6/23 desks still available
Coworking Membership are now available for 500RMB per month! For more information, please refer to Time Service.
#1. Xindanwei Wall
1) The evolution of Xindanwei Coworking Membership :
As a startup team, we understand the tight budget and hardship of the early stage entrepreneurs. That’s why we are introducing you to our new membership service: CHAIR MEMBERSHIP, which allows you to work in an professional and inspiring environment at the top location of the city at the cost of as less as 500RMB per month, while mixing with other like-minded people to make a difference. We will start the trial at Xindanwei Yongjia 50 and roll out to our three coworking locations in the soon future. Come to chair with us!
2) New categories of Xindanwei events:
New things are always happening here at Xindanwei. We’re growing at a rapid pace, and our commitment to openness, sharing, accessibility and large scale of collaboration continues. We have categorized all of our past community activities and events into some key domains here, which makes easier for you to navigate:Co.Spark – Where art, culture, design meet.
Co.Uprise – Where entrepreneurs innovate and thrive.
Co.Impact – Where empathy and care changes the world.
3) New Community Consulting Service – “The Host“:
We thought you might also be interested to learn about the new community consulting service – “The Host” that helps the movers and shakers of creative, technology and social innovation scene like yourself to be provided with opportunity to seek out resonated spirits, share in rich discussions about creativity, entrepreneurship, innovation and impact to the society and work on exciting projects together.
4) Xindanwei/Grasslands FULL house:
Our Eco-workspace has reached the full capacity last week. It has gathered a community of like-minded social entrepreneurs, freedom fighters, environmentalists, health advocates, sustainability consultants, wellness practitioners, and human-centered designers under one roof to create a green community for everyone to graze and grow. On top of the basic office services built upon Xindanwei’s sharing, connectivity and collaboration culture, Xindanwei/Grasslands also features a dozen reasons why working alone or in a traditional office kinda sucks.Don’t be disappointed, very soon the chair membership will be available at Xindanwei/Grasslands, and you are always welcome to check out the weekly events organized by Greennovate and The Wellness Works.
5) Co-working Manual app PDF version available:
Xindanwei announced the ‘Co-working Manual App’ at the beginning of 2012 to disscuss the the necessity and advantages of coworking communities, Xindanwei business model, key points of building the space, experience in business planning, community management and brand management. Its PDF version is now available and can be downloaded here.
#2. Xindanwei Property
- invisible: equipped with large professional photo studio, event areas (approximately 100m2) suitable for creative activities and flexible working and conference spaces. The total area is above 300 m2.
- Central POD: Fifty-two office spaces ranging from 27 to 138 sqm spread on 3 levels are available now. Designed specifically for creative businesses and professionals.
- TK Terrace: Jugend Space is located at Taikang/Jianguo rd (TK Terrace). area which is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. Jugend is decorated in modern architectural style to fit in all kinds of events, especially movie screening. It is around 150 sqm, capable for events of up to 120 people, well equipped with projector and provides F&B service.
- Haworth Organic Workspace: Located conveniently next to Jing’an temple, it is a collaboration project with Haworth Asia Pacific. The 960 sqm Organic Workspace is ideal for high-end events for up to 100 people, well equipped with projector, video screens, curated electronic content, coffee and tea and provides F&B service.
- Blue Lotus Top Space: Located at No. 2 Tianjin Road which situated at the old British concession, Art Deco architecture with convenient transport, close to Nanjing Road and the Bund. Awarded by Shanghai Outstanding Heritage, the building was designed by well-known architect Jingpei Li.
- Space: Twentyseven: is an inspired multi-purpose venue restored from a former Shikumen residence. Located in the heart of Shanghai’s central business district and nestled within a heritage laneway, its layout and facilities provide the ideal hosting platform for a diverse range of activities, that can be transformed from a private kitchen for dinner parties, to a brainstorming hub for corporate gatherings. Accommodate up to 40 people, for non-sit-down events.
For inquiry, please leave a message at at our live support on the webpage of the property, or email us at xindanwei@gmail.com.
#3. Community Post
If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on xindanwei.com or email us Xindanwei@gmail.com
1). Xindanwei Forthcoming Events:
- GeekPark Shanghai
Geekpark is a renowned monthly event among the IT community in China. It was started in 2010 for Chinese IT innovators to explore and share about the IT products and trendy technology. The event features technical talks by CEOs, Product Directors, and Product Managers in the industry. On 9th of June, Geekpark will debut in Shanghai in collaboration with Xindanwei.
- Wu Youjian: Being Gay through a Mother’s Eyes
On 5th of June, the speaker Wu Youjian will share her stories in Xindanwei. Wu Youjian is a retired editor, a mother who has been the first in China to openly support her gay son and has laterbecome an advocate for the LGBT community at large.
- The Junior World Entrepreneurship Forum
On June 8-9-10th, at East China Normal University campus. This forum is a think tank for young people, centered this year on entrepreneurial ecosystems, and especially on how to cultivate communities to drive wealth creation and social justice. Conferences and panels the morning, workshops the afternoon. Xindanwei cofounder Liu Yan will be speaking on June 9 about “Developing Entrepreneurship at the Bottom of the Pyramid”. Register now!
- ShanghaiPRIDE Returns to June in 2012
ShanghaiPRIDE, now in its 4th year will be hot and fabulous again in 2012 with dates confirmed for June. The week-long event will be held over June 15-23, with the final weekend landing on the Dragon boat festival. Organized by the ShanghaiLGBT group and partnering with several local LGBT organizers there will be a myriad of activities under this year’s ShanghaiPRIDE banner. To support or get involved in ShanghaiPRIDE2012 send an email to shanghaipride@gmail.com.
