[lang_en]Time: 1 – 3 March
Venue: at CBi China Bridge
News in Short
CBI China Bridge is hosting the Global Service Jam March 1-3! Join a community of innovative thinkers for a weekend bash in service design & rapid prototyping.
Press Release
CBi China Bridge will be hosting the world’s largest non-profit innovation event in Service Design March 1 – 3 – the Global Service Jam, Shanghai Station – a globally organized, 60 country-strong, weekend event where worldwide, teams of professionals co-create real-world solutions in a dynamic environment to share on a global platform. The Jam targets environmentally responsible and effective outreach solutions to trigger socially impactful processes (e.g. paper free voting) products (e.g. reusable emergency housing) and experiences (e.g. indigenous education) to communities in need.
A jam is like a fun session of get together so people can play with ideas, just like improvising in a jazz or music jam session. But instead of music, it’s ideas jammers are playing with! Jammers will inevitably bring back rich experiences in design thinking and rapid prototyping, on top of friendships with like-minded people.
Mark your calendars and change the world in 48 hours!
Sponsors, Jammers and Media:
Ruby Tsang ruby.tsang@shcbi.com for details and click here for registration, deadline Feb 26th, Tues.
Photos Click here to see Jammers in action!
The bi-annual Global Jam rotates the Sustainability Jam in autumn and the Service Jam early spring. Shanghai’s jam was part of Shanghai Design Week 2012, a UNESCO’s Creative City event that promotes indigenous creative culture. CBi’s passion is facilitate innovation in Shanghai’s professional community and, by the way, have lots of FUN, this time shaking up our brains designing cool service design experiences!
Alternative Resources
For your interest, please refer to these websites, which show how effective design thinking methods are about breaking out of the mould, eventually addressing socially/ environmentally impactful measures.
Service Design goes Social must see video lecture, 42 minutes
We Cannot NOT Change the World click onto keyword (e.g. environment) to see how social impacts and design skills come together
Social Innovation is my Motivation using design skills and tools to realize social changes[/lang_en]
[lang_cn]时间:3月1日 — 3月3日
地点: 上海桥中公司
桥中设计管理咨询 将主持全球最大的服务设计创新活:3月 1 – 3号全球服务设计上海站 。来加入创意者圈子,度过一周热情,疯狂的兴创交流,认识志趣相投的朋友!
桥中设计管理咨询有限公司 将为您带来全球最大的服务设计非盈利创新活动 – 全球服务设计上海站 – 本活动覆盖全球,在60个国家同时举行。在这周末的两天全球的专业人士将一起为一个多元环境下的问题提出解决方案并共享。活动旨在为相关社群得出环境友好,有效拓展的解决方案,以触发社会有效改变的过程 ,产品及体验。
更多活动及赞助信息,请联系 Ruby Tsang: ruby.tsang@shcbi.com 或这里下载报名表格。