Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

January 19, 2012

Xindanwei Buzz January | 新单位消息 一月

Filed under: @xindanwei — yy211 @ 8:16 pm


1/20 desks still available

#1.  Xindanwei Property

The first release of Xindanwei Property is the Tai Kang Terrace, aka TK Terrace, at Taikang rd. area. It is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. The spaces have been completely transformed to allow the customers and tenants to exist in a unique mix of indoor and outdoor space among many different levels of both indoor and outdoor spaces. Room 206, our event venue is around 150 sqm, capable for events of up to 80 people, well equipped with projector and provides F&B service.

The second release of Xindanwei property: Xindanwei /Grasslands has just opened her veils to startups and small companies. This project is created by Xindanwei in partnership with Grasslands team led by sustainable business pioneer Greennovate and healthy lifestyle promoter The Wellness Works. Xindanwei/Grasslands is located in a historic lane house on Shaoxing Road near South Shaanxi Road, one of Shanghai’s most treasured and peaceful heritage neighborhoods in the heart of French concession. The entire 200sqm of this corner house has been completely renovated for office use while maintaining its traditional charm and character. The aim of this project is to bring other like-minded social entrepreneurs, freedom fighters, environmentalists, health advocates, sustainability consultants, wellness practitioners, and human-centered designers under one roof to create a green community for everyone to graze and grow.

Xindanwei/Grasslands showcases the concept of “Eco-workspace”, which encourages waste separation, minimized use of utilities, thingking before printing, recycling what we can and refuse what we don’t really need. On top of the basic office services built upon Xindanwei’s sharing, connectivity and collaboration culture, Xindanwei/Grasslands also features special community services such as free yoga/meditation classes, exhibition of organic product/services, environment/wellness/LOHAS events and workshops. The entire space will only use 100% natural and toxin free products.

The third release of Xindanwei property Haworth Organic Workspace located conveniently next to Jing’an temple, is a collaboration project with Haworth Asia Pacific. This space showcases the best of what workplaces can be. Featuring innovative furniture products by a range of designers, the 960 sqm Organic Workspace is ideal for high-end events for up to 80 people, well equipped with projector, video screens, curated electronic content, coffee and tea and provides F&B service.

The fourth release of Xindanwei Property is “Yongkang Li” work space at Yongkang Rd/Jiashan Rd. Located in the center of the former French Concession, the property is quietly surrounded by lane house residential areas, yet close to the groovy Yongkang Rd. Ground floor consists of 4 offices ranging from 46 to 186 sqm, Café area and multi-function area. Second floor is an airy rooftop garden. The space presents a former industrial loft style with its high ceiling and luminous natural light ensured by large French windows and light wells. The combination of indoor and outdoor space makes it perfect as office space for small teams and event venue.

The fifth release is Central POD located in Jing An Temple CBD, a contemporary creative office and commercial space. Fifty-two office spaces ranging from 27 to 138 sqm spread on 3 levels are available now. Central POD’s design philosophy comes from the idea that design is creatively communicated through the senses and conceived through inspiration and planning, thereby making possibilities endless. Conveniently located on Yu Yuan Road only steps away from the Jing An Temple metro station, Central POD is in close proximity to various historical, cultural and commercial sites as well as the bustling Nanjing West Road, a notorious shopping and restaurant hot spot.

Designed specifically for creative businesses and professionals, Central POD focuses on an urban loft-like design transformed from old industrial property build in 130 to 1970, with a major focus on sustainability and energy efficient practices. Some of Central POD’s eco-friendly practices consist of maximized usage of natural air circulation, maintaining temperature balance, urban farming on the rooftop terrace, use of recycled building materials, and low water usage toilets.

The open work environment that Central POD strives for provides its tenants with increased networking potential, increased productivity levels, and a strong sense of community. As Central POD is a conglomerate of foreign and domestic corporations, the open work environment also maximizes the potential creation of new business partnerships, fuel innovation and creativity among all its tenants, thereby enriching not only Central POD’s professional community but also the surrounding area as well.

For inquiry, please email us or call us on 021 3428 0783.

#2. Community Post

If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on or email us

1.) Xindanwei past events :

When Thirties Meet Sixties

- Independent Filmmaking in the Age of Transmedia

- C’est La Chine Shanghai Launch Event

- The secret lives of our clothes

A New Era for Robots Driven By Open Source Hardware

iFanr: Afternoon Tea with Devices

2.) Forthcoming events :

BARCAMP on March 3
Calling all techies, entrepreneurs, and innovators — get ready for Techyizu’s BARCAMP on March 3.

BarCamp is a fun, user-generated “un-conference” that started in Silicon Valley as a response to formal, exclusive, and boring tech conferences. If you are interested in technology, startups, design, or social innovation, you can’t miss this event!

BarCamp consists of passionate 15-minute presentations on any topic. Anyone (yes, anyone!) can sign up to present on anything (but please, no advertisements for your company). Just let your own energy and nerdiness shine through. All presentations are followed by time for discussion. You can expect to have amazing discussions on cutting edge technology and trends.

The event is free and open to everyone! Go to the website for more event details.

Shanghai BarCamp is being presented to you by TechYizu, an organization that aims to organize Shanghai’s lively startup and tech community.

3.)Xindanwei People:

January Featured People: Cindy Mao

#3. Bulletin Board:

mlhsie :

Introduction to Filmmaking 

Dorkbot: JUE XinCheJian = Art Technology

josh jellmon

Jellymon is hiring! We’re looking for a Creative Technologist/Programmer to join our expanding team in Shanghai! If you’re a creatively inclined programmer skilled in both web and application development and looking to produce state of the art programming for a wide range of clients, then send us your CV to

- yuling

yuling GuidePal is looking for new talent for our Shanghai office. If you think you got what it takes and has a solid background in App development, Graphic Design or Creative writing (Chinese Simplified) please send in your CV to



1/20 个工作站虚位以待

#1.  新单位地产


第一期新单位地产是位于泰康路街区的Taikang Terrace,也叫做*TK Terrace*,是一个由旧工厂改造而成的混合业态创意空间。空间以零售用途为主,但整个改造非常注重室内和室外的空间关系,每一层都有形式灵活的大面 积区域可以用于多种规模的活动。其中206室的活动场地总面积为150平方米,最多可容纳80左右人,设施齐全,有投影仪,可播放电影,可提供咖啡,酒 类,甜点等简餐。

第二期新单位地产—— “新单位/青草地”也在近日交付。该项目由新单位和可持续发展商业理念的推广者格诺威特以及健康生活方式的倡导者 The Wellness Works 合作推出,项目立足于上海市区闹中取静的新单位地产“绍兴路47号”,建筑物本身是一个被文化机构和咖啡馆环绕的三十年代三层老洋房,总面积约200平方米。该项目旨在聚集人类健康 生活和可持续发展的创业者、设计师、环保健康倡导人士、咨询师及相关从业人员,让他们共同工作、沟通、激发灵感与合作,创造一个共同栖息、发展的绿色社区。


第三期新单位地产是一个与海沃氏公司亚太部合作的项目- 海沃氏有机工作空间,位于交通便利的静安寺对面。这里集中展示了办公空间所能达到的最佳水准。展厅精选了一系列由设计师设计的创意办公家具产品。 960平方米的空间是举办80人左右高端活动的绝佳地点,设备齐全,有录影和投影展示,并提供咖啡、茶等餐饮服务。


第五期新单位地产是位于静安寺商业中心的“静安设计中心”,一座是融入现代设计的创意办公和商业空间。共有3层楼52间大小不一的办公空间(27-138平方米)正在招租中。空间设计理念来自对于 “设计” 的理解:创造性地传达灵感和规划,从而实现无穷的可能性。 位于静安区愚园路的“静安设计中心”临近繁华的南京西路和著名的购物区,距离 “ 静安寺 ” 地铁站只是几步之遥。

“静安设计中心”在设计上保留了1930至1970年建成的工业建筑结构,用可持续发展的理念翻新后,使其成为舒适开放的LOFT 空间,专为创意产业打造。秉持可持续性和减少人工能源的理念,每户单元中运用大窗和玻璃门,最大限度地发挥自然阳光的照射,并最大化使用自然空气流通代替电力空调系统,保持温度平衡。在屋顶露台上的种植蔬菜以达到增加绿化,净化空气的效果。 建筑内部使用再生建材并尽可能维持低用水量。

“静安设计中心”不仅是一个办公空间,更希望以开放的空间提高生产率水平和社群网络建立机会,为国内外创意企业集团和工作室打造聚集地,最大限度地提高新业务机会,创造成功的合作伙伴关系。不仅使 ”静安设计中心“ 的内部租户良性互动,也期望推动临近的商业伙伴们交互创造更多绝佳的创意和商业机会。

欢迎您联系 或☎ 0(021) 3428 0783咨询更多信息。

#2. 社区通讯


1.) 回顾活动:

- 中国三明治:当三十岁遇到六十岁

- 全媒体时代的独立电影


- 分享衣服的秘密 + 衣物大交换

- 开源硬件驱动的新机器人产业

- 爱范会:和设备们的下午茶 

2.) 活动预告:

BarCamp上海 – 3月3日







#3. 新单位发生

mlhsie :



好玩的意大利面桥比赛报名开始啦!  位子有限,请务必在线上报名!

Processing课程第三期开始招生啦! 报名看这里!老师的作品预计2月4日开课,童鞋们省点压岁钱来学习好玩的Processing吧!

