Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

September 3, 2010

xindanwei chitchat edition 20: WoiGreen | 新单位茶话会第二十期:绿色风尚

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xindanwei chitchat edition 20: WoiGreen

Time: 16:30-18:30pm Friday September, 3th
Host:Brian Wang
Brian Wang just want to share with you those latest, coolest Green innovation worldwide. Like ¨Coffee Printer¨, ¨Iceberg Hotel in Dubai¨, how to “Plant” a house in the forest or how to generate electricity with Hot Air Balloon……
If you feel green can be fashionable, that’s what he wants to say. More important, if you are “Green Fans”, you may have more green ideas, let’s share them and do something together

About WoiGreen

Global Intelligence Local Practice
Founded on June 6th, 2009.

Being the unique green media /network in China, WoiGreen try interesting way, aim to share global fresh green ideas with professionals、eco-conscious community and general public, encourage people to enjoy eco lifestyle, create green trend and promote eco movement.WOIGREEN is creative, open-mind and initiative, keep distinguished reputation among fashionista, designer, industry leader, university student, eco-conscious community and International brands.With unique positioning and impact, WoiGreen has been invited to be the only Chinese speaker to give speech at ¨Green Businuss¨section on ¨The Career Day 2010¨ of ¨The Johns Hopkins University-Nan Jing University Center¨. The Organizer of “Green Now International Forum”, a Creative&Practical high end Forum which focus on Green Solution.

Feel free to visit us at:

Brian Wang
Founder and Chief Planner at WoiGreen. With thorough understanding and rich experience in Marketing and Media Communication, has ever been Marketing Director of International Company; Also involved in Newspaper/Magazine/Radio/TV and Website, all types of Media. Ever been Senior Editor at top end fashion&culture magazine¨VISION¨. Has been studied abroad and worked in Spain from 2005 to 2008,got Master in Business Management and Marketing, has been ¨People in the News¨, been interviewed and covered by the most famous Spanish financial newspaper ¨Expansion¨. Came back to Shanghai in 2009,founded WoiGreen with partners on June 6th, 2009. Being the unique green media /network in China, WoiGreen try interesting way, aim to share global fresh green ideas, encourage people to enjoy eco lifestyle, create green trend and promote eco movement.



时间: 9月3日(周五)16:30—18:30
费用: 免费

王翔想和各位分享全球最好玩最时尚的绿色创新,你将会看到咖啡打印机,迪拜的冰山酒店,如何在森林里的“种”房子以及用热气球发电…… 如果你也觉得绿色是一种时尚,这就是他想要说的。


全球智慧 本土实践



王翔 先生
——资深媒体人 “绿色风尚”(WoiGreen) 创始人兼总策划
国内少数能拍能写,并曾涉足电视 /广播/ 报纸/杂志 和网络等几乎所有媒体形式的全能型记者; 
2005-2008年赴西班牙留学, 获 工商管理和市场行销 硕士学位, 期间帮助多家跨国公司实施国际化战略,并作为新闻人物和中国留学生代表 ,接受西班牙最大财经报系《EXPANSION》专访……
2009年 归国与国际传播专家、资深互联网精英共同创办“绿色风尚”。

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August 27, 2010

xindanwei chitchat edition 19: recycle-x project | 新单位茶话会第十九期:recycle-x项目

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xindanwei chitchat edition 19: recycle-x project

Time: 18:00-20:00pm Friday August, 27th
Host:Jingni Wang
In recycle-x project, five artists from Brazil, China, Spain, Netherlands and Croatia came to a old city called Dordrecht in Netherlands create art work there. What they specification is sustainable of society and soft technology, and share art with local community.

As one of the artist, what I want to share in this presentation is three project recycle-x did already:

Plantas Parlantes—-A installation that make plants “talking and screaming” to people who touch it.
Achterstraat—-We use conductive fabric and thread create a local map with local handy women. People were brought together by making map and sharing stories.
Looking for people who live in a sustainable way—- A seven days’ research to find people who live in a sustainable way in Dordrecht and make a diary and street intervention of it.

I will make the presentation focusing on the process of art project, that’s say ” what was happening”. I really want to share the process of mind work, process of technique realization and the experiences of sharing art with local people. I will take some recycled container and plant seed, we will plant it together after presentation.

Welcome media artist, art students and people who are interested in the connection of art and social sustainability.

