2/20 desks still available
#1. Xindanwei Property
The first release of Xindanwei Property is the Tai Kang Terrace, aka TK Terrace, at Taikang rd. area. It is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. The spaces have been completely transformed to allow the customers and tenants to exist in a unique mix of indoor and outdoor space among many different levels of both indoor and outdoor spaces. Room 206, our event venue is around 150 sqm, capable for events of up to 80 people, well equipped with projector and provides F&B service.
The second release of Xindanwei property: Xindanwei /Grasslands has just opened her veils to startups and small companies. This project is created by Xindanwei in partnership with Grasslands team led by sustainable business pioneer Greennovate and healthy lifestyle promoter The Wellness Works. Xindanwei/Grasslands is located in a historic lane house on Shaoxing Road near South Shaanxi Road, one of Shanghai’s most treasured and peaceful heritage neighborhoods in the heart of French concession. The entire 200sqm of this corner house has been completely renovated for office use while maintaining its traditional charm and character. The aim of this project is to bring other like-minded social entrepreneurs, freedom fighters, environmentalists, health advocates, sustainability consultants, wellness practitioners, and human-centered designers under one roof to create a green community for everyone to graze and grow.
Xindanwei/Grasslands showcases the concept of “Eco-workspace”, which encourages waste separation, minimized use of utilities, thingking before printing, recycling what we can and refuse what we don’t really need. On top of the basic office services built upon Xindanwei’s sharing, connectivity and collaboration culture, Xindanwei/Grasslands also features special community services such as free yoga/meditation classes, exhibition of organic product/services, environment/wellness/LOHAS events and workshops. The entire space will only use 100% natural and toxin free products.
The third release of Xindanwei property Haworth Organic Workspace located conveniently next to Jing’an temple, is a collaboration project with Haworth Asia Pacific. This space showcases the best of what workplaces can be. Featuring innovative furniture products by a range of designers, the 960 sqm Organic Workspace is ideal for high-end events for up to 80 people, well equipped with projector, video screens, curated electronic content, coffee and tea and provides F&B service.
For inquiry, please email us xindanwei@gmail.com or call us on 021 3428 0783.
#2. Community Post
If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on xindanwei.com or email us Xindanwei@gmail.com
1.) Xindanwei Past Events :
- Xindanwei/Grasslands, the first coworking space in China dedicated to sustainability and healthy lifestyle
Dec 15, 2011, Shanghai, China – In partnership with Grasslands team led by sustainable business pioneer Greennovate and healthy lifestyle promoter The Wellness Works, Xindanwei, the largest coworking operator in China, has launched the first sustainability and green business startup coworking space under the co-brandname “Xindanwei/Grasslands”.
Xindanwei/Grasslands is located in a historic lane house on Shaoxing Road near South Shaanxi Road, one of Shanghai’s most treasured and peaceful heritage neighborhoods in the heart of French concession. The entire 200sqm of this corner house has been completely renovated for office use while maintaining its traditional charm and character. The aim of this project is to bring other like-minded social entrepreneurs, freedom fighters, environmentalists, health advocates, sustainability consultants, wellness practitioners, and human-centered designers under one roof to create a green community for everyone to graze and grow.
Xindanwei/Grasslands showcases the concept of “Eco-workspace”, which encourages waste separation, minimized use of utilities, thingking before printing, recycling what we can and refuse what we don’t really need. On top of the basic office services built upon Xindanwei’s sharing, connectivity and collaboration culture, Xindanwei/Grasslands also features special community services such as free yoga/meditation classes, exhibition of organic product/services, environment/wellness/LOHAS events and workshops. The entire space will only use 100% natural and toxin free products.
Apart from Greennovate and The Wellness Works, open source healthcare platform Linkcare and new generation of Chinese creativity promoter C’est La Chine have confirmed to join Xindanwei/Grasslands. Please stay tuned with www.xindanwei.com for more news and event of Xindanwei/Grasslands.
