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November 24, 2010

China Lab First Edition-Tom Mangione: Writing Songs through the Expat Experience | China Lab第一期-Tom Mangione创作歌曲: 以在沪体验为灵感激发

Filed under: Events — parisyxc @ 2:44 pm
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China Lab First Edition-Tom Mangione: Writing Songs through the Expat Experience
Time: 7-9pm, 24th November
Location: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd
30RMB/person (providing tea, coffee, soft drink and snacks, every participant will receive a voucher to experience Work-a-thon for free. More about Work-a-thon, please see; Free of Charge for Xindanwei Monthly and Yearly Member)

Important Notice:
-This is a reservation only event, seats are limited to the first 40 people who are registered at the event page of Xindanwei website.

Tom Mangione is an American singer-songwriter, poet, and journalist.  After living in Shanghai for three years, the expat experience has been a significant part of his life.  In this talk, Tom performs three songs and explains their lyrical content, touching on the various facets of how foreigners relate to China.

ChinaLab is a new series of events starting by AllSet Learning in collaboration with Xindanwei which is all about bringing people together to discuss the expat’s experience in Shanghai. We want to explore the good, the bad, and everything in between about Chinese society and how it compares to Western society, and why this all makes China such an interesting place to live.

AllSet Learning is a new language learning consultancy focused on the issues faced by foreigners in Shanghai trying to learn Mandarin Chinese. More about AllSet Learning, please visit:


China Lab第一期-Tom Mangione创作歌曲: 以在沪体验为灵感激发
时间: 11月24日,7:00-9:00pm
地点: 徐汇区永嘉路50号, 新单位
费用: 30元/人  (包含咖啡和茶点, 每个参与者都可以收到新单位特别优惠券免费体验“加班马拉松”,更多有关“加班马拉松”的信息详见: ), 新单位月会员和年会员免费

-人数:该活动需要网上预定, 仅限于在xindanwei网站活动界面上前40位预定的观众入场.

Tom Mangione 是一个美国歌手和创作者, 同时也是诗人和记者. 在上海居住了3年后, 在沪体验已成为他生命中很重要的一部分. 在本次演讲中, Tom将演唱3首歌曲并阐释歌词意义, 从中折射出外国人如何与中国连接的一个片段.

Chinalab是Allsetlearning和新单位一起新开启的一个项目, 旨在让人们一起讨论老外的沪上生活. 我们想探讨他们在中国社会的每一个层面, 并与西方社会做对比,同时研究为什么中国是一个有趣的适合生活的地方.

Allsetlearning是一个语言学习咨询中心, 专注于为上海试图学习中文的外国人服务. 关于Allsetlearning的更多信息请访问


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1 Comment »

  1. [...] I’m organizing an event that takes place tonight in Shanghai at Xindanwei (details here): [...]

    Pingback by Writing Songs through the Expat Experience | Sinosplice — November 24, 2010 @ 2:14 pm

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