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January 8, 2011

Design2Change – Fourth Edition: Sustainable Design Series No: 1 “Healthy homes in Chinese Urban environments” | 试验田-第四期 可持续设计系列 第一站:“中国城市环境中的健康住宅”

Filed under: Events — Tags: — parisyxc @ 5:44 pm
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Design2Change – Fourth Edition : Sustainable Design Series
No.1 “Healthy homes in Chinese Urban environments”

Curated and Hosted by GoodtoShanghai; Xindanwei
Time: 14:00 – 17:30, Saturday Jan 8, 2011
Location: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd
Language: English
Cost: 30RMB/person (including various kind of yummy organic fruits provided by local organic farmer, fresh ground coffee and tea)

Event Schedule:
14:00 Visiting Exhibition
14:30 Introduction to Design2Change and Sustainable Design Series by Liu Yan(Xindanwei) and Susan Evans (GoodtoChina)
14:50 Students’ presentations: Healthy Homes Chinese Urban environments
15:30 Q&A
15:45 Break
16:00 Fast Prototyping Session “Designing Healthy homes” led by Aram Armstrong (IDEO Design)
17:00 Networking/Visiting Exhibition
17:30 End

About the Event
We believe that change happens when we design better, together. Design2Change is a platform to make that collaborative change happen. It is to connect people who want to explore ways that design and technology can positively impact our communities – ways that are thoughtful, informed, creative and responsible. Our mission is to bridge designer and technologist communities with social entrepreneurs by providing an open ground for collaborative innovation.

The sustainable design series originates from a social need. The series will start with Healthy homes in Chinese urban environments and will be followed in March 2010 by Safe/Eco foods in Urban China.

The exhibit and opening event from GoodtoSH sustainable design series, will be followed through active prototyping at Xindanwei’s space, as we invite participants to return to develop specific concepts. The space at Xindanwei provides an open platform for motivated, curious, creative and talented individuals to share their expertise through prototyping great concepts as developed through the “sustainable design challenge”.

GoodtoSH and Xindanwei will work together to share concepts through exhibits and then to develop these further in a shared space: Concept to market activities.

This series of design concept, is developed over an intense, short, development period with various universities and design institutes in Shanghai. Where MA and final year student’s work on a sustainable design challenge. These challenges include cross discipline input and collaborative workshops with some of the best design groups. The exhibit brings together 3 different ideas brought to us from international MA/MSc students that are currently studying with Tongji University and Politecnico di Milano – MSc Product Service System Design -Politong double degree. Their thinking has been developed over 6 weeks of course work, starting from the development of in home & desk research, through a series of design “tools” and finished with a half day workshop with experts and IDEO fast prototyping session at the “Designing Healthy homes” Shanghai weekend.

Concept development can be viewed on line at

试验田-第四期 可持续设计系列

策划与组织方: GoodtoShanghai & 新单位
时间: 2011年元月八日,星期六,下午两点到五点半
费用:  30元/人(包括当场品尝各式美味的当地有机水果,现磨咖啡和茶水)

14:00 展览开幕
14:30 “试验田”与“可持续设计系列”活动介绍 - 刘妍(新单位)& Susan Evans (GoodtoSH)
14:50 主题讲演:“中国城市环境中的健康住宅”
15:30 Q&A
15:45 休息
16:00 原型创造活动 “设计健康住宅”- Aram Armstrong (IDEO Design)
17:00 自由交流/参观展览
17:30 结束

我们相信当我们一起探索一个更好的设计时, 改变就能在此发生. Design2Change试验田是一个通过相互协作来达到创新改变的平台. 那些想要通过设计和技术来影响社会公益的人可以在此平台相互连接. 共同探索创新而又可实施的方式方法,制定丰富而周密的计划。 我们的目标是为设计师,技术精英和社会企业家架起桥梁, 从而为协作创新营造一个更加开放的环境.






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  1. How come the poster says free of charge but it cost 30rmb…


    Comment by mlhsie — January 5, 2011 @ 6:29 pm

  2. @mlhsie: Cost: 30RMB/person (including various kind of yummy organic fruits provided by local organic farmer, fresh ground coffee and tea)


    Comment by aaajiao — January 6, 2011 @ 10:56 am

  3. ajjjjiao!!!!



    Comment by gongsiyue — January 7, 2011 @ 4:15 pm

  4. @gongsiyue: 好的,没问题。


    Comment by aaajiao — January 7, 2011 @ 4:37 pm

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