Xindanwei: A new way of working
Listed as FastCompany’s “The World’s Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in China”, Xindanwei is the first and largest multidisciplinary coworking community and one of the most important grass-root creative centers in China. We mingle, catalyze and support creative leaders, startups and innovators locally and around the world. We create community workspaces, accelerate serendipity, facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration, showcase and co-develop new models and projects with world-changing potential.
Xindanwei combines the best elements of a workspace (productive, functional) with a social media platform (hybrid, real-time, efficient) and a creative hub (social, energetic, creative). This gives people their own workspace in a community, while also providing opportunities to share knowledge and get inspired face-to-face and succeed through collaboration with other members.
More about Xindanwei, please read our stories.
新单位协作式工作空间与创意社区将工作单位的效率性、功能性,网络平台的庞大、实时性与创意空间的社会性、活力、创意、趣味相结合, 让社区成员不必支付高昂的租金,就可以在一个真实的集体办公环境中工作, 拥有与他人面对面分享与合作的机会,让我们的工作与创造过程更有效率,更多灵感,更加快乐。