- Idx1107

上海1kg诚邀您参加“闽北屏南•暖心”系列活动分享会我们都在追寻 心底的真 身边的善 远方的美 这大概就是公益旅行的意义 这大概就是我们相见的缘因


December 16, 2011

Xindanwei Buzz | 新单位消息

Filed under: @xindanwei — yy211 @ 3:00 pm


2/20 desks still available

#1.  Xindanwei Property

The first release of Xindanwei Property is the Tai Kang Terrace, aka TK Terrace, at Taikang rd. area. It is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. The spaces have been completely transformed to allow the customers and tenants to exist in a unique mix of indoor and outdoor space among many different levels of both indoor and outdoor spaces. Room 206, our event venue is around 150 sqm, capable for events of up to 80 people, well equipped with projector and provides F&B service.

The second release of Xindanwei property: Xindanwei /Grasslands has just opened her veils to startups and small companies. This project is created by Xindanwei in partnership with Grasslands team led by sustainable business pioneer Greennovate and healthy lifestyle promoter The Wellness Works. Xindanwei/Grasslands is located in a historic lane house on Shaoxing Road near South Shaanxi Road, one of Shanghai’s most treasured and peaceful heritage neighborhoods in the heart of French concession. The entire 200sqm of this corner house has been completely renovated for office use while maintaining its traditional charm and character. The aim of this project is to bring other like-minded social entrepreneurs, freedom fighters, environmentalists, health advocates, sustainability consultants, wellness practitioners, and human-centered designers under one roof to create a green community for everyone to graze and grow.

Xindanwei/Grasslands showcases the concept of “Eco-workspace”, which encourages waste separation, minimized use of utilities, thingking before printing, recycling what we can and refuse what we don’t really need. On top of the basic office services built upon Xindanwei’s sharing, connectivity and collaboration culture, Xindanwei/Grasslands also features special community services such as free yoga/meditation classes, exhibition of organic product/services, environment/wellness/LOHAS events and workshops. The entire space will only use 100% natural and toxin free products.

The third release of Xindanwei property Haworth Organic Workspace located conveniently next to Jing’an temple, is a collaboration project with Haworth Asia Pacific. This space showcases the best of what workplaces can be. Featuring innovative furniture products by a range of designers, the 960 sqm Organic Workspace is ideal for high-end events for up to 80 people, well equipped with projector, video screens, curated electronic content, coffee and tea and provides F&B service.

For inquiry, please email us or call us on 021 3428 0783.

#2. Community Post

If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on or email us

1.) Xindanwei Past Events :

- Xindanwei/Grasslands, the first coworking space in China dedicated to sustainability and healthy lifestyle

Dec 15, 2011, Shanghai, China – In partnership with Grasslands team led by sustainable business pioneer Greennovate and healthy lifestyle promoter The Wellness Works, Xindanwei, the largest coworking operator in China, has launched the first sustainability and green business startup coworking space under the co-brandname “Xindanwei/Grasslands”.

Xindanwei/Grasslands is located in a historic lane house on Shaoxing Road near South Shaanxi Road, one of Shanghai’s most treasured and peaceful heritage neighborhoods in the heart of French concession. The entire 200sqm of this corner house has been completely renovated for office use while maintaining its traditional charm and character. The aim of this project is to bring other like-minded social entrepreneurs, freedom fighters, environmentalists, health advocates, sustainability consultants, wellness practitioners, and human-centered designers under one roof to create a green community for everyone to graze and grow.

Xindanwei/Grasslands showcases the concept of “Eco-workspace”, which encourages waste separation, minimized use of utilities, thingking before printing, recycling what we can and refuse what we don’t really need. On top of the basic office services built upon Xindanwei’s sharing, connectivity and collaboration culture, Xindanwei/Grasslands also features special community services such as free yoga/meditation classes, exhibition of organic product/services, environment/wellness/LOHAS events and workshops. The entire space will only use 100% natural and toxin free products.

Apart from Greennovate and The Wellness Works, open source healthcare platform Linkcare and new generation of Chinese creativity promoter C’est La Chine have confirmed to join Xindanwei/Grasslands. Please stay tuned with for more news and event of Xindanwei/Grasslands.

- Liu Yan joined THNK as the founding participant:

Congrats to Xindanwei CEO/cofounder Liu Yan for being invited as the founding participant of THNK, the Amsterdam School of Creative Leadership,an exciting part-time executive program lasting 6 months, followed by an accelerator phase of another 12 months for her leadership at Xindanwei to realize the maximum impact. During this 18-month-program, Xindanwei and Liu Yan will receive tailored support from THNK, including coaching as well as access to leading-edge knowledge, experts, business partners and funding. More about THNK, please visit

- Partnership with ECSEL :

Xindanwei is invited to be the Pipeline Partner and the coworking space partner of ECSEL,a fellowship program for social entrepreneurs in China. Xindanwei CEO Liu Yan will serve as the mentor of this program from 2012-2013. As the pipeline partner, Xindanwei will nominate a small number of particularly high-potential applicants from within the Xindanwei network each year to participate in their training, mentorship, community building, and investment program. As the coworking space partner, Xindanwei will support all the ECSEL fellows to join Xindanwei Coworking Community and use conference services with special rates.

More about ECSEL (易社)2012 Fellowship: Since 2009, ECSEL has helped build outstanding social enterprises by providing China’s top entrepreneurs with training, mentorship, community building, and investment. Each year, ECSEL select a new cohort of ECSEL fellows, and provide these fellows with fully subsidized training trips in the United States and China, intensive professional support, and a lasting community of peers. Please visit their website to learn more about ECSEL, and to apply to become a 2012 fellow. | @ECSELFellows

2.) Forthcoming events :

When Thirties Meet Sixties.

-Vladan Nikolic: independent Filmmaking in the Age of Transmedia

- C’est La Chine Show Time

The Promoter of new generation of Chinese creativity C’est La Chine will be holding C’est La Chine Show Time event series from Jan 6 to Jan 22, 2011, including:

The Journey of Culture Art Exhibition: Jan 6 to Jan 22, 2011, Syphon Cafe, first floor of Xindanwei (50 Yongjia Rd.)

“JIA SUO” Collection Exhibition: Jan 7 to Jan 8, 2011, Xindanwei Grasslands (47 Shaoxing Rd.)

Opening party of “JIA SUO” Collection Exhibition: 2:30pm – 6pm, Jan 7 to Jan 8, 2011, Xindanwei Grasslands (47 Shaoxing Rd.)

Please be invited to join these events. If you are interested in the opening party on Jan 7, please email to request for invitations.

#3. Bulletin Board:

jellymon Meets @liuyan of Xindanwei



2/20 个工作站虚位以待

#1.  新单位地产


第一期新单位地产是位于泰康路街区的Taikang Terrace,也叫做*TK Terrace*,是一个由旧工厂改造而成的混合业态创意空间。空间以零售用途为主,但整个改造非常注重室内和室外的空间关系,每一层都有形式灵活的大面 积区域可以用于多种规模的活动。其中206室的活动场地总面积为150平方米,最多可容纳80左右人,设施齐全,有投影仪,可播放电影,可提供咖啡,酒 类,甜点等简餐。

第二期新单位地产—— “新单位/青草地”也在近日交付。该项目由新单位和可持续发展商业理念的推广者格诺威特以及健康生活方式的倡导者 The Wellness Works 合作推出,项目立足于上海市区闹中取静的新单位地产“绍兴路47号”,建筑物本身是一个被文化机构和咖啡馆环绕的三十年代三层老洋房,总面积约200平方米。该项目旨在聚集人类健康 生活和可持续发展的创业者、设计师、环保健康倡导人士、咨询师及相关从业人员,让他们共同工作、沟通、激发灵感与合作,创造一个共同栖息、发展的绿色社区。


第三期新单位地产是一个与海沃氏公司亚太部合作的项目- 海沃氏有机工作空间,位于交通便利的静安寺对面。这里集中展示了办公空间所能达到的最佳水准。展厅精选了一系列由设计师设计的创意办公家具产品。 960平方米的空间是举办80人左右高端活动的绝佳地点,设备齐全,有录影和投影展示,并提供咖啡、茶等餐饮服务。

欢迎您联系 或☎ 0(021) 3428 0783咨询更多信息。

#2. 社区通讯


1.) 回顾活动:

- “新单位/青草地”打造绿色协作工作社区

新单位近日与“青草地”团队合作,共同推出了全新绿色环保协作工作社区——“新单位/青草地”。青草地团队的主要成员为可持续发展商业理念的推广者格诺威特以及健康生活方式的倡导者 The Wellness Works
“新单位/青草地” 项目立足上海市区闹中取静的新单位地产“绍兴路47号”,建筑物本身是一个被文化机构和咖啡馆环绕的三十年代三层老洋房,总面积约200平方米。该项目旨在聚集人类健康 生活和可持续发展的创业者、设计师、环保健康倡导人士、咨询师及相关从业人员,让他们共同工作、沟通、激发灵感与合作,创造一个共同栖息、发展的绿色社区。
目前除了格诺威特,The Wellness Works 之外,更有开源医学保健平台Linkcare以及年轻新锐设计师的推广机构C’est la Chine加入了这个绿色环保工作社区。更多“新单位/青草地”的新闻、活动,请关注

- 恭喜新单位CEO刘妍接受阿姆斯特丹创意领袖学院THNK的邀请成为他们的创始学员!新单位由此成为THNK 长达一年的创业加速器项目的第一个中国项目!除了刘妍本人明年将多次飞往荷兰与来自全世界的精英共聚一堂分享创业知识和体验,该学院将指定专业团队从 2012-2013年为新单位从知识,人脉,管理以及融资等各个方面的提供全方位指导和支持。祝愿新单位与刘妍共同成长!想了解更多有关THNK的详情, 请访问

