Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

June 30, 2012

Rob van Kranenburg:Internet of Things | 欧洲物联网理事会主任Rob van Kranenburg谈物联网

Filed under: Events — kloe @ 2:10 pm

[lang_en]Rob van Kranenburg: Internet of Things
Time: 2pm – 4pm, 30 June, 2012
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd.
Language: English
Cost: 40RMB

Notice: This event is by reservation ONLY. Please complete the reservation form on this page before you come.

The Internet of Things (IoT); imagine a world where everything can be both analogue and digitally approached – reformulates our relationship with objects – things- as well as the objects themselves. Currently we can discern two main blocks of thought on IoT. The first is a reactive framework of ideas and thought that sees IoT as a layer of digital connectivity on top of existing infrastructure and things. This position sees IoT as a manageable set of convergent developments on infrastructure, services, applications and governance tools. It is assumed that, as in the transition from mainframe to Internet some business will fail and new ones will emerge, this will happen within the current governance, currency end business models. The second is a proactive framework of ideas and thought that sees IoT as a severely disruptive convergence that is unmanageable with current tools, as it will change the notion of what data and what noise is from the supply chain on to ‘apps’. Read more (PDF) for the lecture .

About Speaker:
Rob van Kranenburg (1964) founded Council, a thinktank for the Internet of Things, to bring this latter perspective into the heart of the debates. He is Chair of the Working Group Societal of the IOT Forum, member of the Expert Group on IOT for the European Commision, and Stakeholder Coordinator for IoT-A. Mr. van Kranenburg will travel in Shanghai for IOT 2012 China in this late June.[/lang_en]

[lang_cn]欧洲物联网理事会主任Rob van Kranenburg谈物联网
费用:40 元

注意:此活动须申请预约, 请将您的姓名,职业,联系方式填入本页底部的申请表。

物联网(IoT), 一个万事万物模拟和数字均可感知的世界,正在重塑世上万事万物的关系,且改变事物的本身。物联网认识论现可分两大派系。一派坚信物联网只不过基于现有网络基础和事物的数字联接层,即被动构架流派。持此观点自然理解物联网的形成是基础设施、服务、应用和治理手段的逐步完善和可控的过程。可以假设随着主流百业围绕互联网转型,有些现有业态将消亡,而新业态会产生,但一切都在现有的治理模式和货币结算的模式框架下发生,无不例外。另一派则视物联网,以现有手段,是不可控的极度混乱汇集的主动构架流派,所以从供应链到应用层,何为数据何为噪点的判断均将改变。讲座内容PDF下载

Rob van Kranenburg 于1964出生,创立欧洲物联网理事会(Council)。理事会已成为欧洲物联网智囊,并促进了物联网技术及其潜在价值在欧洲各界,尤其在政界和商界的广泛认识和认同。van Kraneburg先生是欧洲物联网(the Working Group Societal of the IOT Forum)论坛秘书组的主席,欧联盟物联网专家组成员和欧联盟IoT-A项目出资方协调人。van Kraneburg先生将于本月底参加在上海举行的第三届中国国际物联网大会,新单位很荣幸能借次机会请他来就物联网做公开演讲。[/lang_cn]

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June 23, 2012

Social Media Marketing Training Seminar | 社交媒介营销培训课

Filed under: Events — kloe @ 3:37 pm

[lang_en]WHAT: Intermediate Level Social Media Marketing Training Seminar, Focus on Twitter, Blogging
FOR WHO: Companies that are currently utilizing facebook and twitter for their company’s social media marketing but need ideas and strategies to better improve their effect.
WHEN: Saturday, June 23, 2012 2pm – 5pm
WHERE: Xindanwei, yongjia road 50,Shanghai
WHY: Social Media continues to be a critical part of online marketing and promotion, companies need to ensure their SNS strategy is fresh and actively marketed.
HOW MUCH: 800rmb per person (Xindanwei members enjoy 25% off, only 680rmb per person)

Notice: This event is by reservation ONLY. Please complete the reservation form on this page before you come.

Agenda / Topics:
Measuring / Benchmarking Your Current Social Media Presence – How to analyze your current SNS positioning versus your competition, and how to better track progress in the future.

Understanding Success in Social Media – Is it a twitter account with 10,000 followers better than one with 1,000? Its more complex than that.

Tools to Manage Twitter – Twitter is best managed by 3rd party tools. Which tools are the best, and how to utilize them?

Case Study: Delk Elf– Desk Elf is a big believer in Social media to generate leads and new clients, making investments that are long term, but pay off, as this case study outlines.
Case Study: Audience – We will take time to review an attendee’s company social media positioning and give ideas and feedback.