- Xinchejian Upcoming Events
There are some events will be presented by Xinchejian in this June. They are related to art and tech, sound synthesizer, as well as video synthesizer.
2).Xindanwei Past events:
- Mr. Pablo Ventura : Choreographic Machine
During this lecture, Mr. Pablo Ventura shared his “Choreographic Machine” method of choreographing. He has present his method using examples of videos of his dance media productions. In addition, he has talked about his most recent work with audio-visual interaction designers.
- Chihmin Chiu: Solo Photography Exhibition – Hey Dude!
Guess who they are? The funny street youth, the old fashioned boy, or, any identity you can imagine. It’s an interesting thing to see the changes of these anonymous boys through Chihmin’s camera lens. The opening party took place at 8pm on 18th May.
- Artist Networking 2.0: MyPeople Project
The project suggests a new approach to develop a network between artists from Europe and Asia, allowing an intercultural dialogue. The process will result in exhibitions taking place in London, Amsterdam and Shanghai. The project intends to create a more organic discussion and an opportunity for the exchange of views and perceptions between artists, as well as an online and offline artist/audience dialogue. More about the project. On the 30th of May, Xindanwei invited artists from this project to make an “open dialogue” at Yongjia 50.
6/23 个工作站虚位以待
#1. 新单位社区招贴墙
1) 新单位会员制度革新:
2) 活动新分类:
3) 新社区咨询服务- 新顾问:
随着新单位社区成员的不断发展,社区群体的商业需求也愈发多样。和成员们一样在发展的新单位,新推出了提供的咨询和链接平台服务,称为新顾问(The Host)。我们为来自不同行业和背景的专业人士公司提供创新项目的咨询与运营,并通过新单位社群不断发掘和链接创意,科技及社会创新领域的引领者。
4) 新单位/青草地满员:
我们的“生态办公室”新单位/青草地已于上周满员。新单位/青草地汇聚了一批志同道合的企业家、创业者、环保主义者、营养学家、可持续性发展顾问和崇尚人文的设计师们。在新单位提供的分享、交流和合作的工作环境下,新单位/青草地就是一个生动的实例,表明传统办公环境有多不科学。喜欢新单位/青草地的朋友无需着急,很快椅子会员制也将落脚于此。而且新单位/青草地有很多公开活动,请关注Greennovate和The Wellness Works 上的活动预告。
5) 新单位《协作式工作社区指南》PDF版本发布:
#2. 新单位地产
-蓝莲花最空间:位于旧英租界上由著名华人设计师李锦沛设计的天津路 2 号,交通便利,紧邻南京东路、外滩等高端商圈。空间由460 平方米大面积开间、数个会议, 展示,视听,洽谈多功能空间以及 2 个大面积露台组成,方便各类活动整体或分体灵活使用。设施一应俱全,包括密码防盗门、中央恒温空调、专业灯光效果、立体声环绕音响、多部投影仪设备、宽带网络等。
-Space: TwentySeven:精巧难得的历史老建筑,在中心商圈闹中取静,Twenty Space里外所有的再设计都恰到好处地让这份石库门的海派风韵自然而然的从空间内向外满溢着,旧时代里所有优雅从容的光景都慢,慢,慢到这寸土里。于是,即便是这本该摩登高楼里的或是光影的或是声像的,红的绿的,都不会在这老房子里显得不合时宜。40个人,站立着的活动空间,合作会面,头脑风暴,配着小灶的晚餐会,所有你能想到的活动都能在这个别样的空间里自行定制。
#3. 社区通讯
如果您有想和新单位一起分享有趣的话题和信息,请参与xindanwei.com上的讨论或者发邮件给我们 Xindanwei@gmail.com。
- 极客公园上海站
注意:此活动须申请预约, 请将您的姓名,职业,联系方式填入此页底部的申请表。
- 吴幼坚:一位母亲眼中的GAY
- 世界青年企业家论坛
- 2012上海骄傲节回归!
上海骄傲节不知不觉已经步入了第四年,今年六月又将完美回归!此次活动将持续整整一周的时间,从6/15 到6/23,周末恰逢中国的端午节假日。ShanghaiLGBT团体将携手上海当地各种LGBT组织将为大家呈献各种丰富多彩的活动。支持或参与2012上海骄傲节的朋友们可以电邮至shanghaipride@gmail.com.
- Pablo Ventura谈舞蹈设计
Pablo Ventura先生和分享了他关于舞美设计的“编舞机器法”(Choreographic Machine) ,并用他的舞蹈影像作品来诠释。同时,他也将与大家分享近期他与“音响-视频”互动设计师一起完成的作品。Pablo Ventura先生是一位舞美大师和媒体艺术家,他以优异的成绩毕业于伦敦现代舞学院舞蹈和舞美专业,并创建了Ventura舞蹈公司。Ventura公司在专业舞蹈秀和艺术装置领域,以及电子音乐家,影像艺术家,软件设计师的合作上都拥有丰富经验。他凭借作品多次获奖,其中包括苏黎世舞蹈大奖。2007年,Ventura先生被旨在让艺术与科技互相结合的“实验室里的科学家”项目选中。在参与项目期间,他和Daniel Bisig先生在苏黎世大学的人工智能实验室里共同开发了一款电脑编舞应用软件。
- 邱林春申:个人摄影展 小伙侬好!
- 艺术家网络2.0:MyPeople Project
MyPeople Poject是一项促进欧洲和亚洲艺术家交流互动的计划。计划包括线上引导艺术家对话;线下在伦敦、上海、阿姆斯特丹定期举办讨论活动和观众交流。新单位5月底邀请此项目里的5位当代艺术家来到永嘉路50号与艺术爱好者做现场交流,其中包括Colm Lally和许志锋。更多关于MyPeople Project。
Comment by 新单位 — June 5, 2012 @ 3:29 pm