Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

July 9, 2010

xindanwei chitchat edition 12: Opportunities & Expectations: Understanding Cross Cultural Competences | 新单位茶话会第12期:机遇与挑战-理解跨文化竞争力

Filed under: Events — parisyxc @ 4:30 pm
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xindanwei chitchat edition 12: Opportunities & Expectations: Understanding Cross Cultural Competences
Time: 16:30-18:30pm Friday July, 9th


Host:Maaike Dekkers, Annie Zheng Yi

The 12th edition of the Friday chitchat will be focusing on cross cultural understanding and present Chinese graduates and young professionals with the insights into the challenges Chinese students face when starting a career in Europe.

The trend of globalization is providing many opportunities for Chinese graduates and young professionals in Europe, international companies and multinationals. Within this multicultural, globalizing business environment a need for cross-cultural understanding and international experience is emergent. The ability to understand cultural differences and how it consequently effects communication, expectations and influence is now regarded as crucial competency of current and future “global” managers.

Maaike Dekkers is researching these cultural differences to get a better understanding of ‘Management, organizational relations and influence behavior’. She had interviews with managers and consultants from several international and Chinese companies and would like to share her experience, preliminary results and hear about your Chinese perspective and expectations. The interviews included managers from DSM, Human Insight, China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation and expertised training organizations such as CEIBS and China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong.

A second keynote presentation will be given by the president of the China-Europe Growth Foundation, Annie Zheng Yi, With her many years of experience in multinational companies in both China and Europe, she will present you with insights into the current challenges Chinese students face when starting a career in Europe. The China-Europe Growth Foundation is an organization which improves employability and supports continuous career development of International Chinese students and young professionals studying in Europe.

As a Chinese young professional, you can get insights into these differences between Chinese and European business cultures and share experiences. This session will present you with the differences in expectations, communication styles, attitudes, mentality and influences between China and Europe.

-    What should the Chinese graduate understand about Cross Cultural Competences?
-    How should you prepare?
-    What are the expectations your future employer?
-    How will you be able to get the most out of your international career adventure in Europe?
-    Why do Europeans do things differently and what is different?
- Expand your horizon and come to learn more about cultural differences in Europe.
If you have any questions or topics you are interested feel free to send email to

Take a look at the foundation that supports International Chinese students and Young Professionals in Europe


时间: 7月9日(周五)19:30—21:30
费用: 免费
主持: Maaike Dekkers, Annie Zheng Yi

新单位茶话会第十二期将讨论跨文化理解, 同时对于那些想要在欧洲开启职业生涯的中国大学毕业生,本次茶话会将在跨文化理解上贡献深入洞察. 全球化趋势提供给了中国毕业生和年轻新锐在欧洲的更多机会. 对于跨文化, 理解国际商业环境的需求也日趋明显. 这种理解力也是成为未来全球领袖的的核心竞争力之一.

Maaike Dekkers
她主要研究文化差别从而何更好地理解”管理,组织关系和影响力行为”. 她与不同来自中国本土以及不同国家的经理和咨询师做过专访.

Annie Zheng Yi
中欧成长基金会主席, 她在中国和欧洲的跨国公司有着多年的工作经验. 它将陈述目前中国学生在欧洲开启职业生涯所面临的挑战.


查看 该机构支持中国学生和年轻学者在欧洲的发展


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1 Comment »

  1. I’d like to take part in the activities..Thx~!


    Comment by Ivy — July 8, 2010 @ 1:32 am

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