Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

January 11, 2013

Friday Talk – Building a Galaxy with Michael Chang

Filed under: @xindanwei — Alice @ 7:28 pm

[lang_en]Time: 11 January 2013, 7:00 PM — 8:00PM
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd. Shanghai
Organizers: Xindanwei
Cost: Free

Notice: This event is by reservation ONLY. Please complete the reservation form on this page before you come.

Michael Chang (Flux) is a San Francisco based creative coder,graduated from UCLA Design Media Arts. Currently he works with the Data Arts Team at Google and make Chrome Experiments alongside some very talented creative coders on projects like 100,000 Stars and Small Arms Trade visualization. Concurrently he is the lead developer and co-manager of Puny Human, an indie game studio. He created the game Blade Symphony which is now in development by Puny Human.

Michael‘s Blog:




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October 30, 2012

Global Sustainability Jam 2012 | 全球可持续设计工作坊(上海站)

Filed under: @xindanwei — aaajiao @ 3:25 am

[lang_cn]全球可持续发展 2012  


全球可持续发展 2012”上海站将11月2-4号在CBi China Bridge 桥中举行。我们热情邀请你们参与这意义丰富的活动!也希望你可在你朋友圈里推广这环保工作坊!


有兴趣者请立刻联系Ruby Tsang,曾蔚,

“全球可持续发展 2012”是全球规模最大跨度最大的48小时同时创作活动。不同专业背景的参与者协同创新,针对多变的可持续问题产生概念并通过网络分享这些现实可行的解决方案。全球可持续设计工作坊是一个非营利性的活动,桥中作为上海站的组织方,旨在将中国的创意力量与世界的创新联盟对接。



Global Sustainability Jam 2012

Are you ready for a challenge? Want to develop and implement creative ideas? Chase a crazy deadline at the same time? Meet cool new people? Make a difference? Have a great time?

Come join the Global Sustainability Jam (GSJ), the world’s largest globally organized, simultaneous, cross-continental, 48 hour innovation event! Participants from diverse industries will team up to co-create, combine ideas and share tangible solutions for sustainability issues in a dynamic environmentCBi China Bridge is host to Shanghai’s jam, connecting China’s creative powers with the world’s innovative community.

A jam is a fun session of getting people together so they can play with ideas, just like improvising in a jazz or music jam session. But instead of music, it’s ideas jammers are playing with!

Be a jammer and spread the news!!

Registrants please contact Ruby immediately: .

We also welcome media, financial and goods and supplies sponsors for a better experience for jammers.


October 29, 2012

Startup Weekend Shanghai looking for volunteer

Filed under: @xindanwei — aaajiao @ 1:48 pm

Dear friends,

We seek volunteers to support our annual Shanghai Startup Weekend, to be held November 23-25 at Haworth Organic Workspace.

What is Shanghai Startup Weekend?

The Shanghai Startup Weekend is the local version of a global grassroots
movements that brings together up-and-coming entrepreneurs with experienced mentors in the start-up scene to teach them how to turn their ideas into reality. Behind the global Startup Weekend movement is the largest community of passionate entrepreneurs that has so far hosted over 400 events in over 100 countries.

How can you contribute & what do you get?

Through your contribution to this event, you will be contacted to the rapidly growing tech start-up and creative scene in Shanghai that extends
way beyond the confines of this city. Participating will give you the
opportunity to meet other creative and innovative like-minds, learn from
one another, provide mentorship for junior participants and/or receive
guidance from senior experts in the field, find collaborators and learn how to make ideas happen. All our volunteers, will also be listed on the event web page and be looped into the post-event networking activities through mailing lists and future events.

Please check out below the areas, where the Shanghai Startup Weekend
organization committee seeks for volunteers. With your support and
expertise, we can together turn this into an excellent event and platform
for turning ideas into practice.

If you are interested in joining our efforts, please email to the following
address: Silvia Lindtner ( immediately (or before 29 Oct) with your name, brief description of your background and how you anticipate to support Shanghai Startup Weekend. We will have our volunteer gathering at 7pm on 30 Oct 2012 Tuesday in Xindanwei Cafe on Yongjia rd 50.
Please let us know if you can come to the meeting!

We look forward to hearing from you!