- 新单位受邀成为易社(ECSEL)的战略合作伙伴和合作办公会议空间。新单位CEO刘妍受邀成为易社(ECSEL)项目2012-2013年的导 师。易社(ECSEL)是一个中国顶尖社会企业创业者的国际社区。作为易社(ECSEL)的战略合作伙伴,新单位每年会在新单位社区中挑选几位最具潜力的 创业者成为易社学者,参加易社(ECSEL)的培训,导师,创业社区构建以及投资项目。同样,所有易社学者也会得到新单位在办公及会议空间服务方面的优惠 与支持。

关于易社(ECSEL) 计划

从2009年开,易社(ECSEL)通过为中国的社会创业者提供培训,导师,创业社区构建以及投资等多种资源成功地推动了中国社会企业的发展。每 年,易社(ECSEL)都会选出一群新的易社学者并通过全额赞助为这些学者们提供跨越中美两国的培训,广泛的专业支持,以及一个持续性的创业者同伴社区。 您可以在易社(ECSEL)的官方网站了解更多关于易社的项目信息并且申请成为2012年的易社学者。  | @易社计划

2.) 活动预告:

- 中国三明治:当三十岁遇到六十岁

- Vladan Nikolic:全媒体时代的独立电影

- C’est La Chine Show Time 活动:

艺术时尚品牌C’est La Chine将于1月6日至22日举办C’est La Chine Show Time系列活动包括:


#3. 新单位发生

- mlhsie :


“烹饪”一个产品(中文活动): 招募3位饥肠辘辘的硬件高手!



创战纪风格的机器人 视频

- 上海1kg诚邀您参加“闽北屏南•暖心”系列活动分享会,我们都在追寻心底的真,身边的善,远方的美,这大概就是公益旅行的意义,这大概就是我们相见的缘因

-新单位老顾客 高超凡的公司 app上新浪咯!



December 1, 2011

爱创会:用户需要怎样的 SoLoMo ?

Filed under: @xindanwei — yy211 @ 5:43 pm
bookable event


爱创会:用户需要怎样的 SoLoMo ?
时间:2011年12月4号星期天, 下午十四点三十分

・有趣的 SoLoMo 应用能否获得商业上的成功?

这是对一个问题的两种思考:用户要怎样的 SoLoMo ?在这个主题下有多少种思考,就有多少个机会。
我们邀请你:“签到达人” 或者是 “SoLoMo 开发者”一同参与此次线下聚会,通过和先驱者的对话,共同描绘 SoLoMo 的蓝图。



关于 “活动流程”:

★签到  街旁和切客展示客户案例(主题围绕 Check-in 之后用户行为的探索。和产品在商业化上的尝试)
这个阶段最好有 PPT 讲解一些由产品和用户之间发生过得事情。也可以用数据来说明,自家用户的一些行为模式,以及对未来产品的发展。
★人缘 奇遇项目组介绍产品开发始末(主题围绕 LBS 衍生出的人际关系上的探讨。)
类似奇遇这种面向陌生交友的应用它对人际关系的思考是如何的。如何解决现有关系网络 LBS 化带来的冲击。
★趣事 (主题围绕各种 SoLoMo 产品的功能和由其引发的趣事。)

Registrered users for this event:

(in total 3).

November 30, 2011

Xindanwei Buzz | 新单位消息

Filed under: @xindanwei — yy211 @ 5:35 pm


5/20 desks still available

#1.  Xindanwei Property

Xindanwei grows, so do our members. That’s why we have developed a plan to apply our people-powered approach among various of imaginative and extraordinary spaces and buildings around the city, in order to accommodate the growth of our members, allow more community participation and increase the the intensification of social and financial values for our community members.

The first release of Xindanwei Property is the Tai Kang Terrace, aka TK Terrace, at Taikang rd. area. It is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. The spaces have been completely transformed to allow the customers and tenants to exist in a unique mix of indoor and outdoor space among many different levels of both indoor and outdoor spaces. Room 206, our event venue is around 150 sqm, capable for events of up to 80 people, well equipped with projector and provides F&B service.

The second release of Xindanwei property: Xindanwei (Shaoxing Road)has just opened her veils to startups and small companies. It is a historic lane house on Shaoxing Road, near South Shaanxi Road in one of Shanghai’s most treasured and peaceful heritage neighborhoods in the heart of French concession. The entire 200sqm of this corner house has been completely renovated for office use while maintaining its traditional charm and character. Attached with a beautiful private garden, this house provides 3 small rooms of 15 sqms and 3 big rooms of 30 sqms, a western style kitchen connected to a lovely little courtyard. Each room is spacious and brimming with natural light. One of the offices has a sunny balcony. The big rooms feature panoramic windows, giving a full view of the old neighborhood, and ceilings almost 5 meters high ensure an airy and comfortable working experience. It is very suitable for small startup and companies. Please contact for more information.

The third release of Xindanwei property Haworth Organic Workspace located conveniently next to Jing’an temple, is a collaboration project with Haworth Asia Pacific. This space showcases the best of what workplaces can be. Featuring innovative furniture products by a range of designers, the 960 sqm Organic Workspace is ideal for high-end events for up to 80 people, well equipped with projector, video screens, curated electronic content, coffee and tea and provides F&B service.

For inquiry, please email us or call us on 021 3428 0783.

#2. Community Post

If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on or email us

1).Xindanwei People:

November Featured People: Rina Joosten-Rabou

2).Warm Welcome to New members:

- Welcome, Ahlzen Karin,She is from Sweden, she is 31 years old and she going to stay 6 months in Shanghai. In Sweden she works for the National Board of Health and Welfare, and she is a terminologist with background in linguistics. she works with concepts and definitions within the healthcare sector. Her fiancé, also from Sweden, is living in Shanghai for 2 years since February this year, at a Swedish company named Alfa Laval. He’s an engineer. Ahlzen Karin has come to Shanghai to live with him and to do her Swedish work remotely. They are living in the French concession area. Therefore it’s very nice.

- Welcome,Chenyang Zhang,Started as a designer, he worked in urban development, planning and consultancy industry. At the moment he is involved mainly in marketing, business management and operations. Incorporated with the platform of ECO Group from the US, he is planning on working in urban development and design, architecture and landscape design in China. They are interested in the opportunities of new city development projects, and provide full project consultancy from planning, design, operations to investment and fund raising.

3). Xindanwei Past Events:

- Qile Hong + Tian Wang : a purposeless play – ” an affirmation of life ” #1 #2

- Barcelona Activa’s Visit:
Together with Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Barcelona Activa, the local development agency and largest government SMEincubator of Barcelona have led a ICT delegation from Barcelona to visit Xindanwei and organized a dinner with Xindanwei and Techyizu community to exchange idea and knowledge about the business opportunities, economic trends, and competitive factors in China startup scene. Xindanwei is recognized by Barcelona Activa as the strategic partner in China in supporting SME’s and startups from Catalonia region and the rest of Spain.

- Partnership with (ECSEL) :
Xindanwei is invited to be the Pipeline Partner and the coworking space partner of ECSEL,a fellowship program for social entrepreneurs in China. Xindanwei CEO Liu Yan will serve as the mentor of this program from 2012-2013. As the pipeline partner, Xindanwei will nominate a small number of particularly high-potential applicants from within the Xindanwei network each year to participate in their training, mentorship, community building, and investment program. As the coworking space partner, Xindanwei will support all the ECSEL fellows to join Xindanwei Coworking Community and use conference services with special rates.

More about (ECSEL) 2012 Fellowship: Since 2009, ECSEL has helped build outstanding social enterprises by providing China’s top entrepreneurs with training, mentorship, community building, and investment. Each year, ECSEL select a new cohort of ECSEL fellows, and provide these fellows with fully subsidized training trips in the United States and China, intensive professional support, and a lasting community of peers. Please visit their website to learn more about ECSEL, and to apply to become a 2012 fellow. | @ECSELFellows

- Xinchejian @TEDxNanjing
The founder of XinCheJian David Li is invited to speak at TEDxNanjing on 27th of Nov, his presentation about The Development of Hackerspace in China: “When Open Innovation encounters Open Hardware” is here”(only in Chinese unfortunately),More about hacker space development in China, please read

4).Xindanwei forthcoming events:

1.) Holland Gets Talent on Tue Dec 6th:
In the past 6 months Xindanwei member International Top Talent (ITT) has been followed by Dutch documentary VPROTegenlicht “Holland Gets Talent”, in which viewers are provided insights in how International Top Talents recruits top talents from China. On the 6th of December ITT will organize an event to watch the documentary, followed by a debate together with DSM, Philips, the BenCham and the Consulate of the Netherlands on how we can create a win-win situation in Sino-Dutch innovation and talent cooperation, this debate is moderated by Liu Yan, the CEO/cofounder of Xindanwei. For more information please visit Please be invited to come. Anyone interested please send them an email at and they will put you on the guest list.

2.)Ifanr Meetup at 2:30pm on Sun Dec 4th: What kind of SoLoMo do users need? 

3.)MakeSense at Xinchejian on Wed Nov. 30th: Habib Belaribi will be at XinCheJian to hold a session on “Social entrepreneurs and Hackers” (register at if interested) tonight at XinCheJian.