My name is Jingni Wang, 24 years old, from Fujian.
I studied new media art in China Academy of Art since 2006. When I was in school, it was more studio work rather than “going out”. In 2008, I went to America and work as a art teacher in summer camp, it became my first time experiences of “share art with people”. And after graduating from school, I involved in establishing of a community art organization. Therefore, I got chances to “play art” with immigrants in Shanghai. In 2010, I started my residency in Dordrecht, Netherlands, collaborated with artists from different background. We lived in a community, create work with local people.
Every time, those kind of sharing art experiences is like “self-education” for me. It brings me happiness, love, knowledge, culture understanding, and even wise of life.They are like surprises out of art theory system. And that’s what I want to share with you this time.
I am young, more into composing rather than theory, so, this presentation will be more visualized, could be like a story telling.

my blog:



时间: 8月27日(周五)18:00—20:00
费用: 免费



Plantas parlantes 会说话的植物

Achterstraat 后街:

Looking for people live in sustainable way 寻找过着环保型生活的人

我会把重点放在项目的”过程”,也就是”经历了什么?” 很想和大家分享的是在创作时候的思维发展的过程, 技术的实现过程, 以及艺术家和社区合作对作品的影响.然后我还会带一些种子和小容器,大家可以一起来播种了小葱带回家~希望一个月后,大家的家里都有没有打过农药的,没有加过化肥的小葱吃.

特别欢迎, 媒介艺术家, 艺术专业的学生, 和对生态\科技与艺术的结合感兴趣的人.




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August 20, 2010

xindanwei chitchat edition 18: Tri-a new sport, arrives in China | 新单位茶话会第十八期:爆竹球-一项来到中国的新运动

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xindanwei chitchat edition 18: Tri

Time: 18:30-20:30pm Friday August, 20th
Host:Jeremiah Schwarz – Designer and C.E.O. of The TRI Federation & MAL (TRI Goods)

For the past 4 years, a new sport has been designed and developed by the TRI Federation. Once conceptual, this soon to be registered non-profit organization, is the governing body for the game TRI. A 3 team, contact sport similar to rugby and basketball, introducing many unique features and breaking cultural and business barriers in the world of sports. The Squib Ball, an oblong shaped ball that changes direction instantly is the corner stone of the game, challenging athletes to master their handling and team work. Now, the first 5 teams in Shanghai are underway in Season II and start-ups in 5 other cities around the world.

What needs are being addressed?

TRI is a communication platform utilizing creativity and collaboration. The purpose of the sport and the design of the game is meant to introduce new concepts that athletes and fans can build and appreciate together. The universal lack of experience will set a level of equality and humility, limiting racial, national or religious domination of the sport and its unique interests. TRI is a great way to get involved in sports and join this exciting community of athletes from all over the world.

The game has no intentions of replacing any sports, it is only an alternative to the way we currently perceive sports. If the world cannot come together to build a sport, something fun, then how can we ever solve more threatening situations, today’s reality holds for the future?

What resources or “ingredients” are needed to successfully implement this initiative?

We encourge global participation and inspiration to build this sport everywhere at the same time. In order to play TRI in your part of the world the necessary ingredients include:

1.a Squib-ball
2. 3 skinny vertical goals
3. a grass field
4. lots of cones to create your donut shaped field
5. 3 ropes to divide the 3 territories
6. at least 15 players and 1 referee
7. 3 different color shirts for the teams to wear.

Incase players want to create more official looking uniforms TRI players have letters for identification instead of numbers, which should be custom made locally.
We can send online start up brochures that will instruct you on the process and past experiences for start-ups.

Media reports:

Shanghai Daily :


City Weekend:

Global Times:



时间: 8月20日(周五)18:30—20:30
费用: 免费

主持人:Jeremiah Schwarz (美国沙凡娜艺术大学工业设计学,PEGA 公司资深设计师)

TRI原是一年轻美国纽约市运动员及设计师Jeremiah Schwarz在他就读于美国沙凡娜艺术大学工业设计学的毕业论文主题。而毕业后,他透过他一生投入与美式足球(American Football),英式橄榄球(Rugby), 篮球(Basketball),足球(soccer/English football)等主流球类运动的训练与观察,以及跟校友们组织起来的几次小型TRI运动测试赛,他前后花了整整5年的时间研发出来创新球类运动。
     Schwarz 先生目前就职于华硕电脑公司属下PEGA 设计公司,为该企业唯一的一位外籍资深设计师。TRI上海球盟合作者为美籍前EF英语外教Charles Wilcott 及比利时华侨-外贸公司主管 邹宏平,法籍设计师Marc Rambaud.