The 2012 Shanghai Startup Weekend Planning Committee
Liu Yan, David Li, Jason Inch, Betty Liu, Silvia Lindtner

*We seek volunteers to support the Shanghai Startup Weekend Planning
Committee in the following areas:*

1) Social Media Campaign
Help promote the start-up weekend on social media platforms before, during and after the event.

2) Website management
Edit Startup Weekend Website with latest updates and news as well as manage the online registration, i.e. calculate number of participants who signed up online and close online registration feature once the official
registration ends.

3) Marketing materials writing
Write marketing materials for website management and for social media

4) Marketing materials production
Printing , Delivering , on-site “installation”

5) F&B
Contact Food and drink suppliers and coordinate with on site catering

6) Coordinator for coach and Judges as well as participants
Provide on site guidance for coaches, Judges, and participants during the

7) Media coverage
Contact local media for event coverage

8) Coach and Judges mentorship
Get in touch with Coaches and Judges before the event to clarify details
and responsibilities.

September 27, 2012

Xindanwei September 27 Buzz | 新单位9月27日新消息

Filed under: @xindanwei — kloe @ 4:27 pm


Chair Membership available


Coworking Membership is now available for 500RMB per month! For more information, please refer to Time Service.

#1. Xindanwei Wall

1) Coho:
We are now developing the new global peer-to-peer talent hunt platform The website tries to grasp the best of a coworking space and professional social networking site. By understanding the individual’s interest, speciality and reputation, you can easily find the most suitable talent for your team, project and startup company.

Our users are freelancers or professionals who are able to collaboration on project base, ie. entrepreneurs, designer, architects, investors, writers, editors, artists, engineers and scholars. If you are an angel or independent investor, and you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

2) The evolution of Xindanwei Coworking Membership :
As a startup team, we understand the tight budget and hardship of the early stage entrepreneurs. That’s why we are introducing you to our new membership service: CHAIR MEMBERSHIP, which allows you to work in an professional and inspiring environment at the top location of the city at the cost of as less as 500RMB per month, while mixing with other like-minded people to make a difference. We will start the trial at Xindanwei Yongjia 50 and roll out to our three coworking locations in the soon future. Come to chair with us!

#2.  Xindanwei Property

- invisible: equipped with large professional photo studio, event areas (approximately 100m2) suitable for creative activities and flexible working and conference spaces. The total area is above 300 m2.

- Central POD: Fifty-two office spaces ranging from 27 to 138 sqm spread on 3 levels are available now. Designed specifically for creative businesses and professionals.

TK Terrace: Jugend Space is located at Taikang/Jianguo rd (TK Terrace). area which is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. Jugend is decorated in modern architectural style to fit in all kinds of events, especially movie screening. It is around 150 sqm, capable for events of up to 120 people, well equipped with projector and provides F&B service.

Haworth Organic Workspace: Located conveniently next to Jing’an temple, it is a collaboration project with Haworth Asia Pacific. The 960 sqm Organic Workspace is ideal for high-end events for up to 100 people, well equipped with projector, video screens, curated electronic content, coffee and tea and provides F&B service.

Blue Lotus Top Space: Located at No. 2 Tianjin Road which situated at the old British concession, Art Deco architecture with convenient transport, close to Nanjing Road and the Bund. Awarded by Shanghai Outstanding Heritage, the building was designed by well-known architect Jingpei Li.

For inquiry, please leave a message at at our live support on the webpage of the property, or email us at

#3. Community Post

If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on or email us

1). Xindanwei Forthcoming Events:

- Beepub Books: Contemporary Art Book Series New Book Launch
For New Book Launch, Beepub will invite some foreign authors and planners of “Contemporary Art Book Series”. They will hold discussions around topics and issues in The Book of Action, What is Contemporary Art and What is the Future. We’d cordially extend our invitation to all of book lovers to attend our New Book Launch.

The Shanghai 48 Hour Film Project
The 48 Hour Film Project comes to Shanghai on the weekend of 19 – 21 October 2012. Filmmakers from all over the Shanghai area will compete to see who can make the best short film in only 48 hours. The winning film will go up against films from around the world. To join 48HFP, please register here.

Xinchejian Upcoming Events
There are some events will be presented by Xinchejian. They are related to art and tech, sound synthesizer, as well as video synthesizer.

2).Xindanwei Past events:

Chinese Dutch Intercultural Workshop
What do the Chinese and the Dutch have in common? When they live in each other’s country, what makes them happy? What makes them worry? And when they go home, what new understanding do they have of themselves and their culture? Yue Tao had brought a lot thoughts of these questions on the workshop.






