水准。展厅精选了一系列由设计师设计的创意办公家具产品。 960平方米的空间是举办80人左右高端活动的绝佳地点,设备齐全,有录影和投影展示,并提供咖啡、茶等餐饮服务。

欢迎您联系 或电话 0(021) 3428 0783咨询更多信息。

#2. 社区通讯



人物(十一月):Rina Joosten-Rabou



- 欢迎,,Ahlzen Karin,她来自瑞典,今年31岁,将在上海待上6个月。在瑞典她曾为国家健康与福利协会工作,是一位有着语言学背景的术语学家,专门为医疗领域界定概念和定义。她的未婚夫同样来自瑞典,是一家名叫Alfa Laval的瑞典公司的工程师,今年2月来到上海,将会在这里住上2年。她来到这里和他一起生活,目前住在法租界区域,感觉很不错。

- 欢迎,张晨阳,他是从事城市发展、规划咨询行业,也算是设计师出身,目前主要从事市场、商务管理、公司运营工作。目前整合了美国伊科集团平台,筹备在国内发展有关城市规划、城市设计、建筑设计、景观设计等咨询服务工作。他们比较关注新城开发的项目机会,提供业主从咨询策划、规划设计、项目管理运营、投融资等领域的全过程咨询服务工作。

3.) 回顾活动:

- 洪启乐 + 王田 : 即兴演奏计划 – “ 日常的发声 ” #1 #2

- 巴塞罗那Activa访问:
与巴塞罗那商会一起,巴塞罗那本土发展机构及政府中小型企业孵化器Activa携巴塞罗那 代表团访问了新单位,并与新单位、Techyizu社群举行的晚宴交换关于中国创业环境的商业机会,经济动向,和竞争环境的想法和见解。Activa将新单位作为在中国支持来自加泰罗尼亚及西班牙其他地区的中小型企业的战略伙伴。

- 新单位受邀成为易社(ECSEL)的战略合作伙伴和合作办公会议空间。新单位CEO刘妍受邀成为易社(ECSEL)项目2012-2013年的导 师。易社(ECSEL)是一个中国顶尖社会企业创业者的国际社区。作为易社(ECSEL)的战略合作伙伴,新单位每年会在新单位社区中挑选几位最具潜力的 创业者成为易社学者,参加易社(ECSEL)的培训,导师,创业社区构建以及投资项目。同样,所有易社学者也会得到新单位在办公及会议空间服务方面的优惠 与支持。

关于易社(ECSEL) 计划:
从2009年开,易社(ECSEL)通过为中国的社会创业者提供培训,导师,创业社区构建以及投资等多种资源成功地推动了中国社会企业的发展。每 年,易社(ECSEL)都会选出一群新的易社学者并通过全额赞助为这些学者们提供跨越中美两国的培训,广泛的专业支持,以及一个持续性的创业者同伴社区。 您可以在易社(ECSEL)的官方网站了解更多关于易社的项目信息并且申请成为2012年的易社学者。 | @易社计划

- 新车间@TEDxNanjing
新车间的创始人David Li受邀在11月27日的 TEDxNanjing 进行演讲。在 这里 可以看到他关于中国创客空间发展的演讲
更多关于中国创客空间发展的内容,请 浏览



在过去6个月里荷兰的VPRO Tegenlicht纪录片摄制组追随新单位成员International Top Talent (ITT)拍摄了《荷兰得到人才》纪录片,讲述了ITT是如何在中国寻找和招募顶级人才。12月6日ITT将组织一场活动来播放这部片子,之后将会联合DSM, Philips, BenCham和荷兰领事馆来组织一场大型的辩论,探讨如何创造中荷两国创新和人才合作的双赢局面。辩论将由新单位 CEO、联合创始人刘妍主持。更多信息可以访问。欢迎您的参加。如果有兴趣的话,可以给ITT发邮件,ITT 将把您放在邀请名单上。

2).Ifanr Meetup活动: 12月4日,星期天:用户需要什么样的SoLoMo?

3).MakeSense在新车间的活动: 11月30日,星期三:
Habib Belaribi将会在新车间举行一场活动,探讨“社交创业者及创客”(如有兴趣可在xinchejian.com注册)

#3. 新单位发生

mlhsie :



-Cozi Ge:

新单位前同事cozi为新项目集合团队:求靠谱后台开发,需有完整架构复杂数据网站经验,熟悉RoR、Django等框架最好了!详情联系 / Tel: 189 3090 3640


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