TRI运动比赛旨在改变人们对运动的思考。我们希望在当今的经济形式下,通过TRI这项运动,聚集来自全球各地不同背景和文化的运动员, 促进文化交流,培养团队合作意识与能力。


TRI为年轻人提供了一个很好的平台,帮助年轻人培养的创新意识与能力(how),让他们更了解自己的所处的环境, 同时对自己所具备的能力做一个正确的评价。




Shanghai Daily报道:


City Weekend报道:



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July 23, 2010

xindanwei chitchat edition 13: BEAN -the largest volunteer organization in Shanghai | 新单位茶话会第十三期:BEAN-上海最大的志愿者性质慈善组织

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xindanwei chitchat edition 13: BEAN -the largest volunteer organization in Shanghai
Time: 18:30-20:30pm Friday July, 23th


BEAN – Shanghai, the winner of the 2009 and 2010 Best Charity award for Shanghai, hosts community outreach events every weekend and several weekdays a month.  With over 1,800 members, BEAN is the largest volunteer organization in Shanghai. BEAN helps connect people with ways to contribute to the local community through long-term projects and one-off events that support both its own endeavors and other area charities.  The philosophy of the organization is that everyone should have the opportunity to give back, regardless of language ability, time commitment, or skill set.



时间: 7月23日(周五)18:30—20:30
费用: 免费

BEAN于2009年和2010年连续两年赢得了”上海最佳慈善组织”称号。BEAN现有会员1800多名,是上海最大的志愿者性质的慈善组织。BEAN积极与社区合作,利用每个周末以及部分工作日的时间,组织形式多样的活动,联系、鼓励来自各行各业的志愿者们为 社区的发展献上一份力。我们看到,这些活动的开展对于当地社区和慈善组织都是一种强有力的支持。我们的理念是,无论一个人能力大小, 可供支配的时间多少,也不管是否有语言交流上的障碍,每个人都应该有机会回馈社会。BEAN致力于创造,提供这样的机会。


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July 16, 2010

xindanwei chitchat edition 14: WABC | 新单位茶话会第十四期:当代精残人士艺术教育救助计划

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xindanwei chitchat edition 14: WABC
Time: 18:00-20:00pm Friday July, 16th

WABC: Worker ArtBrut Culture
For more information check



时间: 7月16日(周五)18:00—20:00
费用: 免费

这是一个以工人群体为对象的艺术教育计划,旨在通过对一些下岗工人和残疾人的艺术培训,使之对当代艺术有所认知,并发掘其可能的艺术创造 力。另外伴随这一过程中所产生的各种问题,对艺术家、艺术创作、艺术品和艺术市场的内涵和固有关系进行反思和质疑。以一种最朴素的方式重新面对艺术创作最 本质的层面。如果说非艺术圈的文化边缘群体自发的艺术创作从本质上说属于所谓的“原生艺术”范畴,那么,对社会阶层带有引导性的艺术启蒙(而非系统专业的 学习)所引发的艺术创作具有怎样的意义?在这个草根和素人可以一夜成名的新媒介主导的时代,有太多的现实可能性。“WABC”计划也许只是提供一个不成熟 的案例和草图。
该项目又名“WABC”计划,其中“W”指代工人(Worker);“ABC”除了其通常代表的初始教育、启蒙的含义外,还有更具 体的一层意思:A和B是“原生艺术”(ArtBrut)的缩写;“C”是英文culture的缩写,除了其普遍的文化含义,在这里主要是指其本初的培育和教养的意思。
我们希望 “WABC计划”是一个可持续发展的计划,通过团队的努力和社会的支持,使自愿加入这一项目的下岗工人和残障人士具有某种程度的当代艺术鉴赏和创作能力, 从而参与到当代艺术的文化活动中来,为社会和个人创造可能的价值财富,具有文化和现实的双重意义。


1980年生,2003年毕业于中央美术学院。制作装置作品、雕塑和油画创作,关注实验性艺术也尝试实验性创作。2009 年策划2009首届北京798双年展下岗工人艺术教育计划/wabc计划。


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July 2, 2010

新单位茶话会第11期: 企业法律知识普及课

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新单位茶话会第11期: 企业法律知识普及课

费用: 免费
主持: 章腾芳律师

如果你是小企业主  必定要面对生平第一次雇用员工的经历  拟定劳动合同要注意什么?  如果你是独立创意工作者   平时工作和客户产生问题  如何辨清权利和义务?   新单位诚邀章腾芳律师 为大家就以下几个方面释疑解惑.