- Liu Yan joined THNK as the founding participant:
Congrats to Xindanwei CEO/cofounder Liu Yan for being invited as the founding participant of THNK, the Amsterdam School of Creative Leadership,an exciting part-time executive program lasting 6 months, followed by an accelerator phase of another 12 months for her leadership at Xindanwei to realize the maximum impact. During this 18-month-program, Xindanwei and Liu Yan will receive tailored support from THNK, including coaching as well as access to leading-edge knowledge, experts, business partners and funding. More about THNK, please visit
- Partnership with ECSEL :
Xindanwei is invited to be the Pipeline Partner and the coworking space partner of ECSEL,a fellowship program for social entrepreneurs in China. Xindanwei CEO Liu Yan will serve as the mentor of this program from 2012-2013. As the pipeline partner, Xindanwei will nominate a small number of particularly high-potential applicants from within the Xindanwei network each year to participate in their training, mentorship, community building, and investment program. As the coworking space partner, Xindanwei will support all the ECSEL fellows to join Xindanwei Coworking Community and use conference services with special rates.
More about ECSEL (易社)2012 Fellowship: Since 2009, ECSEL has helped build outstanding social enterprises by providing China’s top entrepreneurs with training, mentorship, community building, and investment. Each year, ECSEL select a new cohort of ECSEL fellows, and provide these fellows with fully subsidized training trips in the United States and China, intensive professional support, and a lasting community of peers. Please visit their website to learn more about ECSEL, and to apply to become a 2012 fellow. | @ECSELFellows
2.) Forthcoming events :
-Vladan Nikolic: independent Filmmaking in the Age of Transmedia
- C’est La Chine Show Time
The Promoter of new generation of Chinese creativity C’est La Chine will be holding C’est La Chine Show Time event series from Jan 6 to Jan 22, 2011, including:
The Journey of Culture Art Exhibition: Jan 6 to Jan 22, 2011, Syphon Cafe, first floor of Xindanwei (50 Yongjia Rd.)
“JIA SUO” Collection Exhibition: Jan 7 to Jan 8, 2011, Xindanwei Grasslands (47 Shaoxing Rd.)
Opening party of “JIA SUO” Collection Exhibition: 2:30pm – 6pm, Jan 7 to Jan 8, 2011, Xindanwei Grasslands (47 Shaoxing Rd.)
Please be invited to join these events. If you are interested in the opening party on Jan 7, please email info@cestlachine.com to request for invitations.
