Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

February 20, 2013

Xindanwei 2012 / 2013 BUZZ | 新单位2012/2013年新消息

Filed under: @xindanwei — Alice @ 11:40 am


Chair Membership available


Coworking Membership is now available for 500RMB per month! For more information, please refer to Time Service.

#Xindanwei Wall

- Xindanwei is listed as ” the world’s TOP most innovative company in China.”

In the recent article of MOST INNOVATIVE COMPANIES 2013: THE WORLD’S TOP 10 MOST INNOVATIVE COMPANIES IN CHINA at, Xindanwei s listed by Fast Company as one of the world’s TOP 10 most innovative companies in China. Fast Company is the world’s leading progressive business media brand, with a unique editorial focus on innovation in technology, ethonomics (ethical economics), leadership, and design. Written for, by, and about the most progressive business leaders, Fast Company and inspire readers and users to think beyond traditional boundaries, lead conversations, and create the future of business. Discarding the old rules of business, Fast Company set out to chronicle how changing companies create and compete, to highlight new business practices, and to showcase the teams and individuals who are inventing the future and reinventing business. The Most Innovative Companies list is the Fast Company’s annual guide to the state of innovation in our economy, featuring the business whole innovations are having the great impacts across their industris and our culture as a whole.

-Community Host services:
Community Host services for our community members to:

Share insights, ideas, events and resources with our network of like-minded companies and 10,000 followers. Building a network takes years, joining a network takes seconds.
Connect with our local partners, media affiliates, and investors who can help offer avenues for growth, exposure and funding through our community events.
Receive group or one-on-one coaching from our close network of mentors (social entrepreneurs, corporates and business owners) whom can offer invaluable insight into your development.

-Kickstart & Pro

“The Host” that helps the movers and shakers of creative, technology and social innovation scene like yourself to be provided with opportunity to seek out resonated spirits, share in rich discussions about creativity, entrepreneurship, innovation and impact to the society and work on exciting projects together.
our clients includes Renault, Allianz, Chanel, Philips, Pernot-Ricard, ProSiebenSat.1

-New categories of Xindanwei events:

New things are always happening here at Xindanwei. We’re growing at a rapid pace, and our commitment to openness, sharing, accessibility and large scale of collaboration continues. We have categorized all of our past community activities and events into some key domains here, which makes easier for you to navigate:
Co.Spark – Where art, culture, design meet.
Co.Uprise – Where entrepreneurs innovate and thrive.
Co.Impact – Where empathy and care changes the world.

Co-working Manual app:

Written and edited by Xindanwei CEO Liu Yan, “Coworking Manual” can be downloaded from App Store. You can also read this manual on Xindanwei website. this manual is written from Xindanwei’s 2-year experience. It will be under “Creative Commons” to encourage and support more passionate and motivated people like us, to work together and create a better “coworking community”.
“Xindanwei Coworking Manual” is nominated to “Digital Communities” category of the International Prix Ars Electronica 2012.

If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on or email us

#Community Post

- Xindanwei x Good Lab collaboration:reciprocal coworking visa initiative from March 2013:

Set to launch this March, Xindanwei has called on the interaction of the coworking spaces for the launch of the coworking visa with the Good Lab. A coworking visa allows active members of one space to use other coworking spaces around the world for free for a set number of days.

- The evolution of Xindanwei Coworking Membership :

As a startup team, we understand the tight budget and hardship of the early stage entrepreneurs. That’s why we introduced you to our CHAIR MEMBERSHIP service last year, which allows you to work in an professional and inspiring environment at the top location of the city at the cost of as less as 500RMB per month, while mixing with other like-minded people to make a difference. In the coming new year,our chair member service will run continuously. Come to chair with us!

For inquiry, please email us or call us on 021 3428 0783.

#Energize Job Descriptions

Our client Energize is a creative agency based in Amsterdam and Shanghai. They are looking for the perfect Account & Operations director for our Shanghai office. They’re growing and they need someone to help channel this growth and accelerate it. They help Western brands get a foothold in China. That’s why theye need someone with extensive agency experience and dealing with clients from the West.

As their A&OD you will play a part in everything they do. Literally. Strategy, operations, management. It’s all in the game. You report to the combined Amsterdam/Shanghai management team and you will take the lead in managing clients, people and business.

They need someone who doesn’t confine him- or herself to one department or responsibility. They need someone who manages things and still loves to play along with the rest of the team. They need someone that speaks English fluently. Some basic knowledge of Mandarin would be nice, but it’s not a requirement. This is a fantastic opportunity for a dedicated, driven and confident team player. Are you ready to join them? Drop them a mail on[/lang_en]




#1. 新单位通讯

- 新单位获“世界最具创新力的中国企业”殊荣!

在刚刚揭晓的Fast Company“ 2013年世界最具创新力的十大中国企业” 名录中,“新单位”榜上有名!这也是Fast Company历届最具创新力企业评选中第一家协作式工作社区。Fast Company是全球最领先商业媒体品牌之一,着眼于科技创新,道德经济学,领导力以及设计感。内容涵盖了绝大多数的行业领跑者,长久以来Fast Company以及FastCompany.com致力于激发读者灵感,让他们得以打破传统,引领对话,开创商业未来。Fast Company摒弃陈旧的商业规则,对极具创新力的企业的创新过程追根问底,关心新型商业尝试,为读者呈现那些正在引领未来,从新使用的团队和个人。“世界最具创新力企业”评选每年一次,充分展示了我们这个时代背景下的卓越创新实践,上榜企业都是些能够产生跨行业跨文化巨大影响的创新者。

- 新社区咨询服务新顾问:

新单位通过新顾问社群服务, 为社群成员免费提供以下支持与帮助,在2013年我们将更加力致于社区成员的开放共享与合作:

Kickstart & Pro服务:
随着新单位社区成员的不断发展,社区群体的商业需求也愈发多样。和成员们一样在发展的新单位,新推出了提供的咨询和链接平台服务,称为新顾问(The Host)。我们为来自不同行业和背景的专业人士公司提供创新项目的咨询与运营,并通过新单位社群不断发掘和链接创意,科技及社会创新领域的引领者。
在过去的2012年里,通过新顾问服务获得咨询的企业全部来自跨国公司全球总部:法国雷诺设计中心, 意大利安联财险,荷兰飞利浦, 法国香奈儿公司, 法国Pernot-Ricard酒业集团, 德国ProSiebenSat.1媒体公司

- 活动新分类:


- 《协作式工作社区》系列指南发布:

由新单位CEO刘妍亲自执笔撰写和编辑的《协作式工作社区》系列指南的所有内容已在2012年在app store进行免费下载,同时在新单位网站上也可以阅读到这本指南。
这本册子所有的内容都是基于新单位这两年多的实战经验和教训。我们通过这本指南开源我们的模式,并将此指南纳入“creative commons”知识共享协议体系,从而鼓励和支持更多像我们这样有激情有动力的朋友,为创立新的甚至更好的“协作式工作社区”而共同努力。同时,这个开源项目也在2012年里被提名参加奥地利国际电子艺术节Prix Ars Electronica举办的“数字社群”大赛的评选。



- 新单位 x 好单位合作:即将在3月开启办公互换

新单位为倡导联合办公社区之间的互动,将于这个3月与香港好单位联合发布coworking visa。持有coworking visa的会员可以使用任意一方会员卡在合作空间享受一定天数的免费体验。

- 新单位会员制度革新:


欢迎您联系 或☎ (021) 3428 0783 咨询更多信息。


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