[lang_en]May Featured People: Andre Pan
Interview / Zhou Me Translation / Alice
1. Welcome to Xindanwei.com, Please introduce yourself. Could you tell us where you’re from and how you got started in the current business?
My name is Andre Pan, but most of my friends call me POPO, which is an abbreviation of my nickname POPOEVER used for over 12 years. I’m Shanghai local people. I started a social media consultancy company named Brandigg Strategy back to 2010 with my friend Isaac Mao. The business is based on our studies and researches of China social media market through years, at that moment, we both thought it’s the right time to bring social media practice to China market, so we did it.
2. Can you tell me about Brandigg Strategy, the company you founded, and what you do for them?
I’m working as the Managing Director of Brandigg Strategy. Brandigg is a business service providing social media consultancy to enterprises and organizations, help them shaping their digital strategy, training social media team, building and tuning social pipelines, analyzing social data. We position ourself as a social media strategist and evangelist, entrepreneur strategic partner as well. Our structure is simple and small, and we mean to keep it that way since it’s a smart business. Basically my daily job is telling our client what they should do and should not, and telling our social media expert what the clients want and do not, it’s much like a coordinator. Meanwhile I’m also the networking tentacle of the company, join events to meet fresh connections and have talk with potential clients. I’m also acting as the amplifier when engage campaigns.
3. As you’ve been working on social media consultancy, can you tell me the experiences you had for these years?
We’re lucky, just after started the business, we’re introduced to our first client, USA Pavilion(USAP) of Shanghai EXPO 2010 who were looking for a digital media solution provider. We had couple rounds of happy talk and negotiation, then successfully be contracted as the official solution provider. We still keep some audio memos of the project meetings, that’s a happy memory, bunch of brainstorming ideas and laughters. In 2011, we served Standard Chartered Bank(SCB) promoting their Breeze Living product line, helped them shaping online strategy and engaged several online/offline campaigns including Apple Store event, Geek conference at The Apartment and McDonald’s McFlurry QR redeem. Comparing to USAP case, SCB has more strict internal rules and procedures, which help us learn how to cooperate with enterprise of that scale. So far, we served full hand clients from all kinds of industries adopting our social media methodology of Connectivity, Conversation, Credibility (3C). And for 2012, we’re working with some credible partnerships to build a brand new social network platform applying our understanding of social media.
4. Of course a follow up to the previous question is, what do you think about social networking phenomenon and how has it impacted or effected your life?
It’s a consequence of massive information volumn brought out by world wide web, people and the society need a new form of how to receive and consume daily information, I can’t tell if social networking is the most optimized methodology, but it indeed help us reach to what we want more convenient than before, and those we don’t want as well, for sure it has pros and cons. Talking my own experience, social networking dominates most of the time of my life now, help me finding routes of driving, venue of meetup, recommendation of lunch, updating with my friends in realtime, and keep an eye on my work as I play all these around, making me more accessible to answers and solutions, it infiltrates into every bit of my life already, I’m still well known among my connection by “Twittering When Driving”, OOPS. But in some case it’s annoying, say, I’m a gadget fan who have 3 Android devices and 4 Apple products, all connected to my cloud service, so when an email or message comes in, my devices will become a small chorus, it’s ok in day time, but imagine the night
5. You are an active, well-known blogger and twitter user. Please provide your insights on high quality knowledge sharing among local geeks community.
I’m kept thinking about the Positive Energy these years. During some discussions with friends and connections, I found people who be negative with sharing was mostly concerned about its productivity. Actually sharing is one of the instincts of human being, and the fundamental methodology of how we build personal network. Trust, reliability, credibility, all these positive characteristics are expectable consequences of selfless contribution. The society is an ecosystem, we must believe contributing with high quality will invest positive effect into the system, returning positive results is only a matter of time, but don’t forget the productivity of social network, which expanding our life span than its length, as we say about Sharism, the more you give, the more you receive, it’s a way of life.
6. Thanks again for providing Xindanwei.com this opportunity to interview you. Any final thoughts for our readers?
Same to you, thank you. Like I said above, social networking in the past few years evolved our information consumption behavior by paving a easy way of getting and reading or broadcasting, but that’s two ends of information consumption, we still need effective method or pipeline to connect these two ends, delivering on-demands information metaphor by adopting some intermediate service, I’ve seen some tryings already, and I believe there will be more in the coming years. People not only need information, but also need information ready for their own eye on arrival, just like the old time.[/lang_en]
[lang_cn]人物(五月): Andre Pan
采访 / Zhou Me 翻译 / Alice
1. 欢迎来到xindanwei.com,请先介绍一下您自己。能告诉我们您是从哪儿来的?又是怎样开始经营Brandigg Strategy的?
我叫Andre Pan,但朋友都叫我POPO,这源于一个我用了近12年的网名POPOEVER。我是上海本地人。2010年,当时和我的一个朋友Isaac Mao一起开了现在这家Brandigg Strategy社交媒体咨询公司。根据我们多年对中国社交媒体市场的调查,当时我们都觉得是时候把社交媒体咨询业务带入中国市场了,于是便有了现在的公司。
2.您能跟我谈谈Brandigg Strategy以及你的日常工作么?
我现在是Brandigg Strategy的常务董事,而Brandigg其实是为企业或是一些机构提供社交媒体咨询服务,帮助他们的数字化战略成形,为社交媒体团队培训,构建或是转变社交渠道,分析社交平台数据等。我们将自己定位在社交媒体的策略人,布道者,以及企业的战略伙伴。为了配合我们的小规模运作,我们一直有意地让公司保持着简练的体系。我的日常工作就是让我们的客户知道他们什么该做什么不该做,同时,告诉我们的社交媒体专家我们的客户要什么和不要什么,这听起来倒是更像个协调的中间人。我还是公司的人脉触手,参加各种活动,遇见些新人,和我们的潜在客户谈话。当然在搞起一些活动的时候,也是我在造势宣传。
我们非常的幸运,刚起步就遇上了我们第一个客户。当时2010上海世博会美国馆正在找一个数字化媒介策略者。直到现在我们还在留着当时一些项目会议的记录,真的时段很美好的回忆,各种头脑风暴的绝妙点子,还有各种欢笑。2011年,我们为渣打银行推广Breeze Living产品线,帮他们构建线上策略,参与不少线上线下的活动,包括苹果零售店活动,极客聚会,麦当劳的McFlurry的QR码兑换等。和世博美国馆的案子相比,渣打银行有更严谨的内部规则和做事方式,然而这更让我们学着怎么去和这样规模的企业去合作。到目前为止,我们全权服务的客户来自各行各业,都采用了我们的3C社交媒体法。2012年,我们运用我们对社交媒体的理解,和一些可靠的合作伙伴共建了一个全新的社交网络平台。