找我们帮忙(Help Desk)
我们的新浪微博帐号是@新单位 @新咖啡syphon, 我们的twitter和facebook帐号是@xindanwei, 欢迎加我们为好友。
新单位人物:每月新单位都会邀请我们的会员-“新同事”分享他们的梦想, 他们的工作以及他们对新单位的个人体验,这些分享主要通过新单位网上平台进行传播和推广。如果您有兴趣成为我们下期的新单位人物,请与我们联系:董秋梦 186 6101 1785或xindanwei@gmail.com。
新单位活动:作为上海最重要的创意中心之一,我们的活动绝大部分是由会员或新单位粉丝发起的不定期非正式交流活动。任何感兴趣的人都可以贡献或者参与新单位活动。任何人都可以把他的项目或作品在新单位活动发布出来,从而与更多人分享。活动的形式不限,自由发挥. 如需要举办和参加活动,请请在在线帮助平台留言,我们的工作人员会在二十四小时内与您取得联系. 以往的活动。
新单位|空间服务:是我们创意空间服务。除了在新咖啡的空间可以免费举办小型展览或以非常合理的价格包场举行小型活动,我们提供上海城区的各式不同的空间,包括创意活动场地、灵活办公空间以及零售店址,最大的活动空间可举办多至200人的鸡尾酒会或会议。同时我们也可以为成功创业后的中小型企业提供市中心范围内独立的办公空间,同时支持他们在新单位的创意专业人士网络里相互联系。如有需要请联系陈叙+86 139 1692 5435。
空间总协调:董秋梦 , 18661011785 xindanwei@gmail.com (中文、英文)
物业维修协调人:刘阿姨,64722440, 13817339320(中文)
保洁阿姨:刘阿姨,64722440, 13817339320(中文)
网络故障:阿角,18621617100,aaajiao@gmail.com (中文、英文)
活动协调:董秋梦, 18661011785 (中文、英文)
运营总监:陈叙 86 139 1692 5435 (中文、英文)
我们附近的地铁与公交非常方便,建议您不要开车。地铁一、十号线(陕西南路站)九号线(嘉善路站)及公交96, 104, 911, 167,42,920,926,128,146,24等均可轻松到达。
• 汉庭酒店陕西南路店(经济实惠型)
• 瑞金宾馆(高端型)
更多酒店,可在http://www.ctrip.com/ 上进行查询。
打印及复印机设在四楼。如需在您的电脑上安装打印机,可联系董秋梦 18661011785。
打印、复印收费每张0.1元,请自觉投币。如您需要更丰富的打印服务,永嘉路47号(陕西南路口,出门大约30米)的广艺数码图文 (400 6677 686)可为您提供例如彩印、装订等专业服务。
工作中电脑出现故障是一件十分恼人的事情,您可以拨打400 168 8608或189 3978 4762请专业维修公司上门维修。
董秋梦(空间助理) +86 18661011785
Xindanwei New Member Orientation
Welcome to Xindanwei. This is a comfortable and practical work space, also a vibrant community of change makers and thought leaders. This orientation is here to help you get comfortably settled in and familiar with day to day office practices. Please go through this document in details. If you have any questions, please see any of our staff – there is a full staff listing in the back.
XinCafe on the ground floor of Xindanwei may be one of the coolest cafes in town. It is a place that any hardcore coffee drinkers cannot afford to miss.
XinCafe brews fresh coffee out of Vac Pot, an absolute mechanical method that has been around since the consumption of coffee. It is one of the most fascinating ways to make coffee yet one of the best tasting cups you might ever have.
Simply put, Xindanwei now not only calls for dead-smart workers but gathers potheads as well! Xindanwei monthly and annual members enjoy a special discount.
xindanwei.com is an online platform connecting the Xindanwei community. Apart from all information related to xindanwei, it allows community members to interact with each other, sends community updates on regular basis and facilitates the information exchange among members. Sign up now if you haven’t yet! Xindanwei’s account is @xindanwei, you will become friends automatically with @xindanwei and all Xindanwei staff after you register.
Help Desk
We look forward to hearing from you! We will answer any question related to Xindanwei: apartfrom Xindanwei member service, spaces and events, if you are interested in collaborating with us, or if you have suggestions or ideas, please leave us a message in our online help platform, and we will respond to you within 24 hours.
Xindanwei Social Media
Our Weibo account is @新单位 and @新咖啡syphon. Our Twitter and Facebook account is @xindanwei. Please follow us!
Xindanwei Buzz
A bi-weekly newsletter that Xindanwei sends to spread the news and activities of community members. We have over 12,000 subscribers, most of them are professionals and knowledge workers in creative, technology and consulting industries from home and abroad. If you would like to release your projects or news using our platform, please leave us a message in our online help platform.
Xindanwei People
Every month we invite a Xindanwei member to share with us about their dreams, their work as well as their personal experience at Xindanwei. We spread and share these stories using our online platform. If you are interested in being featured in our“People”of next month, please contact Alice Dong (+86 186 6101 1785)or xindanwei@gmail.com.
Xindanwei Events
Xindanwei is one of the most important creativity centers in Shanghai. Most of our events are informal gatherings and workshops initiated by members and fans. Anyone interested can join and contribute in our events. Anyone can release projects or works in Xindanwei events and share with more people. There are no restrictions and limitations. To host an event in Xindanwei, please leave ua a message in our online help platform , and we will respond to you within 24 hours.
Xindanwei Exhibitions
Syphon Cafe is a perfect space for small art and design exhibitions. For enquiries please leave ua a message in our online help platform , and we will respond to you within 24 hours.
