Bart Weetjens: How I taught rats to sniff out land mines
Time: 17:30-19:30, Sunday, Oct 16 2011
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd.
Cost: 30 rmb/person
Bart Weetjens is developing a new approach to the land mine detection problem: training giant pouched rats to detect explosives in minute amounts.Bart Weetjens works with locals in Morogoro, Tanzania to run a world-class facility that trains rats to do something astonishing: sniff out land mines. (The African giant pouched rat, the species used in the project, is widespread in the region.) The rats that pass the training — and the same rigorous testing applied to land mine-sniffing canines — become what Weetjens calls “HeroRATS.”
please see: http://www.ted.com/talks/bart_weetjens_how_i_taught_rats_to_sniff_out_land_mines.html
Bart Weetjens:我如何教老鼠寻找地雷的
Bart于九岁生日时收到了他人生中第一只仓鼠作为礼物,自此萌生了他终身对啮齿类动物的迷恋。他早期的青少年生活有的很大一部分时间都于家 中饲养仓鼠及宠物鼠,并批发给宠物商店出售。长大后,Bart成为了产品开发工程师。他的团队开发概念包括现为欧洲各地的公共交通采用、可供轮椅上落的低台巴士。就在此 时,比利时媒体经常对于非洲的地雷受害者故事的报导,又给他带来了新的想法‐联合他对鼠类 的认识及产品开发的专能,为扫雷领域带来创新。虽然他的想法起初未能为捐助者认同,但Bart于他的母校安特卫普大学找到了援助 。通过与安特卫普大学有连接的坦桑尼亚Sokoine农业大学,Bart终于为他的扫雷鼠找到了一个家,并通过非洲和欧洲之间的密切合作,进一步发展成今天的HeroRATS。
详情请看: http://www.ted.com/talks/bart_weetjens_how_i_taught_rats_to_sniff_out_land_mines.html
Bart Weetjens: How I taught rats to sniff out land mines (part 2)_http://t.cn/assLlv http://t.cn/assLWp (来 @土豆网 关注我 http://t.cn/assLWB )
Comment by xindanwei — October 18, 2011 @ 9:58 am
Bart Weetjens 的企业网站:http://www.apopo.org/home.php
Comment by xindanwei — October 18, 2011 @ 10:00 am
Bart Weetjens: How I taught rats to sniff out land mines (part 1)_Bart Weet jens is de… http://t.cn/assVpn (来 @土豆网 关注我 http://t.cn/assLWB )
Comment by xindanwei — October 18, 2011 @ 10:09 am