Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

March 15, 2010

3S ReUnion 12th edition | 三术沙龙 第十二期

Filed under: Events — aaajiao @ 7:30 pm
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3S ReUnion 12th edition
Looking for that beautiful details … TOGETHER!


A performance / lecture by Ivo Bol, Yin Yi, Zhang Xian

Time: 19:30, March 16, 2010
Location: Xindanwei, 4C,Bld 4 IIInShanghai Hub,No.727 Dingxi Road,Changning District,Shanghai, CHINA

Fee: This event is free of charge, pre-registration of your name and mobile number is required via email to or sign yourself up at to direct message @xindanwei.

Organized by: 3S ReUnion, Liuyan and aaajiao
Collaboration: Xindanwei, Borneoco, Zuheniao, CANART
For our future updates and online archive, please visit here


The guest speakers of this event come from the artistic team of The Dream of the Red Chamber, an installation with theatre performance on March 12 and 13 in the new Dutch Culture Center in Shanghai.
 They are invited to share their insights of this multi-cultural collaboration and unforgettable moments during the co-creation and co-production process . Two of them will improvise some electronic music pieces at beginning of the event.

The Dream of the Red Chamber is one of China’s most famous novels. Set in the 18th century, itdescribes the decline of the Jia family. With over 400 characters, several plotlines and themes, the novel has led to a multitude of visions about its “meaning”. To some it is foremost a tragic love-story that traces the relationship of Baoyu (the heir of the Jia family) with two female cousins: the melancholy Daiyu (Baoyu’s ill-fated love) and the more vivacious Baochai (his eventual wife). 
In The Red Chamber, the audience visits a contemporary Red Chamber, an installation where sound and visual images interpret the novel’s key notions – illusion//reality, harmony//conflict, prosperity//decline, masculinity//femininity – against the backdrop of today’s society in China. During the weekend performers invite the visitors to experience more aspects of life in the Red Chamber.

Guest Introduction:

Ivo Bol:
Composer and sound artist, Artistic concept and direction/Sound Design of The Dream of the Red Chamber
I magnify the atmosphere of lost and found sounds in my compositions; I am looking for beautiful little details that will flourish in a new sound world. Rich, layered and organic patterns contrast in my music with minimal and bare structures. I have composed music for ensembles, dance- en theatre performances, television, film and new media/installation work. I have developed a live sampling and synthesis instrument using LiSa and various game controllers, such as the Wii Remote, to trigger, sample and manipulate sounds in an intuitive and playful way.

I studied history and I played bass guitar in different experimental bands (such as Soom) since high school. One thing that inspired me to compose was a visit to a hiphop producer, I was intrigued by the way he could build musical structures with his sampler. I became increasingly interested in sampling, electronic music, electroacoustic music and sound design. I did a Sonology course at the Royal Conservatory in Den Haag and I have participated in workshops at STEIM, Dogtroep and with Han Bennink and Magpie Dance Music Company. Together with Marije Nie and Hilary Jeffrey I organise the Auxxx performance series in OT 301 in Amsterdam. I use the cinematic and dramatic qualities of my music when working with theatre makers, choreographers, filmmakers and visual artists. I have worked with choreographers Kenzo Kusuda, Pere Faura, Martin Butler, Ivana Muller, Maria Ines Villasmil, Jose Navas, Luis Lara Malvacias and the Guangdong Modern Dance Company. I have performed throughout Europe, in China, the United States and Venezuela.

The Guangdong Modern Dance Company from China invited me in the spring of 2007 to compose the score for their piece “Forward For Forward” from choreographer Liu Qi. I have worked with choreographer / multi-talent Luis Lara Malvacias in Danspace/St. Marks Church, Dance Theatre Workshop and The Kitchen in New York. “The Gasometer Universe” is the title of my winning composition for the MONO competition organised by the German Association for Electroacoustic Music. Algorithmic composition techniques and live performance were combined in this piece that was inspired by ideas about the origin of the universe. I performed the duet “Concau” with choreographer / dancer Roser Lopez Espinosa at various festivals in Spain and the Netherlands since 2007. In the summer of 2008 I was invited to the OMI International Musicians Residency in Ghent, New York State. I am part of alchemistic sound duo Wrikken and electroacoustic impro duo BolMoll with Udo Moll. My musical alter ego Vinkepeezer has released a split LP together with Morsanek, at the Kazemat label in January 2009.

“The Bailout” is a new composition written together with Ties Mellema, for a Saxophone quartet and live electronics. The composition is inspired by the history of the auto industry in Detroit and the “auto bailout” by the US government. The première was at March 20th in a concert with the Amstel Quartet in the Detroit Institute of Arts.

Yin Yi:

Sound Design of The Dream of the Red Chamber

I am Yin Yi. A Shanghai based composer, sound artist and field recording producer.Member of Shanghai physical theater collective Zuhe Niao as composer and live musician.From 2007, I organized “ Verge Field ” – live performance with painter, dancer and video artist. “Verge Field” is a series performance. It has been presented on Groningen Museum, Shanghai Youth Creative Theater Festival and Shanghai eArts Community. 2008, I started to do my own sound art project “City Sound Travel”( I focus on how the daily life sound can be a way to rediscover our life. How the sound beyond the daily life to be art object. What’s the new listening aesthetics which can be fed into music composition.

In 2009, I did my location recording plan “1-24” — 1 day 24 hours location recording in Shanghai South railway station during the “1 Mile Square Shanghai” artist workshop which was supported by Visiting Art from UK.
All of the sound is my material, acoustic instrument, click from computer, Location recording. It’s a organization which contain scale and non-scale sound.