Our creative space service. Besides offering Syphon Cafe venue for small exhibitions for free and charging a reasonable price for small events, we also offer various venues in Shanghai, including creative event venues, flexible office spaces and retail locations. Exhibition & event space is emphasized where you can host cocktail party or conference for up to 200 people. With xīndānwèi|PROPERTY, we now not only provide flexible office solutions for small business and startup entrepreneurs, but are also able to host and provide service to larger scale events as well as providing pro-level working space for “started-ups” in different urban areas while always keeping them connected with other members in the creative professional network of Xindanwei. If interested please contact Xu Chen (+86 139 1692 5435) or Liu Yan(+86 135 2429 5509).
Business HoursContact List
Main coordinator: Alice Dong, 18661011785, xindanwei@gmail.com (mandarin, english)
Property maintaince: Liu Ayi, 64722440, 13817339320 (mandarin)
Cleaner: Liu Ayi, 64722440, 13817339320 (mandarin)
Internet problems: aaajiao, 18621617100, aaajiao@gmail.com (mandarin, english)
Event booking: Alice , 18661011785 (mandarin, english)
Chief Operations Officer: Xu Chen, 139 1692 5435, (mandarin, english)
The business hours of Xindanwei staff is 9:30am to 6:30pm, Monday to Friday.
The business hours of Syphon staff is 10am to 9pm, Monday to Friday; 12pm to 9pm Saturday and Sunday.
We highly recommend you to take public transportation instead of driving, for we are conveniently located next to Metro line 1, 10 (Shaanxi Rd South Stop) and Metro 9 (Jiashan Rd stop) as well as bus line 96,104, 911,167,42, 920,926,128,146,167,24.
Because we are located in busy downtown area, there are limited parking spaces nearby. The best parking spot is in front of Hanting Hotel on South Shaanxi Rd. (10 RMB tips for the security guard gives you half day to one day parking, no fapiao). Alternatively you can park on Shaoxing Rd. (need to pay an hourly rate, fapiao available).
There are lots of lunch options near Xindanwei, most of them are located on Yongjia Rd. (near Jiashan Rd. and Xiangyang Rd.) and Yongkang Rd. Syphon Cafe on the ground floor of Xindanwei provides delicious handmade coffee, tea and pastries. You are also order from outside, please ask our staff for menus.
There are many accommodation options around Xindanwei. The closest ones are:
• Hanting Hotel on Shaanxi Rd. (Economy)
Add: 233 South Shaanxi Rd., Luwan District, Shanghai
Tel: 021-54656633
• Ruijin Hotel (Luxury)
Add: 118 Ruijin Er Rd. (near Middile Fuxing Rd.), Luwan District, Shanghai
Tel: 021-64725222
For more accommodation options, visit http://www.ctrip.com
Door Code
We will send weekly door code to every member in emails every Monday afternoon.
Wireless Internet
Xindanwei provides 6M high speed enterprise internet connection for our members. Wireless routers have been installed on every floor to ensure stable connection and high speed. Within the Xindanwei building, you can search wireless networks named “Xindanwei”or “Xindanwei-roof”, and use the password “xindanwei.com”to connect. In case of network problems please contact our onsite staff.
We recommend good VPN services to our members from time to time. At the moment the service we recommend is astrill.
Printing & Photocopying
The printer/photocopier is on the 4th floor. If you need to set up printer on your computer please contact Alice 18661011785. We charge RMB0.1 per page for printing and photocopying. Please insert coins in the box next to the printer/photocopier. If you need more professional printing service, Guangyi Digital Graphics (Tel: 400 6677 686) on South Shaanxi Rd (near Yongjia Rd., approx. 30meters from Xindanwei) can provide specialized printing service.
Computer Repairing
It is annoying having your computer crashed down while working, you can call 400 168 8608 or 189 3978 4762 for professional on-site computer repairing service.
To ensure a quiet workplace for other coworkers, please make phone calls in the phone areas located at the corners of the staircases. If you need to use Skype, it is suggested that you use headsets.
For safety consideration, members need to personally register all their visitors at the reception. A fee of RMB15 per person per hour is charged for visitors who stay over 2 hours.
Meeting Room Booking
You can book the meeting room on xindanwei.com. When you receive a confirmation email from us it means you have successfully booked the meeting room. If you need a projector please make additional request.
Booking in advance required. Available for free for long-term members, meeting room and event space users.
Drinking water and tea bags are procided for free. We are environmental friendly so we don’t provided disposable cups. Please BYO.
Courier Service
All long-term users can use Xindanwei as their mailing address. Due to large number of members please specify which floor you are on. Xindanwei staff will sign the packages for you in your absence and leave them in the mail storage space next to the refrigerator. Please enquire our staff for received packages. Please note that we do not open the packages and check items for you.
Located opposite the restroom on the first floor. Each member can apply for one locker in Xindanwei. A penalty will apply if you lose the key.
Located next to the lockers on the first floor. Please mark your name on your food to prevent being taken by mistake.
Micro-wave Oven
Available for free. Located next to the lockers on the first floor.
Yifeng Pharmacy on South Shaanxi Rd (near Fuxing Rd.) provides all the basic medicines and free health consultation.
Gift Shops
Walk along Yongjia Rd. and turn left on South Shaanxi Rd, you will find numerous gift and flower shops. Happy shopping!
Please smoke in the rooftop terrace. Remember to keep the door closed!
Securing the Space
24-hours surveillance cameras are installed in Xindanwei. In case of any unusual circumstances please contact our onsite staff immediately.
Property maintenance
Please register and log on the official website of Xindanwei, to the column “Help Desk”(http://xindanwei.com/lang/cn/helpdesk/), and leave us a message to call for a fault repair. Xindanwei staff will give a response within 24 hours according to different maintenance type.
In case of any emergencies please contact our onsite staff immediately:
Alice(Space Assistant):+86 18661011785
Xu Chen(Chief Operations Director):+86 +86 139 1692 5435