新单位首席执行官/联合创始人。艺术管理硕士,英国市场营销学会特许营销师。她有着十五年的组织管理、活动策划与市场营销经验,曾服务于世界最大传播集团OMINICOM旗下市场顾问公司担任高级市场顾问,为跨国公司提供中国市场策划活动咨询。从2001年起,她移居荷兰,开始活跃于中国与欧洲之间的文化交流与创意产业链接领域,曾担任荷兰乌特勒支市政府文化厅文化教育项目资深顾问,荷兰V2的DEAF电子艺术双年展和欧洲最大创意产业盛会“野餐会”特邀顾问与策展人,中国中央美术学院和荷兰乌特勒支艺术学院客座教授,北京创意产业国际联盟项目首席顾问。自从2008年起在上海联合组建三术沙龙,以不同背景和专业创意人员和学生为对象的开展跨界讨论活动,致力建立知识共享、开放式创新的创业社区。刘妍活跃于社会创新,创意产业,新媒体等多个领域的国际论坛,曾受邀在Skoll社会企业家精神国际论坛,TEDx广州,大声展等活动中演讲,是国际电子艺术大奖Prix Ars Electronica的特邀评委,被“女性2.0”活动评选为“杰出科技女性企业家”。《协作改变未来 -“协作式工作社区”DIY系列指南》的所有内容 由她亲自执笔撰写和编辑。
新单位首席技术官/联合创始人。网站社区架构师、多媒体艺术家、计算机程序员,著名新媒体艺术资讯网站WNMNA创建人与站长,三术沙 龙和EVENT STRUCTURE创建人之一,上海复旦大学视觉学院及上海师范大学客座讲师。曾多次参加国内外重要多媒体艺术节和展览,是 历届上海电子艺术节主要参展艺术家之一。所创建的WNMNA网站与“三术沙龙”在2009年获得国际电子艺术大奖“网站社区”的提名。
曾任新单位设计师和执行经理,法国巴黎高等文化艺术管理学院文化事务管理硕士。目前专注于新媒体传播领域,这次《协作改变未来 -“协作式工作社区”DIY系列指南》的PDF和手机应用即出自她的设计策划。
Susanna Wallqvist
瑞典人Susanna Wallqvist 是PAE 设计人才猎头(PAE Design Talent)的猎头经理。 她是上海协作式办公空间“新单位”的长期会员之一。
PAE 设计人才猎头(PAE Design Talent)是一个专注于中国地区设计行业招聘的猎头公司,致力于帮助设计领域的公司在中国或者国际上找到设计师。PAE总部在北京,有18名员工依照行业分类工作在不同小组里工作,如建筑、交通设计、产品/工业设计以及创意设计和沟通等。Susanna带队创意设计和沟通部分,并且主要和广告公司、设计咨询公司、活动公司以及电子商务类的客户合作,主要客户大多落户在上海。2011年二月初Susanna来到上海──离客户更近,在这里扩大PAE的业务。认同新单位的理念,Susanna选择了新单位作为办公地点,自那以后Susanna就成为了新单位的固定会员。
Sohrab Golsorkhi
伦敦人 Sohrab Golsorkhi 是 Tank 杂志的艺术总监。他是新单位最早和最长期的会员之一。
Tank 杂志是一本独立季刊,它的定位介于时尚、艺术、政治和艺术之间,在制作上极其用心。Tank 杂志 由 Sohrab 的父亲 Masoud Golsorkhi 以及 Andreas Laeufer 在1998年创立的,自开刊伊始13年来一直与最优秀的摄影师、艺术家和记者合作,而且从没有依赖过任何一家大出版集团。姐妹公司Tank Form是一家小型创意事务所, 它和Tank杂志相辅相成,致力于创造创新型商业计划作品,项目的形式多种多样,从出版和电子商务、到策略规划和产品设计都有涉及。
Tank 杂志通过 Tank Form 和中国的公司进行项目合作已经有多年,现在他们决定在上海成立一个小型办公室这样以便更好地为 Tank Form 寻求新机遇,同时也可以为 Tank 的新网站网罗潜在人才。新单位的开放式办公空间模式和协作理念成为 Tank 在中国的先遣部队 Sohrab 的最佳基地。
汪丽娟是艺术时装项目“始一雅制(C’est la Chine)”的创始人。 新单位空间的开放性、便利性、以及灵活的租赁形式都正适合创意型初创企业,成为了汪丽娟创业初期的选择。
始一雅制是汪丽娟的独资项目,出发点是走一条艺术和时尚的中间道路──和快消时装有区别,但并不远离生活,也许可以叫它艺术时装(Artfashion)。 始一雅制用艺术品的方式制作和展示设计,而成衣系列更多相当于展示系列的衍生产品。在这之前,汪丽娟刚从中欧管理学院毕业,随后加入了易方达基金管理公司担任区域经理。这原本是一条很多人羡慕的高薪金融行业的道路,然而汪丽娟确实义无反顾地离开了,并开始了现在这个前途未卜的时装项目。“不过,”汪丽娟说道,“虽然我开始这个项目的最大动机确实是对艺术和时尚的热情,但我仍然仔细考虑过市场可行性。”
年轻的创业者徐斯韡从一份体面的4A广告公司辞职后,自己创立了名叫 Côte-à-Côte 的活动管理公司。从那以后,他开始了一段与新单位的长期合作关系。对他而言,除了新单位良好的工作环境外,吸引他连载这里的是这里的人,也就是新单位的“新同事”们。
徐斯韡选择自立门户的出发点可能和很多的中国年轻人情况相似──他对日常零件化的重复工作感到厌烦,觉得自己单干一样可以做好并且可以做得更有效率。徐斯韡就是那种有了好的想法以后,毫不犹豫地去做的人。 Côte-à-Côte 就是这样成立的。
Joshua Lange
来自美国的Joshua Lange是CWEF (协同福利及教育基金) 在上海的服务协调员。CWEF 总部设在 是香港的非营利性组织,致力于推广中国和柬埔寨的贫困人民生活质量。CWEF专注于两件能够帮助人们脱离贫困的事情上:增加教育机会和改善健康条件。CWEF 提供奖学金和领导能力培训,为当地学校筹建图书馆和提供教学材料,为农村建造清洁水和生物清洁能源系统,和组织健康卫生培训。
在上海,CWEF们正在建立一个代表处,并开始做一个支持从农村来到上海的外来人口群体的工作。CWEF目前在于两所打工子弟学校合作,为这些艰难地在大城市 中追求更好生活的家庭的孩子提供更好的教育。除了帮一些学生分担学费以外,CWEF同时与在上海的外国人一起为这些学生提供额外的教学活动。新单位为Joshua 提供的,不仅是一个工作的场所,更是一个建立关系和传播慈善理念的平台。