1、 合 同的概念、条款、形式及适用范围
2、 合 同的成立(要约、要约邀请及承诺和撤回)
3、 格 式合同的特征、效力及争议处理
4、 合 同的解除、违约责任及免责事由
5、 劳 动合同法(竞业保密限制)及其他


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June 25, 2010

xindanwei chitchat edition 10: “Global Identity”-Screening of Experimental Film and Video from Three New-Generation Artists | 新单位茶话会第10期: “全球化身份”语境下的新生代实验影片展映

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xindanwei chitchat edition 10: “Global Identity”-Screening of Experimental Film and Video from Three New-Generation Artists

Time: 7:30-9:30pm Friday June, 25th


Host:Jos Diegel, Holly Rodricks, Zhu Xiaowen

Identity is based on a person’s position and recognition of self , which must be generated in a certain society.

In a global environment, the notion of “nation” and “culture” enlarge the similarities and differences of people’s identities; however, what kind of standards are we using to limit our identity? If these standards mostly come from external factors, how do we form our individual opinions? If our identities are only confirmed by these external factors, what is inside is only emptiness and loneliness.

In China, metropolitan cities like Shanghai are becoming more and more international, but that does not decrease the sense of distance between “Chinese” and “foreigner”.  That is why we always treat people of different nationalities with different standards. It actually shows the uncertainty of our own identities, because only the uncertain issue needs to be underlined. How to regard our identity in the global environment with open eyes and minds, and how to find our own pursue and position in spite of the consistent change in the external world, is a new question raised by “global indentity”.

This screening introduces three new-generation visual artists from different countries, including Dutch German artist Jos Diegel, Indian American artist Holly Rodricks, and Chinese-born video artist Zhu Xiaowen. All three have international backgrounds. Some of their work is directly related to the theme of Global Identity; other pieces reflect the artists’ critical thinking of social culture in a wider perspective. Their work has been showed many times in Europe and North America and has won various awards; however, this is their first time communicating with a Shanghai-based audience. We hope that this audience will watch their films and videos with an open mind. The screening will take one hour, after which the audience will have the opportunity to communicate with the artists directly. Zhu Xiaowen will be present, while the other two artists will chat with us online.

Jos Diegel

Jos Diegel is half Dutch half German. He lives and works in Offenbach, a city in Germany where various types of immigrants gather together. He received his Diploma from Academy of Arts and Design Offenbach. Jos is a politically motivated painter and filmmaker. His work has been showed nationally and internationally in a number of exhibitions, screenings, and festivals, including BERLINALE 2009 in the European Filmmarket, European Media Art Festival Osnabrück 2009, and his film Größere Leinwände, Längere Hales (Bigger Canvas, Longer Necks) was nominated the German Film Price 2009 in the category of experimental film.

Holly Rodricks

Holly Rodricks was born in Chicago. She received her BFA from the University of Illinois at Chicago, with a concentration in Video and Photography. Holly is currently an MFA candidate at Syracuse University in the Department of Transmedia, with an emphasis in Art Video. Her work has been shown nationally and internationally in a number of exhibitions, screenings, and festivals.

Her family emigrated to the United States a few years before she was born. With them came a rich cultural legacy, much of which conflicted with typical American paradigms. While not always evident on the surface, her artistic process is largely informed by this consistent discord.
It an attempt to reconcile these difference and to better understand her role, a portion of Holly’s research is dedicated to a reclamation of her heritage through the study of Indian history and language. In addition, she regularly works with her parents and grandparents, investigating their experiences, their reasoning, and how their values influence her position. The result is a painfully complex balance of embracing certain expectations and discarding others.

