Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

March 1, 2013

When Xindanwei meets TheGoodLab|当新单位遇到好单位

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 4:04 pm

[lang_en]The Good Lab in Hongkong and Xindanwei in Shanghai is launching a reciprocal coworking visa from 1st March 2013 on to provide convenience and good value for their members.

# What is coworking visa
A coworking visa allows active members of one space to use other coworking spaces around the world for free for a set number of days.

# How does it work
A Xindanwei member can show up at Good Lab and present his/her active Xindanwei member card, then he/she can use the space at Good Lab much like a Good Lab part-time member, for free for one day. in the same way, a Good Lab member can show up at Xindanwei and present their active Good Lab member card, then he/she could use the space at Xindanwei much like a Xindanwei chair member, also for free for one day.

If he/she wants to stay at Good Lab/Xindanwei for more than one day, then he/she would need to pay in cash for his/her use at 50RMB per day.

# Why

- Build your local network!
This isn’t just a day-of-cheap-workspace. Xindanwei and TheGoodLab attracts the local community’s best makers and do-ers. By spending a day working here, you will probably meet someone you can launch a startup with, build long-lasting relationships and possibly walk away with a job or even an investor.

- Join the local community!
Join the vibrant local coworking community, all on a mission to change the world.

# Who to contact for help

The Good Lab
Tony Yet,

Alice Dong,

# Footnotes

What’s the Good Lab?
The Good Lab is a coworking space where different minds and actions meet. It enables cross-sector creativity and imagination to flourish, help realizing good ideas and change the world.

What’s Xindanwei?
Xindanwei literally means “New Work Unit”, the first and largest multidisciplinary coworking community and one of the most important grass-root creative centers in China. We mingle, catalyze and support creative leaders, startups and innovators locally and around the world. We create community workspaces, accelerate serendipity, facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration, showcase and co-develop new models and projects with world-changing potential.[/lang_en]

[lang_cn]上海“新单位”与香港“好单位”在2013年3月1日联合发布coworking visa为他们的会员提供便利和实惠。

# 是什么

推出持有coworking visa的会员可以使用任意一方会员卡在合作空间享受一定天数的免费体验。

# 怎么用


# 为什么

- 随时随地建立你的人际网!

- 融入当地圈子

# 寻求帮助

Tony Yet,

Alice Dong,

# 附录




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