Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

September 10, 2010

xindanwei chitchat edition 21: Killer Game & digital-urban lifestyles | 新单位茶话会第二十一期:杀人游戏和数字城市生活方式

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xindanwei chitchat edition 21: Killer Game & digital-urban lifestyles

Time: 17:30-19:30 Friday, September, 10th
Host: Silvia Lindtner

In urban China today, not just our physical but also our technological infrastructures are rapidly changing. How do people experience these digital and urban transformation in their daily lives? What technologies do they use, for what purposes and where? How does technology shape the experience of the city and the ways in which people connect to each other? In this chit chat session, Silvia will present some of her past research with young professionals in Beijing and Shanghai, who have adopted a game called the Killer Game for a new digital-urban entertainment experience. Killer Game gained popularity in China around 2004-2006 as a party game. Around 2006-08 a group of young entrepreneurs set up their own Killer Game gaming clubs in Beijing, which subsequently spread into Shanghai, Wuhan, Hangzhou and other cities in China. The clubs are often advertised as new forms of entertainment, distinct from places like the Internet cafe, and to develop a culture of cool.

In this chit chat session, Silvia will talk about what motivates these young people to go to the Killer Game clubs and we will also play the actual game!

Silvia Lindtner is a PhD candidate in the department of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. Her overall research interest lies in new media studies, human-computer interaction and urban studies. She focuses in particular on the role of digital media in creative practices, for social networking and collaboration in urban China. A crucial aspect of this work is studying the creative practices of individuals and informal collectives across digital and urban spaces. She has conducted research with two different social groups, urban youth and young IT professionals, and explored the different ways in which digital media come to shape their experiences of the city, the relationships to others and their work & leisure practices. Her work is published across an array of disciplines and she has presented her research at venues such as the Chinese Internet Research Conference, conferences in Human Computer Interaction and Collaboration, and the first international conference on Digital Media and Learning.



时间: 9月10日(周五)17:30—19:30
费用: 免费
主持人:Silvia Lindtner

在当今中国城市, 物理空间和技术基础设施都在迅速变化中. 人们怎么样在日常生活中体验这些数字与城市变革呢? 人们使用什么样的技术,为什么使用?在哪里使用? 这些技术怎么样影响人对城市的体验? 人们怎么样应用这些技术互相连接? 在本周的茶话会中, Silvia将陈述她在过去与中国和上海的专家一起做的研究: 杀人游戏作为一种新的数字城市娱乐项目.

杀人游戏于04年至06年间在中国迅速流行开来, 在06-08年间一群年轻企业家在北京创立了他们自己的杀人游戏俱乐部,名为Xclub, 然后迅速扩展到上海,武汉,杭州以及中国其他城市. 该俱乐部倡导一种区别于传统咖啡馆的新娱乐方式. 开创了一个超酷的文化.

在本期茶话会中, Silvia将谈论什么样的原因促使年轻人去杀人游戏俱乐部, 然后我们也会玩一把真实的杀人游戏.
关于Silvia的更多信息, 可以登录她的网站


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