荷兰王国与中华人民共和国正式建交40周年之际,荷兰驻上海总领事馆特别组织为期一周的庆祝活动。活动形式包括各种研讨会,行业联谊活动和女王节酒会等,上海总领事馆和新单位联合举办的荷兰电影节也是其一部分。自4月23日至27日晚,新单位永嘉路50号将每晚展映一部精选出来的荷兰电影(除4月26日外)。开幕式将由荷兰驻上海总领事Peter Potman先生主持。 更多关于荷兰周。
1. 4月23日星期一,下午6点30分至9点, 开幕会及放映故事片The Hell of ‘63
特别嘉宾:荷兰驻上海总领事Peter Potman先生主持开幕并介绍影片。
2. 4月24日星期二,下午6点30分-9点,
放映短篇Selected Dutch Shorts。
特别嘉宾:荷兰驻上海总领事夫人Ingrid d’Hooghe女士到场并介绍影片。
3. 4月25日星期三,下午6点30分-9点, 放映故事片Duska。
特别嘉宾:荷兰驻上海副总领事Huub Buise先生到场并介绍影片。
4. 4月27日星期五,下午6点30分-9点,闭幕会及放映纪录片The Electric Shadows。
特别嘉宾:荷兰驻上海副总领事Huub Buise先生主持闭幕;纪录片主角Yilan出席并介绍影片。
注意:此活动须申请预约, 请将您的姓名,职业,联系方式填入本页底部的申请表。
1. The Hell of ‘63

The Hell of ‘63
导演:Steven de Jong
编剧:Steven de Jong, Maarten Lebens, Jean Ummels
2. Selected Dutch Shorts

Selected Dutch Shorts
导演:Jos Stelling; Hanro Smitsman; Arne Toonen
编剧:Steven de Jong, Maarten Lebens, Jean Ummels; Robin Noorda & Bethany de Forest; Marinus Groothof; Jochem de Vries
Cocky Love:
导演: Hanro Smitsman 时长: 10分钟
一心为了珍爱的公鸡准备比赛的老农无意间忽视了妻子。在妻子与比赛之间,他会怎样选择?Drop Dead:
导演:Arne Toonen 时长: 10分钟
倒霉蛋的一天。Red-end and the seemingly symbiotic society
导演:Robin Noorda 和 Bethany de Forest 时长: 10分钟
3维动画短片。禅意的命运轮回。Sunset from a rooftop
导演:Marinus Groothof 时长: 10分钟
导演:Timur Ismailov 时长: 27分钟
导演:Jochem de Vries 时长: 11分钟
3. Duska

导演: Jos Stelling
编剧: Jos Stelling , Hans Heesen
获奖情况:最佳男配角,Nederlands Film Festival 2007; 欧美最佳剧情片,Chamizal Independent Film Festival(Chamizal Award) 2009
本片由Gene Bervoets、Sergei Makovetsky、Sylvia Hoeks主演,故事围绕一个突然想当导演的神秘俄罗斯人展开。男主角Bob是个极有天赋的影评人和编剧,在基辅参加电影节期间生活窘迫的Duska。以为Duska不会离开基辅的Bob热情地邀请Duska到荷兰找他。 一切好像都与Bob作对,几个月后他终于遇到心仪地姑娘时,Duska却出人意料地出现在他家门口…..
4. 纪录片:Electric Shadows (电影)
导演: Mariëtte Faber
To mark 40 years diplomatic relations between China and the Netherlands, Dutch Week is being organised. Dutch Week is organised by the Dutch business community in Shanghai and the Dutch Consulate General in Shanghai. During Dutch Week a number of activities are being organised to show Dutch Excellence to the Chinese community. More about Dutch Week 2012.
Dutch Film Festival is a part of the Dutch Week 2012. Dutch Consulate General in Shanghai and Xindanwei will host the film festival. We will present you a Dutch movie every night for the week. The opening party will take place at 6:30pm on April 23. Peter Potman, the Consul-General will also be here to talk about the film and culture.
1) 6:30-9:00pm, Monday, April 23. Dutch Film Festival Opening, The Hell of ’63 (screening)
Guest: Mr. Peter Potman, Netherlands Consul- General in Shanghai.
2) 6:30-9:00pm, Tuesday, April 24, Selected Dutch Shorts (screening).
Guest: Ms. Ingrid d’Hooghe, sinologist, the spouse of Netherlands Consul- General in Shanghai.
3) 6:30-9:00pm, Wednesday, April 25, Duska (screening).
Guest: Mr. Huub Buise, Netherlands Consul in Shanghai.
4) 6:30-9:00pm, Friday, April 27, Documentary:Dusk Electric Shadows (screening).
Guest: Mr. Huub Buise, Netherlands Consul in Shanghai; Yilan, main character of the documentary
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd.
Language: English
Cost: Free(reservation only), including free coffee and tea
Organizer: Dutch Consulate General in Shanghai, Xindanwei
Notice: This event is by reservation ONLY. Please complete the reservation form on this page before you come.
About Films:
1) The Hell of ‘63

