Xindanwei | 新单位 A new way of working | 一种新的工作方式

March 7, 2013

Xindanwei 2.0 = YOU | 新单位2.0 = 你

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 12:00 am

[lang_en]Coworking is evolving in China, so is Xindanwei. In the past four years, we have been working very hard to build our space and serve the community, and to grow together with all the great people and other organizations here in Shanghai

But we want to achieve more. Xindanwei 2.0 begins with a wish – a wish to inspire everyone in our coworking community to dream bigger: How might we all co-create a learning community to achieve better innovation? It is an open call for ALL of you to share your ideas to build Xindanwei together.

Please email your ideas for how we can better support learning and innovation projects in Shanghai. The suggestion should be less than a page with the help of the below questions as guideline. Also free to let us know if you have any questions to subject to Xindanwei 2.0. For more information, please visit or send us an email.

How could Xindanwei 2.0 help your current learning and innovation projects?
How can you help co-create a vibrant innovation and learning community?
What sources of inspiration have you used to generate the idea?
Title of the idea and what is the idea about?
What would be the main user benefits of the idea?
Why would it be appealing to people?
How does it related to learning?
How does it relate to innovation?
Is the idea a strong basis for a new business opportunity? Why?

Let’s achieve more together than alone![/lang_en]


与此同时,我们希望新单位能够做得更多更好。所以新单位2.0就是要开启这样一个愿景 – 在这里邀请各位和我们一起设想:我们如何能够共同建立起一个学习型社区来达成更完美的创新?我们邀请所有的新单位社区成员,说出你的想法,通过新单位成就你的创意。





March 1, 2013

When Xindanwei meets TheGoodLab|当新单位遇到好单位

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 4:04 pm

[lang_en]The Good Lab in Hongkong and Xindanwei in Shanghai is launching a reciprocal coworking visa from 1st March 2013 on to provide convenience and good value for their members.

# What is coworking visa
A coworking visa allows active members of one space to use other coworking spaces around the world for free for a set number of days.

# How does it work
A Xindanwei member can show up at Good Lab and present his/her active Xindanwei member card, then he/she can use the space at Good Lab much like a Good Lab part-time member, for free for one day. in the same way, a Good Lab member can show up at Xindanwei and present their active Good Lab member card, then he/she could use the space at Xindanwei much like a Xindanwei chair member, also for free for one day.

If he/she wants to stay at Good Lab/Xindanwei for more than one day, then he/she would need to pay in cash for his/her use at 50RMB per day.

# Why

- Build your local network!
This isn’t just a day-of-cheap-workspace. Xindanwei and TheGoodLab attracts the local community’s best makers and do-ers. By spending a day working here, you will probably meet someone you can launch a startup with, build long-lasting relationships and possibly walk away with a job or even an investor.

- Join the local community!
Join the vibrant local coworking community, all on a mission to change the world.

# Who to contact for help

The Good Lab
Tony Yet,

Alice Dong,

# Footnotes

What’s the Good Lab?
The Good Lab is a coworking space where different minds and actions meet. It enables cross-sector creativity and imagination to flourish, help realizing good ideas and change the world.

What’s Xindanwei?
Xindanwei literally means “New Work Unit”, the first and largest multidisciplinary coworking community and one of the most important grass-root creative centers in China. We mingle, catalyze and support creative leaders, startups and innovators locally and around the world. We create community workspaces, accelerate serendipity, facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration, showcase and co-develop new models and projects with world-changing potential.[/lang_en]

[lang_cn]上海“新单位”与香港“好单位”在2013年3月1日联合发布coworking visa为他们的会员提供便利和实惠。

# 是什么

推出持有coworking visa的会员可以使用任意一方会员卡在合作空间享受一定天数的免费体验。

# 怎么用


# 为什么

- 随时随地建立你的人际网!

- 融入当地圈子

# 寻求帮助

Tony Yet,

Alice Dong,

# 附录




February 28, 2013

Rob van Kranenburg: Internet of Things | 欧洲物联网理事会主任谈物联网

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 10:14 am

[lang_en]Time: 28 February, from 7pm to 9pm.
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd. Shanghai
Cost: 40RMB

Notice: This event is by reservation ONLY. Please complete the reservation form on this page before you come.

Even in such a short timeframe as half a year IoT has literally exploded as the most apt phrase for what is seen as ‘total’ connectivity and a new way of looking at relationships between things, people and the environment. In this talk he will focus on the positive aspects of IoT and on the new entities that IoT is bringing that circle very much around cooperation, sharing, transparency. Maybe it is time to look differently to words and praxis of efficiency and optimising and also the role of bureaucracy needs to be viewed in a more positive light.
Rob van Kranenburg is very happy to be at Xindawei for a second time to talk about Internet of Things.

