[lang_cn]时间: 2012年8月18日下午2点
地点: 上海市徐汇区永嘉路50号新单位(近陕西南路)
欧亚大陆那端的田园小国荷兰和欧亚大陆这端的泱泱大地中国有何共同点?在中国的荷兰人 和在荷兰的中国人各自为什么而幸福和困扰?当他们回归故乡后对自己和母文化又有何新认 识?中荷跨文化工作坊将通过好书介绍和交流互动让你认识真正的中国和荷兰。
- 中荷文化交流近况
- 近年来优秀的荷兰翻译作品
- 作者介绍最新出炉海归悬疑小说《红蟋蟀》:⼀一个在东西方文化间徘徊的女子探求自身和家族秘密的历程
- 跨文化交流坊: 在互动中认识中荷文化 – 文化融入与反融入
- 听众问答
- 图书签售
岳韬1976年生于上海,毕业于复旦大学英语专业和阿姆斯特丹大学社会科学专业。她曾在上海当过 记者编辑,现在荷兰从事商务写作和跨文化培训,兼自由撰稿人和小说作者。从九十年代初起,岳韬频繁在中外报刊杂志和网络上发表作品。《红蟋蟀》是她的处女 长篇小说,以荷兰为背景的续篇正在创作之中。[/lang_cn]
[lang_en]Time: 2-4 PM, 18 August 2012
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd. Shanghai
Co-organizers: China Cultural Consultancy, Dutch Consulate General in Shanghai, Xindanwei
Language: Chinese and English
Cost: Admission free (reservation required), refreshments provided
Notice: This event is by reservation ONLY. And we are expecting no more than 40 audiences. Please complete the reservation form on this page before you come.
What do the Chinese and the Dutch have in common? When they live in each other’s country, what makes them happy? What makes them worry? And when they go home, what new understanding do they have of themselves and their culture? This Chinese-Dutch Intercultural Workshop helps you make better sense of China and the Netherlands through reading and discussion.
The preliminary schedule for the workshop:
- Recent cultural exchanges between China and the Netherlands
- Dutch books recently translated and published in China
- Author’s introduction to the new novel Red Cricket about a Chinese woman back home in Shanghai after ten years in the Netherlands who unearths taboo history
- Intercultural communication workshop: interactive understanding of Chinese and Dutch cultures – culture shock abroad and reverse culture shock back home.
- Q&A
- Book signing
About Speaker:
Yue Tao is a professional writer and intercultural trainer living in Amsterdam. Born in Shanghai, she took a B.A. in English language and literature at Fudan University and an M.A. in social sciences (cum laude) at the University of Amsterdam. She publishes in Chinese and English. Red Cricket is her first novel. A sequel set in the Netherlands is in progress.[/lang_en]
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Comment by 五行学者众恒 — August 10, 2012 @ 1:10 pm
Seems fun~~
Comment by JoyinCulture — August 14, 2012 @ 12:59 pm