Design2Change-Third Edition
: Social media for social change
Speaker: Victor d’Allant
Time: 6:00pm, Nov 10th, 2010
Location: AC3-105, CEIBS campus, 699 Hongfeng Road, Pudong
Cost: free (please send your name, title and organization to xindanwei@gmail.com before Tuesday 9 Nov so that we can arrange a pass for you to get into the CEIBS campus)
Victor d’ Allant, Executive Director of Social Edge @ Skoll Foundation is going to give his presentation, Social Media for Social Change, as the third edition of Design 2 Change, in CEIBS.
We believe that change happens when we design better, together. Design2Change is a platform to make that collaborative change happen. It is to connect people who want to explore ways that design and technology can positively impact our communities – ways that are thoughtful, informed, creative and responsible. Our mission is to bridge designer and technologist communities with social entrepreneurs by providing an open ground for collaborative innovation.
In the third edition, we introduce you to Victor d’Allant, the executive director of Social edge, a program of SKOLL foundation. His bio can be found at http://www.socialedge.org/about-us/social-edge-team His talk covers how they use social media to deliver social change, taking the example of Social Edge and how it has been contributing to building the field of social entrepreneurship. He was invited several times to speak at Stanford, Berkeley, NYU and his presentation has been well received.
This event is realized with the support of CSR club of China Europe International Business School and Collective Responsibility (http://www.collectiveresponsibility.org/)
: 社会化媒体带来社会变革
演讲者: Victor d’Allant
时间: 11月10日18点
地点: 上海市浦东新区红枫路699弄, 中欧国际工商学院, AC3-105
费用: 免费(请将你的姓名, 头衔, 组织名称于11月9日前发送到xindanwei@gmail.com以便我们能为你安排进入中欧商学院的通行证)
我们相信当我们一起探索一个更好的设计时, 改变就能在此发生. Design2Change试验田是一个通过相互协作来达到创新改变的平台. 那些想要通过设计和技术来影响社会公益的人可以在此平台相互连接. 共同探索创新而又可实施的方式方法,制定丰富而周密的计划。 我们的目标是为设计师,技术精英和社会企业家架起桥梁, 从而为协作创新营造一个更加开放的环境
第三期试验田, 我们将介绍Victor d’Allant. 他是social edge的执行总监, social edge是SKOLL基金会的项目之一. 本次演讲将探讨如何使用社会化媒体带来社会变革. 他会将Social Edge作为案例来讨论以及讲述它如何为建立社会企业做出贡献. Victor过去曾多次获邀在斯坦福, 伯克利, 纽约大学演讲并都取得卓越反响. 关于Victor的个人经历可以在这里找到http://www.socialedge.org/about-us/social-edge-team
本次活动得到了中欧商学院CSR俱乐部和Collective Responsblity http://www.collectiveresponsibility.org/) 的支持
[...] 新单位 :试验田第三期: 社会化媒体带来社会变革:http://sinaurl.cn/h4R1a5 [...]
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[...] 新单位 :试验田第三期: 社会化媒体带来社会变革:http://sinaurl.cn/h4R1a5 [...]
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[...] 新单位 :试验田第三期: 社会化媒体带来社会变革:http://sinaurl.cn/h4R1a5 [...]
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