#1. 新单位社区招贴墙

1) Coho



2) 新单位会员制度革新:

#2.  新单位地产




蓝莲花最空间:位于旧英租界上由著名华人设计师李锦沛设计的天津路 2 号,交通便利,紧邻南京东路、外滩等高端商圈。空间由460 平方米大面积开间、数个会议, 展示,视听,洽谈多功能空间以及 2 个大面积露台组成,方便各类活动整体或分体灵活使用。设施一应俱全,包括密码防盗门、中央恒温空调、专业灯光效果、立体声环绕音响、多部投影仪设备、宽带网络等。


#3. 社区通讯



蜜蜂文库: 当代艺术书系新书发布会
适逢2012上海双年展之际,蜜蜂出版公司将于2012年9月30日,在上海联合“新单位”共同举办“当代艺术书系”书发布会。现场将发布十本:(英)罗伊·阿斯科特《未来就是现在:艺术、技术和意识》、(美)克里斯蒂安·保罗等编《语境提供者:媒体艺术含义之条件》、胡昉《苦恼人的微笑》、(瑞典)丹尼尔·伯恩鲍姆《年代学》、(瑞士)汉斯· 乌尔里希·奥布里斯特《策展简史》、(美)鲍里斯·格洛伊斯《走向公众》、(美)e-Flux编《什么是当代艺术》、(德)马库斯·梅森《参与的梦魇》、(意)安德烈·贝里尼《收藏当代艺术》。


上海48小时电影项目会在2012年10月19日 – 21日开始比赛。来自上海各方电影达人将会参与竞争。北京市符合比赛规则按时交片的短片将会正式进入竞赛单元。获胜的电影将会去和其他国家的获胜电影参加决赛。有意者请移步

- 新车间系列活动




September 12, 2012

To investors | 给投资人

Filed under: @xindanwei — aaajiao @ 10:27 pm

[lang_en]Established in 2009 in Shanghai, China’s first coworking brand Xindanwei continues to offer the best community for creative and startups. In 2012, we are developing the new global peer-to-peer talent hunt platform The website tries to grasp the best of a coworking space and professional social networking site. By understanding the individual’s interest, speciality and reputation, you can easily find the most suitable talent for your team, project and startup company.

Our users are freelancers or professionals who are able to collaboration on project base, ie. entrepreneurs, designer, architects, investors, writers, editors, artists, engineers and scholars.

Here is the package, an already functioning website (beta version) plus our (quite famous) 3-year-old coworking brand Xindanwei.  If you are an angel or independent investor, let’s speak. [/lang_en]




August 31, 2012

Xindanwei X Upyun | 新单位 X 又拍云

Filed under: @xindanwei — kloe @ 9:09 pm




2010年2月, v.yupoo.com诞生,又拍图片管家服务开放使用,又拍的图片处理和加速技术开始开放给给部分用户使用;


[lang_en]As a startup team, we understand the tight budget and hardship of the early stage entrepreneurs. That’s why Xindanwei and Upyun will bring the startup entrepreneurs cloud storage service FOR FREE in this September as we always care our startup community. If you are a startup entrepreneur in IT industry, you can sign up HERE and get the free gift!

About Upyun
Upyun provides static file (pictures, APP, audios, videos, small files etc.) cloud storage service with CDN acceleration. Owning 300 servers in 26 plant rooms all around China, Our service supports China Telecom, Unicom , CMCC and Intranet Campus Network with Unlimited bandwidth. Upyun is the best choice for setups for its competitive price and low management cost.

Upyun Timeline:
-2005 launched . The team started to delve into image processing technology.
-2010.02 launched.Yupoo picture management service was opened to some users.
-2011.10 launched. Upyun was officially set up as a cloud storage service provider.
Till 2012, our team has been focusing on static file processing, especially image processing for 7 years.[/lang_en]


August 30, 2012

Xindanwei August 30 Buzz | 新单位8月30日新消息

Filed under: @xindanwei — kloe @ 2:35 pm


Chair Membership available


Coworking Membership is now available for 500RMB per month! For more information, please refer to Time Service.

#1. Xindanwei Wall

1) Xindanwei × PAIHUB 10% off:
Xindanwei × PAIHUB is located in a modern building on Sinan Road near Gaolan Road, one of Shanghai’s unique offering of cultural heritage and urban extravaganza. Located alongside the tree-lined Sinan Road, close to FuXing Park, Sinan Mansions, it  is the perfect working space for design and fashion industry.