Christina LaMontagne
Christina LaMontagne在Physic Ventures风险投资公司担任早期投资人的工作,根据公司的价值利益在健康与环境可持续发展领域寻找投资项目,此外还给GoodGuide和 Gazelle这样的投资组合公司提供咨询。Christina的职业生涯起于中国,在2003年SARS和禽流感病毒刚过去就来到中国从事艾滋病的研究和防治工作。当时作为 一名获得富布赖特奖学金的年轻学者,她成功帮助中国政府设计和融资了一个在西南地区规模有六千七百万美元的HIV病毒和艾滋病防治项目。她尤其对能改变环境还有改变涉及健康方面行为的互联网技术以及应用移动通讯的解决方案感兴趣。 Christina在市场营销、战略发展、运营管理以及公共政策方面拥有自己的专业知识和工作经验。选择新单位作为自己的长期办公地点,Christina主要是看中了这里的交流氛围。通过新单位这个平台,她希望可以认识更多对国际商业有热情的人。在Christina看来,上海与纽约之间有很多相似性。她希望在这些全球性的大都市里,瞄准新的一代人来一起携手创业。
Belen de la Ossa
现 在Belen正与艺术企业家David Redic和他们的团队一起合作共同开创一个服装线品牌。他们创立的品牌连通洛杉矶和上海两座城市,一座是好莱坞文化的发祥地, 一座是当今世界的国际大都市。
“我第一次来新单位时,我发现我真的很喜欢新单位。这里的人都很不相同。我喜欢这个空间和这种开放环境,尤其是新顾问服务,这会让我对本地文化,市场有很 好的洞察,更好的帮助我在中国追寻我的梦想。新单位已经给我了很多机会并促成了我与许多人连接从而拓展了我的思路。现在我很荣幸成为新单位大使,我会向我 的时装设计朋友和我的人脉网络间,更广泛传播新单位。”Belen这样说到。
Liu Yan
CEO and the co-founder of Xindanwei, is an advocate of cross-culture and cross discipline exchange, entrepreneur and community organizer. Her educational background is predominantly in Arts Management and Marketing with a breadth in cultural and creative entrepreneurial study and practices.
As an independent consultant and lecturer in the Netherlands and China from 2004-2007, she served as advisory board member on cultural entrepreneurship for the city municipal of Utrecht, and worked as the advisor of the China program of Dutch Electronic Arts Festival, an international and interdisciplinary biennial that focuses on art, technology and society. In 2007, she co-founded Da-Tong China Desk Creative Industry in Amsterdam, which is one of the nine founding members of International Creative Industry Alliance in Beijing. Da-Tong provides services to Dutch creative professionals, entrepreneurs and organizations to establish collaboration in China. It has organized the Creative Cross China & Europe conference for Picnic’07, Amsterdam’s leading annual international event, highlighting creativity and innovation. Upon to her return to China in 2008, she co-organized and chaired 3S ReUnion – an interdisciplinary monthly seminar for art, media technology and academic research, stimulate people from art, technology and academic fields to meet and share their knowledge.
She is a regular speaker at international forum on creative industry, social innovation, entrepreneurship and digital culture such as Skoll World Forum, TEDx and Getitlouder conference. She is nominated by girl 2.0 China as the “top female innovator” and serves as the jury member of Digital Community at the prestigious Prix Ars Electronica in 2011.

