Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

October 16, 2011

Bart Weetjens: How I taught rats to sniff out land mines | Bart Weetjens:我是教老鼠如何寻找地雷的

Filed under: Events — Tags: — yy211 @ 5:30 pm
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Bart Weetjens: How I taught rats to sniff out land mines

Time: 17:30-19:30, Sunday, Oct 16 2011
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd.
Cost: 30 rmb/person

Bart Weet­jens is developing a new approach to the land ­mine detection problem: train­ing giant pouched rats to detect explosives in minute amounts.Bart Weetjens works with locals in Morogoro, Tanzania to run a world-class facility that trains rats to do something astonishing: sniff out land mines. (The African giant pouched rat, the species used in the project, is wide­spread in the region.) The rats that pass the train­ing — and the same rigorous testing applied to land mine-sniffing canines — become what Weetjens calls “HeroRATS.”

This event is supported by Ashoka, the global association of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs. Ashoka aims to identify similar entrepreneurs in China whose goal is to be of service to society, and provide them support to make their plans a reality. To do this Ashoka needs to develop a wide network of supporters. Ashoka’s ultimate vision is to create a world where every individual has the freedom, confidence and societal support to address social problems and drive change. More about Ashoka, please visit:

please see:

Bart Weetjens:我如何教老鼠寻找地雷的


Bart于九岁生日时收到了他人生中第一只仓鼠作为礼物,自此萌生了他终身对啮齿类动物的迷恋。他早期的青少年生活有的很大一部分时间都于家 中饲养仓鼠及宠物鼠,并批发给宠物商店出售。长大后,Bart成为了产品开发工程师。他的团队开发概念包括现为欧洲各地的公共交通采用、可供轮椅上落的低台巴士。就在此 时,比利时媒体经常对于非洲的地雷受害者故事的报导,又给他带来了新的想法‐联合他对鼠类 的认识及产品开发的专能,为扫雷领域带来创新。虽然他的想法起初未能为捐助者认同,但Bart于他的母校安特卫普大学找到了援助 。通过与安特卫普大学有连接的坦桑尼亚Sokoine农业大学,Bart终于为他的扫雷鼠找到了一个家,并通过非洲和欧洲之间的密切合作,进一步发展成今天的HeroRATS。




Registrered users for this event:

(in total 11).

July 9, 2011

3rd Ring Out: China | 3rd Ring Out: 中国站

Filed under: Events — Tags: — Cozi @ 4:49 pm

[lang_en]3rd Ring Out: China

A talk and discussion at Xindanwei featuring UK artists Zoë Svendsen and Simon Daw, Co-Directors of 3rd Ring Out – an innovative project which uses art to explore climate change

Time: Saturday 9 July 2011, 14h00-17h00
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd., Shanghai
Language: English & Chinese
Cost: FREE and invitation only – with fresh coffee, tea, fruit and snacks provided
Organizers: 3rd Ring Out, Metis Arts, British Council China, Connections through Culture, Xindanwei

Are you an artist? Are you interested in climate change?

Zoë Svendsen and Simon Daw are UK artists and co-directors of 3rd Ring Out.  This unusual and innovative multi-media performance and installation toured the UK in 2010 and 2011, engaging with audiences to enable them to make decisions on how to respond to scenarios of a climate-changed future in 2033.

In partnership with Xindanwei, Zoë and Simon want to invite artists, environmentalists, climate scientists and people working at the intersection of these disciplines to an event which looks at the way in which art can address, explore and mediate questions triggered by climate change.

Please ‘save the date’ and join Zoë and Simon at Xindanwei on 9 July to hear more about 3rd Ring Out, and to share ideas and views on the relationship between art and climate change in China.

The event will use ‘open space’ methods to encourage self-directed group discussion, normally three or four groups. Time will be allowed for each of the groups to feed back towards the end of the afternoon.