Now Xindanwei X PAIHUB @ Sinan Road is 10% off. Chair Member is also open for application. Our space is next door to Fu Xing Park and come and get even more surprise from the beautiful inner garden and outdoor/indoor event space.

2) The evolution of Xindanwei Coworking Membership :
As a startup team, we understand the tight budget and hardship of the early stage entrepreneurs. That’s why we are introducing you to our new membership service: CHAIR MEMBERSHIP, which allows you to work in an professional and inspiring environment at the top location of the city at the cost of as less as 500RMB per month, while mixing with other like-minded people to make a difference. We will start the trial at Xindanwei Yongjia 50 and roll out to our three coworking locations in the soon future. Come to chair with us!

3) Xindanwei + Upyun:
Upyun provides static file (pictures, APP, audios, videos, small files etc.) cloud storage service with CDN acceleration. Owning 300 servers in 26 plant rooms all around China, Our service supports China Telecom, Unicom , CMCC and Intranet Campus Network with Unlimited bandwidth. In the coming September, Xindanwei and Upyun will bring the startup entrepreneurs cloud storage service FOR FREE as we always care our startup community. If you are a startup entrepreneur in IT industry, you can sign up here and get the free gift!

#2.  Xindanwei Property

- invisible: equipped with large professional photo studio, event areas (approximately 100m2) suitable for creative activities and flexible working and conference spaces. The total area is above 300 m2.

- Central POD: Fifty-two office spaces ranging from 27 to 138 sqm spread on 3 levels are available now. Designed specifically for creative businesses and professionals.

TK Terrace: Jugend Space is located at Taikang/Jianguo rd (TK Terrace). area which is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. Jugend is decorated in modern architectural style to fit in all kinds of events, especially movie screening. It is around 150 sqm, capable for events of up to 120 people, well equipped with projector and provides F&B service.

Haworth Organic Workspace: Located conveniently next to Jing’an temple, it is a collaboration project with Haworth Asia Pacific. The 960 sqm Organic Workspace is ideal for high-end events for up to 100 people, well equipped with projector, video screens, curated electronic content, coffee and tea and provides F&B service.

Blue Lotus Top Space: Located at No. 2 Tianjin Road which situated at the old British concession, Art Deco architecture with convenient transport, close to Nanjing Road and the Bund. Awarded by Shanghai Outstanding Heritage, the building was designed by well-known architect Jingpei Li.

Space: Twentyseven: is an inspired multi-purpose venue restored from a former Shikumen residence. Located in the heart of Shanghai’s central business district and nestled within a heritage laneway, its layout and facilities provide the ideal hosting platform for a diverse range of activities, that can be transformed from a private kitchen for dinner parties, to a brainstorming hub for corporate gatherings. Accommodate up to 40 people, for non-sit-down events.

For inquiry, please leave a message at at our live support on the webpage of the property, or email us at

#3. Community Post

If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on or email us

1). Xindanwei Forthcoming Events:

- Ake’s Exhibition in this September
Ake’s exhibition is about his two upcoming books. One is telling a story about a group of people trying to find a jokul in a big city; another is a illustrated dictionary about cat. For more detail, please refer to events.

Xinchejian Upcoming Events
There are some events will be presented by Xinchejian. They are related to art and tech, sound synthesizer, as well as video synthesizer.

2).Xindanwei Past events:

Chinese Dutch Intercultural Workshop
What do the Chinese and the Dutch have in common? When they live in each other’s country, what makes them happy? What makes them worry? And when they go home, what new understanding do they have of themselves and their culture? Yue Tao had brought a lot thoughts of these questions on the workshop.

Xiaopeng’s Narcissistic Exhibition
Recently Xiaopeng thinks he’s kind of self-inflated, which is bad. All his ideas come from the daily observation, then he’d love to transfer them into pictures, either drawing or photos. The most subjects might look stupid, but still, hope you find them interesting. So, xiaopeng has brought these all to the exhibition, to share the funny or crazy thoughts all along.