aaajiao (Xu Wenkai)
CTO and the co-founder of Xindanwei, is one of China’s foremost digital artists, bloggers and free culture developers. In 2003 he established the sound art website: cornersound.com and in 2006 he founded the Chinese take on the blog we-make-money-not-art: We-Need-Money-Not-Art.com He is devoted to Processing, an open source visual programming software and Dorkbot, a non-profit initiative for creative minds. His artwork can be seen at: http://eventstructure.com/

Chen Xu
COO and the co-founder of Xindanwei, M.A. in Cultural and Creative Industries, King’s College London (UK). Chen Xu has worked with the leading creative economist John Howkins as the Country Manager (China) since 2006 and later joined BOP Consulting (UK) to help to implement the company’s international research and consulting projects. She is now an associate of BOP Consulting. Chen Xu worked as a researcher on the revision of John Howkins’ famous book on the global Creative Economy. She has also worked with Film London (UK), Arts & Business (UK) and China Shanghai International Arts Festival.

Cozi (Ge Sheng-Zhen)
Ex Designer & Executive Manager at Xindanwei, MA in Management in Cultural Frame (Management des Evénements Culturels), L’Institut d’Etudes Supérieures des Arts, Paris. She has been actively involved in the creative and cultural industries, and is now focusing on new media communication. The PDF and iApp versions of the Coworking Manual are part of her works.