About Speaker:
Rob van Kranenburg (1964)
founded Council, a thinktank for the Internet of Things, to bring this latter perspective into the heart of the debates. He is Chair of the Working Group Societal of the IOT Forum, member of the Expert Group on IOT for the European Commission, and Stakeholder Coordinator for IoT-A.[/lang_en]

[lang_cn]时间:2013年2月28日 7 pm—9pm

如此匆匆的内半年之内,物联网这个词已经被看作是“总体”之间的连接,或是一种看待物物之间,人与环境之间联系的新方式。在这次演讲中,Rob van Kranenburg将专注于物联网积极的一面来做阐释,当然也会涉及它的新定义:物联网一是个圈子,它集合了全面合作,开放分享以及透明度等特性。因此,也许我们是时候该来看看话语表述和优化效率之间的不同点,又或者我们该用一个更为积极的角度来看待官僚主义。
Rob van Kranenburg将第二次来到新单位,与大家分享物联网。

Rob van Kranenburg
于1964出生,创立欧洲物联网理事会(Council)。理事会已成为欧洲物联网智囊,并促进了物联网技术及其潜在价值在欧洲各界,尤其在政界和商界的广泛认识和认同。Kranenburg先生是欧洲物联网(the Working Group Societal of the IOT Forum)论坛秘书组的主席,欧联盟物联网专家组成员和欧联盟IoT-A项目出资方协调人。[/lang_cn]

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February 25, 2013

Global Service Jam 2013 | 全球服务设计上海站

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 11:26 am

[lang_en]Time: 1 – 3 March
Venue: at CBi China Bridge

News in Short
CBI China Bridge is hosting the Global Service Jam March 1-3! Join a community of innovative thinkers for a weekend bash in service design & rapid prototyping.

Press Release
CBi China Bridge will be hosting the world’s largest non-profit innovation event in Service Design March 1 – 3 – the Global Service Jam, Shanghai Station – a globally organized, 60 country-strong, weekend event where worldwide, teams of professionals co-create real-world solutions in a dynamic environment to share on a global platform. The Jam targets environmentally responsible and effective outreach solutions to trigger socially impactful processes (e.g. paper free voting) products (e.g. reusable emergency housing) and experiences (e.g. indigenous education) to communities in need.
A jam is like a fun session of get together so people can play with ideas, just like improvising in a jazz or music jam session. But instead of music, it’s ideas jammers are playing with! Jammers will inevitably bring back rich experiences in design thinking and rapid prototyping, on top of friendships with like-minded people.
Mark your calendars and change the world in 48 hours!

Sponsors, Jammers and Media:
Ruby Tsang for details and click here for registration, deadline Feb 26th, Tues.
Photos Click here to see Jammers in action!

The bi-annual Global Jam rotates the Sustainability Jam in autumn and the Service Jam early spring. Shanghai’s jam was part of Shanghai Design Week 2012, a UNESCO’s Creative City event that promotes indigenous creative culture. CBi’s passion is facilitate innovation in Shanghai’s professional community and, by the way, have lots of FUN, this time shaking up our brains designing cool service design experiences!
Alternative Resources
For your interest, please refer to these websites, which show how effective design thinking methods are about breaking out of the mould, eventually addressing socially/ environmentally impactful measures.

Service Design goes Social must see video lecture, 42 minutes
We Cannot NOT Change the World click onto keyword (e.g. environment) to see how social impacts and design skills come together
Social Innovation is my Motivation using design skills and tools to realize social changes[/lang_en]

[lang_cn]时间:3月1日 — 3月3日
地点: 上海桥中公司

桥中设计管理咨询 将主持全球最大的服务设计创新活:3月 1 – 3号全球服务设计上海站 。来加入创意者圈子,度过一周热情,疯狂的兴创交流,认识志趣相投的朋友!

桥中设计管理咨询有限公司 将为您带来全球最大的服务设计非盈利创新活动 – 全球服务设计上海站 – 本活动覆盖全球,在60个国家同时举行。在这周末的两天全球的专业人士将一起为一个多元环境下的问题提出解决方案并共享。活动旨在为相关社群得出环境友好,有效拓展的解决方案,以触发社会有效改变的过程 ,产品及体验。

更多活动及赞助信息,请联系 Ruby Tsang: 或这里下载报名表格



February 23, 2013

Visual Thinking Tools Workshop

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 12:45 pm

Time: Saturday 23 February, from 12pm to 14:30pm.
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd. Shanghai
Organizers: Xindanwei,MindMarkers
Cost: 200RMB(including coffee, notebooks and pens)

Notice: This event is by reservation ONLY. Please complete the reservation form on this page before Thursday 21 February.