About Michael Michelini:
Michael Michelini is an American internet marketing consultant, skilled Social Media and SEO with hootsuite certification and Google adwords certification. Having spent over 5 years in Shenzhen, China, Michael understands the needs and opportunities for Chinese companies looking to build their English Social Media presence.

Click HERE to get the ticket, Xindanwei members need to pay the cash directly at Xindanwei to book the seat.
Contact Person:Amy
QQ: 1471819335
Contact number:134 2095 1302



主讲:Michael Michelini (美国, 思德通进出口(深圳)有限公司CEO)
时间:2012年6月23日,周六 下午 14:00-17:00
地点: 新单位—–上海市徐汇区永嘉路50号(靠近陕西南路)
培训费用:800 元/人(新单位会员享受八五折优惠,只有680元/人)
注意:此活动须申请预约, 请将您的姓名,职业,联系方式填入本页底部的申请表。



一个twitter 账号有10000个粉丝好,还是只有1000个粉丝更好?


案例学习: Delk Elf- Desk Elf
Delk Elf- Desk Elf非常信任社交媒介(非常相信社交媒介的力量),在早期Dell就已经开始通过它的组织对社交媒介进行投资了。

关于 Michael Michelini
Michael Michelini是一个美国互联网市场营销咨询顾问,擅长社交媒介咨询、搜索引擎优化,已获得hootsuite证书和谷歌adwords证书。因为在中国深圳生活工作了四年,Michael了解中国公司希望利用英语社交媒介推动他们公司发展的需求和机遇。
Michael 的新浪微博:@michelini
Twitter : @michelini
Facebook :

2009年3月 – 2009中国厦门SMX年度会议SEO, 演讲题目:“关键字研究”
2009年6月—2009年夏,SalesLion SEO深圳 演讲题目:“社交媒体介绍”
2009年9月-12月,4次参加暨南大学电子商务计划 演讲题目:“中国和美国电子商务之间的差异+建链接的策略”
2009年8月 – 深圳本地互联网大会(贸易博览会推广)演讲题目:“社交媒体介绍”
2009年9月- 南京SEO活动(赢时代) 演讲题目: “在线网站优化的案例研究”
2010年3月 – 厦门中国互联网活动 演讲题目:国际贸易+采购中的- SEO / SEM
2010年5月 – 出席广东省中山市Star Prototype China举办的3天培训研讨会
2010年10月 – 在美国新泽西州的史蒂文斯理工学院发表关于“在中国经商的经验”的讲话
2011年1月- 菲律宾马尼拉社会聚会的演讲者
2011年1月15日 – 首届ShenzhenMarketing电子商务聚会的演讲者和组织者,演讲题目:美国和中国电子商务的差异
2011年2月 – 菲律宾Cebu Twitter聚会,演讲题目:“社交媒体圆桌会议”
2011年7月 -Startups香港发言人,分享在深圳做生意的经验
2011年7月 – Szteam联合办公室启动仪式的组织者
2011年8月 – 首届Startups深圳会议的组织者+演讲者,介绍何为startup, 如何进入startup行业
2011年9月2-4,BootUP Weekend的组织者,在某个周末组织好startup
2011年9月 -在美国新泽西州的史蒂文斯理工大学演讲,题目:“在中国销售的策略”
2011年11月 – 首个官方深圳startupweekend.org本地活动的组织者
2011年12月- 给TomTop的员工培训“英语社交媒体营销培训“
2012年4月6日至8日 第二届深圳创业周末Startup Weekend Shenzhen 组织者之一
2012年6月1日至3日第一届广州创业周末Startup Weekend Shenzhen 组织者之一

报名截止: 2012-6-23 13:00pm
电话: +86 15816859376 (英语)+86 13420951302 (汉语)
E-mail: 或


QQ: 1471819335
手机:134 2095 1302

June 22, 2012

ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival 2012 | 2012上海骄傲节电影展

Filed under: Events — kloe @ 4:01 pm

[lang_en]ShanghaiPRIDE, now in its 4th year will be hot and fabulous again in 2012 with dates confirmed for June. The week-long event will be held over June 15-23, with the final weekend landing on the Dragon boat festival. Organized by the ShanghaiLGBT group and partnering with several local LGBT organizers there will be a myriad of activities under this year’s ShanghaiPRIDE banner. To support or get involved in ShanghaiPRIDE2012 send an email to

Xindanwei is pleased to collaborate with ShanghaiPRIDE to present LGBT-themed films in conduction with this year’s celebration. This year’s theme is “Don’s Hide, Don’t Change, Be Proud”. There will be four movies to be screened in Xindanwei on 21th and 22nd of June. And for more information about other events of ShanghaiPRIDE, please refer to the official website.

Notice: This event is by reservation ONLY. Please complete the reservation form on this page before you come.

