Sustainability in Shanghai afternoon with de Baak and MSC Global
Time: 17:00 – 18:30, May 7, 2010
A delegation of 20 students of the Master Study Club of Global Stakeholder Management of the Rotterdam School of Management will join de Baak at xindanwei May 7th. Here an afternoon program will be facilitated with a city-puzzle-search and a discussion where students will present their findings and discuss with those who are interested.
Hopefully more Chinese will join them and they will explore the city by themselves. They will look for examples of business activities, or anything in general, that can possibly be organized more sustainable or corporately responsible. Moreover they will look for examples that are sustainable, or corporately responsible, and quite unique for Chinese standards. Students will then come back to xindanwei, and will discuss their findings with the participants of the weekly Friday-Chit-Chat group, that will be about Sustainability in Shanghai and China this time.
Each group of Dutch Students is still looking for at least one Chinese student to join them in this afternoon-project full of sustainability and new ideas. If you are interested to meet fellow students interested in sustainability, corporate social responsibility and green issues, please feel free to contact m.lockefeer@debaak.nl in order to register the voluntary participant for this afternoon project and please come to xindanwei at 13:00 on that day.
主题:与Debaak和MSC Global探讨可持续性发展
时间: 5月7日 17:00 – 18:30
来自鹿特丹全球股东管理学院研究学习俱乐部的20人学生代表团将于5月7日来到新单位加入Debarrk团队. 在这里将进行一下午的项目实验, 从城市迷思搜索中展开, 学生将展示他们这一下午的发现然后与感兴趣的人一起讨论.
他们希望更多中国人加入这个项目实验, 引导他们利用这一下午的时间来探索城市. 在这个过程中他们将寻找商业活动的实例或者其他的典型案例, 看是否能够组织得更具有可持续性或者对社会更具有责任感.他们还会在研究中加入中国国情的思考维度, 从而发现更适合中国的问题处理方式.
经过下午2~3小时在外的的实地研究后, 学生将返回新单位, 然后就他们的发现成果与第四期新单位茶话会参与者共同讨论. 讨论的内容是关于上海和中国的可持续性发展.
来自荷兰的学生希望每组有一名中国学生加入到这个探讨可持续性和新观点的下午项目实验中. 如果你对可持续性发展, 企业社会责任感和绿色环保议题感兴趣, 您可以联系m.lockefeer@debaak.nl报名参加志愿者, 并于当天下午1点钟在新单位集合.
Need practiced english?
Comment by xywang1987 — April 27, 2010 @ 2:33 pm
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Trackback by uberVU - social comments — April 27, 2010 @ 2:42 pm
yes, this session will be presented mainly in English.
Comment by chenxu — April 27, 2010 @ 7:43 pm
why not on weekend? I have to work on Friday
Comment by losangel9 — April 28, 2010 @ 11:50 am