#3. Bulletin Board:

mlhsie :

Processing course will be start, enter for

Useless box workshop

- Cozi Ge

ex-coworker of Xindanwei is searching for an experienced back-end developer for her new project, perfectly if he/she can work with RoR/Django/etc. For more info, pls contact: /Tel: 189 3090 3640



5/20 个工作站虚位以待

#1.  新单位地产

新单位|空间服务 是我们最新的创意空间服务,提供上海城区的各式不同的空间,包括创意活动场地、灵活办公空间以及零售店址。尤其活动空间方面,将可举办多至200人的鸡尾酒会或会议。除了一如既往地向小企业以及刚创业的企业主提供灵活的办公解决方案,在新单位|空间服务 的支持下,新单位如今有能力为更多大型的活动提供场地和组织服务,也将可以为成功创业后的中小型企业提供市中心范围内独立的办公空间,同时支持他们在新单位的创意专业人士网络里相互联系。

第一期新单位地产是位于泰康路街区的Taikang Terrace,也叫做*TK

第二期新单位地产—— 新单位(绍兴路)也在近日交付。该空间位于法租界中心闹中取静的绍兴路,是一个被文化机构和咖啡馆环绕的三十年代三层老房子,总面积约200平方米,并带有一个金桂飘香的庭院。空间全部为挑高木梁和木地板结构,房间宽敞明亮,非常简约清雅,共拥有三间15平米的小空间和三间近三十平方米的大空间。一楼厨房连接着一个美丽古老的天井。非常适合3-20人小型团队办公。

第三期新单位地产是一个与海沃氏公司亚太部合作的项目- 海沃氏有机工作空间,位于交通便利的静安寺对面。这里集中展示了办公空间所能达到的最佳水准。展厅精选了一系列由设计师设计的创意办公家具产品。 960平方米的空间是举办80人左右高端活动的绝佳地点,设备齐全,有录影和投影展示,并提供咖啡、茶等餐饮服务。

欢迎您联系 或电话 0(021) 3428 0783咨询更多信息。

#2. 社区通讯



人物(十一月):Rina Joosten-Rabou



- 欢迎,,Ahlzen Karin,她来自瑞典,今年31岁,将在上海待上6个月。在瑞典她曾为国家健康与福利协会工作,是一位有着语言学背景的术语学家,专门为医疗领域界定概念和定义。她的未婚夫同样来自瑞典,是一家名叫Alfa Laval的瑞典公司的工程师,今年2月来到上海,将会在这里住上2年。她来到这里和他一起生活,目前住在法租界区域,感觉很不错。

- 欢迎,张晨阳,他是从事城市发展、规划咨询行业,也算是设计师出身,目前主要从事市场、商务管理、公司运营工作。目前整合了美国伊科集团平台,筹备在国内发展有关城市规划、城市设计、建筑设计、景观设计等咨询服务工作。他们比较关注新城开发的项目机会,提供业主从咨询策划、规划设计、项目管理运营、投融资等领域的全过程咨询服务工作。

3.) 回顾活动:

- 洪启乐 + 王田 : 即兴演奏计划 – “ 日常的发声 ” #1 #2

- 巴塞罗那Activa访问:
与巴塞罗那商会一起,巴塞罗那本土发展机构及政府中小型企业孵化器Activa携巴塞罗那 代表团访问了新单位,并与新单位、Techyizu社群举行的晚宴交换关于中国创业环境的商业机会,经济动向,和竞争环境的想法和见解。Activa将新单位作为在中国支持来自加泰罗尼亚及西班牙其他地区的中小型企业的战略伙伴。

- 新单位受邀成为易社(ECSEL)的战略合作伙伴和合作办公会议空间。新单位CEO刘妍受邀成为易社(ECSEL)项目2012-2013年的导 师。易社(ECSEL)是一个中国顶尖社会企业创业者的国际社区。作为易社(ECSEL)的战略合作伙伴,新单位每年会在新单位社区中挑选几位最具潜力的 创业者成为易社学者,参加易社(ECSEL)的培训,导师,创业社区构建以及投资项目。同样,所有易社学者也会得到新单位在办公及会议空间服务方面的优惠 与支持。

关于易社(ECSEL) 计划:
从2009年开,易社(ECSEL)通过为中国的社会创业者提供培训,导师,创业社区构建以及投资等多种资源成功地推动了中国社会企业的发展。每 年,易社(ECSEL)都会选出一群新的易社学者并通过全额赞助为这些学者们提供跨越中美两国的培训,广泛的专业支持,以及一个持续性的创业者同伴社区。 您可以在易社(ECSEL)的官方网站了解更多关于易社的项目信息并且申请成为2012年的易社学者。 | @易社计划

- 新车间@TEDxNanjing
新车间的创始人David Li受邀在11月27日的 TEDxNanjing 进行演讲。在 这里 可以看到他关于中国创客空间发展的演讲
更多关于中国创客空间发展的内容,请 浏览



在过去6个月里荷兰的VPRO Tegenlicht纪录片摄制组追随新单位成员International Top Talent (ITT)拍摄了《荷兰得到人才》纪录片,讲述了ITT是如何在中国寻找和招募顶级人才。12月6日ITT将组织一场活动来播放这部片子,之后将会联合DSM, Philips, BenCham和荷兰领事馆来组织一场大型的辩论,探讨如何创造中荷两国创新和人才合作的双赢局面。辩论将由新单位 CEO、联合创始人刘妍主持。更多信息可以访问。欢迎您的参加。如果有兴趣的话,可以给ITT发邮件,ITT 将把您放在邀请名单上。

2).Ifanr Meetup活动: 12月4日,星期天:用户需要什么样的SoLoMo?

3).MakeSense在新车间的活动: 11月30日,星期三:
Habib Belaribi将会在新车间举行一场活动,探讨“社交创业者及创客”(如有兴趣可在xinchejian.com注册)

#3. 新单位发生

mlhsie :



-Cozi Ge:

新单位前同事cozi为新项目集合团队:求靠谱后台开发,需有完整架构复杂数据网站经验,熟悉RoR、Django等框架最好了!详情联系 / Tel: 189 3090 3640


November 18, 2011

Xindanwei Buzz | 新单位消息

Filed under: @xindanwei — yy211 @ 2:29 pm


7/20 desks still available

#1.  Xindanwei Property

Xindanwei grows, so do our members. That’s why we have developed a plan to apply our people-powered approach among various of imaginative and extraordinary spaces and buildings around the city, in order to accommodate the growth of our members, allow more community participation and increase the the intensification of social and financial values for our community members.

The first release of Xindanwei Property is the Tai Kang Terrace, aka TK Terrace, at Taikang rd. area. It is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. The spaces have been completely transformed to allow the customers and tenants to exist in a unique mix of indoor and outdoor space among many different levels of both indoor and outdoor spaces.

With TK Terrace as part of Xindanwei property, Xindanwei now is able to host and provide service to larger scale events as well as providing pro-level working space for “started-ups”. Please contact for more information.

#2. Community Post

If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on or email us

1). Xindanwei Past Events:

Jinchao Chang – Solo Exhibition “When I am Facing You”

- Northern European Delegation visit to Xindanwei:

On Nov 11, Kaospilot Business School from Denmark hosted a workshop for executives and financial staff from five Northern European countries, featuring speakers Steve Koon and Liu Yan, CEO of Xindanwei. Their topics are “Future Facing the Chinese Middle Class” and “How to Transform Made in China to Created in China through Coworking”.

- Xindanwei CEO Liu Yan’s visit to Europe:

From Oct 24 to Nov 1, accompanied by Spanish angel investor Jim Roldan, Liu Yan visited almost ten institutes and organizations in Barcelona, including Barcelona Activa, Elisava School of Design and Engineering , Chamber of Commerce of BarcelonaEsade Creapolis, University of Barcelona, Sitges Co-creation Center and 021studio. She introduced Xindanwei and the development of coworking communities via speeches and roundtable workshops. On Oct 31, Liu Yan gave a lecture to the full-time MBA students in Esade Business School, one of the world’s most reputable business schools and was highly spoken by the audience. Liu Yan accepted the invitation of the student organization to participate as their partner in Elbulli Idea for Transformation”  international competition initiated by world famous chef Ferran Adria. She also accepted the invitation to come back to Esade Business School as a guest lecturer next year.

On Nov 3, Liu Yan gave a speech at Coworking Europe Conference in Berlin titled as ”Creating Global Coworksphere”. She initiated the idea of “enhancing the international cooperation between coworking communities and creating coworking platform for community members with social currency as the tool”, setting a new milestone for coworking communites development. Her speech can be downloaded from slideshare and youku.#1 #2

After this visit, Xindanwei received invitations from several European coworking communities to be their strategic partner. We will introduce these partners in our next Buzz.

2).Xindanwei forthcoming events:

1.) Barcelona Activa visit:

On Nov 28 and 29, the largest governmental incubator organization in Barcelona – Barcelona Activa and Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona will visit Xindanwei, bringing more than ten internet technology entrepreneurs. Xindanwei members are invited to join dinner with them at 8pm, Nov 27. If you are interested in attending this dinner please contact

2.)” Coworking Manual” finalized :

Written and edited by Xindanwei CEO Liu Yan, “Coworking Manual” can be downloaded from App Store from next week. You can also read this manual on Xindanwei website. this manual is written from Xindanwei’s 2-year experience. It will be under “Creative Commons” to encourage and support more passionate and motivated people like us, to work together and create a better “coworking community”.

#3. Xindanwei events

mlhsie :

Only 12 days left, please support He Qichen’s Quadcopter project on DemoHour

Quadcopter Workshop now open for registration

Final 100YSS proposal delivered to DARPA

Homemade arcade cabinet 

XinCheJian at Shanghai’s Young Creators Day

#4. PAE Job Descriptions

- Our client is an independent communications agency based in Shanghai. They provide the strategic ability and proven expertise of a networked agency, with the personal commitment and nimbleness of a boutique consultancy. Their mission is to provide great strategic thinking and creative solutions, consistently. They believe that research, planning and insights should be the foundation of every project, regardless of scale, and they want to help change the way the industry is viewed and valued.