Important: This is an invitation only event.
Zoë and Simon are keen to meet a broad cross section of people who have an insight into:
· Climate impacts in China – and their impacts on cities/urban living
· Planning issues around adaptation and change
· The cultural perception of climate change in China
· Emergency planning

We are also keen to meet artists and potential collaborators across the following disciplines, who might be interested in working on a Chinese version of 3rd Ring Out in 2012 as part of British Council China’s UK Now Festival:
· Writers
· Sound artists (composers and/or with experience of computer sound design)
· Video designers
· Interactive computer media creators
· Performers/live artists (especially if they also have one of the above skills and/or make their own work)

The focus of the event is on researching climate science and climate change. If you are interested by the subject and can connect with and contribute to some of the ideas behind 3rd Ring Out, please send an invitation request to us by calling 021-34280783 within office hours (9h30 – 18h00) or by sending an email to with the following information provided:
- Your full name
- Your occupation and specialized area
- Which company or organization do you work for?
- You email address
- Your mobile number (Optional)

Thank you for your collaboration!

About 3rd Ring Out: China
3rd Ring Out: China is being developed by Metis Arts in partnership with British Council China. Zoë Svendsen and Simon Daw’s visit to China in July 2011 has been supported by a Connections through Culture Development Grant.

Check out event pictures on Flickr!
[lang_cn]3rd Ring Out: 中国站

3rd Ring Out 是一个关于通过艺术探索气候变化的创意项目,作为项目的联合总监,英国艺术家 Zoë Svendsen 和 Simon Daw 现在把3rd Ring Out 带到了中国,由他们主持的3rd Ring Out:中国站的讨论会就在新单位进行。

地点: 上海市永嘉路50号,新单位
组织方: 3rd Ring Out, Metis Arts, 英国大使馆文化教育处, Connections through Culture, 新单位


3rd Ring Out 是一个不同寻常的创新多媒体艺术表演和装置,2010年和2011年首先在英国作了巡回演出,演出利用多媒体和多角度情景搭建向观众提出严肃的道德问题──我们如何回应将发生在未来2033年的气候变化?英国艺术家Zoë Svendsen 和 Simon Daw是3rd Ring Out的项目总监。

现在,Zoë 和 Simon 与新单位合作,邀请艺术家、环保积极分子、气候科学家和相关领域的其他从业人员在新单位举行聚会,讨论艺术如何得以提出、探索和调解由气候变化带来的问题。

七月九日,请您到新单位了解更多关于 3rd Ring Out ,讨论在中国范围内艺术和气候变化之间的关系,与大家分享您的想法和观点。


· 气候影响在中国 – 以及气候变化对城市生活的影响
· 和气候变化和适应密切相关的城建规划
· 文化视角观察中国的气候变化
· 紧急事件应对计划

一起参与创建中国版的3rd Ring Out,这个活动同时将是英国驻中国大使馆文化教育处主办的UK Now文化节的一部分:

· 作家
· 声音艺术家 (作曲家 和/或者 电子声音设计经验者)
· 视频艺术家
· 互动计算机媒体创作者
· 表演艺术家 (特别是如果同时使用以上某种或多种技能完成作品)

活动的焦点是研究气候科学和气候变化。如果你对这个主题感兴趣,可以参与或者可以为项目的搭建提供建议和帮助,请发送申请到 也可以直接在工作日9h30-18h00打电话到021-34280783,我们的工作人员会要求您提供以下信息:
- 您的全名
- 您的职业和专业领域
- 您的工作单位
- 您的电子邮件地址
- 您的手机号码(可选)


关于 3rd Ring Out: 中国站
3rd Ring Out: 中国站 由 Metis Arts主办,英国驻中国使馆文化协办。Zoë Svendsen 和 Simon Daw’s 2011年7月的中国之行受到Connections through Culture Development的资金支持。


June 30, 2011

Bamboo Treecycle Challenge! The city green vehicle of the future | 竹三轮的挑战!城市未来绿色交通工具

Filed under: Events — Tags: — Cozi @ 10:46 am

[lang_en]Bamboo Treecycle Challenge! The city green vehicle of the future

Time: 30th June , 2011  7:20 – 9:15 PM
Venue: Xin Dan Wei – Yongjia Road 50, Xuhui District, Shanghai, CHINA
Organizer:, MGT Engineering

Another MakeSense Hold-up at Xindanwei in June! This time we are trying to solve the challenge of MGT Engineering, creator of the city green vehicle of the future!
The number of participants is limited to 10, so don’t forget to reserve with us!