Films: Words I Will Never Say, Tomboys Don’t Cry
Time: 18:30pm, 21 June (Thursday)
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Road, Shanghai
Cost: Free

Words I Will Never Say
Country :China
Length :7mins
Release Year:2011
Intro:Nuannuan & Xiao Mi, the two girls are in love. Nuannuan ended her UK tour when she knew that Xiao Mi will be getting married. Nuannuan can only linger in their sweet memories. And then, allowing them to turn into tears in her heart.

Tomboys Don’t Cry
Country :China
Length :80mins
Release Year:2010
Intro:The story is during their 22-28 years old, Zihan (T) and Xiao (T) met Shan (P) and Yezi (P) at S University at a party. Xiao and Yezi tried to match-make Zihan and Shan. However, when they were together for the fifth year, Shan got married and left. Zihan had a painful experience, but eventually she learnt and grew up.

Films: Speechless, Be A Woman
Time: 18:30pm, 22 June (Friday)
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Road, Shanghai
Cost: Free

Country :Hongkong, China
Length :92mins
Director:Simon Chung
Release Year:2012
Intro:”Speechless” takes place at the border of a town in southern China. The young French exchange student lost his way out in a remote area near the river bank where he was found naked. And when he woke up, he was in the state of aphasia and amnesia, but he was fond of the medical officer, Xiao Jiang. The local police were prepared to send Luke to the mental hospital in the city to undergo psychological tests, but Xiao Jiang managed to convince everyone that Luke needs to be taken care of and he will send Luke to his uncle’s house. Although Luke failed to remember what happened, but Xiao Jiang found out that Luke is speechless due to a guy, Han. And when the memories came back, the truth is unbearable……

Be A Woman
Country :China
Length :84mins
Director:Popo Fan
Release Year:2011
Intro:The life stories of members of the biggest drag queen performance troupe in China.[/lang_en]


上海骄傲节不知不觉已经步入了第四年,今年六月又将完美回归!此次活动将持续整整一周的时间,从6/15 到6/23,周末恰逢中国的端午节假日。ShanghaiLGBT团体将携手上海当地各种LGBT组织将为大家呈献各种丰富多彩的活动。支持或参与2012上海骄傲节的朋友们可以电邮至

新单位很荣幸能与上上海骄傲节合作承办本次的电影节。本年度的主题是“坚强 自信的 做自己”。新单位将在6月21日与22日两天放映4部电影。如您想了解更多上海骄傲节的其他活动,请关注上海骄傲节官网

注意:此活动须申请预约, 请将您的姓名,职业,联系方式填入本页底部的申请表。

时间:下午 6:30,6月21日 (星期四)



时间:下午 6:30,6月22日 (星期五)

简介:“无言”的故事发生在中国南方的边城。年轻的法国交换生路克在偏僻的河岸被发现时全身赤裸,醒来 后处于失语和失忆状态中,但他对医院的男看护小江感到莫名的亲切。当地派出所准备把路克送往大城市的精神病院做心理测试,但小江最终以调理身体的理由说服 了大家,把路克接到舅舅家里暂住。尽管路克想不起发生了什么,但小江在与他的相处中误打误撞的发现,原来路克的无言是因为一位叫做韩的男子,而当记忆还 魂,带来的真相却是生命不能承受之轻……



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June 21, 2012

ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival 2012 | 2012上海骄傲节电影展

Filed under: Events — kloe @ 11:39 am

[lang_en]ShanghaiPRIDE, now in its 4th year will be hot and fabulous again in 2012 with dates confirmed for June. The week-long event will be held over June 15-23, with the final weekend landing on the Dragon boat festival. Organized by the ShanghaiLGBT group and partnering with several local LGBT organizers there will be a myriad of activities under this year’s ShanghaiPRIDE banner. To support or get involved in ShanghaiPRIDE2012 send an email to

Xindanwei is pleased to collaborate with ShanghaiPRIDE to present LGBT-themed films in conduction with this year’s celebration. This year’s theme is “Don’s Hide, Don’t Change, Be Proud”. There will be four movies to be screened in Xindanwei on 21th and 22nd of June. And for more information about other events of ShanghaiPRIDE, please refer to the official website.

Notice: This event is by reservation ONLY. Please complete the reservation form on this page before you come.

Films: Words I Will Never Say, Tomboys Don’t Cry
Time: 18:30pm, 21 June (Thursday)
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Road, Shanghai
Cost: Free

Words I Will Never Say
Country :China
Length :7mins
Release Year:2011
Intro:Nuannuan & Xiao Mi, the two girls are in love. Nuannuan ended her UK tour when she knew that Xiao Mi will be getting married. Nuannuan can only linger in their sweet memories. And then, allowing them to turn into tears in her heart.

