Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

November 28, 2012

Ake’s Illustrations|水泥花开 – 野猫调查报告 插画展

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 12:13 pm

[lang_en]Exhibition: 28 November,2012
Venue: 50 Yongjia Road, Shanghai
Cost: Free

This exhibition consists of two parts. Cement Bloom is a novel, twelve illustrations I draw in the novel has become a part of the exhibition; Wildcats Investigation Report is another graphic novel going to be published in early 2013 and the novel covers eleven short stories with a large number of illustrations.
Although the above two novels are not directly related, their profound implications are both about the city, so I merged them together to release a multi-angle expression concerning a cognitive process of the cities.
Cement Bloom,the new book release will be held in Xindanwei at the end of December, but I‘m temporarily unable to determine the date (end of December), once confirmed will be announced. Welcome all the friends to attend the party and we’ll give the old and new books and gifts (limited number) at the new book release. In order to ensure certainly be able to get the gifts, please bring a gift to me.
Finally, congratulate Merry Christmas in advance.

About Arco:
I was allocated to the Haikou beacon Hainan Maritime Bureau as a light buoys crew after graduated from the technical school. During the light buoys maintenance in the South Sea in 2009, the buoys fixed-strand breaks, but I was so dedicated to the work that did not realized the lighted buoys have been drifting away from the original location. I did not take any communication tools with me when the fog came down like a curtain so that I‘m unable to obtain any rescue.
I belt myself onto the light buoy and let it drifting along, waiting for rescue …
Five days later, the light buoy drifted to a small uninhabited island and I lost contact with the outside world until 2011, an American cargo ship rescued me. These two years on the island, apart from the maintenance of my own live, I also wrote novels in my spare time. Cement Bloom is the first novel that I wrote on the Island.[/lang_en]


另外,《水泥花开》的新书发布将在十二月底在新单位举行,但是日期上暂时无法确定(十二月月底),一旦确认会第一时间公布,届时欢迎太阳系的朋友们前来参加,现场有新书和旧作相赠(数量有限),为了确保肯定能够拿到赠品请也带礼物给我。 最后,提前祝贺各位圣诞快乐。



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