After 3 successful workshops organized at XinDanWei with over-motivated participants, we would like to invite you to a new creative workshop using original means to get the best ideas out of you!
This time, the challenge for you will be to imagine how MGT Engineering invention could become the vehicle of the future in your city!
Don’t worry, we will not let you do it alone : we will be there with some cool methods to help you find the best ideas.
Indeed, this new kind of creative workshops will be hold in a friendly atmosphere with 10 other fellows (just like you!) with who you will have the occasion to experience among others:
- “Brainstorming” Session
- Videoprototyping
So if you are interested in green transportation means, like to ride your bike or just want to meet an innovative entrepreneur, we hope you will definitely join because if it’s the case, we can already bet some of you will like to share their creations with their friends after the event !!

The creativity workshop will be organized as follow :
- 3 minutes : Presentation of Bamboo Treecycle
- 5 minutes : Explanation of the challenge / organization of the session
- 30 minutes : Brainstorm – foolish ideas !
- 10 minutes : Break
- 30 minutes : Brainstorm – concepts videoprototyping !
- 30 min : Concepts Trial
- 5 minutes : volunteering interviews

The workshop will be animated in English and Chinese by 2 cool Makesense members.[/lang_en]

时间:2011年6月30日,7:20 – 9:15 PM
地点:新单位 – 上海市徐汇区永嘉路50号
组织方:, MGT Engineering

MakeSense团伙六月份在新单位的第二次讨论会!这一次,我们打算试着解决MGT Engineering带来的挑战,他们立志成为未来城市绿色交通工具的创造者!


这一次,我们看看MFT Engineering的新发明是否可以成为这个城市未来的交通工具!Don’t worry, we will not let you do it alone : we will be there with some cool methods to help you find the best ideas.
- 分组开放想法讨论环节
- 视觉引导的草案行成环节

- 三分钟:介绍竹三轮
- 五分钟:介绍当期的挑战和组织机构
- 三十分钟:脑力激荡 – 最异想天开的想法都提出来 !
- 十分钟:冷静
- 三十分钟:脑力激荡 – 在图形草案的引导下概念成型 !
- 三十分钟:概念草案展示
- 五分钟:自由讨论、问答时间


January 8, 2011

Design2Change – Fourth Edition: Sustainable Design Series No: 1 “Healthy homes in Chinese Urban environments” | 试验田-第四期 可持续设计系列 第一站:“中国城市环境中的健康住宅”

Filed under: Events — Tags: — parisyxc @ 5:44 pm
bookable event

Design2Change – Fourth Edition : Sustainable Design Series
No.1 “Healthy homes in Chinese Urban environments”

Curated and Hosted by GoodtoShanghai; Xindanwei
Time: 14:00 – 17:30, Saturday Jan 8, 2011
Location: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd
Language: English
Cost: 30RMB/person (including various kind of yummy organic fruits provided by local organic farmer, fresh ground coffee and tea)

Event Schedule:
14:00 Visiting Exhibition
14:30 Introduction to Design2Change and Sustainable Design Series by Liu Yan(Xindanwei) and Susan Evans (GoodtoChina)
14:50 Students’ presentations: Healthy Homes Chinese Urban environments
15:30 Q&A
15:45 Break
16:00 Fast Prototyping Session “Designing Healthy homes” led by Aram Armstrong (IDEO Design)
17:00 Networking/Visiting Exhibition
17:30 End

About the Event
We believe that change happens when we design better, together. Design2Change is a platform to make that collaborative change happen. It is to connect people who want to explore ways that design and technology can positively impact our communities – ways that are thoughtful, informed, creative and responsible. Our mission is to bridge designer and technologist communities with social entrepreneurs by providing an open ground for collaborative innovation.

The sustainable design series originates from a social need. The series will start with Healthy homes in Chinese urban environments and will be followed in March 2010 by Safe/Eco foods in Urban China.

The exhibit and opening event from GoodtoSH sustainable design series, will be followed through active prototyping at Xindanwei’s space, as we invite participants to return to develop specific concepts. The space at Xindanwei provides an open platform for motivated, curious, creative and talented individuals to share their expertise through prototyping great concepts as developed through the “sustainable design challenge”.

GoodtoSH and Xindanwei will work together to share concepts through exhibits and then to develop these further in a shared space: Concept to market activities.

This series of design concept, is developed over an intense, short, development period with various universities and design institutes in Shanghai. Where MA and final year student’s work on a sustainable design challenge. These challenges include cross discipline input and collaborative workshops with some of the best design groups. The exhibit brings together 3 different ideas brought to us from international MA/MSc students that are currently studying with Tongji University and Politecnico di Milano – MSc Product Service System Design -Politong double degree. Their thinking has been developed over 6 weeks of course work, starting from the development of in home & desk research, through a series of design “tools” and finished with a half day workshop with experts and IDEO fast prototyping session at the “Designing Healthy homes” Shanghai weekend.

