[lang_en]With Audi App Jam project, Audi Tongji Joint Lab and Ask Lab is looking to empower creative professionals and startups to uncover the creative potential of China. You and your team are welcome to make the automotive of the future more exciting, personal and sociable than ever before with your killer app idea!
In Europe and the US, various Automotive Apps are on the market already, serving all kinds of consumer needs. In China, this market is just emerging.
We are calling on people from areas such as design, information technology, digital media and marketing, to develop innovative, market-relevant and interesting App concepts for Audi in China. We are searching for cool App concepts which are meaningful and sustainable.
What kind of apps are we looking for?We are looking for innovative App concepts that provide real value for the Audi customer. We seek App concepts that have not been seen before or are being taken to a new level of development. We want new App concepts that enhance the user experience of Audi, while conveying the style and values of the Audi brand at the same time.
A winning concept should be overwhelming in function, use-ability, emotion and beauty. The App should be intuitive, understandable and user friendly. It is important that the main function of the App is easy to reach and controllable. The App needs to be relevant and meaningful to Audi’s brand.
We are looking for automotive App concepts in the following three categories. Contestants are free to suggest extraordinary Onboard Apps. But we are looking for more input in categories 1 and 2.
1.) The Smartphone App:This is a car-related app which purely runs on a Smartphone only. You can use these Apps whether you are inside or outside of the car.
2.) The Hybrid App:This is a car-related app which runs on a Smartphone, but can communicate with a car as well. You can use it inside or outside of the car. (for example: you listen to a music stream on your Smartphone on the way to the car, once you enter the car the music will run on the car sound system and you can control the app with the car multimedia interface.)
3.) The Onboard App: These kinds of Apps run only inside the car using the car multimedia interface. They cannot be used outside of the car. Apps of this category need to fulfill extremely high safety standards. Therefore, implementation, lead time and testing need far more time than a pure or hybrid Smartphone app.
In terms of function, we are looking for Apps in the following areas, but the list should not limit creativity.
A. Information Apps provide car data, service oriented function, execution functions, personal log book etc.
Service oriented functions enable Location Based Services that locate the car, provide local information, directions etc. Execution functions remotely control the car for services such as heating, door locks etc. Car data provide the customers with information about the car service and usage such as fuel and oil gage, tire pressure etc.
B. Lifestyle Apps provide the customer with information and connections to services that enhance ease of function in areas such as: sports and re-creation, health and wellness, fashion and style, hobbies, social networking, travel, shopping, pets, magazines, personal finance, household management etc.
C. Entertainment Apps provide video on demand (VOD), films, drama, TV series, culture, documentaries, music and music videos, animations and user-created content, audio books, e-learning etc.
How do you join the App Jam?
The App Jam project is divided into two phases – the ideation phase and co-creation phase.
The ideation phase of the App Jam is now open via Xindanwei.com! This is how you become one of the finalists being invited to the co-creation phase.
The “Ideation” phase
The “Ideation” phase is the time to identify user needs that can be addressed through the use of Audi research, to brainstorm, and to share your ideas on this page. We encourage people to make the most of the opportunity to evaluate the ideas by asking for feedback on the project page of Xindanwei. By doing this our team will be able to contribute to the improvement of your ideas.
We are looking for both IDEAS and TALENTS. You can apply with an IDEA or explain your skills and expertise and why you have the best TALENT for this App Jam to support other’s ideas.
The ideation round jury, consisting of the Tongji-Audi joint lab team, Ask Lab team and other external experts, will choose 30-40 people who have ideas and/or talents for the co-creation phase. To help the jury to understand your idea/talent it is essential that you answer the questions in the application form.
Your idea can be presented in any design or choice of format. There are no specifications to adhere to. You can submit your idea/talent in the form of presentations, text documents, images or video files in the upload form.
The deadline of submission is 11:59 p.m. Beijing time, May 31th, 2013. Please submit your idea/talents here (http://goo.gl/KeA9i).
There will be a workshop at 7pm May 20, 2013 at Xindanwei Yongjia Rd 50 by Audi Tongji Joint Lab to share the Audi research and insights on automotive apps development. We welcome everyone to join this workshop. Please RSVP to xindanwei@gmail.com
The co-creation phase:
The co-creation workshop gets you ready for grand prizes in cash.
In the co-creation phase 30-40 people with idea and/or talents will be invited to pitch their idea’s to the crowd and jury on the evening of June 14, 2013. Only five idea’s will be selected to join the co-creation workshop over the next days to further develop their concepts. The talents can choose their favorite idea/concept to form teams.
The teams will be supported by co-creation facilitators from Ask Lab and mentors/experts from Audi and the industry for the workshop on June 15-16, 2013. At the end of the workshop, the five teams will present their prototypes to the jury to have a chance of winning one of three grand prizes. They will be joined by a select team of students from Student Boot Camp.
The 3 wining teams will be supported with 25,000RMB each team in cash to further develop their prototype into a presentable App within 3 weeks (20% of the prize money will be paid upfront, the rest being paid on the final delivery on July 5, 2013). There is also the potential of being licensed for the product to be made available for Audi.
Who are we?
Audi is a leading brand for premium cars worldwide. In China, Audi has led the premium car market for more than two decades already.