#1. 新单位社区招贴墙

1) 新单位 × 派合智办公室产品9折热卖
新单位 × 派合智(Xindanwei × PAIHUB)位于思南路近皋兰路,地理位置优雅、便捷,毗邻复兴公园、思南公馆,是各类设计和时尚社群理想的办公、展示和交流场所。整个空间250平米,分为独立办公和开放空间两部分。独立办公室面积分别为33、26、16、14平米。更有美国著名华裔家具设计师Maria Yee的高端设计师家具和自助服务式老挝咖啡的加盟,打造同地段性价比较最高的精致创意办公和交流场所。

当我们欢送了八月为奥运奋战的某著名广告公司后,整个九月,我们全面推出10% off的优惠活动,欢迎各位建筑、设计、创意者的创业者们赶快来加入我们的联合社区。了解更多

2) 新单位会员制度革新:

3) 新单位和又拍云的合作:

#2.  新单位地产




蓝莲花最空间:位于旧英租界上由著名华人设计师李锦沛设计的天津路 2 号,交通便利,紧邻南京东路、外滩等高端商圈。空间由460 平方米大面积开间、数个会议, 展示,视听,洽谈多功能空间以及 2 个大面积露台组成,方便各类活动整体或分体灵活使用。设施一应俱全,包括密码防盗门、中央恒温空调、专业灯光效果、立体声环绕音响、多部投影仪设备、宽带网络等。

Space: TwentySeven:精巧难得的历史老建筑,在中心商圈闹中取静,Twenty Space里外所有的再设计都恰到好处地让这份石库门的海派风韵自然而然的从空间内向外满溢着,旧时代里所有优雅从容的光景都慢,慢,慢到这寸土里。于是,即便是这本该摩登高楼里的或是光影的或是声像的,红的绿的,都不会在这老房子里显得不合时宜。40个人,站立着的活动空间,合作会面,头脑风暴,配着小灶的晚餐会,所有你能想到的活动都能在这个别样的空间里自行定制。


#3. 社区通讯



- 九月阿科画展

- 新车间系列活动





August 29, 2012

Xindanwei X PAIHUB @ Sinan Road is now 10% off | 新单位XPAIHUB@思南路办公室产品9折热卖中

Filed under: @xindanwei — aaajiao @ 7:25 pm

[lang_en]On sale!

Xindanwei X PAIHUB @ Sinan Road is now 10% off. Chair Member is also open for application. Our space is next door to Fu Xing Park and come and get even more surprise from the beautiful inner garden and outdoor/indoor event space.

If you have a business in architecture, design and creative sector and look for a new home, we have 4 private rooms with different sizes.

A. 14 sqm (recommended), small and neat, 5850rmb (2150rmb less than original price),

B. 16 sqm, suitable for small companies and teams, 7200rmb (800rmb less than original price),

C. 26 sqm and D. 33 sqm with natural lighting and best for design and creative minds; promotional price at 11700rmb (original price 13000rmb) and 13500rmb (original price 15000rmb). Further discount if you want 2 rooms to fit in your team.

Our value-for-money chair membership is now on @Sinan Road. 500rmb/month to tap into the community for designer. Start your application now

Please call 021-3331 6053 or email or visit our space at B1, North Building, 35 Sinan Road. Our on-site manager Miss Yi Zhang is more than happy to answer your questions.[/lang_en]


当我们欢送了8月为奥运奋战的某著名广告公司后,整个九月,我们全面推出10% off的优惠活动,欢迎各位建筑、设计、创意者的创业者们赶快来加入我们的联合社区。现有四间独立办公室,

A. 14平米的小巧的性价比王,原价8000元现价5850元(推荐),

B. 16平米的小团队办公室,原价8000元,现价7200元,

C. 26平米和D. 33平米的中型办公室,独具采光优势,特别适合设计类或创意型公司的需求,现以优惠价11700元(原价13000元)和13500元(原价15000元)。同时租赁两间,更有折上折优惠。


详情欢迎致电021-3331 6053或邮件, 或拜访我们的空间(思南路35号北楼B1),我们的空间经理张奕会在现场为你解答。[/lang_cn]

July 30, 2012

Xindanwei July 30 Buzz | 新单位7月30日新消息

Filed under: @xindanwei — kloe @ 11:35 am


Chair Membership available


Coworking Membership is now available for 500RMB per month! For more information, please refer to Time Service.

#1. Xindanwei Wall

1) Sinan 35 Launched on 17 July:
Xindanwei × PAIHUB is located in a modern building on Sinan Road near Gaolan Road, one of Shanghai’s unique offering of cultural heritage and urban extravaganza. Located alongside the tree-lined Sinan Road, close to FuXing Park, Sinan Mansions, it  is the perfect working space for design and fashion industry.

