Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

October 28, 2010

Xindanwei Chitchat Edition 26: From Designer to DIYer-Maker’s Movement Globally | 新单位茶话会第26期: 从设计师到DIY-全球动手文化运动

Filed under: Events — Tags: — lia @ 7:30 pm
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Xindanwei Chitchat Edition 26: From Designer to DIYer-Maker’s Movement Globally
Time: 19:30-21:30 Thursday, Oct, 28st
Location: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd
 30RMB (providing tea, coffee, soft drink and snacks); Free of Charge for Xindanwei Monthly and Yearly Member

Important Notice:
-This is a reservation only event, seats are limited to the first 40 people who are registered at the event page of Xindanwei website.
- Transportation: We highly recommend you to take public transportation instead of driving, for we are conveniently located next to Metro line 1, 10(Shaanxi Rd South Stop) and Metro 9 (Jiashan Rd stop) as well as bus line 96, 104, 911, 167,42,920,926,128,146,24

Maker (DIY) has always been part of the culture driving the experimenting with new technology. With recent advance of digital technology and falling price of the components, mashing digital and craft become a new hobbyist movement. Web site such as instructables ( and Thingiverse ( have facilitate a global exchange of ideas and hacker spaces are spawned everywhere. The modern makers shares information on things from bags made from recycle clothes to UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) to robots. A lot of these exchanges also covered under the open source hardware license.
This chit-chat will cover this exciting global movement and how we want to facilitate it in Shanghai with xinchejian and hack hotel.

Speaker: David Li
maker, hacker and programmer. He received his degree in computer science from University of Southern California and in the past 20 years, he has worked in the area of virtual reality, online virtual space, enterprise computing, mobile system and lately social network applications.

演讲者: David Li
时间: 10月28日,19:30 – 21:30
地点: 徐汇区永嘉路50号, 新单位
费用:每人30元 (包含咖啡和茶点), 新单位月会员和年会员免费

非常 重要!
-人数:该活动需要网上预定, 仅限于在xindanwei网站活动界面上前40位预定的观众入场.
-交通:我们附近的地铁与公交非常方便,建议您不要开车。地铁一、十号线(陕西南路站)九号线(嘉善路站)及公交96, 104, 911, 167,42,920,926,128,146,167,24等均可轻松到达。

Maker一直致力于创造一种使用新技术来实验的文化. 最近随着在数字科技的进步, 硬件组件可以以更低价格购买, 数字技术和手工制造的混合使用使得Maker DIY正变成一种新的癖好运动. instructables 和 Thingiverse ( 已经良好的促进了全球性的观点交换,同时也使骇客空间无处不在. 当代maker分享如下信息: 从用可回收的衣服制作的袋子到用无人操作的空中交通工具再到机器人. 这些诸多的观点交换活动都遵循开源硬件条约.

本次茶话会将概览令人激动的maker全球运动, 以及我们怎么在上海的新单位通过新车间运作这项运动.

演讲者: David Li
动手者, 骇客, 程序员. 在过去的20年, 他获得了南加州大学计算机科学学位, 并在虚拟现实, 在线虚拟空间, 企业运算, 移动系统以及社交网络应用领域都有相关工作经验.


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