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August 31, 2013

Join us this weekend, win 100k seed funding! | 加入周末的创业计划比拼,赢取十万种子基金!

Filed under: @xindanwei — Alice @ 3:48 pm

[lang_en]What happens when designers, big-data researchers, students, and technologists are put together in the same room and asked to tackle the world’s greatest challenge?

That’s exactly what happened at “Coding for Climate Change”, a startup contest co-organized by Ask Lab and Adapting to Climate Change in China (ACCC). This event puts 100,000RMB of seed funding per team up for grabs and invites anyone in the public to generate ideas that uses technology to either raise awareness or to create tools to prevent future climate change impact.

This is a first for China, having entrepreneurs co-create with government sponsored researchers. We’re ecstatic about the possibilities for true social impact and for amazing startups. What’s even more ground-breaking is the fact that these researchers not only have contributed their time, but also a wealth of datasets; making it open to the public and our creative community to play with and use in their apps, websites or any other solution they can think of!

In living up to the principles of open innovation, the first weekend of the event invited anyone in the public including, students, entrepreneurs and other non-programmers to the ideation and empathy sessions, where they distilled the massive obstacle of climate change into a personal and solvable challenge. See the video here:

Coding for Climate Change continues on August 31st with a morning pitch session in the “Lighthouse” on Changping Rd 700, open to anyone with passion or perhaps, literally, a world-changing idea. Teams will then be formed, racing against time to flush out their ideas and get customer validation of their products supported by our amazing mentors and good food. All this before the final pitch on Sunday evening, where a panel of judges including officials from the British Embassy, as well as investors focused on social-entrepreneurship will decide the winning startups of the 100,000rmb seed-funding.

We would like to invite you to be part of this bottom-up impact driven event as a participant in the coming weekend (aug 31, sep 1)and get connected with so many passionate people all working to make an impact towards climate change. Please let us know if you would like to reserve a spot (we have 50 spots in total). Our email address is:

For more information about this event, please click on over to[/lang_en]





“应对气候变化”开放式竞赛将在本周继续为你呈现,8月31日一早将以大家漫天的想法开场,就在昌平路700号,带着你的想法,热情轻装上阵!借我们的平台招兵买马,组建你的私人战队,让专业导师 帮你完善你的商业模式,由你来享受我们精心准备的周末午餐!经过两天的共同打理,周日晚上各个团队将最终成数想法,届时将有来自英国领事馆的官员,长期专注于社会企业的投资人一同挑选出10万奖金的何去何从。




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