They are looking for an Account Manager to join their growing, young and energetic team. The Account Manager should be an outgoing person that is interested in life in Shanghai, into trying new things and engaged in trends. He / she should be eager to learn, committed and should have strong media contacts in the news, lifestyle and luxury sector. The client offers an exciting position with the chance to work on various luxury and lifestyle accounts.

If you have 5+ years experience, are fluent in Chinese and English and have management experience or potential, please check out the full JD via

#5. ITT Job Descriptions

- International Top Talent organizes together with the Dutch Consulate, DSM and the Innovation Platform of the Bencham the first Shanghai screening of the documentary and a debate about Innovation & Talent on December 6 in Shanghai.If you are interested to join, please see:

- In the past months Dutch investigative TV-programme Tegenlicht has followed International Top Talent with a film crew. The result, a 50-minute documentary entitled‘Holland gets talent’ will be broadcast by Dutch national television Nederland 2 on Monday 14 November at 8.55pm. See the documentary.

In the run-up to today’s broadcast, our managing director Rina Joosten-Rabou gave an interview at Business News Radio (BNR) about the importance of selection and recruitment of engineers and researchers from China for the Dutch labour market. Listen to the interview on BNR radio.

#6. C’est La Chine

C’est La Chine Launched in The Venice Biennale:

With the support of Dutch Global Art Affair Foundation, Xindanwei’s long term coworker C’est La Chine held an exhibition as part of The Venice Biennale, 2011 in the historical building Palazzo Bembo in the center of Venice. Over 200 artists, curators, designers and activists from European art scene attended this event.

C’est La Chine is a young Chinese brand aiming at creating a platform to promote new generation of creativity to the world, spread the Chinese traditional culture, and demonstrate the Chinese new generation’s courage to innovate. This time C’est La Chine is presenting its JIA Suo Collection designed by young sculptor Zhuang Bin from China Central Academy of Fine Arts. JIA SUO is a collection of sculptures made if high quality wool and cashmere. In this collection, “Jia Suo” wich means cangue and lock are transformed into fashion items representing the shackles of modernity. Through this collection, C’est La Chine hopes to inspire people to think and reflect on their lives, as well as to draw young generation’s attention back to the traditional culture.

“We appreciate C’est La Chine’s vision to promote new generation of Chinese Creativity to the world, and we are very happy to get involved in this process. I hope we will see C’est La Chine bringing more Chinese artists to the world.” Says Rene from Global Art Affair Foundation.
After the success in Venice, C’est La Chine moved on to Barcelona and Cologne to introduce the idea of bringing new generation of Chinese Creativity to the world. In the near future, C’est La Chine will work with more artists with the same vision and culture responsibility, and introduce them to the world in various means.




7/20 个工作站虚位以待

#1.  新单位地产


第一期新单位地产是位于泰康路街区的Taikang Terrace,也叫做 TK Terrace,是一个由旧工厂改造而成的混合业态创意空间。空间以零售用途为主,但整个改造非常注重室内和室外的空间关系,每一层都有形式灵活的大面积区域可以用于多种规模的活动。

TK Terrace 是新单位地产的一部分,在新单位地产项目的支持下,新单位如今有能力为更多大型的活动提供场地和组织服务,也将可以为成功创业后的中小型企业提供独立的办公空间。欢迎您联系 咨询更多信息。

#2. 社区通讯



- 常锦超:个人绘画展-《当我面对你》

- 北欧考察团活动:

11月11日,丹麦商学院Kaospilot在新单位为来自北欧五个国家的企业经理和财务人员举办了讲座。主讲人为Steve Koon和新单位CEO刘妍。他们的主讲题目分别为:“Future Facing the Chinese Middle Class”和“如何通过Coworking实现从中国制造到中国创造”。

- 新单位CEO刘妍的欧洲之行:

10月24日至11月1日,刘妍由西班牙天使投资人Jim Roldan陪同,在巴塞罗那对Barcelona Activa, Elisava School of Design and Engineering, 巴塞罗那商会Esade Creapolis, University of Barcelona, Sitges Co-creation Center,021studio等近十家机构和组织做了友好访问,并以演讲和座谈的形式详细介 绍了新单位以及协作式工作社区在中国的发展情况。10月31日,刘妍在世界著名商学院之一Esade Business School为全职MBA学员进行了“oworking as the Vehicle of Innovation”的演讲,受到师生们的高度评价。刘妍当场接受该校学生组织的邀请做为合作伙伴参加由世界级神厨Ferran Adria发起的Elbulli国际竞赛“Idea for Transformation”。刘妍也同时接受Esade Business School的邀请以客座教授的身份明年回到该校授课。

11月3日,刘妍在柏林的Coworking Europe Conference 上做了精彩演讲,演讲题目为”Creating Global Coworksphere”(创造全球协作式工作社区),首次以全球化的视角提出了“以社会化货币为工具,加强协作式工作社区之间的国际合作,为社区成员 之间搭建协作平台”的建议,为国际范围内协作式工作社区的发展确立新的里程碑。她的精彩演讲可以直接从slideshare和youku#1.#2上进行下载


1.) Barcelona Activa访问:

11月28日/29日,巴塞罗那最大政府创业孵化组织Barcelona Activa及巴塞罗那商会将率领十几名互联网 技术企业创业者对新单位进行回访,同时他们将11月27日晚上八点邀请新单位社区成员共进晚宴。如果你有兴趣参加此晚宴请联系


由新单位CEO刘妍亲自执笔撰写和编辑的《协作式工作社区》系列指南的所有内容已经全部完成,下周这本指南将可以在app store进行免费下载,同时在新单位网站上也可以阅读到这本指南。这本册子所有的内容都是基于新单位这两年多的实战经验和教训。我们通过这本指南开源我 们的模式,并将此指南纳入“creative commons”知识共享协议体系,从而鼓励和支持更多像我们这样有激情有动力的朋友,为创立新的甚至更好的“协作式工作社区”而共同努力。

#3. 新单位发生

Steffi_C :

C’est La Chine 需要找一位好的网站设计师帮忙设计网站,需要能建一个online store,有可能会需要同时做设计和后台。客户服务意识较好。希望是freelance或者parttime 的。有推荐的吗?

mlhsie :







#4.C’est La Chine (始一雅制)

中国新生艺术时尚品牌C’est La Chine (始一雅制)登录威尼斯双年展,新单位的长期“新同事”C’est La Chine 始一雅制于2011年10月26日,意大利 威尼斯 – 中国新一代艺术创意品牌C’est La Chine 始一雅制于10月26日在荷兰Global Art Affair Foundation (国际艺术基金)的支持下,在意大利威尼斯市中心的历史建筑Palazzo Bembo里举行了一场展示会,作为2011年威尼斯双年展的一部分。逾200名来自欧洲艺术圈的艺术家、鉴赏家、设计师及活动人士参加了此次活动。

C’est La Chine (始一雅制)是一个年轻的中国品牌,旨在打造一个平台,向世界推广中国新生代的创意力量,传承中国传统文化,以及向世界大声说出中国新一代创新的勇气。此次带来的是由青年雕塑家,中央美院雕塑系的庄彬设计的“枷锁”系列。 “枷锁”系列便采用了上等的羊绒羊毛为原材料做的一组雕塑作品。试想一下,“枷”与“锁”由刑具变成了饰品,佩戴者会是如何一种感受呢?C’est La Chine希望能以此带给更多的人以思考、感动与共鸣,更希望中国的传统文化得到更多年轻人的重视。

Global Art Affair Foundation的负责人Rene 表示,“我们十分认同C’est La Chine 向世界推广中国新生代的创意力量的理想,并十分高兴能够参与到这件事中来。希望很快可以看到C’est La Chine带着更多中国艺术家出现在国际舞台上。”

继威尼斯活动大获成功后,C’est La Chine还前往西班牙巴塞罗那和德国科隆艺术展向人们介绍这个向世界推广中国新生代的创意力量的平台。在不久的将来,C’est La Chine 还将不定期选取富有相同愿景和文化责任感的艺术家进行合作,并以多种多样的方式将他们推向世界。


October 28, 2011

Xindanwei Buzz | 新单位消息

Filed under: @xindanwei — yy211 @ 11:11 am


9/20 desks still available

#1.  Xindanwei Property

Xindanwei grows, so do our members. That’s why we have developed a plan to apply our people-powered approach among various of imaginative and extraordinary spaces and buildings around the city, in order to accommodate the growth of our members, allow more community participation and increase the the intensification of social and financial values for our community members.

The first release of Xindanwei Property is the Tai Kang Terrace, aka TK Terrace, at Taikang rd. area. It is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. The spaces have been completely transformed to allow the customers and tenants to exist in a unique mix of indoor and outdoor space among many different levels of both indoor and outdoor spaces.

With TK Terrace as part of Xindanwei property, Xindanwei now is able to host and provide service to larger scale events as well as providing pro-level working space for “started-ups”. Please contact for more information.

#2. Community Post

If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on or email us

1). Xindanwei Past Events:

- Bart Weetjens: How I taught rats to sniff out land mines

- Aaron Zinman: Digital Traces for Fun and Profit

2011 Shanghai Conservatory of Music International Electronic Music Week Expert Talks

2).Xindanwei forthcoming events:

Xindanwei CEO/cofounder Liu Yan will have a very busy schedule in the coming weeks to promote coworking and Xindanwei worldwide, we wish her good luck and safe journey:

1.) Invited by Esade Creapolis, the largest international innovation center to practice open innovation Liu Yan will visit Barcelona to speak at various business incubators, coworking spaces, business schools and design schools from 24 Oct – 1 Nov. The purpose of this trip is to explore the feasibility and approaches to connect Chinese startups/innovators with the Spanish ones through a new way of collaboration between the two countries. Maybe a Xindanwei Barcelona on the way? you never know! We are very pleased that Liu Yan will be accompanied a surprise guest for several days – Xindanwei member Emlyn Wang! is invited by Xindanwei to present her work to the Spanish design scene.

