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May 5, 2013

HAPPY:Give me 5 Project Initiation | 何”乐”不为?:Give me 5当代摄影艺术新锐项目启动

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 3:49 pm


[lang_en]HAPPY:Give me 5 Project Initiation
Time: 5 May 2013, 3:30 PM
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd. Shanghai
Organizer: Xindanwei,C14gallery

Notice: This event is by reservation ONLY. Please complete the reservation form on this page before you come.

On 5th May, C14gallery will officially start “GIVE ME 5” as a project to promot young photographic talents. As a joint project between C14gallery and Edition Photo in Paris (21, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth, 75003 Paris), GIVE ME 5 aims to help promising photographic artists in China and France through local shows in two galleries in May and exchanging shows later in October.

In “GIVE ME 5” project, 5 is the principal. We will have 5 artists creating 5 new pieces as a series under one theme within a period of 5 weeks. All the works of Shanghai team will start to be shown on the opening day of June 15th for 55 days. (The opening of Paris exhibition is on May 15th.)

The theme, this year, of GIVE ME 5 is HAPPY (or Why Not). Why we choose to talk about happy? But, why not doing so?
For HAPPY is an absolutely objective experience, which artistic creation cannot live without. What we could not deny is that we are not living happily today. So these days, what does HAPPY means? Moreover, in the age of postmodernism, art has been faced with various crisis. Manipulated to be the slave of political propaganda, the musk of mass capital and the supplier of market, art, thus, has seldom been free. But this time, the theme of HAPPY may provide a free space for more individual and independent creation.

Our five local artists represented by C14gallery will have various reactions or interpretations of the theme HAPPY through their different visual styles. It can be simple and refreshing, or dim and cold, or obscure and sentimental, or straight forward even a bit rude.

Meanwhile, GIVE ME 5 project is not only a journey of self reflection through HAPPY for the artists, but an interaction with “audience” as well. We would like to have medias’ attention over the whole project. At the same time, C14gallery will keep posting the working process of our artists through Sina Weibo and Douban. Let’s witness and participate in the shaping of their creation. Let’s look forward to the staging of neo Chinese photography.

Project Duration: 2013.5.5 – 2013.6.9
Opening: 2013.6.15
Artists: Yang Jingyi, Jia Rui, Tang Yinting,Yuan Xiaopeng, Zhou Peng



[lang_cn]何”乐”不为?:Give me 5当代摄影艺术新锐项目启动
主办方:新单位,碳 14 画廊


碳 14 画廊(C14 Gallery)将于 2013 年 5 月 5 日,正式开启“ GIVE ME 5”当代摄影艺术新 锐项目。本项目携手巴黎画廊 Edition Photo(21, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth, 75003 Paris), 以“5 月上海,10 月巴黎”的姿态,交换展览上海和巴黎团队的作品,旨在挖掘中法两地的年 轻摄影艺术家。

“Give me 5”,把“5”进行到底。“5”位青年艺术家在一个“母题”下选择各自的创作主题, 在“5”周的时间内,拍摄完成“5”张为一组的摄影作品。上海团队的最后成果将在 6 月 15 日开幕展出,为期 55 天(巴黎团队于 5 月 15 日开幕)。

今年“ Give me 5”的主题是:何“乐”不为(HAPPY) -“何乐而不为乐”。为什么要谈“快 乐”但又为什么不呢? 快乐是一种主观体验,而艺术本身就离不开主观体验。我们不得不承认,现在,我们生活得不 快乐,那么“当下”的“快乐”究竟是什么?而艺术,进入后现代以来,各种价值观分崩离析, 被迫成为政治的傀儡, 资本的伪装, 市场的供应商, “快乐”这个命题,便是开启了一次更加 纯粹更加个人化的“快乐”创作。

本次碳 14 画廊(C14 Gallery)推出的五位本土新锐,将展现出各自不同的影像风格对“快乐” 进行发问和回答: 或是极简主义的素净,或是幽暗内省式的自问,或是强闪光下对于生活细节 的大胆逼视,又或是正方形胶片里流露出的朦胧感伤。 这场“快乐”的自我反问中,将注重于“观众”的参与程度,拟邀请各类媒体对整个创作过程 进行长期关注。

碳 14 画廊(C14 Gallery)也将通过微博、豆瓣等互动平台,以最快和最有趣 的方式更新各位艺术家的创作进展,让我们共同见证并参与他们的创作过程,为摄影当代艺术 带来“快乐”的新元素。

参展艺术家: 杨婧仪、贾睿、唐音婷、袁小鹏、周鹏[/lang_cn]

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