Zhu Xiaowen

Zhu Xiaowen was born in Shanghai, China. She received her BA in Film, TV and Media Arts from Tongji University. Currently she is a MFA Art Video student in Syracuse University, USA. During her undergraduate study, she did an exchange program at Academy of Arts and Design Offenbach in Germany. Her experience in Europe and America has a unique influence on her artistic creation. She works mostly with documentary film, experimental video and multi-media installations. Richly influenced by different cultures, she has a strong interest in the notion of “international identity” that reflects certain social and cultural issues based on her own understandings.
Zhu Xiaowen is a visual poet, social critic and aesthetic researcher. Her work has been showed in a number of exhibitions and festivals all over the world, including Strozzina Art Space (Florence,Italy), Sainsbury Center  for Visual Arts (Norwich, UK), Museum of Contemporary Photography (Chicago, USA), Everson Museum of Art (Syracuse, USA), Festival Junger Talente (Frankfurt, Germany) and etc. Her one-minute short film Carousel Travel got the jury award of one-minute documentary film festival in DOK Munich 2010.

新单位茶话会第10期: “全球化身份”语境下的新生代实验影片展映

费用: 免费
主持:Jos Diegel, Holly Rodricks, Zhu Xiaowen




本次展映活动包括了全球三位新生代影像艺术家的多部短片作品,他们中既有德国、荷兰混血的青年艺术家Jos Diegel,美籍印度裔艺术家Holly Rodricks,也有出生在中国上海而在德国、美国留学的录像艺术家朱晓闻,他们的某些作品和“全球化身份”的主题直接相关,而另一些作品则含有更为广义的对当代社会文化的批判性思考。他们的作品在欧洲和北美地区参加过多次展映并获奖,而这是他们第一次与上海本土观众进行交流,希望观众们以开放轻松的态度来观看影片,在1小时的放映之后会可以和三位艺术家直接交流,朱晓闻会来到放映现场,而另外两位艺术家会通过网络视频的方式和观众进行交流。
Jos Diegel介绍:

Jos Diegel 是德国荷兰混血,他在奥芬巴赫生活、工作,这是德国一座各国移民聚集的城市。他毕业于奥芬巴赫艺术设计学院,取得硕士学位。Jos是一位政治画家和电影导演。他的作品在世界各地的美术馆、电影节上参与过展映,包括2009年柏林电影节、2009年奥斯纳博克欧洲媒体艺术节等等。他的实验电影

Holly Rodricks介绍:

Holly Rodricks出生于芝加哥,毕业于伊利诺大学芝加哥分校,主修录像和摄影艺术。目前她在美国锡拉丘兹大学攻读艺术硕士学位,专业是录像艺术。她的作品在世界各地参与过各种展览和艺术节。



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June 11, 2010

xindanwei chitchat edition 9: From Marilyn to Mao | 新单位茶话会第9期: 从玛丽莲梦露到毛泽东

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xindanwei chitchat edition 9: From Marilyn to Mao-the formation of contemporary transnational art

Time: 4:30-6:30pm Friday June, 11th


Host:Isaac Leung

In “The Invention of Art: A Cultural History”, philosopher Larry Shiner explains that the ‘invention’ of ‘fine art’ was connected to the rise of the art market. In his book he separates the cultural history of art into two periods: the patronage period and the art market period. The emergence of the art market in the U.S. and Europe during the 70s and 80s was shaped by regime changes in capitalism and the rise of cultural industries. In recent years, the commoditization of art has entered a “global” age, new art markets emerge in which international artists, curators, museums and biennales become global players in the field of “international contemporary art”. The Western art centers such as New York and London have been decentralized and face diversification from various up- and-coming art markets around the globe. This phenomenon has been further intensified by the emergence of the contemporary Chinese art market as a major force in the global cultural economy. By choosing contemporary Chinese art as the focus of study, my research will examine the formation of the contemporary art market under the increasingly interconnected and integrated notion of the global and the local cultural economy. The emerging art clusters in Beijing and Shanghai will be studied with an eye towards the interdependency of production, consumption and distribution of art within these culturally hybridized networks. By reconsidering the earlier studies of cultural globalization, different constituencies within the interconnected localities of the contemporary Chinese art market will be examined in the context of transnational communication, the flow of art programs and the global circulation and consumption of artistic products.

