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January 20, 2013

Mobile App Workshop:Porting Apps iOS <=> Android | 手机应用一小时变戏法: iOS <=> Android

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 12:00 am

[lang_en]Time: 20 January 2013, 2:00 PM — 4:00PM
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd. Shanghai
Organizers: Yeecco Limited,Samsung Electronics,Xindanwei
Cost: 40RMB

Notice: This event is by reservation ONLY. Please complete the reservation form on this page before you come.

Stella SDK is cross platform development tool which allows developers to use Objective-C and Xcode to develop Android applications. Yeecco want to promote this tool to as many developers as possible.
Samsung is hoping to have more developers using this cross platform technology to port their iOS apps to Android targeting Samsung Apps and Samsung devices.
Yeecco and Samsung are in collaboration and thus Yeecco has released a Stella SDK for Samsung devices and Samsung Apps free for all the developers worldwide.

Event purpose:
The purpose of this event is to promote Stella SDK for Samsung to local app developers. Teach them how to start and attract them to continuously use Stella SDK in the future. Our documentations and supports will also guide them to submit the ported/developed apps to Samsung Apps.

This workshop event will be splited into 3 main sessions:
• Speech on Cross Platform Development
• One hour Stella SDK teaching session
• Q&A

2:00 — 2:20
Choosing Native Cross Platforms Development Tool
Stephen Huang [Founder of Yeecco]
2:40 — 3:40
Stella SDK Demo — Porting IGF Winner [Flying Daggers]
Chen Wenqi [CEO of Yeecco, Creator of Stella SDK]
3:40 — 4:00
Q & A
Yeecco Founders & Sparklet Studio [Creator of Flying Daggers]

Speaker Background:
Wenqi was born in Shanghai, China and holds first-class Electronics and Business Management degrees from the University of Birmingham and Fudan University. He obtained his Master’s Degree from University of Cambridge in 2011. He iniIated the Stella SDK project and has self- funded development for over a year. Coming from an engineering background, Wenqi worked at Cambridge Silicon Radio – the Bluetooth IC company – where he built a power management and sequencer system from spec to a working system within only ten weeks. He has a deep insight into embedded graphics through many years of service with ImaginaIon Technologies plc – the owner of PowerVR embedded graphics ICs technology (which was used by Apple in all their mobile devices). Wenqi is also behind a patent (GB1013830.3) in which a windowing system is devised to save baZery power in modern smartphone devices. Past experience gives Wenqi clear confidence and passion about the future of Stella SDK.

Stephen graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Engineering from Imperial College London in 2009 and obtained his Master’s degree from University of Cambridge in 2011. In 2008, his strong interests in Apps and Webs developments iniIated him to take an intensive course in Computer Science and programming at Harvard University. After graduated from his first degree, Stephen had a one-year social enterprise experience. He successfully ran a student self-iniIated NPO focus on improving the educaIon in rural China and is supported by SOHO China FoundaIon. The work involve events planning, sponsors coordinaIon and management of a large number of volunteers. Stephen worked with Wenqi on a successfully conducted consulIng project for ARM Holdings Limited while their study in Cambridge. He is in charge of markeIng strategy, business development and company’s operaIon.[/lang_en]



Stella SDK是一个适用于跨平台的工具,能够使开发者自如地使用Objective-C和Xcode进行Android应用开发。Yeecco希望将这项技术尽可能地推广给更多的开发者。

2:00 — 2:20:如何选择原生移动应用跨平台开发工具? —— 黄昕
2:40 — 3:40:一小时iOS游戏现场移植安卓展示 —— 陈文琦
3:40 — 4:00:问答环节

生于上海,曾在上海复旦大学以及英国伯明翰大学获得电子商务管理学位,并于2011年完成剑桥大学硕士学位。他发起了Stella SDK这个项目并完成了时长一年的自行开发。工程学背景出身的陈文琦,曾在Cambridge Silicon Radio工作,在此期间他曾用10周时间就成熟建立起一套完备有效的管理系统。在ImaginaIon Technologies plc多年的合作经验里造就了他对植入式图像的不凡见解。他还拥有GB1013830.3专利,过去的经历让陈文琦对Stella SDK这个项目远景很有把握。

2009年毕业于英国帝国理工学院工程学荣誉学位,并于2011年获得剑桥大学硕士学位。2008年起他便开始对应用程序的开发以及网站开发产生了浓厚的兴趣,因此也促使了他求学于哈佛大学专攻计算机科学,在获得学位之后,他曾有一年的有关社会经验。他成功发起了一个由学生组织的NPO,旨在帮助中国山区学生,他主要负责策划、赞助协调、管理志愿者等工作。他曾在剑桥求学期间与陈文琦一起为ARM Holdings Limited成功统筹了一次咨询项目,Stephen在其中主要负责市场策略、商业发展以及公司运营等部分。[/lang_cn]

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