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Design2Change – Second Edition
Better Toilet, Better Life
Speaker: Jack Sim, founder of World Toilet Organization (WTO) and the World Toilet College (WTC), Ashoka Fellow
Curated and Hosted by Xindanwei
Supported by ASHOKA
Time: 2pm-4pm, Oct 24, 2010
Location: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd
Cost: 30RMB(including coffee, tea and snacks), free of charge for Xindanwei monthly and yearly member
Language: English (Chinese translation provided for Q&A session)
Important Notice:
-This is a reservation only event, seats are limited to the first 40 people who are registered at the event page of Xindanwei website.
- Transportation: We highly recommend you to take public transportation instead of driving, for we are conveniently located next to Metro line 1, 10(Shaanxi Rd South Stop) and Metro 9 (Jiashan Rd stop) as well as bus line 96, 104, 911, 167,42,920,926,128,146,24
About the Event
We believe that change happens when we design better, together. Design2Change is a platform to make that collaborative change happen. It is to connect people who want to explore ways that design and technology can positively impact our communities – ways that are thoughtful, informed, creative and responsible. Our mission is to bridge designer and technologist communities with social entrepreneurs by providing an open ground for collaborative innovation.
In the second event of “Design2Change” series, Xindanwei brings to you the leading Asian social entrepreneur, the Hero of the Environment for 2008 by Time Magazine, Ashoka Fellow Jack Sim from Singapore.
Jack is a wonderful speaker and his work is highly inspiring. In 2001,after a successful career in the construction industry, Jack started asking himself probing questions. Couldn’t he be doing more for society? At that time, public debate over the cleanliness of Singapore’s toilets was daily news, and Jack found his calling in the improvement of sanitation worldwide. Globally, about 2.6 billion people still live without access to improved sanitation, leading to the deaths of nearly 6,000 children every day. To tackle this problem, Jack founded a pair of global initiatives, the World Toilet Organization (WTO) and the World Toilet College (WTC) to provide sanitation for everyone.
The World Toilet Organization ( is a membership organization of citizen groups, academia, and government agencies around the world whose work proves that progress on sanitation is possible. With 130 members in 51 countries (6 in China), WTO aligns citizen groups, budgets, and government agendas to underscore the urgency of proper sanitation, decouple sanitation and water for the purposes of funding, and direct earmarked funds to citizen sector and public-private partnerships.
On this trip to China, Jack hopes to share his experience of improving sanitation around the world, as well as find potential partners to further WTO’s work in China— where 650 million, approximately half of total population, still lack access to clean sanitation.
Jack Sim is supported by Ashoka, the global association of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs. Ashoka aims to identify similar entrepreneurs in China whose goal is to be of service to society, and provide them support to make their plans a reality. To do this Ashoka needs to develop a wide network of supporters. Ashoka’s ultimate vision is to create a world where every individual has the freedom, confidence and societal support to address social problems and drive change. More about Ashoka, please visit:
About Jack
Jack Sim was born in 1957 in Singapore. His life is a rags-to-riches tale with a surprising twist. When Jack was young, he did not do particularly well in school. He lacked the attention span and were too playful for the classroom. Following in the footsteps of his entrepreneurial mother, Jack later developed his own successful construction business, and credits his business success to the need to devise creative solutions. In 2001, when Jack had enough money in the bank to retire, his “real” life began. Jack followed his motto ‘Live A Useful Life’, and started asking himself probing questions. Couldn’t he be doing more for society, finding a more beneficial outlet for his creativity and rebellious nature? At that time, public debate over the cleanliness of Singapore’s toilets was daily news. That was when he found his calling, a calling which in time led to his being awarded the Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur of the Year in 2001, and elected as an Ashoka Global Fellow in 2007.
To learn more about Jack and his work, please see the attached English and Chinese profiles. Alternatively, you can also have a look at these videos:
(An interview Jack did with Bloomberg TV about world toilet day 2009)
(An interview with Jack at Ashoka’s Tech4Society meeting, February 2010)
演讲者: 沈锐华 (Jack Sim), founder of 世界厕所组
织(WTO, World Toilet Organization) 以及世界厕所大学(WTC, World Toilet College), 爱创家伙伴
组织及策划: 新单位
时间: 10月24日,14:00 – 16:00
地点: 徐汇区永嘉路50号, 新单位
费用:每人30元 (包含咖啡和茶点), 新单位月会员和年会员免费
语言: 英语
-人数:该活动需要网上预定, 仅限于在xindanwei网站活动界面上前40位预定的观众入场.
-交通:我们附近的地铁与公交非常方便,建议您不要开车。地铁一、十号线(陕西南路站)九号线(嘉善路站)及公交96, 104, 911, 167,42,920,926,128,146,167,24等均可轻松到达。
我们相信当我们一起探索一个更好的设计时, 改变就能在此发生. Design2Change试验田是一个通过相互协作来达到创新改变的平台. 那些想要通过设计和技术来影响社会公益的人可以在此平台相互连接. 共同探索创新而又可实施的方式方法,制定丰富而周密的计划。 我们的目标是为设计师,技术精英和社会企业家架起桥梁, 从而为协作创新营造一个更加开放的环境.
在design2change的第二期,新单位带你认识 亚洲社会企业家领袖, 时代杂志2008环境英雄, 来自新加坡爱创家的伙伴Jack Sim
Jack是一位出色的演说者, 他的工作非常令人鼓舞. 2001年在建筑业取得一番成功事业后, Jack开始询问自己一些探索性问题. 他在想是否能为社会做些什么东西呢? 与此同时公众对于新加坡厕所干净程度的讨论成为了每日新闻的一部分. Jack迸发除了改善世界公共卫生的愿望. 在全球有26亿人口仍然居住在未经改良的公共卫生环境中, 这导致了每日有6000名儿童死亡. 为了应对这个问题, Jack开创了世界厕所组织和世界厕所大学, 从而为每一个人提供良好的公共卫生环境.
世界厕所组织( 是一个由公民团体、学术界和政府机构构成的会员组织,其130个会员遍布在世界各地的51个国家,其中6个会员来自中国。WTO将这些会员联合在一起以强调洁净的卫生设施和供水对社会的重要及紧急性,并募集资金投入到相关的领域中。他们的工作证明了,改善卫生设施并非一个遥不可及的目标。
1957年出生于新加坡的沈锐华(Jack Sim),一生充满着传奇色彩。小时候的沈锐华,好动、缺乏注意力,从来就不是一个公认的好学生。踏入社会后,他以自己的创业本能,从零开始创建自己的建筑事业,并获得了巨大的成功。此时,小时候的缺点已俨然变成了优点——沈锐华把自己在商业上的成功,归功于那些富有创造力的解决方。2001年,当40岁出头的沈锐华已赚到足以支持退休的存款时,他的生活才真正开始。跟随着自己的座右铭,“过有意义的生活”,沈锐华开始探索自己生命的意义:他能够为这个世界做更多的贡献,为自己的创造力和不因循守旧的性格寻找一个更好的出口吗?凑巧当时新加坡厕所的洁净程度正成为全国热话。热烈的讨论触动了沈锐华的创意,并引领他开始了人生的另一段传奇。
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