With its claim Vorsprung durch Technik and with China as the largest market for the brand, Audi is continuously striving hard to keep its leading position.
The “connect” services, which were introduced to China last year, are based on Audi’s award winning MMI technology which was introduced to China in 2005. The concept is completely tailored to the requirements of customers in China, including a touchpad to allow the input of handwritten characters. Audi’s aim is to keep the lead as the benchmark in user interface which can be experienced by our customer every single day they drive in an Audi.
Audi Tongji Joint Lab (ATJL) is a partnership between Audi and Tongji University. As Audi’s research outpost in Shanghai, ATJL is exploring new approaches to overcome traditional industry borders and culture gaps. ATJL develops and facilitates App Jam and Bootcamp in close cooperation with Audi’s headquarter in Germany, Audi China in Beijing, Tongji University and Ask Lab in Shanghai
Ask Lab is founded by Xindanwei cofounder Liu Yan. Ask Lab presents a new framework to innovate and create. Through designing, organizing and delivering exciting co-creation programs and contests, we build access between the movers and shakers of China’s creative, technology and social innovation scene, and the grand challenges faced by companies, NGO’s and our society
Audi Tongji Joint Lab is working together with Ask Lab to utilize innovative processes of crowd sourcing, co-creation and design thinking to stay in the lead and develop the most current App for Audi users. The App Jam is an open competition to join the best forces to describe user needs, concepts and services regarding Automotive Apps and to develop Apps which are better, ahead of, and more innovative and exciting than our competition.
Disclaimer can be found in the Chinese text.
[lang_cn]奥迪同济联合实验室和问社此次携手合作,旨在通过Audi App Jam召集那些创意大牛,技术精英,以及初创团队挖掘中国的新兴创造力。我们相信你和你的团队极具才华,能够借汽车类应用,只手将汽车互联的未来变得更为刺激有趣,甚至能够让用户更自如地在如今这个“我我我”的时代里游刃有余地施展个性!
1.) 智能手机应用:这是一个只针对智能手机的汽车应用,无论你在驱车赶路还是任何别的地方都可以乐在其中。
3.) 车载应用:这些应用程序是基于车载多媒体系统,供用户在车体内进行工作的。这类的应用的实现,需要高度融入周密的安全考虑。所以,在这其中的实践,测试,都是需要花费比前两者更多的时间才能有最终的成果。
A. 资讯类:为爱车提供以数据与服务为中心的体验,操作,个性化的形成管家等
B. 生活类:为客户提供综合服务,例如,体育,娱乐,健康,时尚,社交,旅游,购物,爱猫爱狗,杂志阅读,个人理财,家居生活等方方面面。
C. 娱乐类:我们提供视频,电影,戏剧,电视,纪录片,音乐剧,动画片,自拍短片,有声读物,在线学习等。
Audi App Jam分为两个部分:脑力激荡与合作创新。我们通过xindanwei.com召集大家的点子,步步展开!
在脑力激荡部分,你可以借用奥迪内部的调研报告,深度挖掘用户需求,经过层层思度,在这里通过评论来分享!这样我们的智囊团就可以给你反馈,帮助你润色你的想法!我们要的不光光是个点子,还有各行业大牛们。你可以通过“想法”来参加挑战,或者你还可以通过向我们提交你的简历,告诉我们你的专长,说说为什么你就是那个天才巨子。两种人才都可以平行进入到Audi App Jam里。
在这个环节里,30 — 40个各具想法与才干的人将邀请呈现各自想法,表述各自才能,在2013年6月14日晚会由评审团进行再次的挑选,选出5个想法进入第二天的深度实战,届时有各具才能的人将挑选心仪的想法进行自由组队。
6月15,16日,团队在深入实战阶段的合作创新工作坊将由问社来主持,同时奥迪团队以及行业内的专家导师们会集中进行针对性的专业支持。工作坊的收尾阶段,将会有5个团队向评审团呈现他们的最终成果,争取机会赢取大奖。他们将会与Student Boot Camp中脱颖而出的一支学生团队同台竞争。
奥迪的“connect”服务,是基于2005年引入中国区的Audi’s award winning MMI technology进行的,而connect这个服务本身是从今年才开始面向中国区市场。这个概念是根据中国区客户的需求,为他们量身定制的,其中包括了一个可手写式的信息输入面板。奥迪致力于在用户界面设计上树立行业标准,着眼于做出一套能让奥迪用户享受每一天的驾车体验的颠覆性设计方案。
奥迪同济联合实验室(ATJL)是奥迪和同济大学之间一个合作。奥迪所有在上海的所有调查研究,都有ATJL提供全新的方式,跨越传统行业限制,文化隔阂以取得突破性进展。ATJL与奥迪德国总部,奥迪中国,同济大学以及问社一同发起并组织了此次的Audi App Jam以及Student Boot Camp。
奥迪同济联合实验室此次携手问社以求取突破创新,尤其是在当下,奥迪正尝试针对用户,开发出一款人性化的移动应用。此次的Audi App Jam采用邀请制,邀请每一个参与者深度挖掘用户需求,提出创新概念,并基于汽车应用的形式实现满足用户所需。我们期待您的成果!
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