#3. Bulletin Board:
2/20 个工作站虚位以待
#1. 新单位地产
第一期新单位地产是位于泰康路街区的Taikang Terrace,也叫做*TK Terrace*,是一个由旧工厂改造而成的混合业态创意空间。空间以零售用途为主,但整个改造非常注重室内和室外的空间关系,每一层都有形式灵活的大面 积区域可以用于多种规模的活动。其中206室的活动场地总面积为150平方米,最多可容纳80左右人,设施齐全,有投影仪,可播放电影,可提供咖啡,酒 类,甜点等简餐。
第二期新单位地产—— “新单位/青草地”也在近日交付。该项目由新单位和可持续发展商业理念的推广者格诺威特以及健康生活方式的倡导者 The Wellness Works 合作推出,项目立足于上海市区闹中取静的新单位地产“绍兴路47号”,建筑物本身是一个被文化机构和咖啡馆环绕的三十年代三层老洋房,总面积约200平方米。该项目旨在聚集人类健康 生活和可持续发展的创业者、设计师、环保健康倡导人士、咨询师及相关从业人员,让他们共同工作、沟通、激发灵感与合作,创造一个共同栖息、发展的绿色社区。
第三期新单位地产是一个与海沃氏公司亚太部合作的项目- 海沃氏有机工作空间,位于交通便利的静安寺对面。这里集中展示了办公空间所能达到的最佳水准。展厅精选了一系列由设计师设计的创意办公家具产品。 960平方米的空间是举办80人左右高端活动的绝佳地点,设备齐全,有录影和投影展示,并提供咖啡、茶等餐饮服务。
欢迎您联系xindanwei@gmail.com 或☎ 0(021) 3428 0783咨询更多信息。
#2. 社区通讯
如果您有想和新单位一起分享有趣的话题和信息,请参与xindanwei.com上的讨论或者发邮件给我们 Xindanwei@gmail.com。
1.) 回顾活动:
- “新单位/青草地”打造绿色协作工作社区
新单位近日与“青草地”团队合作,共同推出了全新绿色环保协作工作社区——“新单位/青草地”。青草地团队的主要成员为可持续发展商业理念的推广者格诺威特以及健康生活方式的倡导者 The Wellness Works。
“新单位/青草地” 项目立足上海市区闹中取静的新单位地产“绍兴路47号”,建筑物本身是一个被文化机构和咖啡馆环绕的三十年代三层老洋房,总面积约200平方米。该项目旨在聚集人类健康 生活和可持续发展的创业者、设计师、环保健康倡导人士、咨询师及相关从业人员,让他们共同工作、沟通、激发灵感与合作,创造一个共同栖息、发展的绿色社区。
目前除了格诺威特,The Wellness Works 之外,更有开源医学保健平台Linkcare以及年轻新锐设计师的推广机构C’est la Chine加入了这个绿色环保工作社区。更多“新单位/青草地”的新闻、活动,请关注www.xindanwei.com。- 恭喜新单位CEO刘妍接受阿姆斯特丹创意领袖学院THNK的邀请成为他们的创始学员!新单位由此成为THNK 长达一年的创业加速器项目的第一个中国项目!除了刘妍本人明年将多次飞往荷兰与来自全世界的精英共聚一堂分享创业知识和体验,该学院将指定专业团队从 2012-2013年为新单位从知识,人脉,管理以及融资等各个方面的提供全方位指导和支持。祝愿新单位与刘妍共同成长!想了解更多有关THNK的详情, 请访问。
- 新单位受邀成为易社(ECSEL)的战略合作伙伴和合作办公会议空间。新单位CEO刘妍受邀成为易社(ECSEL)项目2012-2013年的导 师。易社(ECSEL)是一个中国顶尖社会企业创业者的国际社区。作为易社(ECSEL)的战略合作伙伴,新单位每年会在新单位社区中挑选几位最具潜力的 创业者成为易社学者,参加易社(ECSEL)的培训,导师,创业社区构建以及投资项目。同样,所有易社学者也会得到新单位在办公及会议空间服务方面的优惠 与支持。
关于易社(ECSEL) 计划
从2009年开,易社(ECSEL)通过为中国的社会创业者提供培训,导师,创业社区构建以及投资等多种资源成功地推动了中国社会企业的发展。每 年,易社(ECSEL)都会选出一群新的易社学者并通过全额赞助为这些学者们提供跨越中美两国的培训,广泛的专业支持,以及一个持续性的创业者同伴社区。 您可以在易社(ECSEL)的官方网站了解更多关于易社的项目信息并且申请成为2012年的易社学者。 | @易社计划
2.) 活动预告:
- 中国三明治:当三十岁遇到六十岁
- Vladan Nikolic:全媒体时代的独立电影
- C’est La Chine Show Time 活动:
艺术时尚品牌C’est La Chine将于1月6日至22日举办C’est La Chine Show Time系列活动包括:
#3. 新单位发生
- mlhsie :
“烹饪”一个产品(中文活动): 招募3位饥肠辘辘的硬件高手!
- 上海1kg诚邀您参加“闽北屏南•暖心”系列活动分享会,我们都在追寻心底的真,身边的善,远方的美,这大概就是公益旅行的意义,这大概就是我们相见的缘因
就可看见美妆达人们的时尚装束在你脸上的效果, 还在每天看别人的美图发呆吗, 还在幻想如果她脸上的装束在自己脸上的效果吗,你已经out了, 快来使用我们的时尚应用吧, 同时还可看到全国其他美女们同样妆容的效果哦。
I love innovation! Xindanwei is such a wonderful idea.
Comment by iamsd — December 16, 2011 @ 5:30 pm
@iamsd: thank you! It is even more wonderful to have supporter like you!
Comment by liuyan — December 16, 2011 @ 7:44 pm