Concept development can be viewed on line at

试验田-第四期 可持续设计系列

策划与组织方: GoodtoShanghai & 新单位
时间: 2011年元月八日,星期六,下午两点到五点半
费用:  30元/人(包括当场品尝各式美味的当地有机水果,现磨咖啡和茶水)

14:00 展览开幕
14:30 “试验田”与“可持续设计系列”活动介绍 - 刘妍(新单位)& Susan Evans (GoodtoSH)
14:50 主题讲演:“中国城市环境中的健康住宅”
15:30 Q&A
15:45 休息
16:00 原型创造活动 “设计健康住宅”- Aram Armstrong (IDEO Design)
17:00 自由交流/参观展览
17:30 结束

我们相信当我们一起探索一个更好的设计时, 改变就能在此发生. Design2Change试验田是一个通过相互协作来达到创新改变的平台. 那些想要通过设计和技术来影响社会公益的人可以在此平台相互连接. 共同探索创新而又可实施的方式方法,制定丰富而周密的计划。 我们的目标是为设计师,技术精英和社会企业家架起桥梁, 从而为协作创新营造一个更加开放的环境.






Registrered users for this event:

(in total 7).

November 10, 2010

Design2Change-Third Edition
: Social media for social change | 试验田第三期
: 社会化媒体带来社会变革

Filed under: Events — Tags: — parisyxc @ 5:11 pm
bookable event

Design2Change-Third Edition
: Social media for social change
Speaker: Victor d’Allant

Time: 6:00pm, Nov 10th, 2010
Location: AC3-105, CEIBS campus, 699 Hongfeng Road, Pudong
Cost: free (please send your name, title and organization to before Tuesday 9 Nov so that we can arrange a pass for you to get into the CEIBS campus)

Victor d’ Allant, Executive Director of Social Edge @ Skoll Foundation is going to give his presentation, Social Media for Social Change, as the third edition of Design 2 Change, in CEIBS.

We believe that change happens when we design better, together. Design2Change is a platform to make that collaborative change happen. It is to connect people who want to explore ways that design and technology can positively impact our communities – ways that are thoughtful, informed, creative and responsible. Our mission is to bridge designer and technologist communities with social entrepreneurs by providing an open ground for collaborative innovation.

In the third edition, we introduce you to Victor d’Allant, the executive director of Social edge, a program of SKOLL foundation. His bio can be found at His talk covers how they use social media to deliver social change, taking the example of Social Edge and how it has been contributing to building the field of social entrepreneurship. He was invited several times to speak at Stanford, Berkeley, NYU and his presentation has been well received.

This event is realized with the support of CSR club of China Europe International Business School and Collective Responsibility (



: 社会化媒体带来社会变革
演讲者: Victor d’Allant
时间: 11月10日18点
地点: 上海市浦东新区红枫路699弄, 中欧国际工商学院, AC3-105
费用: 免费(请将你的姓名, 头衔, 组织名称于11月9日前发送到xindanwei@gmail.com以便我们能为你安排进入中欧商学院的通行证)

我们相信当我们一起探索一个更好的设计时, 改变就能在此发生. Design2Change试验田是一个通过相互协作来达到创新改变的平台. 那些想要通过设计和技术来影响社会公益的人可以在此平台相互连接. 共同探索创新而又可实施的方式方法,制定丰富而周密的计划。 我们的目标是为设计师,技术精英和社会企业家架起桥梁, 从而为协作创新营造一个更加开放的环境

第三期试验田, 我们将介绍Victor d’Allant. 他是social edge的执行总监, social edge是SKOLL基金会的项目之一. 本次演讲将探讨如何使用社会化媒体带来社会变革. 他会将Social Edge作为案例来讨论以及讲述它如何为建立社会企业做出贡献. Victor过去曾多次获邀在斯坦福, 伯克利, 纽约大学演讲并都取得卓越反响. 关于Victor的个人经历可以在这里找到

本次活动得到了中欧商学院CSR俱乐部和Collective Responsblity 的支持

Registrered users for this event:

(in total 9).