Susanna Wallqvist
Susanna Wallqvist from Sweden works as a Recruitment Manager for PAE Design Talent. She is one of the long-term coworker of Xindanwei, co-working space in Shanghai.
PAE Design Talent is a company focusing on recruitment for the design industry in China, helping companies in the design field to find designers from China or internationally. It locates its headquarter in Beijing where they have 18 people working in different teams divided by industries such as architecture, transportation design, product/industrial design and creative design and communication. Susanna leads the creative design and communication team and works mainly with advertising agencies, design consultancies, event companies and e-commerce, most of whom are based in Shanghai. In February 2011 Susanna moved to Shanghai working towards expanding PAE’s business, and has since then become Xindanwei’s long-term coworker.
Apart from working from the office space PAE and Xindanwei also collaborate on creating a platform for the creative industry in China and help bringing designers and companies together.

Sohrab Golsorkhi
Londoner Sohrab Golsorkhi works as art director for Tank. He’s one of the earliest long-term coworker of Shanghai coworking space Xindanwei.
Tank Magazine is an idependent quarterly magazine which positions itself at the apex between fashion, art, politics, and music whilst maintaining the highest production values. It was founded by Sohrab’s father, Masoud Golsorkhi, and Andreas Laeufer in 1998 and has been able to feature some of the leading photographers, artists, and journalists in its 13 years of existence without the backing of a major publishing house. More commercial work followed leading to the creation of our sister company Tank Form. Tank Form is our boutique creative agency dealing commercial cases, it works alongside Tank Magazine, the two sides of the business supporting and complementing each other.
Tank has worked with companies in China for a number of years on projects for Tank Form now they decided to set up a small office in Shanghai to pursue new opportunities for Tank Form and to search for and meet potential future contributors to Tank’s new website when it launches. With its open space and coworking concept, Xindanwei stands to be the perfect place for Sohrab.

Emlyn (WANG Li-Juan)
Emlyn is the founder of avant-garde fashion project C’est la Chine. She chose Xindanwei, a space unique and charming, open and flexible, that is just the right place for beginner entrepreneurs.
C’est la Chine is solely founded by Emlyn. Her initiative is to work out something inbetween the Art and Fashion – it is not any kind of the fast fashion, yet it stays close enough to the ordinary life. Before launching C’est la Chine, Emlyn worked as regional manager at Efunds after her graduation from MBA program at CEIBS. She was on such a broad highway that many people are just eager to reach. Emlyn followed her heart anyway. To be an entrepreneur means to give up the steady income and carry the risk of failure. “C’est la Chine, is especially a project that one can not be so sure about the result,” said, Emlyn. “I am mostly driven by my passion for art and fashion, however, I did take into concern carefully the possibility of the marketing. ”
Mostly like what Emlyn has bee n through, Xindanwei never stops wondering and exploring of its own way of surviving. For most of the entrepreneurs or startups, the future is not 100% sure, but what else can be more fascinating than devoting 100% of yourself to a career that is fueled by creation and innovation?

Rah Xu
Young Chinese entrepreneur Rah Xu quit his decent full-time job from a 4A advertising company and launched his own event management company named Côte-à-Côte and has since then started his long-term relationship with Xindanwei. For him, “the physical environment is appealing already, while what actually keeps me here are the people, which we call coworkers in a Xindanwei style term.”
The route Rah has picked up – getting away from the big company and starting up on his own – is not a rare case among young Chinese. They got bored from the repeating daily jobs, and came up with an ambition that they could work the job out more efficiently if they work independently. Rah is the kind of the guy that steps forward without hesitation when an idea comes to his mind. Côte-à-Côte was thus founded.

Gao Chaofan
Young Tech Entrepreneur Gao Chaofan is the founder and managing director of Meige Information Technology, a tech-firm focused on facial recognition technology, which is now the largest group of Xindanwei coworkers. Meige’s target customers are the young urban females who love using internet and cosmetic. For instance, you make a photo for yourself with your cell phone and upload it to the computer. their program would be able recognize your face and start to put on make-up through simple clicks. The system will tell you what makeup you wear and where you can buy them and how much.
For Gao Chaofan, finding the team is the most difficult part. “There is not a lack of funding in China, what we are in shortage of is good project and good team to implement the project. Idea is just the starting point. How to organize a stable, innovative and hard-working team to realize your idea is the most important part for a startup. If you have a good idea plus a good team, the investment will come to you.” He really likes the atmosphere at Xindanwei. The location is central and easy to reach and the cost is reasonable. He didn’t expect too much when just moved in, but thought it was just a workspace. On the long term, he sincerely wishes to be supported to find the right talents, foreign or Chinese as well as connections among national and local media, they would be love to be promoted through this platform.