MindMarkers and Xindanwei are organizing a Visual Thinking Tools Workshop in Xindanwei co-working space on Saturday 23, from 12pm to 14:30pm.
The aim of organizing this is to help you to learn the basic skills of visual language, to have the chance to use and apply it during different processes of your company projects.

This workshop will be the first step on introducing participants to the visual thinking world, working on the principles of image thinking. This workshop will be the basic level one, having the experience of learning visual tools using different creativity techniques and dynamics for a better understanding.

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February 5, 2013

Xindanwei Chitchat Unreasonable Edition

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 3:17 pm

[lang_cn]Please come to Xindanwei to check out on site. Please kindly notice that this event is for Xindanwei Members and Invitess ONLY. Our Ground Floor XinCafe will serve exclusively for this event on 4 Feb and 5 Feb.[/lang_cn]

[lang_en]On 4, 5 of Feb, some of the participants of Unreasonable at Sea will pop in @xindanwei to get some work done and introduce themselves to the Xindanwei community. There will be a Xindanwei Chitchat Unreasonable Edition throughout the day given by these Unreasonablers at the ground floor Xin Cafe area.
Please kindly notice that this event is for Xindanwei Members and Invitess ONLY. Our Ground Floor XinCafe will serve exclusively for this event on 4 Feb and 5 Feb.

Unreasonable at Sea – The founder, Daniel Epstein
Damascus Fortune – Captures pollution from power plants to synthesize carbon nano-materials
EvoTech – Revolutionizing the medical industry by building medical technologies at 1/20th the cost.
OneEarthDesign – Catlin and Scott, Co-founders

When: 9:30am-6:30pm throughout the day
Where: Ground floor, Xindanwei, Yongjia Rd 50

More about Unreasonable at Sea
Unreasonable at Sea is an accelerator program that is currently travelling across the world on a ship with 11 innovative companies. These 11 companies have generated tens of millions of dollars in revenue, are already impacting millions of individuals directly with their technologies, and have achieved operational scale in over 30 countries. The group is comprised of teams coming from 10 countries and 5 continents. Their expertise ranges from astrophysicists, to artificial intelligence, to biological, mechanical, software, medical and electrical engineers, to graphic designers, industrial designers, scientists, doctors, and operational masterminds. What unites them is a shared belief that their technology will help define progress in our time and a common eagerness to experiment in what it takes to scale globally.

Unreasonable at Sea is led by Daniel Epstein (who made the Forbes Impact 30 list, as well as Inc Magazine’s 30 under 30 list) and George Kembel (who founded Stanford University’s[/lang_en]

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February 4, 2013

Xindanwei Chitchat Unreasonable Edition

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 1:32 pm

[lang_cn]Please come to Xindanwei to check out on site. Please kindly notice that this event is for Xindanwei Members and Invitess ONLY. Our Ground Floor XinCafe will serve exclusively for this event on 4 Feb and 5 Feb.[/lang_cn]

[lang_en]On 4, 5 of Feb, some of the participants of Unreasonable at Sea will pop in @xindanwei to get some work done and introduce themselves to the Xindanwei community. There will be a Xindanwei Chitchat Unreasonable Edition throughout the day given by these Unreasonablers at the ground floor Xin Cafe area.
Please kindly notice that this event is for Xindanwei Members and Invitess ONLY. Our Ground Floor XinCafe will serve exclusively for this event on 4 Feb and 5 Feb.

Unreasonable at Sea – The founder, Daniel Epstein
Damascus Fortune – Captures pollution from power plants to synthesize carbon nano-materials
EvoTech – Revolutionizing the medical industry by building medical technologies at 1/20th the cost.
OneEarthDesign – Catlin and Scott, Co-founders

When: 9:30am-6:30pm throughout the day
Where: Ground floor, Xindanwei, Yongjia Rd 50

More about Unreasonable at Sea
Unreasonable at Sea is an accelerator program that is currently travelling across the world on a ship with 11 innovative companies. These 11 companies have generated tens of millions of dollars in revenue, are already impacting millions of individuals directly with their technologies, and have achieved operational scale in over 30 countries. The group is comprised of teams coming from 10 countries and 5 continents. Their expertise ranges from astrophysicists, to artificial intelligence, to biological, mechanical, software, medical and electrical engineers, to graphic designers, industrial designers, scientists, doctors, and operational masterminds. What unites them is a shared belief that their technology will help define progress in our time and a common eagerness to experiment in what it takes to scale globally.