Tomboys Don’t Cry
Country :China
Length :80mins
Release Year:2010
Intro:The story is during their 22-28 years old, Zihan (T) and Xiao (T) met Shan (P) and Yezi (P) at S University at a party. Xiao and Yezi tried to match-make Zihan and Shan. However, when they were together for the fifth year, Shan got married and left. Zihan had a painful experience, but eventually she learnt and grew up.

Films: Speechless, Be A Woman
Time: 18:30pm, 22 June (Friday)
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Road, Shanghai
Cost: Free

Country :Hongkong, China
Length :92mins
Director:Simon Chung
Release Year:2012
Intro:”Speechless” takes place at the border of a town in southern China. The young French exchange student lost his way out in a remote area near the river bank where he was found naked. And when he woke up, he was in the state of aphasia and amnesia, but he was fond of the medical officer, Xiao Jiang. The local police were prepared to send Luke to the mental hospital in the city to undergo psychological tests, but Xiao Jiang managed to convince everyone that Luke needs to be taken care of and he will send Luke to his uncle’s house. Although Luke failed to remember what happened, but Xiao Jiang found out that Luke is speechless due to a guy, Han. And when the memories came back, the truth is unbearable……

Be A Woman
Country :China
Length :84mins
Director:Popo Fan
Release Year:2011
Intro:The life stories of members of the biggest drag queen performance troupe in China.[/lang_en]


上海骄傲节不知不觉已经步入了第四年,今年六月又将完美回归!此次活动将持续整整一周的时间,从6/15 到6/23,周末恰逢中国的端午节假日。ShanghaiLGBT团体将携手上海当地各种LGBT组织将为大家呈献各种丰富多彩的活动。支持或参与2012上海骄傲节的朋友们可以电邮至

新单位很荣幸能与上上海骄傲节合作承办本次的电影节。本年度的主题是“坚强 自信的 做自己”。新单位将在6月21日与22日两天放映4部电影。如您想了解更多上海骄傲节的其他活动,请关注上海骄傲节官网

注意:此活动须申请预约, 请将您的姓名,职业,联系方式填入本页底部的申请表。

时间:下午 6:30,6月21日 (星期四)



时间:下午 6:30,6月22日 (星期五)

简介:“无言”的故事发生在中国南方的边城。年轻的法国交换生路克在偏僻的河岸被发现时全身赤裸,醒来 后处于失语和失忆状态中,但他对医院的男看护小江感到莫名的亲切。当地派出所准备把路克送往大城市的精神病院做心理测试,但小江最终以调理身体的理由说服 了大家,把路克接到舅舅家里暂住。尽管路克想不起发生了什么,但小江在与他的相处中误打误撞的发现,原来路克的无言是因为一位叫做韩的男子,而当记忆还 魂,带来的真相却是生命不能承受之轻……



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June 16, 2012


Filed under: Events — kloe @ 1:26 pm
bookable event


如果你还记得4月份在上海五角场KIC的TEDx舞台上,有一群这样普通的青年展示了他们的疯狂理想“PLURF (Peace Love Unity Respect and Fun) Changes The World”! 这个生气勃勃的疯狂计划现在已经开始。此次来自不同领域的10多位青年人联合起来,从改变动物世界开始,通过不同形式的创作表达他们改变世界的决心。


行动起来,做个生命领袖!6.16日下午2点来到现场和我们一起行动,贡献你的点子,改变世界从改变动物世界开始,从改变自己开始!PLURF Action……

行动地点:新咖啡XinCafe, 永嘉路50号近陕西南路
2012.6.16 (周六2-5pm)
2:00PM 展览开放
2:15PM 行动者分享
2:30PM-3:15PM Workshop1: PLURF Action 行动起来,创作一张公益明信片!
3:30PM-5:30PM Workshop2: MakeSense 可持续救助流浪动物的好点子!
5:30PM-6:30PM 茶歇
7:00PM-8:30PM 纪录片放映&贺阿姨对话

Jonas Baumann(瑞士插画师)
路先生, (来自杭州的青年艺术家)
14, 插画(来自温岭的插画师)
季晓亮 (广告公司设计师)
Paula&Balla (猫咪代表,原来是贺阿姨救助的流浪猫,后加入九州生气)
贺阿姨 (猫咪救助者,普通中老年)[/lang_cn]


Story1: Have you still remember the image,that a group of ordinary young people show their crazy ideals “PLURF Changes The World” in the TEDx, Wujiaochang KIC. Now the crazy project, “Peace Love Unity Respect and Fun”, is beginning now. Ten young people with different background come together to use different ways to crate in order to show their ambition to change the world, starting from changing of the animal world.

Story2: Lurui, from the Jiuzhou shengqi, also a speaker of TEDx. He,as an ordinary young, introduces his idol, aunt He who has rescued stray animals for about 8 years shanghai, and her touching story . Aunt He will officially arrived to share her stories live. At the same time, the creation products of PLURF plan from Jiuzhou shengqi will be saled for public service , all earnings will be used to finance HE aunt to continue to rescue stray animals.

