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vvvv Beginners Workshop & Mapping
Partick Jost (elektromeier) and rexgo will be held vvvv beginners workshop & mapping on 16/17/23/24/of July. Please do bring your laptop and join us. Having fun with patch!
Time: 10:00am – 17:00pm, July 16-17, 23-24
Venue: Xindanwei
Cost: 60 rmb/person/day (fresh ground coffee and tea is provided but lunch is not)
Organizer: Patrick Jost, Rexgo上海睿动科技,
To register for the events, please register with us via:, or call: 021-34280783 from 10am – 6pm.
10:00 – 10:30 Introducing myself, vvvv & projects done with it, installing vvvv & requirements, talk about schedule, whats the goal for the 4 days
10:30- 12:00 vvvv userinterface, terms: nodes, links, pins, subpatches, datatypes, building a simple patch with quad and renderer.
12:00-13.00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 directx in vvvv, terms: vertices, transforms, coordinate systems, textures, texturecoordinates,
different methods for drawing graphics, Line, Quads, X-Files, Shaders, chaining renderers, dx9 texture.
14:00-14:30 Exercise
14.30-17.00 introduction to spreads, spectral node, bin sizes.
10:00-12:00 Spreads Part 2, Little Exercise with Spreads
12:00-13:00 lunch
13:00-13:30 explain the basics of mapping. explaining homography, texture coordinates
13:30-17:00 group work, doing a simple mapping on a cube and on a wall
homework: think about an object to map on and on a visual style. making a concept
10:00 -17:00 work in groups on the the concepts. poeple will work bythemself, i will guide them and give advice
10:00 -17:00 work in groups on the the concepts. poeple will work bythemself, i will guide them and give advice
18:00 – open end Apero & Presentation of the works to the public

About Partick Jost
Partick Jost (elektromeier) born 1975 in switzerland. like many boys at his age he became addicted to computers early, playing around on the commodore amiga, and developed an interest for computer graphics.
He did a basic art&design education 1997-1999 in the cities of St.Gallen and Basel Switzerland. He did an education and worked as an industrial printer from 2000-2004.
To vvvv he came in 2003 for vjing purposes. At that time he allready knew graphical patching applications for music generations like pd and reaktor, and he was very exited that something like this existed for computer graphics.
Since 2008 he decided to work fully as a freelancer and make his inving just with vvvv patching. He worked for the following companies:
“wir machen bunt GmbH” Hamburg Germany, “interactive scape GmbH” Berlin Germany, “q-bus Mediatektur GmbH” Berlin Germany, “Mindstorms Ltd” London UK, “Peyote” Vienna Austria, “Habegger AG” Zürich Switzerland, “dot dot dot srl” Milano Italy.

About Rexgo
Rexgo is an independently owned design and technology firm in ShangHai of China. Feel free to browse our website
What is vvvv?
vvvv is a graphical programming environment for easy prototyping and development. It is designed to facilitate the handling of large media environments with physical interfaces, real-time motion graphics, audio and video that can interact with many users simultaneously. Responsible for its development is the vvvv group.
More on
Partick Jost (elektromeier)将和上海睿动多媒体科技在2011年7月16/17/23/24举办为期4天的vvvv工作坊。工作坊将会介绍vvvv的基本知识以及基础的投影贴图技术。欢迎有兴趣的朋友前来参加。请参与者携带好自己的个人笔记本,希望大家能够踊跃报名参加。
时间: 七月16、17、23、24日,早上十点到下午五点
地点: 永嘉路50号,新单位
费用: 每人每天六十元(提供现磨咖啡茶水,但不提供午餐)
举办方: Patrick Jost, Rexgo,
预约活动席位,请电邮至 或在工作时间早十点至晚六点致电:021-34280783。
10:00 – 10:30 介绍主办方, vvvv 和应用vvvv技术完成的项目, vvvv对系统的要求和安装 vvvv, 讨论活动流程, 设立四日活动目标
10:30- 12:00 vvvv 用户界面, 术语: nodes, links, pins, subpatches, datatypes, building a simple patch with quad and renderer.
12:00-13.00 午饭时间
13:00-14:00 directx in vvvv, 术语: vertices, transforms, coordinate systems, textures, texturecoordinates, different methods for drawing graphics, Line, Quads, X-Files, Shaders, chaining renderers, dx9 texture.
14:00-14:30 练习
14.30-17.00 介绍 spreads, spectral node, bin sizes.
10:00-12:00 Spreads Part 2, Spreads 小练习
12:00-13:00 午饭时间
13:00-13:30 解释 mapping基础, 解释 homography, texture coordinates
13:30-17:00 小组作业, 在立方体和墙上做一个简单的 mapping
回家作业: 构思一个用于map的物体,以及一个图形的风格;设定一个概念
10:00 -17:00 根据设想的概念小组作业。 各人独立作业的同时获得指导和建议。
10:00 -17:00 根据设想的概念小组作业。 各人独立作业的同时获得指导和建议。
18:00 – 开放式冷餐会闭场 & 向公众展示作品

关于Partick Jost
Partick Jost (elektromeier)1975年生于瑞士,和许多同龄的孩子一样自幼使用commodore amiga电脑进行有趣的图形创作。
1997-1999年期间接受过基础的艺术与设计教育. 在2003年的时间为了vjing的目的从而接触到vvvv,在此之前已接触过类似的图形编程软件,例如puredata和reaktor。从此后与vvvv一见钟情。
从2008年之后Partick jost决定成为一名自由职业者,通过使用vvvv曾经为以下公司做过许多互动多媒体展示项目:
“wir machen bunt GmbH” Hamburg Germany,
“interactive scape GmbH” Berlin Germany,
“q-bus Mediatektur GmbH” Berlin Germany
“Mindstorms Ltd” London UK
“Peyote” Vienna Austria
“Habegger AG” Zürich Switzerland,
“dot dot dot srl” Milano Italy

我们的多媒体方案曾经服务于上海世博会,上海国际游戏展,东盟国际博览会,上海电子艺术节等多类大型展会,并且为ADDIDAS, NIKE, PUMA, 可口可乐,大众汽车等多家国际品牌成功制订并制作了交互类多媒体解决方案。
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