October 24, 2010

Design2Change – Second Edition
: Better Toilet, Better Life | 试验田第二期
: 厕所让生活更美好

Filed under: Events — Tags: — lia @ 1:34 pm
bookable event

Design2Change – Second Edition
Better Toilet, Better Life
Speaker: Jack Sim, founder of World Toilet Organization (WTO) and the World Toilet College (WTC), Ashoka Fellow

Curated and Hosted by Xindanwei
Supported by ASHOKA

Time: 2pm-4pm, Oct 24, 2010
Location: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd
Cost: 30RMB(including coffee, tea and snacks), free of charge for Xindanwei monthly and yearly member
Language: English (Chinese translation provided for Q&A session)

Important Notice:
-This is a reservation only event, seats are limited to the first 40 people who are registered at the event page of Xindanwei website.
- Transportation: We highly recommend you to take public transportation instead of driving, for we are conveniently located next to Metro line 1, 10(Shaanxi Rd South Stop) and Metro 9 (Jiashan Rd stop) as well as bus line 96, 104, 911, 167,42,920,926,128,146,24

About the Event
We believe that change happens when we design better, together. Design2Change is a platform to make that collaborative change happen. It is to connect people who want to explore ways that design and technology can positively impact our communities – ways that are thoughtful, informed, creative and responsible. Our mission is to bridge designer and technologist communities with social entrepreneurs by providing an open ground for collaborative innovation.
In the second event of “Design2Change” series, Xindanwei brings to you the leading Asian social entrepreneur, the Hero of the Environment for 2008 by Time Magazine, Ashoka Fellow Jack Sim from Singapore.

Jack is a wonderful speaker and his work is highly inspiring. In 2001,after a successful career in the construction industry, Jack started asking himself probing questions. Couldn’t he be doing more for society? At that time, public debate over the cleanliness of Singapore’s toilets was daily news, and Jack found his calling in the improvement of sanitation worldwide. Globally, about 2.6 billion people still live without access to improved sanitation, leading to the deaths of nearly 6,000 children every day. To tackle this problem, Jack founded a pair of global initiatives, the World Toilet Organization (WTO) and the World Toilet College (WTC) to provide sanitation for everyone.

The World Toilet Organization ( is a membership organization of citizen groups, academia, and government agencies around the world whose work proves that progress on sanitation is possible. With 130 members in 51 countries (6 in China), WTO aligns citizen groups, budgets, and government agendas to underscore the urgency of proper sanitation, decouple sanitation and water for the purposes of funding, and direct earmarked funds to citizen sector and public-private partnerships.

On this trip to China, Jack hopes to share his experience of improving sanitation around the world, as well as find potential partners to further WTO’s work in China— where 650 million, approximately half of total population, still lack access to clean sanitation.

Jack Sim is supported by Ashoka, the global association of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs. Ashoka aims to identify similar entrepreneurs in China whose goal is to be of service to society, and provide them support to make their plans a reality. To do this Ashoka needs to develop a wide network of supporters. Ashoka’s ultimate vision is to create a world where every individual has the freedom, confidence and societal support to address social problems and drive change. More about Ashoka, please visit:

About Jack
Jack Sim was born in 1957 in Singapore. His life is a rags-to-riches tale with a surprising twist. When Jack was young, he did not do particularly well in school. He lacked the attention span and were too playful for the classroom. Following in the footsteps of his entrepreneurial mother, Jack later developed his own successful construction business, and credits his business success to the need to devise creative solutions. In 2001, when Jack had enough money in the bank to retire, his “real” life began. Jack followed his motto ‘Live A Useful Life’, and started asking himself probing questions. Couldn’t he be doing more for society, finding a more beneficial outlet for his creativity and rebellious nature? At that time, public debate over the cleanliness of Singapore’s toilets was daily news. That was when he found his calling, a calling which in time led to his being awarded the Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur of the Year in 2001, and elected as an Ashoka Global Fellow in 2007.