Story3: Action! Be a life leader! 14 o’clock 6.16. Come here and together with us, bring your ideas into reality, start from changing the animal world, change the world, change yourself! PLURF Action …..

Location: XinCafe, Yongjia Road 50,near South Shaanxi Lu
Opening day: 2012.6.16 (Saturday)
2:00pm The show begins
2:15pm Share with actors
2:30pm-3: 15pm Workshop1: PLURF Action: Act together to build a public service postcard!
3:30pm-5: 30pm Workshop2: MakeSense: Come up with ideas which could continued rescue stray animals!
5:30pm-6: 30pm Coffee Break
7:00pm-8: 30pm documentary screenings & dialogue with aunt He.
Exhibition duration:

Xia Jianqiang (son of Xia Junfeng, an extremely talented little artists)
Wang Wenjun (Young Architects)
RandomDsign (Singapore creative group)
Jonas Baumann, (Swiss illustrator)
ZiHu (illustrator from Hangzhou)
Mr. Lu , (young artists from Hangzhou)
14 illustrations (from Wenling illustrator)
Wang Chen-ni (an independent documentary director)
Ji Xiao Liang (a designer of an advertising company)
Shenqi zai (graffiti artist)
Zhengzheng Janice (independent photographer)
Meng Qian (confectioner)
Paula & Balla (representative of cats ,used to be on of stray cats rescued by aunt He, and joined Jiuzhou shengqi later)
Auntie He (cat rescuer, ordinary elderly)


Registrered users for this event:

(in total 8).

June 5, 2012

Wu Youjian: Being Gay through a Mother’s Eyes | 讲座简介:一个母亲眼中的GAY

Filed under: Events — kloe @ 10:17 pm
bookable event


Wu Youjian: Being Gay through a Mother’s Eyes
Time: 7:30pm – 9:30om, 5th June, 2012
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd.

Cost: 40RMB

The speaker Wu Youjian will start with her own family story in order to explain how she came to understand and accept her gay son, how she came to make appearances in the media in support of her son, and later of the LGBT community at large. She will tell the story of her son: Blessed with family support, he has passed through stages of his love life as well as his career. Activities of both PFLAG China and her studio will also be illustrated with examples. By sharing real cases encountered in years of work, Wu will express her view on subjects such as same-sex love, coming out, marriage of convenience, and wives of gay men.

About speaker:

Born in 1947 in Guangdong, Wu Youjian is a retired editor, a mother who has been the first in China to openly support her gay son and has laterbecome an advocate for the LGBT community at large. Wu was prevented from going to college by the onset of the Cultural Revolution in 1966. Two years later she was sent down to the country where she farmed and learned at first hand the life of Chinese peasants. She returned to her hometown Guangzhou in 1979. Until her retirement in 2008, she worked with magazines successively as proofreader, editor, deputy editor-in-chief, and deputy editorial director.

Since 2005 Wu has given over 100 interviews to TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. Her photograph became the cover of the widely circulatedPeople Weekly of the Southern News Group. She co-founded the first PFLAG (Parents, Familes, & Friends of Lesbians and Gays) group in China and served as its president. In 2012 she established a new studio to continue her work in helping to build a more diversified yet inclusive society.

At the invitation of many universities across the nation, including Fudan and the Sun Yat-sen University, Wu gave lectures on college campuses of the subject “Being gay through a mother’s eyes.” Meanwhile, she attended gatherings of LGBT families and friends, as well as seminars on the fight against HIV/AIDS, in different cities.

A member of the Chinese Association of Writers, Guangdong Chapter, WuYoujianhas published fiction, nonfiction and essays in a dozen of newspapers and magazines; some of these won her awards. She is the author of a collection of true stories titled Love Is the Most Beautiful Rainbow: Gay World through a Mother’s Eyes.

Wu runs a free hotline 020-37611068 during 22:00–24:00 every Wednesday. Her blog has accumulated 3.3 million visits; her microblog 63,000 followers. Many LGBT people and their parents intimately call her “Mama Wu.”




费用:40 元







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May 31, 2012

Artist Networking 2.0 : MyPeople Project | 艺术家网络 2.0:MyPeople Project

Filed under: Events — kloe @ 5:46 pm
bookable event

[lang_en] Artist Panel Discussion: MyPeople Project  
Time: 7:30pm, 31th May, 2012
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd.
Host: MyPeople Project, Xindanwei
Cost: 40RMB (including fresh coffee and tea)
Language: English

MyPeople Project suggests a new approach to develop a network between artists from Europe and Asia, allowing an intercultural dialogue. The process will result in exhibitions taking place in London, Amsterdam and Shanghai. The project intends to create a more organic discussion and an opportunity for the exchange of views and perceptions between artists, as well as an online and offline artist/audience dialogue. Three artists – Colm Lally, Xu Zhifeng, and Ronnie Gillam are taking part in this project and will present their perspective on the relationship between art and networks. More about the project.

