New XINDANWEI Space Opening Party
What better way to kick off a new milestone in creative history of Shanghai than to have a party for the grand opening of a new Xindanwei space. We throw open our door and invites you to celebrate with us, check out our beautiful new space in a 1930’s townhouse located in the heart of French Concession.
In the past years, Xindanwei has become a creative hotspot and the hub of nearly 10,000 out-of-box thinkers and proactive doers. In the coming year, we are determined to build Xindanwei into a truly sharing and collaborative community to support innovation from the initial ‘itch’ of an idea to scale. Come to join the Xindanwei experience: Simple, open, networked!!
Time: 4:30pm – 7pm, Oct 10, 2010
Address: Yongjia Road 50, Xuhui District ( close to Shaanxi Road South)
Transportation: We highly recommend you to take public transportation instead of driving, for we are conveniently located next to Metro line 1, 10(Shaanxi Rd South Stop) and Metro 9 (Jiashan Rd stop) as well as bus line 96 and 104
这也许可以被描述成一场革命!一年又一百天前, 新单位横空出世;从此,在中国有了一种新的工作方式:简单,自由,人脉;办公空间里人与人的关系开始发生改变。从前,你需要在讲着上海普通话的货运电梯阿姨帮助下找寻藏在定西路老工厂4楼拐角处貌不惊人却经常人头攒动的新单位;2010年10月10日,新单位正式迁入永嘉路一幢建于三十年代的美丽老房子,以更开放更美好的精神和面貌,期待着你的加入。