Unreasonable at Sea is led by Daniel Epstein (who made the Forbes Impact 30 list, as well as Inc Magazine’s 30 under 30 list) and George Kembel (who founded Stanford University’s[/lang_en]

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January 20, 2013

Mobile App Workshop:Porting Apps iOS <=> Android | 手机应用一小时变戏法: iOS <=> Android

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 12:00 am

[lang_en]Time: 20 January 2013, 2:00 PM — 4:00PM
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd. Shanghai
Organizers: Yeecco Limited,Samsung Electronics,Xindanwei
Cost: 40RMB

Notice: This event is by reservation ONLY. Please complete the reservation form on this page before you come.

Stella SDK is cross platform development tool which allows developers to use Objective-C and Xcode to develop Android applications. Yeecco want to promote this tool to as many developers as possible.
Samsung is hoping to have more developers using this cross platform technology to port their iOS apps to Android targeting Samsung Apps and Samsung devices.
Yeecco and Samsung are in collaboration and thus Yeecco has released a Stella SDK for Samsung devices and Samsung Apps free for all the developers worldwide.

Event purpose:
The purpose of this event is to promote Stella SDK for Samsung to local app developers. Teach them how to start and attract them to continuously use Stella SDK in the future. Our documentations and supports will also guide them to submit the ported/developed apps to Samsung Apps.

This workshop event will be splited into 3 main sessions:
• Speech on Cross Platform Development
• One hour Stella SDK teaching session
• Q&A

2:00 — 2:20
Choosing Native Cross Platforms Development Tool
Stephen Huang [Founder of Yeecco]
2:40 — 3:40
Stella SDK Demo — Porting IGF Winner [Flying Daggers]
Chen Wenqi [CEO of Yeecco, Creator of Stella SDK]
3:40 — 4:00
Q & A
Yeecco Founders & Sparklet Studio [Creator of Flying Daggers]

Speaker Background:
Wenqi was born in Shanghai, China and holds first-class Electronics and Business Management degrees from the University of Birmingham and Fudan University. He obtained his Master’s Degree from University of Cambridge in 2011. He iniIated the Stella SDK project and has self- funded development for over a year. Coming from an engineering background, Wenqi worked at Cambridge Silicon Radio – the Bluetooth IC company – where he built a power management and sequencer system from spec to a working system within only ten weeks. He has a deep insight into embedded graphics through many years of service with ImaginaIon Technologies plc – the owner of PowerVR embedded graphics ICs technology (which was used by Apple in all their mobile devices). Wenqi is also behind a patent (GB1013830.3) in which a windowing system is devised to save baZery power in modern smartphone devices. Past experience gives Wenqi clear confidence and passion about the future of Stella SDK.

Stephen graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Engineering from Imperial College London in 2009 and obtained his Master’s degree from University of Cambridge in 2011. In 2008, his strong interests in Apps and Webs developments iniIated him to take an intensive course in Computer Science and programming at Harvard University. After graduated from his first degree, Stephen had a one-year social enterprise experience. He successfully ran a student self-iniIated NPO focus on improving the educaIon in rural China and is supported by SOHO China FoundaIon. The work involve events planning, sponsors coordinaIon and management of a large number of volunteers. Stephen worked with Wenqi on a successfully conducted consulIng project for ARM Holdings Limited while their study in Cambridge. He is in charge of markeIng strategy, business development and company’s operaIon.[/lang_en]



Stella SDK是一个适用于跨平台的工具,能够使开发者自如地使用Objective-C和Xcode进行Android应用开发。Yeecco希望将这项技术尽可能地推广给更多的开发者。

2:00 — 2:20:如何选择原生移动应用跨平台开发工具? —— 黄昕
2:40 — 3:40:一小时iOS游戏现场移植安卓展示 —— 陈文琦
3:40 — 4:00:问答环节

生于上海,曾在上海复旦大学以及英国伯明翰大学获得电子商务管理学位,并于2011年完成剑桥大学硕士学位。他发起了Stella SDK这个项目并完成了时长一年的自行开发。工程学背景出身的陈文琦,曾在Cambridge Silicon Radio工作,在此期间他曾用10周时间就成熟建立起一套完备有效的管理系统。在ImaginaIon Technologies plc多年的合作经验里造就了他对植入式图像的不凡见解。他还拥有GB1013830.3专利,过去的经历让陈文琦对Stella SDK这个项目远景很有把握。