Colm Lally – Magic Realism and Image Machines
Colm’s presentation focuses on imaging machines, image-making devices that summon into existence new space. He will present some examples of imaging technologies that fabricate and bind fantastic tempo-spatial concepts, pealing back new measurements, demanding new approaches to movement through space and placing powerful notions of the ‘real’ inside what Vilém Flusser (Towards a Philosophy of Photography, 1983) describes as the magical powers of the image. His proposition heads toward the realm of ‘magic realism’ because these machines travel along an unstable path between the ‘real’ and the fantastic.

Xu Zhifeng – Zoom
Shanghai based conceptual artist Xu Zhifeng will give a briefing on his under developing plan entitled ZOOM that dedicated to the MyPeople Project ( ZOOM uses Google Earth technology and GPS tracking to assist mapping the trio-city Shanghai-London-Amsterdam respectively and correspondingly through Xu Zhifeng’s clockwise walking at the very speed of the hour-hand on the clock within 12 hours to create a mega circular route track (~16km∅ in Shanghai case), questioning the relationship of urban development and human scale in the context of so called ‘globalization’. Process documentation might be secondary to the process itself and the experience.

Ronnie Gillam – MyPeople Project
Ronnie will talk about MyPeople Project which is having it’s premiere exhibition in Shanghai.
MyPeople Project explores the subject of networking, bringing together twelve critically acclaimed artists from London, Shanghai and Amsterdam. The project is a collaboration between a group of self-selected artists, curators and event organisers with an exhibit, Solar Plexus, opening in Shanghai in June, 2012. This project suggests a new approach to developing a network for an intercultural dialogue and exchange between artists from different countries. As an example, all the artists in this show were invited to join the project by other participating artists, creating a true network of peers. The process will result in exhibitions in London, Amsterdam and Shanghai, presenting work from these twelve established artists, while promoting this unique networking model with an open dialogue, and exchange of ideas, knowledge, skills and cultural experiences between both artists and audiences, locally and internationally.

About Artists:

Colm Lally was born in Galway, Ireland; lives and works in London. Colm is founder and director of E:vent. Since 2003 Colm has taken a hands-on role developing the E:vent programme, focusing on media art; video; performance; and electronic music. He was visiting lecturer at Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design in 2004/07, visiting lecturer at the Architectural Association 2006, and visiting juror in Bartlett School of Architecture 2007. Colm was a co-organiser of Node.London 06, London’s first major media arts festival. He is also co-director of Arts in Action since 2001 – an artists community based in East London.

Xu Zhifeng a.k.a. Shaw studied architecture at the Fine Art College of ShanghaiUniversity between 2003–08. Since this time, Shaw has moved on to explore the theoretical and social experience of architecture through a series of installation,intervention, performance pieces and art exhibitions that intervene with urban spaces, and challenge the observers experience of the built environment. Xu has exhibited extensively in China, UK, and Germany.

Ronnie Gillam holds an MA from Central Saint Martins Art and Design College and a BA from Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design. Has extensive experience in managing a range of studio and magazine projects including branding, exhibitions and photo shoots. Ronnie currently resides in London.


[lang_cn] MyPeople 艺术家论坛
时间:7:30pm, 2012年5月31号
费用:40元 (包括一杯现磨咖啡或茶水)
主办机构:MyPeople Project,新单位

MyPeople Poject是一项促进欧洲和亚洲艺术家交流互动的计划。计划包括线上引导艺术家对话;线下在伦敦、上海、阿姆斯特丹定期举办讨论活动和观众交流。本月31日,此项目里的3位当代艺术家将挟不同课题来到永嘉路50号与艺术爱好者做现场交流,其中包括Colm Lally,许志锋和Ronnie Gillam。更多关于MyPeople Project

Colm Lally - 魔幻现实主义和影像机器

许志锋 – Zoom
概念艺术家许志锋将分享他正在策划中的ZOOM计划。ZOOM计划是利用谷歌地球技术和GPS定位功能来辅助MyPeople Project的三城(上海-伦敦-阿姆斯特丹)绘图。

Ronnie Gillam - MyPeople Project
Ronnie将谈谈他在上海开始首场展览的MyPeople Project。MyPeople Project集合了12名来自伦敦,上海和阿姆斯特丹对的艺术家共同探讨networking的主题,这些艺术家,策展人和活动组织人将会联合在6月的上海举办一场名为Solar Plexus的艺术展,旨在通过一种全新方式开展和促进来自世界各地的艺术家的艺术对话和经验交流。