The entire 250sqm of Xindanwei X PAIHUB is divided into open space and four individual offices which of 33sqms, 26sqms, 16sqms, and 14sqms. All furnitures are provided by the famous Asian American designer Maria Yee. Moreover, we offers Lao Cafe operating on a self service basis. See more details.

2) The evolution of Xindanwei Coworking Membership :
As a startup team, we understand the tight budget and hardship of the early stage entrepreneurs. That’s why we are introducing you to our new membership service: CHAIR MEMBERSHIP, which allows you to work in an professional and inspiring environment at the top location of the city at the cost of as less as 500RMB per month, while mixing with other like-minded people to make a difference. We will start the trial at Xindanwei Yongjia 50 and roll out to our three coworking locations in the soon future. Come to chair with us!

3) New Community Consulting Service – “The Host“:
We thought you might also be interested to learn about the new community consulting service – “The Host” that helps the movers and shakers of creative, technology and social innovation scene like yourself to be provided with opportunity to seek out resonated spirits, share in rich discussions about creativity, entrepreneurship, innovation and impact to the society and work on exciting projects together.

4) Get Xindanwei Chair Membership through JUE.SO : is a new online platform for creative incubation. Through the integration of online and offline media distribution, e-commerce, production, cooperation brands and other resources to help Chinese creators continue their projects. Xindanwei is pleased to collaborate with JUE.SO to offer you a chance to get Chair Membership ONLY at 400RMB. And The Host service will ONLY cost you 100RMB. Click here to join us!

#2.  Xindanwei Property

- invisible: equipped with large professional photo studio, event areas (approximately 100m2) suitable for creative activities and flexible working and conference spaces. The total area is above 300 m2.

- Central POD: Fifty-two office spaces ranging from 27 to 138 sqm spread on 3 levels are available now. Designed specifically for creative businesses and professionals.

TK Terrace: Jugend Space is located at Taikang/Jianguo rd (TK Terrace). area which is a retail conversion of restored factories strung together. Jugend is decorated in modern architectural style to fit in all kinds of events, especially movie screening. It is around 150 sqm, capable for events of up to 120 people, well equipped with projector and provides F&B service.

Haworth Organic Workspace: Located conveniently next to Jing’an temple, it is a collaboration project with Haworth Asia Pacific. The 960 sqm Organic Workspace is ideal for high-end events for up to 100 people, well equipped with projector, video screens, curated electronic content, coffee and tea and provides F&B service.

Blue Lotus Top Space: Located at No. 2 Tianjin Road which situated at the old British concession, Art Deco architecture with convenient transport, close to Nanjing Road and the Bund. Awarded by Shanghai Outstanding Heritage, the building was designed by well-known architect Jingpei Li.

Space: Twentyseven: is an inspired multi-purpose venue restored from a former Shikumen residence. Located in the heart of Shanghai’s central business district and nestled within a heritage laneway, its layout and facilities provide the ideal hosting platform for a diverse range of activities, that can be transformed from a private kitchen for dinner parties, to a brainstorming hub for corporate gatherings. Accommodate up to 40 people, for non-sit-down events.

For inquiry, please leave a message at at our live support on the webpage of the property, or email us at

#3. Community Post

If you have anything interesting to share with Xindanwei community, please post it on or email us

1). Xindanwei Forthcoming Events:

- Chinese Dutch Intercultural Workshop
What do the Chinese and the Dutch have in common? When they live in each other’s country, what makes them happy? What makes them worry? And when they go home, what new understanding do they have of themselves and their culture? In this August, Chinese-Dutch Intercultural Workshop will help you make better sense of China and the Netherlands through reading and discussion. For more detail, please refer to events.

Xinchejian Upcoming Events
There are some events will be presented by Xinchejian in this July. They are related to art and tech, sound synthesizer, as well as video synthesizer.

2).Xindanwei Past events:

- Crowdfunding 2.0
From this July, JUE.SO and Xindanwei will bring a series of lectures/workshops to you in terms of D2C (Designer to Consumer).  D2C is the key point for JUE’s platform. In this talk, JUE.SO shared D2C creator team showcases with you along with two teams.