Isaac Leung

Leung is a practicing artist, curator and researcher who received a Honorary Fellowship of Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the New Media Art Department of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. His passion in exploring issues concerning contemporary art began during his time in college. During 1998-2008, his artworks were exhibited in over 30 venues across the globe. His projects were featured on National Public Radio (USA), and in Agence France-Presse (France), Chicago Tribune (USA), NY Arts Magazine (USA), Chicago Readers (USA) and The South China Morning Post (Hong Kong).

In 2002, Leung was appointed as the Program Director of the media art organization Videotage. During the past years, he has initiated and participated in projects that included exhibitions, workshops, lectures, publications, online projects and symposia such as, 40 Years of Video Art in Germany and Hong Kong, (Hong Kong and Germany), Boderline Film Festival (Beijing), Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition (Venice, Hong Kong), Perpetual Art Machine (New York), “97+10: HK Hand Baggage” (Shanghai), ISEA Festival (San Jose), Microwave International Media Art Festival (Hong Kong).    Apart from the video documentary that was awarded by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, his current interdisciplinary project “Sex Machines” is being actualized as a Mphil academic thesis at the Lingnan University. Throughout the years, he has been invited to speak at different conferences such as, Arse Elektronika (San Francisco), Microwave International Media Arts Festival (Hong Kong), Hong Kong / Hollywood at the Borders: Alternative Perspectives, Alternative Cinemas (Hong Kong), etc. He’s currently a PhD researcher at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong.


新单位茶话会第9期: 从玛丽莲梦露到毛泽东-探索当代艺术市场的形成,和渐趋频繁的本土和全球经济文化融合下的相互关系

费用: 免费
主持:Isaac Leung

哲学家 Larry Shiner在《The Invention of Art: A Cultural History》中解释,「艺术」的「发明」往往与艺术市场的兴 起有关。他在书中把艺术的文化历史分为二个时期﹕艺术赞助时期以及艺术市场时期。在上世纪70至80年代,资本主义制度的 改变与文化产业的兴起,导致欧美艺术市场的出现及定型。及至近年,艺术商品化进入了一个全球化的纪元,当国际艺术家、策展人、博 物馆与双年展皆成为「当代国际艺术」的全球参与者,新的艺术市场型式便出现了。面对全球四方八面的新兴艺术市场,使西方艺术中心如纽 约及伦敦变得分散和多样化。中国当代艺术市场崛起,成为全球文化经济一大主力,让这现象更加剧了。以当代中国艺术为研究重点,本 研究旨在探讨在全球与本土的文化经济日渐紧密连系及愈发综合之时,当代艺术市场形成的成因。着眼点首先会放在北京及上海涌现的艺术 簇,研究它们在文化混杂的网络中,在艺术生产、艺术消费以及艺术分锁三方面的独立性。然后,透过重新钻研有关于文化全球化 (cultural globalization)的学术研究,将以跨国沟通的背景、艺 术节目的流程与艺术产物的全球性的流动与消费,来探讨中国当代艺术市场内环环相扣的构成因素。


梁是一名艺术家,策展人及研究学者,获颁芝加哥艺术学院及中央圣马汀艺术设计学院的新媒体艺术系美术学 位荣誉院士。他在大学培养出探索当代艺术的热忱,1998年至2008年间,他的作品见于逾30多个世界各地的场馆。他的作品亦曾见于全国公共广播电台(美国), 法新社(法国),芝加哥论坛报(美国),纽约艺术杂志(美国) ,芝加哥读者(美国)及南华早报(香港)。

2002年,梁氏被委任为媒体艺术机构“录映太奇”的节目总监。在任其间,他曾发起并参与多个计划项目,包括展览,工作 坊,讲座,出版物,网络项目及专题讨论会,如40录像艺术在德国和香港年香港(香港和德国),边缘电影节(北京),威尼斯双年展国际建筑展(威 尼斯,香港),永久的艺术机(纽约),“97 + 10 :香港手提行李“(上海),ISEA节(圣何塞),微波国际媒体艺术节(香港)。除了获香港艺术发展 局资助嘉许的纪录片外,他刚在岭南大学完成其关于”性机器“的哲学硕士生论文。过去多年,他曾被邀在多个国际会议演讲,例如众相处,电子学(三藩市),微波国际媒体艺术节(香 港),香港/在边界好莱坞:另类视角,另类电影院(香港)等。梁 氏目前是香港城市大学创意媒体学院的博士研究生。


