[lang_en]MakeSense Hold-up# JUNE @ Xin Dan Wei
Let’s try to solve the challenge of XinDanWei, creative open project that meets the entrepreneurs out-of-the-box!
Time: 7:20 – 9:15 PM Thursday June 9, 2011
Venue: Xin Dan Wei, Yongjia Road 50, Xuhui District, Shanghai, CHINA
Organizer: Xindanwei, Makesense.org
This is an invitation only event and requires reservation. The number of participants is limited to 12, so RSVP asap!
About the event
Let’s get together to try to solve the challenge proposed by XinDanWei coworking space and Makesense Shanghai Social Entrepreneurship Opensource Platform!
After a first successful workshop organized in April with 12 over-motivated participants, we would like to do it again and invite you to a new creative workshop using original means to get the most original ideas out of you !
This time, the challenge will be to build a new collaborative webplatform for creative freelances and entrepreneurs out-of-the-box… in less than 2 Hours!
No worries though, we are not looking for geeks! (not that time at least;), we just want to give you the opportunity to imagine and create the whole thing “on the paper” .. so to say !
Indeed, this new kind of creative workshops will be hold in a friendly atmosphere with 10 other fellows (just like you!) with who you will have the occasion to experience among others:
- Group Open Ideas Sessions
- Videoprototyping
We hope you will definitely will join coz if it’s the case, we can already bet some of you will like to share their creations with their friends after the event !!
By the way, food and drinks will be provided..!
The creativity workshop will be organized as follow :
- 3 minutes : Presentation of Xin Dan Wei co-working space
- 3 minutes : Introduction of Makesense
- 7 minutes : explanation of the challenge / organization of the session
- 30 minutes : Brainstorm – foolish ideas !
- 10 minutes : Break – drinks and food
- 30 minutes : Brainstorm – concepts videoprototyping !
- 20 min : Concept Trial
- 5 minutes : volunteering interviews, drinks and food
The workshop will be animated in English and Chinese by both 2 cool Makesense members, in the company of XinDanWei co-founders.
About Organizers
新单位| Xindanwei
Check out event photos on our Flickr group!
新单位问题诊断会 第二期
新单位是一个聚合和联结新创企业家的开放计划。这是一个全新的概念,面临各种全新的问题和挑战。我们与Make Sense合作,不定期进行专题诊断会,试图凝聚开放的力量探讨问题并研究可行的解决方案。
时间:2011年六月九日,周四,晚上7:20 – 9:15
- 分组开放想法讨论环节
- 视觉引导的草案行成环节
- 3 分钟:介绍新单位──一种新的工作方式
- 3 分钟:Makesense团队及其理念介绍
- 7 分钟:解释本次研讨会挑战的问题和相关的机构
- 30 分钟:脑力激荡时间──尽情给出你最疯狂的想法!
- 10 分钟:休息时间 – 吃点什么喝点什么
- 30 分钟:脑力激荡时间──在图形草案的引导下概念成型!
- 20 分钟:概念试用
- 5 分钟:自由讨论、问答时间,,还有水果和饮料!
新单位| Xindanwei
That ignshit’s just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks!
Comment by Cherilynn — December 28, 2011 @ 4:05 am
RT64ko zsaynnuaiycq
Comment by cynwjnewb — December 30, 2011 @ 10:33 pm