2.) Invited by Coworking European Conference in Berlin, Liu Yan will speak about Coworking Globalisation: The promisses of coworking for China and coworking as a gateway between Chinese and European entrepreneurs/innovators on 3 Nov at the conference, the topic of this conference is “Bringing Coworking to the Next Level”, it is connecting 250 coworking space owners, catalysts, thought leaders and innovators to discuss the potential of coworking as a new working model, an innovation engine and a platform for the economic and social communities of the 21st century.

3.) On 9 Nov, Liu Yan will be speaking at the panel “Co-Working: The Next Frontier” of The Haworth Advisory Board (HAB) conference in Beijing. HAB is a think tank of business leaders, design innovators and environmental visionaries. Established in 2010, the aim of the HAB is to debate, problem share and inform with a view to pushing the boundaries of growth, technology andsustainability within the office design industry in the Asia Pacific region.

#3. Xindanwei events

The wifi in Xindanwei has finally been updraded to 6M optical fiber

#4. PAE Job Descriptions

Senior Industrial Design Lead // Design & Innovation Consultancy // Shanghai

Founded in 1983, our client is a global innovation and design consultancy that uses a human-centered approach to help organizations innovate and grow. With proven track record, they have seeded some of the most successful businesses in recent history through design innovation. The consultancy has over 200 innovators situated in 5 locales around the world. Currently they are looking for a Senior Industrial Design Lead for their Shanghai office. The candidate should have 10 years experience in Industrial Design with an ability to lead a team, create customer loyalty, communicate and express ideas clearly and grow in your areas of expertise and develop new skills.

User Interface Designer//Telecommunications//Beijing

Our client is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with a customer base of 186 million customers in 32 countries. It is the number three mobile operator and the number two provider of broadband Internet services in Europe and one of the world leaders in providing telecommunication services to multinational companies. Currently they are looking for a UI Designer to join their team in Beijing to contribute to the design of user interface for several mobile applications projects. These projects will include specification production, internal guidelines and cooperation with marketing and product development teams.

Senior Design Project Manager // Consultancy // Shanghai

Our client designs and develops organizations. They provide consulting services and tools that help organizations improve how they do things in both sizable and subtle ways. They have a team of software developers, designers, psychologists, and consultants working side by side to solve complex problems. Currently they are looking for a Senior Design PM that can independently lead internal and client projects in UI design, service design and organizational communication design. Required skills include:  5 years exp. in design management, strong problem solving skills, fluent English and good team player.



9/20 个工作站虚位以待

#1.  新单位地产


第一期新单位地产是位于泰康路街区的Taikang Terrace,也叫做 TK Terrace,是一个由旧工厂改造而成的混合业态创意空间。空间以零售用途为主,但整个改造非常注重室内和室外的空间关系,每一层都有形式灵活的大面积区域可以用于多种规模的活动。

TK Terrace 是新单位地产的一部分,在新单位地产项目的支持下,新单位如今有能力为更多大型的活动提供场地和组织服务,也将可以为成功创业后的中小型企业提供独立的办公空间。欢迎您联系 咨询更多信息

#2. 社区通讯



Bart Weetjens:我是教老鼠如何寻找地雷的

Aaron Zinman数字轨迹的乐趣和商业潜力

10月7 10月15 10月18中国音乐国际电子音乐周:专家讲座



1.) 受Esade Creapolis,世界上最大的实践着开放式创新的国际创新中心 的邀请,刘妍将于10月24日至11月1日之间造访巴塞罗那,在多家商业孵化器,联合办公空间,商学院和设计院校进行演讲。此行的目的是探索是否有可能通过两国间新形式的合作,促使中国和西班牙的创新企业进行互通。或许新单位会在巴塞罗那开一家分店呢?说不准哦!令我们高兴的是,一位新单位的会员 Emlyn Wang 也会同刘妍一起在巴塞罗那呆上几天给她做个伴儿。Emlyn此次是受新单位的邀请,向西班牙设计界展示她的C’est La Chine理念。

2.) 受在柏林举办的欧洲联合办公大会的邀请,刘妍将于11月3日在大会上就联合办公的国际化中国的联合办公承诺及联合办公作为中欧创业/创新者合作的桥梁”为题发表演讲。大会主题为“将联合办公带到新的高度”,由250位联合办公空间经营者、催化者、思想领袖和创新者一同探讨联合办公作为一种新的工作方式,一个创新发动机和一个21世纪经济和社群平台的潜力。

3.) 11月9日,刘妍将在北京的海沃氏智囊团 (Haworth Advisory Board, HAB)大会的“联合办公:新的前沿”分论坛进行演讲。HAB是由商业领袖,设计创新者和环境先见者们组成的智囊团。组建于2010年,HAB的目的在于探讨,分享问题,和有观点地分享信息以推动办公设计在技术和可持续性上的发展。

#3. 新单位发生

- 新单位网络终于升级到 6M光纤

- 新单位一楼新咖啡招人,无专业要求及工作经验要求,热爱咖啡,有学习精神,认真有耐心有责任心,为人随和自然,愿意与人沟通交流,有轻微洁癖为佳,联系人:王瑞,联系电话:15821652551


September 22, 2011

Xindanwei Buzz | 新单位消息

Filed under: @xindanwei — yy211 @ 6:26 pm


4/20 desks still available

#1.  Xindanwei Property

Xindanwei grows, so do our members. That’s why we have developed a plan to apply our people-powered approach among various of imaginative and extraordinary spaces and buildings around the city, in order to accommodate the growth of our members, allow more community participation and increase the the intensification of social and financial values for our community members.

The first release of Xindanwei Property is the Tai Kang Terrace, aka TK Terrace, at Taikang rd. area. It is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. The spaces have been completely transformed to allow the customers and tenants to exist in a unique mix of indoor and outdoor space among many different levels of both indoor and outdoor spaces.

With TK Terrace as part of Xindanwei property, Xindanwei now is able to host and provide service to larger scale events as well as providing pro-level working space for “started-ups”. Please contact for more information.

#2. Community Post

If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on or email us

1). Xindanwei People:

Warm Welcome to New members:

- Welcome, Gao Chaofan and his startup team. Gao Chaofan is the managing director of Meige Information Technology, a startup focusing on facial recognization technology development. An interview with him has been posted at Xindanwei People

- Welcome, Rina Joosten. Rina is the cofounder of International Top Talent (ITT) and recently moved to China to take over the director position of ITT China. A special interview with her will be featured at Xindanwei People in October.

- Welcome, Joshua Lange! Joshua works for Concordia Welfare & Education Foundation as service coordinator in China. Concordia Welfare and Education Foundation is a Hong Kong based non-profit organization founded by Lutheran Christians and dedicated to improving the lives of impoverished rural communities in Asia through education and service. Joshua is interested to get connected with other charity organizations and social enterprises with the similar mission and activities.

- Welcome, Esther Grootveld! Esther used to work for Dutch Premsela Design Foundation in the Netherlands. Now she serves as a senior recruiter at PAE Design Talent, a recruitment firm that specializes in China’s creative industry. PAE’s Shanghai office is based in Xindanwei.

2). Xindanwei Past Events:

- Xindanwei cofounders Liu Yan and Aaajiao are invited to give a workshop “Coworking Manual” workshop at The Creator Project to share Xindanwei’s business models and knowledge about setting up and sustaining a coworking space and community. We are currently working on this open-source project manual and develop it into an iApp freely downloadable by everyone. Liu Yan’s presentation about “Coworking Manual” has been shared here

- From 29 Aug to 1 Sep, Xindanwei Cofounders Liu Yan and Chen Xu are invited to join the Transfabric workshop in Budapest, an event that brings together key thinkers and practitioners who work at the intersection of digital and urban design, making and remaking and are distributed across different cities in the U.S., Europe and China. During the workshop, Liu Yan and Chen Xu have co-initiated and participated in the project together with Xinchejian team and several others: This is not a door. This project pairs a conceptual foundation with a highly functional project that seeks to reinvent the door. Here is Liu Yan’s blogpost(in Chinese) about her observation and thoughts.

- On 29 Sep, Jason Porath, visual effect artist, technical director of Dreamworks Animation, came to Xindanwei to present “Things I learned to go from amateur to pro”. Jason Porath has been working in film computer graphics professionally since 2002. The video documentation of this talk will be provided in the event page and next Buzz.

3).Xindanwei forthcoming events:

-Mark your calendar… October 7,15 & 18 2:30-4pm @Xindanwei: 2011 Shanghai Conservatory of Music International Electronic Music Week Expert Talks. If you’re into electronic music, don’t miss this!

- Micro-Altruism Events
Net Impact’s next meeting on 12 Oct will introduce the new concept of “Micro-Altruism” – doing “small acts of kindness” for people we don’t know for no reason except to benefit them in some way, using a small amount of resources but a lot of heart! Come learn about and participate in China’s first micro-altruism event.

Motivated Skills Workshop
Join us on 18 Oct for an engaging presentation with award-winning career advisor Peter Hill as he shares a unique self-assessment process (including a coaching demonstration) that helps identify “Dependable Strengths.”