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June 4, 2010

xindanwei chitchat edition | 新单位茶话会第8期

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Xindanwei Chitchat edition 8: Wokai’s talk

Time: 16:30 – 18:30 June 4, 2010

Microfinance is the business of making very small (“micro”-sized) loans to very poor people who would otherwise have no access to capital, so that they can start their own small businesses. These borrowers, or entrepreneurs, repay the loan with interest over the course of 6-12 months. Muhammed Yunus pioneered microfinance in the 1980s, with a focus on Bangladesh and India, for which he was eventually awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. The beauty of microfinance is that it is not only socially viable but also commercially viable because it helps poor people to help themselves, creates new jobs, and achieves sustainability.

Despite having spread to most developing countries (in Southeast Asia, South America, and Africa), microfinance is a very nascent industry in China. The Chinese government did not allow microfinance institutions (“MFIs”) to charge higher interest on loans than those of local Chinese banks. However microfinance is not simply lending people money, but also includes travelling to the most rural areas of China to access borrowers, teaching them how to start and run small businesses, and tracking their progress regularly – all expensive work. Therefore in order for microfinance to be sustainable, it needs to charge higher interest rates. Still, it remains cheaper than the alternatives (loan sharks) and, more importantly, Chinese banks do not provide any loans to poor people as it is not profitable and their models are based on collateral. In any case, MFIs would not survive in China with their interest rates capped.

As the Olympics drew closer, local Chinese banks began closing down rural branches and moving towards cities. This made it even more difficult for rural Chinese to access capital, a growing problem which the government needed to address, so in 2004 the government lifted interest rate restrictions and allowed MFIs to charge up to four times the interest rates of local banks. Thus 2004 was the year that international microfinance entered China. Today, local banks charge 4-5% interest on their loans; now MFIs can charge 16-20% interest.

In the spring of 2007, Courtney and Casey started Wokai, which means “I Start” in Chinese and conveys our mission to help people start new lives by founding their own businesses. By signing up on our website (, one can view specific borrower profiles entailing a picture, the borrower’s dollar requirement and for what purpose, and more, and then choose which borrower to help. Wokai fills a niche in Chinese microfinance because it is the first international person-to-person microfinance organisation that connects individual philanthropists around the globe directly with specific micro-entrepreneurs that they choose to fund in China, via our website.    Wokai meets the growing demand for micro-loans by providing MFIs with the capital needed to make loans.

Still there remains the issue that one cannot repatriate cash and therefore the loan cannot be taken out of China. So instead of relying on loans, Wokai relies on donations. After the borrower repays the loan, the money is not returned to the contributor, instead the contributor chooses another borrower from the website to whom the loan should help next. The loan is recycled out and so each donation goes much further than the average proposal.

Wokai has grown to include 9 chapters in San Francisco, Seattle, New York City, Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Boston, and Toronto; 200 interns, volunteers and advisors; 11 corporate sponsors and 2 NGO field partners in Inner Mongolia and Sichuan. With the help of these supporters, Wokai is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation in the US with a Representative Office in China, and currently in the process of being registered as a non-profit in Hong Kong. It has raised USD153,000 online from 1,000 contributors since launching, and has enabled 300 recipients in rural China to start small businesses. Wokai is now a ‘movement’ of sorts helping to raise awareness of entrepreneurial solutions to poverty amongst American students, as well as solving poverty itself. Wokai has also become a media darling, having been featured in TIME, the San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, China Daily, CCTV News, and Phoenix, and CEO Casey was interviewed in November by Bloomberg Asia’s Bernie Lo, TVB Channel and South China Morning Post in Hong Kong.



时间: 6月4日 16:30 – 18:30


小额贷款是一种将非常小额度的贷款聚集起来借贷给贫困人口的一种商业模型. 贫困人口往往有很大困难筹集资金,而资金是决定他们能否建立自己的小型商业, 脱贫致富的关键. 这些借贷者,或企业家,在借款后的6到12月还清本金和利息. Muhammed Yunus 在80年代率先在孟加拉国和印度推出了小额贷款, 并于2006年 以此获得诺贝尔奖. 小额贷款的魅力在于它不仅仅是一个社会学的美好蓝图. 它 是一个从商业学角度完全可行的做法,因为它帮助穷人帮助自己, 创造就业, 实现 经济长期发展.

