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May 14, 2011

Architecture and Vision: from Pyramids to Spacecraft | 建筑与视野:从金字塔到航天器

Filed under: Events — Cozi @ 11:37 pm
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Architecture and Vision: from Pyramids to Spacecraft
A lecture by Andreas Vogler

Time: 16:00 – 18:00, Saturday May 14, 2011
Location: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd, Shanghai
Language: English
Cost: 40RMB/person (including fresh ground coffee, tea and fruits)
Organizer: Architecture and Vision; Xindanwei

About the lecture:
Architecture, Aerospace, People, Beauty, Nature, Genius Loci

Drawing inspiration from nature and scientific progress, Architecture and Vision aims to improve the quality of life through a wise use of technologies and available resources to create a harmonious integration of humans, technology and nature by design.

The company has been founded by Italian architect Arturo Vittori and Swiss architect Andreas Vogler. With experience in aerospace and architecture, Architecture and Vision is merging these skills to create a vision of the future, which is expressed through their projects. AV has gained a particular interest and passion for the exploration of space, and is engaged in developing projects for aerospace — a field in which multidisciplinarity and innovation are required to the utmost. To design for space requires researching and developing solutions that assure the optimal use of available resources, with minimal consumption, activating processes of valorization and waste treatment in order to guarantee sustained self-sufficiency. A similar approach and methodology applied to architecture and design can lead to the improvement of life on Earth.

The projects presented range from houses and sculptures, which clean the air, tents, which cool themselves using the local solar energy in the desert to mobile pavilions and towers, which walk. Planning Space Habitats and Hygiene Units for developing countries are not a contradiction, but a clear consequence of understanding the preciousness of resources like clean air or potable water. It is a the economy of the third wave AV is designing for, where people and their designed objects are not just consuming and polluting the clean resources of nature, but are actively producing them. We live in a time, where people can easily build robots or wind machines to power their homes. The openess of the design process fostered at AV allows to move into different fields quickly and push innovation.

In the age of ubiquitous internet communication and kitchen-built robots, where sophisticated technology not only becomes cheaply available, but also fun, we see our planet from outside, we not only learn how fragile it is, but also how much potential we have. Design is in its deepest sense the exploration of the yet unknown.

The Architecture and Vision is invited by Swissnex to show their traveling exhibition “FROM PYRAMIDS TO SPACECRAFT” during the “2011 Shanghai International Science & Art Exhibition” organized by the Shanghai Association for Science and Technology (SAST). The exhibition will take place from 13 to 22 May 2011 at Shanghai Pudong Expo.

Please visit AV’s website at
讲座,主讲人:Andreas Vogler

时间:2011年五月十四日周六,16:00 – 18:00
费用:40元/每人 (包含现磨咖啡、茶水和水果)
组织方:Architecture and Vision(建筑与视野); 新单位


建筑和视野(Architecture and Vision)是一家致力于通过设计改善人类生活质量的建筑设计事务所,从自然和科学进程中获得灵感,并广泛使用科技和可利用资源创造人类、科技与自然的和谐共处。

Architecture and Vision(建筑和视野)由意大利建筑师Arturo Vittori和瑞士建筑师Andreas Vogler共同创建。在航空宇宙和建筑领域拥有深厚的经验,Architecture and Vision(以下简称AV)融合了两个领域的技能用以创造一种关于未来的视野,他们的建筑项目正是这种视野的展示。AV在太空探索方向有特别的兴趣与热情,一直参与太空项目──一个跨学科性和创新性被极端要求的领域──的开发。为太空设计要求研究和发展的解决方案同时确保最优化利用可用资源、资源占用最少、降解加速以及废物处理以保证一种自给自足的可持续生态系统。应用同样的方式和方法论的建筑和设计同样可以用以改善地球上环境和生活的质量。





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  1. Sounds like a wonderfully interesting presentation. Sorry that I cannot be there to participate. For those who are interested in the topic, however, check out the following link from The Henry Ford’s website on another visionary architectural marvel, Bukminster Fuller’s famed Dymaxion House. Here’s the link for any and all interested:


    Comment by George Moroz — May 10, 2011 @ 9:13 pm

  2. @George Moroz:
    Thank you so much for sharing the information, George. It’s inspiring! Hope to meet you in another Xindanwei event!


    Comment by Cozi — May 12, 2011 @ 11:25 am

  3. hello, I’d like to attend this lecture, how can I attend it?


    Comment by chillwind — May 13, 2011 @ 12:37 pm

  4. @chillwind: Hello there, you simply need to check in at the bottom of this event page to reserve a seat, and come to the event on time! The address is 50 Yongjia Rd., you may find a map somewhere on our website


    Comment by Cozi — May 13, 2011 @ 2:33 pm

  5. [...] Topics: LECTURES | Comments [...]

    Pingback by Architecture and Vision | News » Blog Archive » ‘FROM PYRAMIDS TO SPACECRAFT’ – LECTURE – SHANGHAI — May 19, 2011 @ 10:39 pm

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