Xindanwei Chitchat edition 7: The Future of the Shanghai dialects
Time: 16:30 – 18:30, May 28, 2010
Host:Kellen Parker
The dialects of Wu are a big part of life for most native Shanghainese, used for day-to-day conversations with family and friends. But what does the future hold for the dialects? Is there value in preservation? What’s being done now to protect the language? Sinoglot’s Kellen Parker hopes you’ll come join the discussion at Xindanwei on Friday the 28th at 4:30. Come give your opinions and reflections on the language of 90 million people. The talk will be in English but feel free to participate in Chinese.
时间: 5月28日 16:30 – 18:30
主持者:Kellen Parker
吴语对大多说上海人来说占据了他们每日与家人, 朋友交流的很大一部分. 方言的未来怎样? 是否有保存的价值? 就保护方言来说,现在做了什么? 来自Sinoglot的Kellen Parker希望你5月28日下午4点半到新单位来参与讨论. 说出你对这个9千万人都在使用的语言怎么看. 讨论以英语的形式展开, 不过也可以使用中文参与其中.
see the chitchat will be hold in english………….囧……my english…..is …..
i am interested in this topic and~~~~i am curious about xindanwei
wat is the xindanwei ? cant never tell from the abstract introduction on the web page
so i wanna come and see wat is going on there~~
c u on friday~
Comment by cass — May 27, 2010 @ 10:09 am
You can use Chinese too. The talk will be in English but the discussion is almost always in English and Chinese. Most of the foreigners that attend can speak or understand Chinese, and most of the Chinese people who attend can understand and speak English.
See you there.
Comment by Kellen — May 28, 2010 @ 10:51 am