4). Shared by Coworkers:

- International Top Talent:

International Top Talent(ITT) is a Dutch HR consultancy specialized in the search and selection of Chinese professionals with international mindset for European companies and knowledge institutions. ITT team not only offers companies professional support in the full HRM process from search and selection to the organization of tailor made selection, we also provide Chinese talents specific training programs and workshops to enhance our international career. If you are interested to join our network, please visit one of our upcoming events:
• Dutch Career Day Fudan Groningen, 31st October
• ITT Human Capital Days for High Tech Systems & Materials, 18th & 19th November
• ITT Human Capital Days for Health & Technology, 22nd & 23rd November
• China Table to discuss Innovation and Talent in China, November.

- Sohrab:

One thing I would like to share is a iPhone app we have just developed for fans of English football.It is called Footy Chants Live and it allows you to follow what the fans in the stadium are singing live as the games are going on. More info and download from:

- David Li:

ArduBlock is a graphical programming environment for the popular open source micro controller Arduino for robotics and physical computing. We are looking for industrial designers and educational course designers to join us to design hardware enclosure and digital brick system to teach kids about robot and physical computing.

-Xavier Satorra, Creative Director of

Some time ago I contacted with @theliuyan, the cofounder of Xindanwei via twitter and we realized that both networks have lots of points in common. (there’s a chinese introduction) We are looking for some chinese authors to be included in our network too

It’s a network space and online portfolio, with no physical space as we are all over the world, most of us also travelling and “dislocated”. It’s free, of course, and the main idea is to connect people no matter languages and different cultural backgrounds.

Our contact info: São Paulo. Brazil +55 11 7995 5633
Barcelona. Spain +34 627959611 skype: @tvs_net



4/20 个工作站虚位以待

#1.  新单位地产


第一期新单位地产是位于泰康路街区的Taikang Terrace,也叫做 TK Terrace,是一个由旧工厂改造而成的混合业态创意空间。空间以零售用途为主,但整个改造非常注重室内和室外的空间关系,每一层都有形式灵活的大面积区域可以用于多种规模的活动。

TK Terrace 是新单位地产的一部分,在新单位地产项目的支持下,新单位如今有能力为更多大型的活动提供场地和组织服务,也将可以为成功创业后的中小型企业提供独立的办公空间。欢迎您联系 咨询更多信息。

#2. 社区通讯


1). 热烈欢迎新成员:

- 欢迎,高超凡和他的开发团队。高超凡是魅格信息技术有限公司的创始人和总经理。他们致力于脸部识别技术的开发和应用。在新单位网站人物专栏上有一篇我们对他的采访。

- 欢迎,Rina Joosten。Rina是ITT的联合创始人,她刚来中国接管中国ITT的总经理职位.我们将在十月份在新单位人物专栏为她做一个特别的专访。

- 欢迎,Joshua Lange! Joshua是协同福利及教育基金会的中国协调人。协同福利及教育基金会是一家设在香港的非营利性组织,由路德会基督徒所成立,致力于通过教育和服务去提高在亚洲的贫困地区的生活。Joshua有兴趣与其他慈善机构和社会企业活动合作。

- Esther Grootveld曾经在荷兰的Premsela设计基金会工作。她刚刚加入PAE Design Talent成为了他们的高级顾问,PAE Design Talent的上海总部设在Xindanwei。




- 九月29号晚七点半,Dreamworks动画公司的技术总监Jason Porath,和我们分享了他特效制作中常用的几个方法,软件和工具。 无论是菜鸟还是大虾,这些全是不可错过的好东东!这个活动的录像将在活动界面和下次的新单位消息中和大家见面。

-新单位创始人陈叙接受中国三明治的专访,详见:《陈叙:在“新单位”打造“线下的互联网” 》


- 2011年10月7日、15日、18日下午@新单位 :2011上海音乐学院国际电子音乐周 专家讲座。音乐家:Daniel Schorno、Ludger Brümmer、Jacopo Baboni Schilingi 和你面对面!本次活动和上海音乐学院合作。

Net Impact上海下一次十月十二日的活动将介绍“微善我行”活动这样一个新的概念。它旨在鼓励人们为陌生人做出一些善举。鼓励人们运用小资源、大诚心去帮助他人,带给他们惊喜和快乐。 欢迎前来了解和参加中国第一次”微善我行”活动。

- 激励能力研讨会
十月十二日欢迎前来参与由Net Impact上海分部特别邀请的金牌职业顾问Peter Hill主导的激励能力研讨会。Peter将会分享他独到的自我评价过程(内含辅导演示)。


- David Li : 寻找儿童物理运算和机器人套件设计师


- Yuetao:有影视圈的朋友在找好的剧本题材吗?我手头有一部小说《红蟋蟀》,关于一个海归回到上海,由玩赏蟋蟀无意中得到线索,而解开三十多年前的重重谜团。


September 17, 2011

Xindanwei is calling App developers for Coworking Manual & Application | 靠谱iapp开发者,新单位邀您共创“协作式办公指南”

Filed under: @xindanwei — Cozi @ 3:44 pm







Xindanwei is calling App developers for Coworking Manual & Application

As Xindanwei’s model grew, we began to attract enthusiastic calls, emails, Weibo’s and event invitations from people who were interested in what we were accomplishing. We are happy and honored by these attentions. But we struggled with our own capacity to respond to all these inquiries.

As the frontrunner and facilitator of “Shared and collaborative working community”, we hold on the principle of being open and collaborative. Xindanwei has long preached the benefits of being a shared space and we’ve been doing our best to encourage as many new spaces as possible. But gradually we realized that we needed another strategy to meet the growing interest in creating shared spaces and attract the real collaborators.

So we are creating this Coworking Manual series and we will be presenting this series in draft on Sep 17 at The Creator’s Project Beijing.

We hope to change our way of working, our way of thinking and our way of being creative in China through the coworking movement. This change cannot be achieved by Xindanwei alone. We wish to be joined by more people and resources to start this movement. We figured the best way to open our model – to reveal everything we have learned in hopes of supporting the emergence of new and better spaces – is to document what we have done and make it available to anybody who is interested.

In order to show this series on smart phones and devices and make it more accessible, interactive and updatable, we are looking for good app developer to work together to turn it into iApp. This initiative is made possible with the support from Haworth Asia Pacific Co Ltd.

Please send your resume to should it be any interest to you.

August 29, 2011

Xindanwei Buzz | 新单位消息

Filed under: @xindanwei — Cozi @ 1:33 pm


7/20 desks are still available

#1.  Xindanwei Property

xīndānwèi|PROPERTY is our new space service on providing creative event venues, flexible office spaces and retailing locations in Shanghai. Exhibition & event space is emphasized where you can host cocktail party or conference for up to 200 people. With xīndānwèi|PROPERTY, we now not only provide flexible office solutions for small business and startup entrepreneurs, but are also able to host and provide service to larger scale events as well as providing pro-level working space for “started-ups” in different urban areas while always keeping them connected with other members in the creative professional network of Xindanwei.

The first release of xīndānwèi|PROPERTY is the Tai Kang Terrace, aka TK Terrace, at Taikang/Jianguo rd. area. It is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. The spaces have been completely regenerated and transformed to allow the customers and tenants to exist in a unique mix of indoor and outdoor space among many different levels. Apart from retail space, TK Terrace is mostly suitable for events from 30 to 150 people, highly recommended for art exhibition, product launch and networking events to impress the attendants. Download a PDF presentation of the venue here. For inquiry, please email us or call us on 021 3428 0783.

#2. Community Post

1.“Startup Weekend Shanghai English Edition” is an event of entrepreneurial creation in Shanghai with a single motto “No Talk, All Action”. Distributed freely in groups of about 5 people, the candidates meet the incredible challenge of creating a startup in 54 hours. Launched in 2007, the concept has then spread to over 35 countries, including P.R.C. this year. The event will take place in Shanghai this year on September 9th, 10th & 11th, 2011. As partner and sponsor of the event, Xindanwei will provide 2 desks for the winner team, as well as the possibility to use the ground floor in case more people work. Check out to know more about “Startup Weekend Shanghai”.

Price for candidates: 200 RMB including catering and soft drinks
Address: Pythagore Optical Business Center
323 Guo Ding Rd/near Zheng Xiu Rd, Yangpu District – 200 433 SHANGHAI
Metro: L10, Station: GuoQuan Rd
上海市杨浦区国定路 323号(政修路)

2. Net Impact is a global network spanning 90+ countries across six continents. Net Impact’s 10,000+ members are current and emerging leaders in CSR, social entrepreneurship, non-profit management, international development, and environmental sustainability who are actively improving the world. As a professional development organization, our mission is to provide members with networking, career, and education resources focused on responsible leadership and sustainable business practice. Net Impact’s membership makes up one of the most influential networks of MBAs, graduate students, and professionals in existence today. Net Impact Shanghai connects networks, organizations, people and ideas making a socially responsible difference in China. In the upcoming months, Net Impact Shanghai will have a series of  events. Please click here to download the event schedule as well as to know more about Net Impact.

