Chair Membership available
Coworking Membership is now available for 500RMB per month! For more information, please refer to Time Service.
#1. Xindanwei Wall
1) Coho:
We are now developing the new global peer-to-peer talent hunt platform coho.io. The website tries to grasp the best of a coworking space and professional social networking site. By understanding the individual’s interest, speciality and reputation, you can easily find the most suitable talent for your team, project and startup company.Our users are freelancers or professionals who are able to collaboration on project base, ie. entrepreneurs, designer, architects, investors, writers, editors, artists, engineers and scholars. If you are an angel or independent investor, and you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
2) The evolution of Xindanwei Coworking Membership :
As a startup team, we understand the tight budget and hardship of the early stage entrepreneurs. That’s why we are introducing you to our new membership service: CHAIR MEMBERSHIP, which allows you to work in an professional and inspiring environment at the top location of the city at the cost of as less as 500RMB per month, while mixing with other like-minded people to make a difference. We will start the trial at Xindanwei Yongjia 50 and roll out to our three coworking locations in the soon future. Come to chair with us!
#2. Xindanwei Property
- invisible: equipped with large professional photo studio, event areas (approximately 100m2) suitable for creative activities and flexible working and conference spaces. The total area is above 300 m2.
- Central POD: Fifty-two office spaces ranging from 27 to 138 sqm spread on 3 levels are available now. Designed specifically for creative businesses and professionals.
- TK Terrace: Jugend Space is located at Taikang/Jianguo rd (TK Terrace). area which is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. Jugend is decorated in modern architectural style to fit in all kinds of events, especially movie screening. It is around 150 sqm, capable for events of up to 120 people, well equipped with projector and provides F&B service.
- Haworth Organic Workspace: Located conveniently next to Jing’an temple, it is a collaboration project with Haworth Asia Pacific. The 960 sqm Organic Workspace is ideal for high-end events for up to 100 people, well equipped with projector, video screens, curated electronic content, coffee and tea and provides F&B service.
- Blue Lotus Top Space: Located at No. 2 Tianjin Road which situated at the old British concession, Art Deco architecture with convenient transport, close to Nanjing Road and the Bund. Awarded by Shanghai Outstanding Heritage, the building was designed by well-known architect Jingpei Li.
For inquiry, please leave a message at at our live support on the webpage of the property, or email us at xindanwei@gmail.com.
#3. Community Post
If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on xindanwei.com or email us Xindanwei@gmail.com
1). Xindanwei Forthcoming Events:
- Beepub Books: Contemporary Art Book Series New Book Launch
For New Book Launch, Beepub will invite some foreign authors and planners of “Contemporary Art Book Series”. They will hold discussions around topics and issues in The Book of Action, What is Contemporary Art and What is the Future. We’d cordially extend our invitation to all of book lovers to attend our New Book Launch.
- The Shanghai 48 Hour Film Project
The 48 Hour Film Project comes to Shanghai on the weekend of 19 – 21 October 2012. Filmmakers from all over the Shanghai area will compete to see who can make the best short film in only 48 hours. The winning film will go up against films from around the world. To join 48HFP, please register here.
- Xinchejian Upcoming Events
There are some events will be presented by Xinchejian. They are related to art and tech, sound synthesizer, as well as video synthesizer.
2).Xindanwei Past events:
- Chinese Dutch Intercultural Workshop
What do the Chinese and the Dutch have in common? When they live in each other’s country, what makes them happy? What makes them worry? And when they go home, what new understanding do they have of themselves and their culture? Yue Tao had brought a lot thoughts of these questions on the workshop.
#1. 新单位社区招贴墙
1) Coho:
2) 新单位会员制度革新:
#2. 新单位地产
-蓝莲花最空间:位于旧英租界上由著名华人设计师李锦沛设计的天津路 2 号,交通便利,紧邻南京东路、外滩等高端商圈。空间由460 平方米大面积开间、数个会议, 展示,视听,洽谈多功能空间以及 2 个大面积露台组成,方便各类活动整体或分体灵活使用。设施一应俱全,包括密码防盗门、中央恒温空调、专业灯光效果、立体声环绕音响、多部投影仪设备、宽带网络等。
#3. 社区通讯
如果您有想和新单位一起分享有趣的话题和信息,请参与xindanwei.com上的讨论或者发邮件给我们 Xindanwei@gmail.com。
- 蜜蜂文库: 当代艺术书系新书发布会
适逢2012上海双年展之际,蜜蜂出版公司将于2012年9月30日,在上海联合“新单位”共同举办“当代艺术书系”书发布会。现场将发布十本:(英)罗伊·阿斯科特《未来就是现在:艺术、技术和意识》、(美)克里斯蒂安·保罗等编《语境提供者:媒体艺术含义之条件》、胡昉《苦恼人的微笑》、(瑞典)丹尼尔·伯恩鲍姆《年代学》、(瑞士)汉斯· 乌尔里希·奥布里斯特《策展简史》、(美)鲍里斯·格洛伊斯《走向公众》、(美)e-Flux编《什么是当代艺术》、(德)马库斯·梅森《参与的梦魇》、(意)安德烈·贝里尼《收藏当代艺术》。新书发布会上,蜜蜂出版公司还特别邀请书系的部分作者和策划,他们将以“行动的书”、“什么是当代艺术”、“什么是未来”这三组话题,进行演讲和对话。
- 上海48小时电影项目
上海48小时电影项目会在2012年10月19日 – 21日开始比赛。来自上海各方电影达人将会参与竞争。北京市符合比赛规则按时交片的短片将会正式进入竞赛单元。获胜的电影将会去和其他国家的获胜电影参加决赛。有意者请移步。
- 中荷文化大不同