Joshua Lange
Joshua Lange from the U.S. is the service coordinator – Shanghai of CWEF (Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation). CWEF is a Hong Kong based non-profit that works to improve the lives of the rural poor in China and Cambodia. CWEF focuses on two major issues that can help people pull themselves out of poverty: increasing educational opportunities and improving health conditions. To that end, CWEF provides scholarships and leadership training, funds libraries and teaching materials for local schools, builds clean water and biogas clean energy systems for rural villages, and conducts health and hygiene training. In Shanghai, CWEF is in the process of opening a representative office and has begun work to support the city’s migrant community, who have come to Shanghai from more rural communities all over China. CWEF is now working with two migrant schools in Shanghai to support education for these students whose families face a lot of challenges in their quest for a better life here in the city. In addition to supporting school fees for a number of students, CWEF is also partnering with the international community in Shanghai to provide supplemental educational activities at the schools. Xindanwei provides Joshua with not only a space to work, but also a platform to meet people and spread his vision of charity.

Christina Lamontagne
Christina LaMontagne is an early-stage investor at Physic Ventures, where she works across the firm’s interests in health and environmental sustainability and advises portfolio companies GoodGuide and Gazelle. . Christina began her career in China when she came to China to work on HIV/AIDS immediately following the SARS and Avian Flu epidemics in 2003. As a Fulbright Scholar, she helped design and finance the Chinese government’s $67M HIV/AIDS treatment program for southwest China. She is particularly interested in web and mobile-enabled solutions for changing environmental and health-related behaviors. Christina’s professional experience spans marketing, strategy, operations and public policy. The reason of choosing Xindanwei as her long-term workplace is the social aspect here. Through XDW, she hopes to meet more people who are passionate about international business. In Christina’s opinion, Shanghai has a lot of similarities to New York. She hopes to build business together with the new generations in these global cities.
Belen de la Ossa
Belen hails from the romantic city Madrid Spain. She is a Senior Fashion Designer and has worked internationally for ZARA, MANGO and other fashion houses. Currently, Belen is collaborating with an artist/entrepreneur from LA named Redic to create an exciting new art inspired clothing & life style brand RA (Redic Apparel). The international brand they are building is an east/west connection between the two great cites of Los Angeles & Shanghai.
They hope to promote a lifestyle brand that is creative and artistically draws from global inspirations. The clothing and products they provide are customized, creative, cutting edge while aiding humanitarian and philanthropic causes. Their values are spiritually rooted in purpose, celebrate diversity, built on integrity and simultaneously embrace maverick and avant-garde sensibilities. Their ultimate aim is to inspire & empower their patrons leaving them Looking Good, Feeling Good and Doing Good with every RA purchase.
“I find myself completely in love with Xindanwei during my first visit. People are different here. I like this space and open environment especially the New Mentor program that helps me to have a better local insight and much deeper understanding of how to pursue my dream in China. Xindanwei has generated many great leads and opportunity for me to get connected with amazing people and develop my idea. I am now acting as an ambassador to spread word for xindanwei among my fashion designer friends and networks.” Says Belen.
کلاه فرق هودی و سویشرت است زیرا هودی
ها دارای یک کلاه مانند جنس خودشان
هستند که دارای دو بند می باشند
اما سویشرت ها معمولا بدون کلاه تولید می شوند
که از این رو مهم ترین تفاوت هودی و سویشرت، کلاه
می باشد.
همچنین اگر می خواهید از ماشین لباسشویی استفاده کنید سعی کنید آن
ها را از لباس های دیگر جدا کنید و به با دور
کند بشورید.
Comment by هودی ترکمنی با صدای زن — September 27, 2023 @ 8:36 am