Sat. September 3, 2011, 1-5pm: “Your Great Work” Workshop
Discover what you believe is “great work” and align it with your career direction in a supportive setting. Facilitation in English with trainers Lynn King & Debbie Delaney. Small group discussions can be in English or Chinese. Cost: 35 RMB/person, limited seats on a first-­come basis. To register, send your name, mobile #, and email address to: Registered participants will receive confirmation with workshop location.
October 2011: “Micro-Activism Event” Sponsored by Net Impact Shanghai and TGO.TV
Read more…


7/20 个工作站虚位以待

#1.  新单位地产

新单位|空间服务 是我们最新的创意空间服务,提供上海城区的各式不同的空间,包括创意活动场地、灵活办公空间以及零售店址。尤其活动空间方面,将可举办多至200人的鸡尾酒会或会议。除了一如既往地向小企业以及刚创业的企业主提供灵活的办公解决方案,在 新单位|空间服务 的支持下,新单位如今有能力为更多大型的活动提供场地和组织服务,也将可以为成功创业后的中小型企业提供市中心范围内独立的办公空间,同时支持他们在新单位的创意专业人士网络里相互联系。

第一期 新单位|空间服务 关系地产是位于泰康路/建国路街区的Taikang Terrace,也叫做 TK Terrace,是一个由旧工厂改造而成的混合业态创意空间。TK Terrace空间以零售用途为主,活动空间是另一个改造重心。整个改造非常注重室内和室外的空间关系,每一层都有形式灵活的大面积区域可以用于多种规模的活动,给人深刻印象,尤其推荐进行艺术展览、产品发布会、联谊活动等。您可以点击 这里 下载 PDF 格式的空间介绍。也欢迎您联系 或拨打 021 3428 0783 咨询更多信息。

#2. 社区通讯

1.“Startup Weekend Shanghai English Edition” is an event of entrepreneurial creation in Shanghai with a single motto “No Talk, All Action”. Distributed freely in groups of about 5 people, the candidates meet the incredible challenge of creating a startup in 54 hours. Launched in 2007, the concept has then spread to over 35 countries, including P.R.C. this year. The event will take place in Shanghai this year on September 9th, 10th & 11th, 2011. As partner and sponsor of the event, Xindanwei will provide 2 desks for the winner team, as well as the possibility to use the ground floor in case more people work.

Price for candidates: 200 RMB including catering and soft drinks
Address: Pythagore Optical Business Center
323 Guo Ding Rd/near Zheng Xiu Rd, Yangpu District – 200 433 SHANGHAI
Metro: L10, Station: GuoQuan Rd
上海市杨浦区国定路 323号(政修路)
Contact/reservation detail:

2. Net Impact 是一个横跨6大洲、覆盖90 多个国家的社交网络。其中有超过10,000 名成员都是现在已经或者未来将投身于社会企业、非盈利组织、国际发展和环境可持续的领导者们。他们正在积极地改善这个世界。作为一个专业组织,我们的使命是给成员提供关于领导责任和企业永续发展的社交机会、职业和教育资源。Net Impact 的成员包括了现今最有影响力的MBA、大学毕业生和专业人员。Net Impact 上海分会为想要在中国承担社会责任的组织和个人提供了一个良好的交流平台。 这几个Net Impact 上海分会将会在上海举办一系列的活动,正在召集参与人。点击 这里 下载活动列表以及了解更多关于 Net Impact 的情况。

2011 年9 月3 日,星期六,下午1-°©5 点,“找到对你来说最好的工作”工作坊
来找到对你来说最好的工作并把它同你的职业目标结合在一起。导师:Lynn King & Debbie Delaney;授课语言:英语;小组讨论语言:英语或中文。费用:人均35 人民币。座位有限,先到先得。 报名方式:请将你的姓名,手机号码和电子邮箱发送到 报名成功者将收到举办工作坊的地址作为确认。
2011 年10 月:“微行动 我参与活动” 由Net Impact 上海分部和TGO 电视台共同支持赞助


July 28, 2011

Xindanwei “Buzz” | 新单位消息

Filed under: @xindanwei — Cozi @ 4:22 pm


8/20 desks still available

#1.  Xindanwei Property

Xindanwei grows, so do our members. That’s why we have developed a plan to apply our people-powered approach among various of imaginative and extraordinary spaces and buildings around the city, in order to accommodate the growth of our members, allow more community participation and increase the the intensification of social and financial values for our community members.

The first release of Xindanwei Property is the Tai Kang Terrace, aka TK Terrace, at Taikang rd. area. It is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. The spaces have been completely transformed to allow the customers and tenants to exist in a unique mix of indoor and outdoor space among many different levels of both indoor and outdoor spaces.

With TK Terrace as part of Xindanwei property, Xindanwei now is able to host and provide service to larger scale events as well as providing pro-level working space for “started-ups”. Please contact for more information.

#2. Community Post

1. Yehenala is working on 2 exciting web sites based projects this month and is looking for a freelancer website programmer.

“One of the sites is a digital platform and project mother site for people to share ideas. It is a bit like NeoCHA. and the other one is virtual experience site. I want to build a data based 3D virtual environment.”

2. Alex C-G is based in Shanghai and running a small but fast-growing company here. He needs a Chinese personal (or virtual) assistant, preferably in Shanghai, for business and personal tasks.

“A lot of what I request can be done online, but there may be some times we need to work together in person or you need to be on hand to pick something up or physically be in Shanghai. Excellent English is required. Shanghainese language is a plus. Please include your Skype name or cellphone number in your proposal so I can assess your spoken English.”
Example tasks:
Business: market research, making appointments, responding to emails, arranging kuaidi, etc
Personal: hiring an ayi, researching most suitable gym for me in my neighborhood, buying stuff from taobao, etc
Payment will initially be on an hourly basis, so please include your proposed hourly rate. If things go well I’ll look at a more permanent arrangement
Email: Mobile:     136 8186 0166

3. Egmont Mayer is looking for a freelance Filemaker engineer, who can setup a film archive database.

There will be links to externally stored images an movies. The media files should be visible inside the database.
Main task of the database will be to create a movie selection and then export a custom XML File.
If you are interested in this work, just call Egmont at 13916530551 or write an email to

4. Jeuce at Communications is looking for a PR Executive. Communications is a boutique brand communication agency based in Shanghai. Our mission is to deliver efficient and cost-effective brand communication results for F&B businesses. Our clients include some of the most prestigious western restaurants in Shanghai.
The idea candidate should have excellent verbal and written communications skills both in Chinese and English, familiar with web and social media (e.g. weibo, blog, facebook ect.), have some PR related experience, and passionate for food and wine!
Click here for detailed job description:
Submit English & Chinese CV to:

5. Caroline Zeller is looking for a freelance graphic designer to replace her for 2 weeks.

WESSCO International, Shanghai, is looking for a temporary graphic designer for the period of 2 weeks. The ideal candidate has to have knowledge and experience in illustration and Indesign, outgoing personality and ability to work on the short notice. Experience in 3D rendering and professional photography will be a plus. The job is from the 8th of August until the 19th of August; however, if successful during these two weeks, further cooperation is possible.
Please contact Caroline Zeller by phone or email as soon as possible:, +86 134 827 22 827
Interviews will be conducted from the 28th of July until 2nd of August at the following address: Anken Green, 668 Huai An Lu, Suite 5C


8/20 个工作站虚位以待

#1.  新单位地产


第一期新单位地产是位于泰康路街区的Taikang Terrace,也叫做 TK Terrace,是一个由旧工厂改造而成的混合业态创意空间。空间以零售用途为主,但整个改造非常注重室内和室外的空间关系,每一层都有形式灵活的大面积区域可以用于多种规模的活动。

TK Terrace 是新单位地产的一部分,在新单位地产项目的支持下,新单位如今有能力为更多大型的活动提供场地和组织服务,也将可以为成功创业后的中小型企业提供独立的办公空间。欢迎您联系 咨询更多信息。

#2. 社区通讯

1. Yehenala is working on 2 exciting web sites based projects this month and is looking for a freelancer website programmer.

“One of the sites is a digital platform and project mother site for people to share ideas. It is a bit like NeoCHA. and the other one is virtual experience site. I want to build a data based 3D virtual environment.”

2. Alex C-G is based in Shanghai and running a small but fast-growing company here. He needs a Chinese personal (or virtual) assistant, preferably in Shanghai, for business and personal tasks.

“A lot of what I request can be done online, but there may be some times we need to work together in person or you need to be on hand to pick something up or physically be in Shanghai. Excellent English is required. Shanghainese language is a plus. Please include your Skype name or cellphone number in your proposal so I can assess your spoken English.”
Example tasks:
Business: market research, making appointments, responding to emails, arranging kuaidi, etc
Personal: hiring an ayi, researching most suitable gym for me in my neighborhood, buying stuff from taobao, etc
Payment will initially be on an hourly basis, so please include your proposed hourly rate. If things go well I’ll look at a more permanent arrangement
Email: Mobile:     136 8186 0166

3. Egmont Mayer is looking for a freelance Filemaker engineer, who can setup a film archive database.

There will be links to externally stored images an movies. The media files should be visible inside the database.
Main task of the database will be to create a movie selection and then export a custom XML File.
If you are interested in this work, just call Egmont at 13916530551 or write an email to

4. Jeuce at Communications is looking for a PR Executive. Communications is a boutique brand communication agency based in Shanghai. Our mission is to deliver efficient and cost-effective brand communication results for F&B businesses. Our clients include some of the most prestigious western restaurants in Shanghai.
The idea candidate should have excellent verbal and written communications skills both in Chinese and English, familiar with web and social media (e.g. weibo, blog, facebook ect.), have some PR related experience, and passionate for food and wine!
Click here for detailed job description:
Submit English & Chinese CV to:

5. Caroline Zeller is looking for a freelance graphic designer to replace her for 2 weeks.

WESSCO International, Shanghai, is looking for a temporary graphic designer for the period of 2 weeks. The ideal candidate has to have knowledge and experience in illustration and Indesign, outgoing personality and ability to work on the short notice. Experience in 3D rendering and professional photography will be a plus. The job is from the 8th of August until the 19th of August; however, if successful during these two weeks, further cooperation is possible.
Please contact Caroline Zeller by phone or email as soon as possible:, +86 134 827 22 827
Interviews will be conducted from the 28th of July until 2nd of August at the following address: Anken Green, 668 Huai An Lu, Suite 5C


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