I also teach digital audio technique and sound design in Fine Art College of Shanghai University and Shanghai Institute of Visual Art.

Zhang Xian

Film & Performance Direction of The Dream of the Red Chamber

Playwright/director of Zuheniao. Zuhe Niao was established in Shanghai in 2005 by Zhang Xian and four young dancers together with video artist Zhang Xuezhou and musician/sound artist Yin Yi to create new experimental theater art. Their production Tongue’s Memory to the Home was invited in 2006 to perform at Julidans, Amsterdam and the Zuercher Theater Spektakel in Zurich, and they are the top award winner of ZKB Award (the top award) in Zuercher Theater Spektakel festival.





时间: 2010年3月16日, 19:30
地点: 新单位,中国上海市长宁区定西路727号4号楼4楼C座(靠近延安西路)
表演者/主讲: Ivo Bol, 殷漪 , 张献

语言: 英文/中文
费用: 此次活动免费,但需要将姓名和联系方式发送至xindanwei@gmail.com进行登记或在xindanwei.com进行注册登记发私信给@xindanwei
组织人: 三术沙龙, 刘妍, 阿角,

合作方: 新单位,组合嬲,CANART, Borneoco


这次活动的三位主讲嘉宾是目前在上海的荷兰文化馆3月上演的一个名为“梦回红楼”的装置艺术与演出活动的艺术创作团队核心成员. 在本次演出中,观众被邀至一个当代红楼。艺术家通过对声音艺术、电影和舞蹈表演艺术的灵活运用,诠释原著中所体现的几大冲突,即幻觉与现实、和谐与冲突、繁荣与衰落、阴与阳。观众将在当下中国,这一时代的大背景下从另一种视角观看《红楼梦》。而在这次分享活动中,艺术家将展示这次演出的协同合作过程和创作花絮,两位电子音乐家还会进行一些现场表演。


Ivo Bol

来自荷兰的一位电子艺术家,在“梦回红楼”中担任艺术总监和音效设计。他曾学习历史,并从高中时代开始在乐队中担任贝司吉它手,曾是Soom乐队成员。一次拜访一位HIP-POP创造人的经历 激发了他的创作,他们用采样器来塑造自己的音乐深深震撼了他,使他在以后的一段时间里深深沉醉于采样,电子乐,电子声和音效设计。他在海牙皇家音乐学院学习了声音学课程,与Dogtroep及Han Benninka& Magpie音乐舞蹈公司一起,参加STEIM举行的研讨。 与Marije Nie, Hilary Jeffrey在阿姆斯特丹的OT301一同组织Auxxx的系列表演。 与舞蹈指导,剧团,剧院,电影制作人及视觉艺术家合作,他的音乐偏向戏剧化的感觉。曾经合作过的公司和个人有很多, 比如, Kenzo Kusuda, Pere Faura, Martin Butler, Ivana Muller, Maria Lnes Villasmil, Jose Navas, Luis Lara Malvacias及广东现代舞蹈团,在欧洲,中国,美国和委内瑞拉都曾作过演出。

中国的广东现代舞团编舞刘骐2007年春天邀请Ivo谱写舞蹈“前进之前”的背景乐。他曾与编舞多采多艺的编舞Luis Lara Malyacias 在 Danspace的St. Marks教堂,舞蹈剧院及纽约的THE KITCHEN一起工作。 “宇宙的气柜”是他在德国的电声音乐协会举办的单声道获胜的曲名。曲子融合了算法编曲技巧和现场表演,灵感是来自宇宙的起源。自2007年起,他与编舞家,舞蹈家Roser Lopez Espinosa在西班牙和荷兰多次表演了二重奏“Concau”. 在2008年夏天,他受邀请到位于纽约的Grant, OMI的国际音乐家聚居地与Udo Moll一起组成二重奏组合。 “紧急救援”是与Ties Mellema一起的新创作, 用萨克斯现场电子乐一起演奏。底特律的汽车业发展及美国救援事件触动了他们这次的创作。三月二十日在底特律,与Amstel Quarter一起在音乐会做了首次演出。

独立作曲家、声音艺术家、实地录音师。生于上海。在“梦回红楼”中担任音效设计 2005年,成为上海后现代舞团“组合嬲”的音乐制作人。 2008年开始组织策划多领域合作现场《边缘场》的演出。 同年开始声音计划:《城市声音旅行》。 2009 参与“一平方英里”在上海的项目。

张 献
在“梦回红楼”中担任影像和表演总监。 独立艺术家、自由撰稿人和艺术策划人,长期从事报刊杂志、舞台戏剧与 电影电视的写作、编辑和策划,发起组织、主持多个民间艺术团体及剧场 空间。作为舞台剧编剧、导演和制作人,其十几部戏剧、舞蹈作品上演于上海、北京、南京、香港、澳门、新加坡、纽约、波士顿、新泽西、马里兰、阿姆斯特丹、苏黎世等地。

作为电影剧作家,其主要作品 《留守女 士》获第十六届开罗国际电影节最佳影片奖,《茉莉花开》获第七届上海 国际电影节评审团大奖,《谈情说爱》获圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节入围参 赛, 《横竖横》获选鹿特丹国际电影节 。作为策划人、组织人,先后参 与建立戏剧、舞蹈表演团体“ Z”和“组合嬲”、全国首创的“真汉”咖 啡剧场、上海第一家独立表演艺术原创基地“下河迷仓”、上海越界艺术 节、上海概念艺术节等。


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