Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

January 1, 2011

code night club | 编程夜店

Filed under: Events — parisyxc @ 12:45 am
bookable event

Remember how the code competition from day to night in “The Social Network” excites you? Do you wanna experience the hardworking moment during the startup of facebook? xindanwei is going to launch the code night club. Not only do we offer you a better working environment for coding but also you will meet up a bunch of geeks. Please send your name and project description to so that we can plan this event based on how many people come.

Time: 23pm Jan 1, 2011
Address: 50, Yongjia road, Xuhui district, Shanghai
Cost: 80yuan/person including coffee and wine mixed drink


1. please prepare your project brief, which could be your ongoing project or a whole new project that you can’t wait to start right at the moment
2. present your coding project in 5-10 mins and work on this project as possible as you can. If you wanna collaborate with someone else please plan how you will work together in advance.
3. work on this project from 23:00 to 3:00. Interactive communication and co-working on this project are highly recommended .
4. Stop at 3:00am no matter you’ve finished or not yet finished this project. Everyone votes for the best project.
5. The winner will get free hours at xindanwei, which means he can use our space for free.

Please send you name and project description to to register the code night club or  42qu to register.


电影”社交网络”里面无日无夜的程序竞赛是否让你的肾上腺素上升? 你是否也想感受facebook初创阶段的奋斗精神? 新单位即将在开放编程夜店. 不仅仅为热爱程序的你提供一个工作环境, 同时还能遇见志同道合的一群geek. 请把自己的姓名和程序作业项目描述邮件至, 我们将根据报名人数安排此次活动.

时间:2011年1月1日 晚上23点
地点: 永嘉路50号新单位


  1. 参与者事先准备好命题, 可以是自己目前正在进行的项目, 可以是一个全新的自己想做的程序项目.
  2. 大家各自用5-10分钟陈述自己的程序项目, 如果大家相互之间有合作,可以plan好哪些程序节点需要合作
  3. 参与者在23:00-3:00四小时内完成自己的程序作业, 大家尽力完成程序设计. 在这个过程中大家可以相互交流, 协作解决程序作业中遇到的困难. 在这一时段中, 每人都可以引用咖啡和酒mix的饮料.
  4. 不管是否完成, 3:00结束程序编写, 大家开始投票评判出大家认为最给力的程序.
  5. 最后胜出者可以免费获得小时数.
  6. 报名方式:参与者把自己的姓名和程序作业项目名称邮件至 或者 42区直接点击报名


Registrered users for this event:

(in total 4).


  1. Why is this event been announced only 2 days before? What happen if people just sign up for 80RMB all-you-can drink cocktails to get drunk?


    Comment by mlhsie — December 23, 2010 @ 12:52 pm

  2. @mlhsie: 正在和42qu合作确认出时间。


    Comment by aaajiao — December 23, 2010 @ 4:52 pm

  3. 已经和42qu,确认时间。2011.1.1!大家来报名阿。


    Comment by aaajiao — December 23, 2010 @ 11:38 pm

  4. I know geeks aren’t supposed to have social lives, but isn’t doing this on New Year pretty cruel? Perhaps do it on a more normal Friday or Saturday night?


    Comment by Michael Friedman — December 24, 2010 @ 11:27 am

  5. @Michael Friedman: It’s a party for fun!


    Comment by aaajiao — December 24, 2010 @ 1:04 pm

  6. 要一夜无眠。。。我会变老很快滴。。。这次我要回家洗洗睡了


    Comment by tifa — December 24, 2010 @ 5:16 pm

  7. @tifa: 不会的,夜店会让你年轻的。


    Comment by aaajiao — December 25, 2010 @ 4:19 am

  8. Not enough participants.
    Change another time!


    Comment by aaajiao — January 1, 2011 @ 8:48 pm

  9. @tifa 睡到自然醒


    Comment by zhudiyouyou — January 20, 2011 @ 1:06 pm

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