To learn more about Jack and his work, please see the attached English and Chinese profiles. Alternatively, you can also have a look at these videos:

(An interview Jack did with Bloomberg TV about world toilet day 2009)

(An interview with Jack at Ashoka’s Tech4Society meeting, February 2010)

演讲者: 沈锐华 (Jack Sim), founder of 世界厕所组
织(WTO, World Toilet Organization) 以及世界厕所大学(WTC, World Toilet College), 爱创家伙伴

组织及策划: 新单位
时间: 10月24日,14:00 – 16:00
地点: 徐汇区永嘉路50号, 新单位
费用:每人30元 (包含咖啡和茶点), 新单位月会员和年会员免费
语言: 英语

-人数:该活动需要网上预定, 仅限于在xindanwei网站活动界面上前40位预定的观众入场.
-交通:我们附近的地铁与公交非常方便,建议您不要开车。地铁一、十号线(陕西南路站)九号线(嘉善路站)及公交96, 104, 911, 167,42,920,926,128,146,167,24等均可轻松到达。

我们相信当我们一起探索一个更好的设计时, 改变就能在此发生. Design2Change试验田是一个通过相互协作来达到创新改变的平台. 那些想要通过设计和技术来影响社会公益的人可以在此平台相互连接. 共同探索创新而又可实施的方式方法,制定丰富而周密的计划。 我们的目标是为设计师,技术精英和社会企业家架起桥梁, 从而为协作创新营造一个更加开放的环境.

在design2change的第二期,新单位带你认识 亚洲社会企业家领袖, 时代杂志2008环境英雄, 来自新加坡爱创家的伙伴Jack Sim

Jack是一位出色的演说者, 他的工作非常令人鼓舞. 2001年在建筑业取得一番成功事业后, Jack开始询问自己一些探索性问题. 他在想是否能为社会做些什么东西呢? 与此同时公众对于新加坡厕所干净程度的讨论成为了每日新闻的一部分. Jack迸发除了改善世界公共卫生的愿望. 在全球有26亿人口仍然居住在未经改良的公共卫生环境中, 这导致了每日有6000名儿童死亡. 为了应对这个问题, Jack开创了世界厕所组织和世界厕所大学, 从而为每一个人提供良好的公共卫生环境.

世界厕所组织( 是一个由公民团体、学术界和政府机构构成的会员组织,其130个会员遍布在世界各地的51个国家,其中6个会员来自中国。WTO将这些会员联合在一起以强调洁净的卫生设施和供水对社会的重要及紧急性,并募集资金投入到相关的领域中。他们的工作证明了,改善卫生设施并非一个遥不可及的目标。


1957年出生于新加坡的沈锐华(Jack Sim),一生充满着传奇色彩。小时候的沈锐华,好动、缺乏注意力,从来就不是一个公认的好学生。踏入社会后,他以自己的创业本能,从零开始创建自己的建筑事业,并获得了巨大的成功。此时,小时候的缺点已俨然变成了优点——沈锐华把自己在商业上的成功,归功于那些富有创造力的解决方。2001年,当40岁出头的沈锐华已赚到足以支持退休的存款时,他的生活才真正开始。跟随着自己的座右铭,“过有意义的生活”,沈锐华开始探索自己生命的意义:他能够为这个世界做更多的贡献,为自己的创造力和不因循守旧的性格寻找一个更好的出口吗?凑巧当时新加坡厕所的洁净程度正成为全国热话。热烈的讨论触动了沈锐华的创意,并引领他开始了人生的另一段传奇。



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October 10, 2010

DESIGN FOR DISADVANTAGED: The Creative Care from the North | 为弱势人群而设计: 来自北欧的创意关怀

Filed under: Events — Tags: — parisyxc @ 10:00 am
bookable event


Design2Change – First Edition
DESIGN FOR DISADVANTAGED: The Creative Care from the North

Speakers: Adam Hagman(SWEDEN), Rune Rex(DENMARK)
Curated and Hosted by Liu Yan (Xindanwei) and Søren Bo Steendahl (Kadaver)
Time: 2:00pm-4:30pm, Oct 10, 2010
After Drink: 4:30pm-7:00pm
Location: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd
Cost: Free of Charge
Language: English

Important Notice:

-This is a reservation only event, seats are limited to the first 40 people who are registered at the event page of Xindanwei website.

-The event will be followed by a network after drink to connect Nordic and Chinese designers and social entrepreneurs and to celebrate the grand opening of Xindanwei new space.

We believe that change happens when we design better, together. Design2Change is a platform to make that collaborative change happen. It is to connect people who want to explore ways that design and technology can positively impact our communities – ways that are thoughtful, informed, creative and responsible. Our mission is to bridge designer and technologist communities with social entrepreneurs by providing an open ground for collaborative innovation.