Colm Lally出生于爱尔兰戈尔韦;现居于伦敦工作。Colm 是 E:vent 画廊的创办人和董事。自 2003 年起,Colm 在 E:vent 画廊的发展过程中起着关键作用;他专注于媒体艺术、视频、表演和电子音乐。他于 2004 年 7 月在中央圣马丁艺术与设计学校 (Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design) 担任客座讲师;于 2006 年在建筑协会 (Architectural Association) 担任客座讲师;于 2007 年在巴特利特建筑学校 (Bartlett School of Architecture) 担任访问陪审员。Colm 是伦敦首届重大媒体艺术节伦敦节点 06 的 组织者之一。另外,他自 2001 年起担任行动艺术 (Arts in Action) 的联席董事,此组织是位于东伦敦的一个艺术家社区。

许志锋 (a.k.a. s.h.a.w) 于 2003 年至 2008 年在上海大学美术学院 (Fine Art College of Shanghai University) 学习建筑。其后,Shaw 转向通过一系列干涉城市空间的装置、干预、表演小品和美展研究建筑的理论和社会体验,并质疑建成环境的观察者体验。Shaw 在中国、英国和德国大范围展出作品。

Ronnie Gillam 持有中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院文学硕士学位和贝扎雷艺术与设计学院文学士学位。她在管理一系列摄影和杂志项目方面具有丰富经验,范围涵盖品牌推广、展览会和照片拍摄。
Ronnie 现居于伦敦。


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May 18, 2012

Chihmin Chiu: Solo Photography Exhibition Hey Dude! | 邱林春申:个人摄影展 小伙侬好!

Filed under: Events — kloe @ 9:10 am

[lang_en]Chihmin Chiu: Solo Photography Exhibition – Hey Dude! 
Time: 18th May – 16th June, 2012
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd.
Cost: Free

About the exhibition:
Guess who they are? The funny street youth, the old fashioned boy, or, any identity you can imagine. It’s an interesting thing to see the changes of these anonymous boys through Chihmin’s camera lens.

The opening party will take place at 8pm on 18th May. Free to join the opening party and also we will provide free drinks.

About Photographer:
Chihmin Chiu, a Shanghainese photographer. He is a sensitive person, who is a fashion lover, a fever guy of shooting by film. [/lang_en]

[lang_cn] 邱林春申:个人摄影展  小伙侬好!
时间:2012年5月18号 - 2012年6月16号





May 17, 2012

Mr. Pablo Ventura : Choreographic Machine | Pablo Ventura谈舞蹈设计

Filed under: Events — kloe @ 1:24 pm
bookable event

[lang_en] Mr. Pablo Ventura : Choreographic Machine  
Time: 7:30pm, 17th May, 2012
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd.
Cost: 40RMB (including fresh coffee and tea)
Language: English

During this lecture, Mr. Pablo Ventura will share his  “Choreographic Machine” method of choreographing. He will present his method using examples of videos of his dance media productions. In addition, he will talk about his most recent work with audio-visual interaction designers.

About Mr. Pablo Ventura:
Mr. Pablo Ventura is a choreographer and media artist. He holds a distinction diploma in dance and choreography of the London Contemporary Dance School and he is also the founder of the Ventura Dance Company who has a rich experience in full evening dance media-productions and installations, collaboration with electronic music composers, video artists and software designers. He has won several prices for his work, among them the City of Zurich Dance award. In 2007, Mr. Ventura was selected for the “Artists in Lab” program that aims at bringing together science and art. During that time he developed together with Mr. Daniel Bisig a software application for computer generated choreographies in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the University of Zurich.

Pablo Ventura’s work “2047” will be present together with other Sino-Swiss projects on the swissnex China booth at this year’s Shanghai International Science & Art Exhibition. 2047 is an interactive installation that has been adapted from a dance work by the same title. The dance work was inspired by Won Kar Wai’s movie ‘2046’. The work contrasts traditional and computer based dance and employs motion tracking techniques and swarm behavior principles.

More about swissnex China booth at Shanghai International Science and Art Exhibition


[lang_cn] Pablo Ventura谈舞蹈设计
时间:7:30pm, 2012年5月17号
费用:40元 (包括一杯现磨咖啡或茶水)
主办机构:swissnex China,新单位

Pablo Ventura先生将和大家分享他关于舞美设计的“编舞机器法”(Choreographic Machine) ,并用他的舞蹈影像作品来诠释。同时,他也将与大家分享近期他与“音响-视频”互动设计师一起完成的作品。

