Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

June 28, 2012

Chair Member: Michael Michelini | 椅子会员: Michael Michelini

Filed under: People | 人物 — Tags: — kloe @ 11:28 pm


VP, Foreign Marketing & Business Development at Hero Meets Hero. Social Media Consultant at Shadstone Ltd. Was doing Marketing at SZteam Shenzhen Coworking. Linkedin profile.

Who are you and what do you do?
Hello, my name is Michael Michelini, and I’m American in China for five years. I came to Shenzhen to do Sourcing and E-Commerce. It becomes a consulting company for social media and E-Commerce between US and China through my company Shadstone.

What are you passionate about and what motivates you?
I’m passionate about entrepreneurship, connecting cultures, community building, as well as internet marketing and social media.

How do you think coworking can help you to achieve your passion and purpose?
With my passion, I always love the idea of coworking, sharing office spaces and sharing your ideas in your work. Because what it does is allows you to meet people that maybe are complimentary to what your skills are, and you can find people to help your projects and rather than open up offers on full time salary. The other coworking passionate people that are entrepreneurs, they also want to have successful businesses. So it’s a win-win for everyone.



现任Hero Meets Hero国外市场部副总裁,Shadstone社会化媒体咨询师.曾在SZteam负责市场部。Linkedin.

大家好,我是Michael Michelini,我来自美国,来中国已经五年啦。我之前在深圳做采购和电子商务。我的公司Shadstone后来成为了为中美之间的社会媒体和电子商务做咨询的公司。




1 Comment »

  1. Michael Michelini 社交媒体的专家。


    Comment by 新单位 — July 12, 2012 @ 2:24 am

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