小额贷款在南非,南美,和非洲等发展中国家都已迅速传播开来. 它在中国却还是 一个萌芽中的产业. 目前,中国政府还不允许小额借贷机构收取高于本地商业银 行的利率.但是小额贷款的成本却远远高于本地商业银行. 除了提供贷款, 小额借 贷机构常常要到中国最偏僻的地区访问借贷者, 教他们如何创办自己的小型商业, 以及规划还清贷款. 也就是说, 小型借贷机构要生存,就必须收取更高的利率. 即 使这样, 小额贷款远比起本地的高利贷机构便宜. 更加重要的是, 国家批准的本地 商业银行以借贷担保为商业模型. 由于小型贷款风险更高,回报更低, 它们目前并 不向穷人提供小型贷款的服务. 总体来讲,小型借贷机构要在中国发展,就一定要 有更为灵活的利率体系来支持.

为了筹备奥运会, 中国的本地银行都纷纷将网点转向城市. 这给中国农村人口贷 款进一步增加了难度.在2004年, 中国政府取消了对小额贷款机构的限制, 并允许 它们收取相当于本地商业银行四倍的利息. 即此, 国际小额借贷于2004年正式进 入在中国。今天, 本地商业银行收取百分之4到5的利率,也就是说,小额借贷机构 可收取百分之16到20的利率。

2007年春天,Courtney 和 Casey 创办了”我开”,象征着鼓励借贷者开创 自己的小商业和新生活的美好寓意.只需在”我开”(上注册一个账户,每个人都可看到借贷者的照片,家庭情况,申请款项的额度,用途, 并选择想要帮助的对象.”我开”在中国的小型借贷领域扮演着独特的角色, 因为它是第一个让全世界资助者们直接”面对面”看到中国小额贷款申请人真 实生活情况的平台.”我开”把世界资助者们捐助的资产转为小型贷款,送到 中国农民的身边.

现今投资无法从中国转回境外的问题依然存在.因此,”我开”以捐款而非借 款的形式运行.当借款人还清借款后,款项并不回到资助者手中.资助者通 过”我开”网络选择下一位资助人.借款以这种方式依次循环.因此,每项捐 款的实际影响力都大大超过了捐款的面值.

“我开”已经成长为拥有旧金山,西雅图,纽约,北京,香港,上海,洛杉 矶,波士顿,多伦多九个分部,200名志愿者”我开”,11个商业资助集团,及 2个合作伙伴NGO在内蒙古和四川的大家庭.在这些支持下,已经在美国成功 注册为501(c)(3)非盈利组织,并已开始在香港申请注册。成立以 来,“我开”已经通过网路平台融资超过15万美金,并帮助超过 300 名中国 农民建立了自己的小型商业。”我开”已经成为美国学生讨论如何运用企业家 精神解决贫困问题的热门话题。“我开”也渐渐成为媒体关注的焦点,先后被 时代周刊,旧金山日报,新闻周刊,及中国日报及 CCTV 新闻等媒体采访。 CEO Casey 今年11月接受香港媒体 TVB, 南华早报及 Bloomberg Asia 的采 访。


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May 28, 2010

The Future of the Shanghai dialects | 上海话的未来

Filed under: Events — Tags: — parisyxc @ 4:30 pm
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Xindanwei Chitchat edition 7: The Future of the Shanghai dialects

Time: 16:30 – 18:30, May 28, 2010


Host:Kellen Parker

The dialects of Wu are a big part of life for most native Shanghainese, used for day-to-day conversations with family and friends. But what does the future hold for the dialects? Is there value in preservation? What’s being done now to protect the language?  Sinoglot’s Kellen Parker hopes you’ll come join the discussion at Xindanwei on Friday the 28th at 4:30.  Come give your opinions and reflections on the language of 90 million people. The talk will be in English but feel free to participate in Chinese.



时间: 5月28日 16:30 – 18:30


主持者:Kellen Parker

吴语对大多说上海人来说占据了他们每日与家人, 朋友交流的很大一部分. 方言的未来怎样? 是否有保存的价值? 就保护方言来说,现在做了什么? 来自Sinoglot的Kellen Parker希望你5月28日下午4点半到新单位来参与讨论. 说出你对这个9千万人都在使用的语言怎么看. 讨论以英语的形式展开, 不过也可以使用中文参与其中.


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