In the first event of “Design2Change” series, Xindanwei brings to you the robot developer and product designers from Nordic countries who help those with (physical or mental) limitations to express themselves, to make (and keep making) their own choices, stay independent and participate fully in the information society.

This event is realized with the generous support of ROBOT DALEN “The Robot Valley” from Sweden and KADAVER – the project team of THE CREATIVE NORTH. For more innovative and creative examples of the design products and services and the process which plays a significant role in the Nordic welfare system, please visit THE CREATIVE NORTH exhibition in Nordic Lighthouse and attend a special reception on Oct 11, 2010, please confirm your attendance by sending a mail to or visit for more information.

Wait, there is more …

Forthcoming Design2Change Events:

- Better Toilet, Better Life
by Jack Sim, founder of World Toilet Organization(WTO), Oct 24, 2010

- Social Media for Social Change
by Victor D’Allant, Executive Director of Social Edge, a program of Skoll Foundation, Nov 13, 2010

Adam Hagman, Robotdalen “the Robot valley” from Sweden.

Adam is the business developer of Robotdalen’s Health Robotics operations.
 His background is M.Sc. of Mechanical Engineering but in his heart he is an entrepreneur. He has started several companies and helps startups to create successful companies. He is very focused to make sure that robots developed in Robotdalen are made with the user in main focus. He will address how IT plays an important role in the demographic change we see in society, how IT can help address the aging population and what possibilities there are within the future of IT.

Robotdalen is a Swedish robotics initiative enabling commercial success of new ideas and research within robotics and automation. Robotdalen focus mainly on solutions for the industry and health care sector. Research and development projects are implemented by small and medium-sized companies, hospitals, global companies like ABB, Volvo, Atlas Copco and ESAB, and Swedish universities such as Örebro University and Mälardalen University.

Rune Rex (Sometimes Lune Lex) – Industrial Designer and Entrepreneur

Medical Packaging for All that focused on user centered product development in an industry that is close to unchangeable

About Rune Rex:

He described his core competences as high drive/enthusiasm for design, super sonic learning curves, to work in/WITH pink. He studied industrial design, visual design and interactive design in Denmark and has won numerous awards in Denmark and worldwide. He is the cofounder and Industrial Imaginator of project brand MAIK, cofounder and visual designer of Berggreenandersen& Design Studio. More about Rune Rex, please visit:


为弱势人群而设计: 来自北欧的创意关怀

演讲者: Adam Hagman(SWEDEN), Rune Rex(DENMARK)
组织及策划: Liu Yan (Xindanwei) and Søren Bo Steendahl (Kadaver)
时间: 2010年10月10日14:00-16:30
小型派对时间: 16:30-19:00
地点: 徐汇区永嘉路50号, 新单位
费用: 免费
语言: 英语

-该活动需要网上预定, 仅限于在xindanwei网站活动界面上前40位预定的观众入场.
-该活动结束后将会举办小型派对, 北欧和中国的设计师和社会企业家能在此更好地交流, 同时庆祝新单位永嘉路新店盛大开幕.

我们相信当我们一起探索一个更好的设计时, 改变就能在此发生. Design2Change试验田是一个通过相互协作来达到创新改变的平台. 那些想要通过设计和技术来影响社会公益的人可以在此平台相互连接. 共同探索创新而又可实施的方式方法,制定丰富而周密的计划。 我们的目标是为设计师,技术精英和社会企业家架起桥梁, 从而为协作创新营造一个更加开放的环境.

在design2change的第一期, 新单位带你认识两位来自北欧的机器人开发人员和产品设计师, 他们利用技术和设计帮助身体或精神缺陷的人表达自我, 让他们能自力更生, 并全面参与到信息社会中来.

该活动得到了来自瑞典的ROBOT DALEN“机器人之谷” 和the creative north的项目团队KADAVER的大力支持. 一睹北欧福利革新专家和福利设计创新家从他们的视野中赋予给予全球概念的北欧福利设计,请参加2010年10月11日14:30-17:00在杨浦区秦皇岛路32号(近杨树铺路)“北欧航标”举行的北欧福利系统设计展览和招待酒会,具体参加事宜请请您发邮件至 ,联系Carl Johannes Borris,或登录。


Jack Sim, 世界厕所组织创始人
时间: 2010年10月24日

Victor D’Allant, Skoll Foundation Social Edge项目执行总监
时间: 2010年11月13日


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