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[lang_en] Artist Panel Discussion: MyPeople Project
Time: 7:30pm, 31th May, 2012
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd.
Host: MyPeople Project, Xindanwei
Cost: 40RMB (including fresh coffee and tea)
Language: English
MyPeople Project suggests a new approach to develop a network between artists from Europe and Asia, allowing an intercultural dialogue. The process will result in exhibitions taking place in London, Amsterdam and Shanghai. The project intends to create a more organic discussion and an opportunity for the exchange of views and perceptions between artists, as well as an online and offline artist/audience dialogue. Three artists – Colm Lally, Xu Zhifeng, and Ronnie Gillam are taking part in this project and will present their perspective on the relationship between art and networks. More about the project.
Colm Lally – Magic Realism and Image Machines
Colm’s presentation focuses on imaging machines, image-making devices that summon into existence new space. He will present some examples of imaging technologies that fabricate and bind fantastic tempo-spatial concepts, pealing back new measurements, demanding new approaches to movement through space and placing powerful notions of the ‘real’ inside what Vilém Flusser (Towards a Philosophy of Photography, 1983) describes as the magical powers of the image. His proposition heads toward the realm of ‘magic realism’ because these machines travel along an unstable path between the ‘real’ and the fantastic.
Xu Zhifeng – Zoom
Shanghai based conceptual artist Xu Zhifeng will give a briefing on his under developing plan entitled ZOOM that dedicated to the MyPeople Project ( ZOOM uses Google Earth technology and GPS tracking to assist mapping the trio-city Shanghai-London-Amsterdam respectively and correspondingly through Xu Zhifeng’s clockwise walking at the very speed of the hour-hand on the clock within 12 hours to create a mega circular route track (~16km∅ in Shanghai case), questioning the relationship of urban development and human scale in the context of so called ‘globalization’. Process documentation might be secondary to the process itself and the experience.
Ronnie Gillam – MyPeople Project
Ronnie will talk about MyPeople Project which is having it’s premiere exhibition in Shanghai.
MyPeople Project explores the subject of networking, bringing together twelve critically acclaimed artists from London, Shanghai and Amsterdam. The project is a collaboration between a group of self-selected artists, curators and event organisers with an exhibit, Solar Plexus, opening in Shanghai in June, 2012. This project suggests a new approach to developing a network for an intercultural dialogue and exchange between artists from different countries. As an example, all the artists in this show were invited to join the project by other participating artists, creating a true network of peers. The process will result in exhibitions in London, Amsterdam and Shanghai, presenting work from these twelve established artists, while promoting this unique networking model with an open dialogue, and exchange of ideas, knowledge, skills and cultural experiences between both artists and audiences, locally and internationally.
About Artists:
Colm Lally was born in Galway, Ireland; lives and works in London. Colm is founder and director of E:vent. Since 2003 Colm has taken a hands-on role developing the E:vent programme, focusing on media art; video; performance; and electronic music. He was visiting lecturer at Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design in 2004/07, visiting lecturer at the Architectural Association 2006, and visiting juror in Bartlett School of Architecture 2007. Colm was a co-organiser of Node.London 06, London’s first major media arts festival. He is also co-director of Arts in Action since 2001 – an artists community based in East London.
Xu Zhifeng a.k.a. Shaw studied architecture at the Fine Art College of ShanghaiUniversity between 2003–08. Since this time, Shaw has moved on to explore the theoretical and social experience of architecture through a series of installation,intervention, performance pieces and art exhibitions that intervene with urban spaces, and challenge the observers experience of the built environment. Xu has exhibited extensively in China, UK, and Germany.
Ronnie Gillam holds an MA from Central Saint Martins Art and Design College and a BA from Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design. Has extensive experience in managing a range of studio and magazine projects including branding, exhibitions and photo shoots. Ronnie currently resides in London.
[lang_cn] MyPeople 艺术家论坛
时间:7:30pm, 2012年5月31号
费用:40元 (包括一杯现磨咖啡或茶水)
主办机构:MyPeople Project,新单位
MyPeople Poject是一项促进欧洲和亚洲艺术家交流互动的计划。计划包括线上引导艺术家对话;线下在伦敦、上海、阿姆斯特丹定期举办讨论活动和观众交流。本月31日,此项目里的3位当代艺术家将挟不同课题来到永嘉路50号与艺术爱好者做现场交流,其中包括Colm Lally,许志锋和Ronnie Gillam。更多关于MyPeople Project。
Colm Lally - 魔幻现实主义和影像机器
许志锋 – Zoom
概念艺术家许志锋将分享他正在策划中的ZOOM计划。ZOOM计划是利用谷歌地球技术和GPS定位功能来辅助MyPeople Project的三城(上海-伦敦-阿姆斯特丹)绘图。
Ronnie Gillam - MyPeople Project
Ronnie将谈谈他在上海开始首场展览的MyPeople Project。MyPeople Project集合了12名来自伦敦,上海和阿姆斯特丹对的艺术家共同探讨networking的主题,这些艺术家,策展人和活动组织人将会联合在6月的上海举办一场名为Solar Plexus的艺术展,旨在通过一种全新方式开展和促进来自世界各地的艺术家的艺术对话和经验交流。
Colm Lally出生于爱尔兰戈尔韦;现居于伦敦工作。Colm 是 E:vent 画廊的创办人和董事。自 2003 年起,Colm 在 E:vent 画廊的发展过程中起着关键作用;他专注于媒体艺术、视频、表演和电子音乐。他于 2004 年 7 月在中央圣马丁艺术与设计学校 (Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design) 担任客座讲师;于 2006 年在建筑协会 (Architectural Association) 担任客座讲师;于 2007 年在巴特利特建筑学校 (Bartlett School of Architecture) 担任访问陪审员。Colm 是伦敦首届重大媒体艺术节伦敦节点 06 的 组织者之一。另外,他自 2001 年起担任行动艺术 (Arts in Action) 的联席董事,此组织是位于东伦敦的一个艺术家社区。
许志锋 (a.k.a. s.h.a.w) 于 2003 年至 2008 年在上海大学美术学院 (Fine Art College of Shanghai University) 学习建筑。其后,Shaw 转向通过一系列干涉城市空间的装置、干预、表演小品和美展研究建筑的理论和社会体验,并质疑建成环境的观察者体验。Shaw 在中国、英国和德国大范围展出作品。
Ronnie Gillam 持有中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院文学硕士学位和贝扎雷艺术与设计学院文学士学位。她在管理一系列摄影和杂志项目方面具有丰富经验,范围涵盖品牌推广、展览会和照片拍摄。
Ronnie 现居于伦敦。
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