- Maria Yee & EcoLuxury
Xindanwei was very honored to invite Maria to talk on the opening day of Xindanwei X PAIHUB. During this talk, Maria shared her brand story in US as well as her furniture design philosophy and EcoLuxury & Bamboo furniture. Apart from that, Maria brought up with her MYI factory in Guangzhou and Hunan, and also discussed how to make good design into good product, and finally achieve good business.

- Rob van Kranenburg:Internet of Things
Rob van Kranenburg (1964) founded Council, a thinktank for the Internet of Things, to bring this latter perspective into the heart of the debates. He is Chair of the Working Group Societal of the IOT Forum, member of the Expert Group on IOT for the European Commision, and Stakeholder Coordinator for IoT-A. Mr. van Kranenburg was in Shanghai for IOT 2012 China in this late June. Get more views from Flamingo Shanghai.

ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival 2012 
Xindanwei was so pleased to collaborate with ShanghaiPRIDE to present LGBT-themed films in conduction with this year’s celebration. This year’s theme was “Don’s Hide, Don’t Change, Be Proud”. There were four movies to be screened in Xindanwei on 21th and 22nd of June.  Feature Photo.






#1. 新单位社区招贴墙

1) 新单位 × 派合智开幕:
新单位 × 派合智(Xindanwei × PAIHUB)位于思南路近皋兰路,地理位置优雅、便捷,毗邻复兴公园、思南公馆,是各类设计和时尚社群理想的办公、展示和交流场所。整个空间250平米,分为独立办公和开放空间两部分。独立办公室面积分别为33、26、16、14平米。更有美国著名华裔家具设计师Maria Yee的高端设计师家具和自助服务式老挝咖啡的加盟,打造同地段性价比较最高的精致创意办公和交流场所。更多请移步

2) 新单位会员制度革新:

3) 新社区咨询服务- 新顾问
随着新单位社区成员的不断发展,社区群体的商业需求也愈发多样。和成员们一样在发展的新单位,新推出了提供的咨询和链接平台服务,称为新顾问(The Host)。我们为来自不同行业和背景的专业人士公司提供创新项目的咨询与运营,并通过新单位社群不断发掘和链接创意,科技及社会创新领域的引领者。

4) 新单位和觉的合作:
觉 ( 是一个创意孵化平台,通过整合线上线下的宣传、销售、生产、品牌合作等资源,协助创作人把想法或项目落地。众酬模式现在是JUE.SO推动项目的主要模式之一,随着Kickstarter的崛起,在中国,各种众酬类的网站也逐渐冒出了水面。新单位和觉的这次合作提供给您价格更优惠的椅子会员服务,每月仅400元。此外,体验新顾问也仅须花费100元了解更多

#2.  新单位地产




蓝莲花最空间:位于旧英租界上由著名华人设计师李锦沛设计的天津路 2 号,交通便利,紧邻南京东路、外滩等高端商圈。空间由460 平方米大面积开间、数个会议, 展示,视听,洽谈多功能空间以及 2 个大面积露台组成,方便各类活动整体或分体灵活使用。设施一应俱全,包括密码防盗门、中央恒温空调、专业灯光效果、立体声环绕音响、多部投影仪设备、宽带网络等。

Space: TwentySeven:精巧难得的历史老建筑,在中心商圈闹中取静,Twenty Space里外所有的再设计都恰到好处地让这份石库门的海派风韵自然而然的从空间内向外满溢着,旧时代里所有优雅从容的光景都慢,慢,慢到这寸土里。于是,即便是这本该摩登高楼里的或是光影的或是声像的,红的绿的,都不会在这老房子里显得不合时宜。40个人,站立着的活动空间,合作会面,头脑风暴,配着小灶的晚餐会,所有你能想到的活动都能在这个别样的空间里自行定制。


#3. 社区通讯



- 中荷文化大不同
欧亚大陆那端的田园小国荷兰和欧亚大陆这端的泱泱大地中国有何共同点?在中国的荷兰人 和在荷兰的中国人各自为什么而幸福和困扰?当他们回归故乡后对自己和母文化又有何新认 识?这个8月,中荷跨文化工作坊将通过好书介绍和交流互动让你认识真正的中国和荷兰。更多内容,请关注在这里发生