Pablo Ventura先生是一位舞美大师和媒体艺术家,他以优异的成绩毕业于伦敦现代舞学院舞蹈和舞美专业,并创建了Ventura舞蹈公司。Ventura公司在专业舞蹈秀和艺术装置领域,以及电子音乐家,影像艺术家,软件设计师的合作上都拥有丰富经验。他凭借作品多次获奖,其中包括苏黎世舞蹈大奖。2007年,Ventura先生被旨在让艺术与科技互相结合的“实验室里的科学家”项目选中。在参与项目期间,他和Daniel Bisig先生在苏黎世大学的人工智能实验室里共同开发了一款电脑编舞应用软件。

Pablo Ventura的作品“2047”将会在这次上海国际科技与文化展的swissnex China展台上和其他中瑞合作项目一同展出。2047是与一出舞剧同名的互动装置。这出舞剧的灵感来自于王家卫的电影《2046》。该作品对比了传统舞蹈和电脑编舞舞蹈,同时使用了动作追踪技术和群体智能原理。

更多2012上海国际科技艺术展swissnex China展台展出项目


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April 28, 2012

From SXSW to Shanghai: Twittamentary Screening and a Chat with the Filmmaker | 从SXSW到上海:推特纪录片Twittamentary放映及导演见面会

Filed under: Events — kloe @ 1:29 pm

[lang_en]Time: 2:00 – 5:00pm, April 28, 2012
Cost: 30RMB (including fresh coffee and tea)
Venue: Ground floor of Xindanwei, Yongjia Rd 50 (close to Shaanxi Rd South)
Language: English
Attention: This event is by reservation ONLY. Please complete the reservation form on this page before you come.

Twittamentary looks at how lives connect and intersect within the Twitter community as the real-time web accelerates serendipity. Bonds are forged as a result of unexpected encounters between strangers as they share moments of their lives in real time. The film is created in the open spirit of the Web. Twitter users were invited to contribute story ideas, rich media and videos to the film via the movie’s initial submissions website . The launch of the Twittamentary website in August 2009 soon led to a whirlwind road trip across USA, where the filmmaker interviewed a wide range of Twitter’ers, from a travel journalist turned “twilebrity” to a homeless women who uses twitter from a public library to a prostitute who uses twitter as her personal GPS.

The final version of Twittamentary was recently shown at SXSW Interactive, Cinequest and Social Media Week (London, New York, Singapore, and Miami)

Twittamentary filmmaker Tan Siok Siok, will travel to Shanghai to introduce the movie and discuss the filmmaking process for Twittamentary.

About the Filmmaker:

Tan Siok Siok is a filmmaker, entrepreneur and honorary geek with a deep passion for great storytelling in the age of the real time web.

Siok is also an entrepreneur who has built KineticOne, an online video venture in China. Siok previously worked as an executive producer for Discovery Channel in Asia. The shows she produced have clinched more than a dozen awards and nominations at the Asian TV awards and the Golden Bell Awards. Siok has also been a visiting lecturer at the Beijing Film Academy, where she directed a documentary about the Beijing Olympics, Boomtown Beijing, with the assistance of her students. Siok holds a Bachelor of Arts degree (Honors) in Comparative Literature from Brown University, USA.

More about Twittamentary.[/lang_en]

[lang_cn]时间:下午2:00 - 5:00, 2012年4月28日
费用:30元 (包括一杯现磨咖啡或茶水)
语言: 英文
注意:此活动须申请预约, 请将您的姓名,职业,联系方式填入本页底部的申请表。

在这个实时网络加速人们相遇相识的时代,推特纪录片关注人们的生活在推特(Twitter)社区如何连接和相交。当互不相识的两个陌生人不经意地遇见并共同分享生活中的某个时刻,他们之间就形成了一种连接。本片本着网络的自由精神而制作,邀请推特用户提供故事想法,上传视频至纪录片官方网站来丰富电影内容和传播电影。推特纪录片官方网站在2009年8月发布,立即引起了一场穿越美国的旋风般的旅程,导演采访了各种推特用户,从由旅游记者转变而成的“推特名人”到使用公共图书馆登录推特的流浪女,到使用推特作为定位系统的妓女。最终版本的推特纪录片最近已经在SXSW Interactive, Cinequest和Social Media Week上放映。 (伦敦,纽约,新加坡,迈阿密)。

推特纪录片的导演Tan Siok Siok将来到上海介绍介绍该片,讨论推特纪录片的制作过程。


Tan Siok Siok是一位导演,企业家,更是一位在这个实时网络时代对陈述好故事有极大热情的极客。Siok为网络视频公司KineticOne的创始人。Siok曾经是亚洲探索频道的监制,她制作的节目在亚洲电视奖和金钟奖获得了十多个奖项和提名。Siok也是北京电影学院的客座讲师,她和她的学生拍摄了一部有关北京奥运会的记录片—《北京沸腾》。Siok拥有美国布朗大学比较文学学士学位(荣誉)。



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