2009年毕业于英国帝国理工学院工程学荣誉学位,并于2011年获得剑桥大学硕士学位。2008年起他便开始对应用程序的开发以及网站开发产生了浓厚的兴趣,因此也促使了他求学于哈佛大学专攻计算机科学,在获得学位之后,他曾有一年的有关社会经验。他成功发起了一个由学生组织的NPO,旨在帮助中国山区学生,他主要负责策划、赞助协调、管理志愿者等工作。他曾在剑桥求学期间与陈文琦一起为ARM Holdings Limited成功统筹了一次咨询项目,Stephen在其中主要负责市场策略、商业发展以及公司运营等部分。[/lang_cn]

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December 20, 2012

Movies and Fun Talk | 看电影,聊沟通

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 10:29 am

[lang_en]Time: 20 December 2012, 6:30 PM — 9:00PM
Venue: Xindanwei, 50 Yongjia Rd. Shanghai
Organizers: Xindanwei
Cost: 30RMB
Notice: This event is by reservation ONLY. And we are expecting no more than 15 audiences. Please complete the reservation form on this page before you come.

Tonight is the very first time his Papa and Grandpa are taking him to work. In an old wooden boat they row far out to sea, and with no land in sight, they stop and wait. A big surprise awaits the little boy as he discovers his family’s most unusual line of work. Should he follow the example of his Papa, or his Grandpa? Will he be able to find his own way in the midst of their conflicting opinions and timeworn traditions?

Mini workshop led by James Even Chen, disciple of Developmental Transactional Analysis originator Julie Hay, know yourself, improve your communication skills and by doing so improve your quality of life![/lang_en]


深蓝夜空之下,宁静深邃的大海中央,摇来一艘名叫“月神(La Luna)”的小船。船上坐着祖孙三代,拖着长长白胡子的爷爷,孔武健壮的父亲,以及忽闪着清澈明亮大眼睛的小男孩。自古以来,一代与一代相互依存,却总有思想上的鸿沟,割舍不掉的则是血缘之情。不知不觉间,散发着皎洁光芒的满月从海中升起,悬浮夜空。爸爸支好梯子,男孩则背着铁锚爬了上去……

发展性沟通分析创始人Julie Hay的得意门生James Even Chen带领的“看电影,聊沟通”小型工作坊,认识你自己,从根本上改善职场和生活中的沟通![/lang_cn]

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November 28, 2012

Ake’s Illustrations|水泥花开 – 野猫调查报告 插画展

Filed under: Events — Alice @ 12:13 pm

[lang_en]Exhibition: 28 November,2012
Venue: 50 Yongjia Road, Shanghai
Cost: Free

This exhibition consists of two parts. Cement Bloom is a novel, twelve illustrations I draw in the novel has become a part of the exhibition; Wildcats Investigation Report is another graphic novel going to be published in early 2013 and the novel covers eleven short stories with a large number of illustrations.
Although the above two novels are not directly related, their profound implications are both about the city, so I merged them together to release a multi-angle expression concerning a cognitive process of the cities.
Cement Bloom,the new book release will be held in Xindanwei at the end of December, but I‘m temporarily unable to determine the date (end of December), once confirmed will be announced. Welcome all the friends to attend the party and we’ll give the old and new books and gifts (limited number) at the new book release. In order to ensure certainly be able to get the gifts, please bring a gift to me.
Finally, congratulate Merry Christmas in advance.

About Arco:
I was allocated to the Haikou beacon Hainan Maritime Bureau as a light buoys crew after graduated from the technical school. During the light buoys maintenance in the South Sea in 2009, the buoys fixed-strand breaks, but I was so dedicated to the work that did not realized the lighted buoys have been drifting away from the original location. I did not take any communication tools with me when the fog came down like a curtain so that I‘m unable to obtain any rescue.
I belt myself onto the light buoy and let it drifting along, waiting for rescue …
Five days later, the light buoy drifted to a small uninhabited island and I lost contact with the outside world until 2011, an American cargo ship rescued me. These two years on the island, apart from the maintenance of my own live, I also wrote novels in my spare time. Cement Bloom is the first novel that I wrote on the Island.[/lang_en]


另外,《水泥花开》的新书发布将在十二月底在新单位举行,但是日期上暂时无法确定(十二月月底),一旦确认会第一时间公布,届时欢迎太阳系的朋友们前来参加,现场有新书和旧作相赠(数量有限),为了确保肯定能够拿到赠品请也带礼物给我。 最后,提前祝贺各位圣诞快乐。



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