Calligraphy Salon
Time: 16:00-17:00pm Sunday July, 18th
Cost:30yuan/person (materials fee included)
For more than a thousand years, a traditional Chinese style of art-brush painting-has been used to make pictures that are more than just pictures. These are images that harness your imagination, and capture on paper the true spirit of an animal…or a landscape…or a tree. All you need is black paint, white paper, and your best mental focus!
Step by step, it will show you how fun it can be to paint in the traditional Chinese way. Once you learn the basic strokes, you can put them together to create everything from a pine cone to a mountain scene. You will even be able to write some Chinese Calligraphy.
This Class will show you how to hold the brush Chinese style and make the basic brush strokes. You will learn to write some words and numbers in Chinese. Then you will learn how to use the same basic brushstrokes to create pictures of classic Chinese subjects, like bamboo, bamboo leaves and mountain.
时间: 7月18日(周五)16:00—17:00
费用:30元/人 (包括材料费,笔墨纸张)
你了解中国的毛笔和用法吗?你用中国的毛笔写过中国的汉字,画过中国画吗?Susan 为您准备的这节课将带您一起走进毛笔的世界,体验中国毛笔的正确用法和基本笔画,你将会发现用毛笔创造出来的汉字和水墨画竟然有着异曲同工之处,也将会学写一些汉字的数字以及如何把这些汉字巧妙地融入到充满意境的中国画里,比如竹子,竹叶和山水等。无论你是外国人还是中国人,无论你是大师还是初学者,加入我们一起来感受和分享汉字的神奇魅力吧!由于考虑到活动参加者有不少人是外国人,所以整个活动以英语讲解为主,我们提倡中英文结合,这样也会给大家提供一次双语交流的机会。请提前预订以准备材料。
Mireille hasn’t registered, but she will attend as well
Comment by Maaike — July 17, 2010 @ 10:07 am
Comment by leona — July 28, 2010 @ 10:57 am