The Hell of ‘63
Director: Steven de Jong
Screen: Steven de Jong, Maarten Lebens, Jean Ummels
Genre: drama
Language: Dutch
Subtitle: English
Four stories typifying the spirit of the 10,000 skates on that fateful freezing day in 1963. When conditions are right an infamous nice-kating race is held in the north of the Netherlands. The 200 km race must be completed by midnight and everyone who finishes receives a medal. The film is based on the true facts of the fateful day in 1963 when, due to plunging temperatures and rough terrain, thousands of skaters suffered frostbite and shocking injuries. Only a small number would cross the finish-line, but for this who did, it was to be life-changing event!
2) Selected Dutch Shorts

Selected Dutch Shorts
Director:Jos Stelling; Hanro Smitsman; Arne Toonen
Screen:Steven de Jong, Maarten Lebens, Jean Ummels; Robin Noorda & Bethany de Forest; Marinus Groothof; Jochem de Vries
Genre:Short features
Cocky Love
Director: Hanro Smitsman Time: 10’
An old farmer prepares his favorite rooster for a contest. His wife tries to capture his attention too. It is time to make a choice.Drop Dead
Director: Arne Toonen Time: 10’
What begins as an exciting adventure takes a nightmarish turn…Red-end and the seemingly symbiotic society
Director: Robin Noorda & Bethany de Forest Time: 15’
Ant Red-end differs from the rest and tries an experiment…Sunset from a rooftop
Director: Marinus Groothof Time: 10’
10′ While Belgrade is being hit by NATO-bombings, Ivana is preparing herself for a night out and tell her boyfriend the news of her pregnancy.Bingo
Director: Timur Ismailov Time: 27’
BINGO is a young gypsy from Moldova who tries his luck in Hooland.Missing
Director: Jochem de Vries Time: 11’
A mother and her 7-year old daughter are dealing with the little problems of every day life.
3) Duska

Director: Jos Stelling
Screen: Jos Stelling and Hans Heesen
Genre: drama
Language: Dutch
Subtitle: English
A Dutch film critic and a poor Russian vagabond make for a very odd couple. Bob, an intellectual film critic and screenwriter visits and obscure film festival in Kiev, where he meets the poor but engaging vagabond Duska. “Whenever you’re in Hooland, do not hesitate to visit me,” the over-enthusiastic Bob suggests, knowing for sure that Duska will never leave Kiev. He is therefore stunned when, a few months later, Duska is standing at his door. The timing couldn’t be worse. Since Bob is finally meeting the girl he was longing for: the attractive cashier from the movie theatre across the street.
4) Documentary: Electric Shadows
Director: Mariëtte Faber
Genre: documentary
Language: Dutch
Subtitle: English
Su-Ying and Yilan are both Dutch woman of Chinese descent and both daughter of restaurant owners. Su-Ying has been striving all her life for equal rights for the Dutch Chinese. Photographer Yilan, through her project ChinAware, is trying to unravel how her Chinese roots have formed her as an individual. Many young Chinese like Su-Ying and Yilan saw their first images of the culture of their parents and grandparents during the nocturnal Chinese film shows that started in the 1960′s. These film shows eventually led to the Kung Fu craze that captivated the whole of Holland for decades.
[gravityform id="2" name="Event Application" description="false" ajax="true"]
The last show will be on 26th or 27th? 26th on the poster, 27th in the introduction.
Comment by Shally Qian — April 13, 2012 @ 11:29 am
@Shally Qian: 27th,we will fix the poster soon.
Comment by aaajiao — April 13, 2012 @ 12:51 pm
Comment by Tom — April 17, 2012 @ 12:07 pm
How long can you give me an answer? I am willing to participate in this film exhibition of Dutch.
Comment by ken — April 17, 2012 @ 12:17 pm
@ken: Sorry, As long as you submit the application, no notice, that have been accepted.
Comment by aaajiao — April 18, 2012 @ 3:56 am
I register for my parents. Thank you!
I wish you a successful week ahead!
Comment by 干玮 — April 21, 2012 @ 9:10 am
I’ve just applied for it. But I want to take several friends coming wiz me on 24th. Should they apply here too? Or I can take them in directly wiz my name?
Comment by Lulu — April 22, 2012 @ 3:58 pm
I have other things to do and will only attend the show on Apr 27.
Comment by Jiancheng Zou — April 23, 2012 @ 11:02 am
@Lulu: it would be appreciated if your friends also apply here
thank you
Comment by xindanwei — April 23, 2012 @ 3:26 pm
Apply for 24th and 27th evening:) Cheers!!
Comment by Ginger Xu — April 23, 2012 @ 3:37 pm
will come to join!!! looking forward!
Comment by nina — April 23, 2012 @ 5:39 pm
can i reserve two seats for myself and my friends?
my mobile number is: +86 1376 150 2753
Comment by Mickey — April 24, 2012 @ 3:42 pm
coming tonight 25th
Comment by ArielWu — April 25, 2012 @ 9:47 am
Comment by Lynsey — April 26, 2012 @ 9:44 pm
Comment by 两部委推收费公路PPP方式 初度明晰土地开发赔偿 — June 24, 2015 @ 10:37 am