- 新车间系列活动


 众酬模式2.0: 创意项目在JUE.SO如何孵化
觉 ( 是一个创意孵化平台,通过整合线上线下的宣传、销售、生产、品牌合作等资源,协助创作人把想法或项目落地。众酬模式现在是JUE.SO推动项目的主要模式之一,随着Kickstarter的崛起,在中国,各种众酬类的网站也逐渐冒出了水面,但在不同的国情下,怎样的模式才能真正推动一些创作落实?JUE.SO做了哪些不一样的尝试?这是一个相当漫长的尝试。从这个7月起,新单位将和觉一起就这些问题做一系列的讨论会和讲座,感兴趣的你请多留意在这里发生

 Maria Yee 和环保奢华
新单位非常荣幸能在新单位X派合智办公空间开幕当天请到Maria Yee来演讲。Maria Yee与大家分享了她的品牌故事以及家具设计理念和EcoLuxury & Bamboo 系列家具设计。除此之外,她还介绍她在广州和湖南的MYI工厂,并且和大家讨论如何把一个好的设计转化成一个好的产品,最终获得商业上的成功。

 欧洲物联网理事会主任Rob van Kranenburg谈物联网
Rob van Kranenburg 于1964出生,创立欧洲物联网理事会(Council)。理事会已成为欧洲物联网智囊,并促进了物联网技术及其潜在价值在欧洲各界,尤其在政界和商界的广泛认识和认同。van Kraneburg先生是欧洲物联网(the Working Group Societal of the IOT Forum)论坛秘书组的主席,欧联盟物联网专家组成员和欧联盟IoT-A项目出资方协调人。van Kraneburg先生将于本月底参加在上海举行的第三届中国国际物联网大会,新单位很荣幸能借次机会请他来就物联网做公开演讲。Flamingo Shanghai关于此次活动的纪录.

2012的骄傲周确实是精彩极了!今年参加电影展以及讨论会的人数是去年的两倍,新单位非常荣幸参与到电影展的部分。按照本年度的主题是“坚强 自信的 做自己”,新单位在6月21日与22日两天放映4部电影,场场爆满!活动图片


June 29, 2012

Why Chair Member? |为什么成为椅子会员?

Filed under: @xindanwei — aaajiao @ 1:27 pm


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椅子会员针对起步时期的创业者,自由职业者,投资人,创业导师们的”创业生态社群“ 计划。我们除了为大家提供新单位位于上海前法租界最迷人地段的三个独特美丽的工作空间,从此您可以在任何工作时间根据你的心情,喜好和便利程度,在任何一个新单位办公,开会,学习,交流。在这里您每天都会碰到大量各式各样来自全世界的有趣人群,随时都有可能邂逅你未来的合伙人,客户,投资人甚至知己,更重要的是可以让他们参与社群活动,通过新顾问社群服务获得彼此的支持与帮助。




Michael Michelini, Stefanie Vallee, Habib Belaribi, Patrick Cai, Matt Taylor, Sacha Guyon


Apply for Membership

Sign up is easy! Please fill in the form and pay on your first day to our workspace. Come to chair with us!
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For startups:
Promote you to 10,000 people + 8 hour curriculum /mentorship hours + improve communication/presentation skills in 2 hours + daily comraderie + work from 3 top locations

For people supporting startups:
0 distance to great idea’s and projects + participate in projects through 8 hour curriculum/mentorship hours + improve listening/communication/debriefing skill in 2 hours + daily comraderie + work from 3 top locations

Chair membership is an exclusive “startup community” program including workspaces to help impact-focused commercial companies grow to the next level. Instead of tackling the barriers of start-up alone, we create a community to share resources, expertise and a network to scale faster.

Chair membership makes it possible for you to work from three amazing and unique Xindanwei workspaces located in the most beautiful neighborhood of Shanghai formal French concession. For just 500RMB/month, the Xindanwei Chair Membership makes it easier for you to work anytime during the workdays, in any location that is most convenient for you, and mix with different likeminded people who inspires you and brings business to you. The Xindanwei membership provides you with the following Community Host services:

Share insights, ideas, events and resources with our network of like-minded companies and 10,000 followers. Building a network takes years, joining a network takes seconds.

Connect with our local partners, media affiliates, and investors who can help offer avenues for growth, exposure and funding through our community events.

Receive group or one-on-one coaching from our close network of mentors (social entrepreneurs, corporates and business owners) whom can offer invaluable insight into your development.

Who is Chair member?
Michael MicheliniStefanie ValleeHabib BelaribiPatrick CaiMatt TaylorSacha Guyon


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